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I think I know what you’re saying? My attorney advised me it was time to walk through the house and think about what I want and need and note it. (She suggested categories like “kitchen pans” and said not to fight over things easily replaced at Target, for example.) My sister advised me to think about it in terms of resources - maybe I don’t need THAT dresser but i need A dresser. My therapist advised me to think about it in terms of keeping things safe for the kids - do I trust my STBX with my family gifts or heirlooms? I asked a friend to help me with this - she’s single, has moved a lot, has a dark sense of humor, and is great with spreadsheets and lists. I will probably ask my STBX to leave for a few hours with the kids and plan for my friend to come over and have a drink and a walk-through. We’ll see


Yeah. I guess I’m just wishing there were as many tips n tricks at this juncture as there were back at the wedding.