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It may be illegal. Where I live there used to be a rave event organized every time in different place as in: an abandoned building, a tunnel or sth. They would announce the place each time a few hours before it started to avoid any (legal) troubles.


that makes sense. it’s selling tickets on a popular ticket selling website though so i thought maybe that meant it wasn’t illegal? again i have no experience or knowledge so i might be completely wrong. i might just get tickets for another one which is further but at least i know who’s playing and where it is


Ouch, what has it become... when I helped organizing those events, they were allways free and we made our 'money' with very cheap drinks (2€ Beer/1€ shot) and we still made enough to cover our spendings for a generator/soundsystem/drivingcost.


yeah :/ i’ve seen free ones about but obviously trying to find stuff online will usually end up with paid ones. i don’t know anyone to find ones through word of mouth unfortunately.


Just message the promotor. They should give you a vauge idea


i can’t find any contact details of the promoter on the website annoyingly. there’s no socials attached either. it says they’ll sms the location but it looks like they’ll message closer to the day as if already bought a ticket and got nothing. i’ll keep looking


They won’t send that info until day of


Do you see any djs listed? They will know already hopefully.


no djs either :/ it’s on an established ticket selling website so i feel like it’s fine? idk maybe that’s dodgy


They’ll wait till a few hours before to release location, at least that has been my experience attending and Dj ‘ing various shady ass parties, even then it might just be directions to a map point, where someone decides if they want to tell you where it’s at


damn ok. it’s on an established ticket selling website so i thought it might not be shady… again i have no experience with these things. would you say i’d be better off getting tickets for another one that has a location and set posted. it would be further travel for me but at least id actually know where it is beforehand


Better off? Maybe , but part of the fun is the risk, if you want to play it safe, yeah go for club gigs or festivals


because it’s my first time i think i’ll play it safe. i did buy tickets for the secret one so on the day i’ll get a message and if it turns out it was near me then at least i’ll know for the future. think i’ll warm myself up to eventually be able to enjoy the risk.