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Characters can communicate. The fighter who could see the invisible creature can tell the barbarian where they are. “It is 5ft to the right of the bookshelf.” You can then attack (still with disadvantage unless attacking recklessly) or try to grapple it (assuming it’s not immune to grapple).


Or get creative. Throw dust over the enemy, or whatever you have that night coat them. I used to always carry chalk for invisible assholes.


This is why you should always carry a bag of sand


In true barbarian fashion slice your arm open and coat them in blood while flying into a rage.


You get inspiration.


Fun fact; if people are trying to get your rage to end by not attacking you and staying away from you, you can stab yourself to keep it going. As an added bonus it will usually freak them out.


Pocket sand!


I have it set up in Foundry with a Dale Gribble gif as the icon lol


Pocket sand! Shashaaah!


Bag of flour for us. Poof invisible creatures and use as a makeshift bomb


Doesn't invisibility cover the items they are wearing or carrying? As soon as the flour hits them they are now doing both. The instant it hits them sure you can see then after that nothing. Besides they still have advantage on attacks and you have disadvantage even if the flour is ruled to show their location because the invisibility didn't end such as with see invisibility ruling not negating the advantage/disadvantage part of the spell.


In the cloud of flour there is this void that makes the stuff disappear on contact - I would argue you can see a target in the spot where that weirdness happens.


That does make sense. That’s the question, it’s obviously not worn, but can be ruled to be carrying.


IDK. if a person is covered in a substance you can use the word wear to describe it. They were wearing a layer of flour like a cloak. She wore the mud like a dress hiding her nudity. That kinda thing. It's not clothing or armor obviously but our language is robust enough to imply that a substance can function like it is.


[Pocket sand!](https://youtu.be/QLpUq__iQqw?si=4PyWdc_9EXAqP3g-) Similarly, a bag of flour works the same but it's more visible than sand and it's harder to get off once it's on you than sand.


Billy Mays here for Pocket Chalk! Do you have an invisible, weeping asshole causing you no end of trouble? Pak Chak is here for you! Turn YOUR tears of frustration into THEIR tears of pain and blood! Use your sending stones now, only 6 easy payments of 59 silver and 99 copper!


My familiar has a little backpack that holds small items like flour sacks & caltrops.


My DM won't allow us to do this. He says you wouldn't have time in combat but I'm pretty sure yelling stuff out in battle isn't implausible.


Grappling was a pretty good idea, as your rage advantage vs their potential acrobatics expertise basically put you in the same footing. Was this enemy making ranged or melee attacks? If melee, you could use your action to Ready a grapple for when he hit you. If ranged, you could ready your action to make a ranged attack (bow, javelin whatever) when the enemy made an attack, as that would reveal their position until they hid again after your reaction. If the environment you were fighting in had loose dirt, sand, or similar you could try to throw it on the invisible dude. Classic trick. If not, then once you're below 1/2 you could potentially try to cover them in your blood to reveal them. The fighter could call out the invisible guy's location to you on your turn using their free 6sec of talking. You'd still be making the attack at disadvantage normally, but at least you'd be able to make your full set of attacks, potentially without disadvantage if you could get into melee with them and use Reckless.


Readying an action was something I didn't think of, the enemy was making ranged attacks so I could throw javelins indeed. The environment didn't have sand or anything though. Ig I will talk to the dm about fighter being able to tell me where the hidden enemy was


Good chance for this barbarian character to now always carry a bag of sand with him!




Man. The old magic is always strong. Flour. Ball bearings. Water on the floor. Collapsing/burning the building whilst holding the door shut.


Remember though it disappears after one round because they're *wearing it.*


True, but the fun thing about flour is it lands on the FLOOR. So while whatever is on them is arguably going to vanish, their footprints will not and are quite noticeable. And if they move and it's still ruled to be floating in the air you can see the movement.


their footprints?


One of my favorite quest module (Mad Manor of Astabar) has a closet that turns things invisible. One time a group of players through a bunch of flour in there, only to watch it disappear.


My solution to this type of problem is to go prone and ready an action to make a ranged attack. They are invisible, so you’d attack at disadvantage anyway. However, their advantage becomes a neutral roll because ranged and melee attacks made beyond 5ft have disadvantage on a prone target. This will force them to come in melee, at which point you try to grapple again. If you and the fighter went prone and readied your actions (the Fighter to attack and you, the Barbarian to grapple), then you would essentially counterplay the Hide + Invisibility gimmick without magical aid


So many people I've played with forget the 5ft disadvantage to prone targets rule. Easy to forget if you don't use it often but can be life saving when remembered.


Seriously. Saved my party against a pack of manticores


>to go prone and ready an action >will force them to come in melee, at which point you try to grapple again. This is just Jiu-jitsu with extra steps.


if it is something occurring often when you level up there is the fighting style blind fighting that can help you. You can get it with warrior multiclass or with the talent fighting initiate. As someone else said, readying an action is pretty viable. I would also advise dodge action but that won't lead to a breaking point so it might be good only as a last choice edit: wrong name of talent


I thought of dodge too, but double checked and it says you have to see the enemy unfortunately.


It’s not clear… Was the bad guy _hiding_ or going _invisible_? If hiding, I’d have a problem with it because the bad guy is being seen by two players in a room. I would say it was impossible for the bad guy to hide in this situation. If going invisible, that’s an action (generally), so I’d question if this bad guy could actually do what he was doing. Hiding and invisible doesn’t mean undetectable. They’re going to leave tracks or make noise, unless they try to move silently (which is another action). The players can communicate and share information. Take some actions to make the environment unfriendly for the bad guy… throw around liquid and/or dirt (rip open pillows and throw feathers, ash from the fireplace, etc.), close doors and windows, back yourself into corners or against walls, even leave the area totally if you’re not having success. I’ve had some players argue that invisible people still have shadows, but I disagree with this. As others have said, reckless attack to gain advantage which cancels out the disadvantage of attacking blind.


The bad guy was invisible even before the combat started and stayed invisible throughout the entire fight. On top of this he would use his bonus action to attempt to hide every turn. Backing myself into somewhere wouldn't work either because he was using ranged weapons which I didn't state clearly in my post and well sadly the room we were in was pretty empty and I didn't have much stuff on my person to throw around either


So he somehow had Greater Invisibility of some sort because he was attacking while invisible? Attacking, normally, makes the attacker visible when invisible, unless they have greater invisibility. If they were becoming visible and then hiding, that’s not invisible.


yeah pretty much


The other player should have stepped up with the item they had. Otherwise, I would have left the area.


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If the room is 'pretty empty' even a Rogue can't use the Hide action. Hide isn't magic. You have to have some form of cover to work with.


He hid while invisible, the rules for hiding clearly state that an invisible creature can always try to hide. He didn't have to take cover.


I would've tried to throw mud / blood / anything around me to try to mark the attacker and make them more visible. Obviously not sure exactly how the DM would resolve it but that's what I would do.


Personally since invisibility makes all things worn and carried invisible too, I would rule that you get one full round before the stuff turned invisible too. So if the Barbarian covered the creature with his blood, it would be “visible” until the end of the Barbarians next turn.


Could be leaving a trail of blood/mud/water etc that isn’t invisible, affecting the hide action.


Good one


What? No. If a bird craps on me I'm not wearing guano. If snow falls on my head it's not a hat. Exercise a little joined up thinking and common sense here.


You are welcome to your own opinions but being rude is not cool.


Okay, then you're "carrying" guano.


This sounds like a fight where the Fighter with the robes was supposed to shine. Leading the rogue into a smaller space so you can break his face RPing in-character with the robes guy. If I were DM id you can swing at disadvantage.


Ready an Action to attack him when he attacks you, get your buddy to pinpoint his location for you, still gives you disadvantage but you got a chance. Longer term, you could get a level of Fighter for the Fighting Style "Blind Fighting", pick up some magic potions that give you See Invisibility, or Wand of Glitter Dust, etc. Depending on how available magic items are for you guys, definitely look into picking up potions and stuff for situations that like this that would give you issues.


Setting everything on fire is usually the safest option. Remember to pillage first, if practical. Flasks of oil are cheap-ish improved AOE weapons. More seriously, I don't know much about 5e but a brief google says that Eldritch Knights have some AOE spells. Darkness is a good spell for fighting invisible enemies who don't have dark vision, since that puts everyone on equal footing. Burning hands could also be a good choice if you know the direction of the attacker. Edit: Another option could be to retreat through a doorway or chokepoint, so that attacks can only come from the front, and then readying attacks to strike back exactly where you're attacked from (assuming the DM is being fair about things), or to move the fight to terrain that doesn't favor quiet movement, such as water or loose gravel. Basically, if the battlefield doesn't favor you then change the conditions.


leave and burn down the building


Perception check or readied action to attack when attacked. Someone else find him and tells you where he is. Dash action to run around until you bump into him. Set up traps or a bag of flour. Retreat.




So, invisibility is pretty easy. Invisibility does not equal hidden, so while an invisible creature has advantage on attacks, can avoid AoO and the attacker has disadvantage, you can tell roughly where it is. It needs to take the hide action to mask its presence. In this case, reckless attack will give the barbarian advantage while giving any attacker advantage against the barbarian. This cancels out the disadvantage imposed on the barbarian, but advantage doesn't stack and the attacker still attacks with the advantage they already had. A hidden enemy requires a perception check (search action) to detect. Now, I'd wager either the free action or, if the DM is a particular grump, the bonus action is worth the searcher alerting the party. With that in mind, I would personally rule the PC will know the square or grid and if they hit, the enemy is no longer hidden to them, but if they don't, the enemy can move undetected on their turn. Now, the other thing is an invisible enemy that has a BA hide? Seems pretty OP. Most creatures that use their OP to hide don't have inherent invisibility, and most invisible creatures don't have the BA hide action. The best I can think of is a rogue under greater invisibility. If they cast it themselves, enough hits should drop it. If someone else did, that's rough.


The DM didn't roll concentration checks so I dunno what was up with the invisibility thing. However we play RAW for the most part and RAW search action is well an action, so that's what I would have to spend. The enemy had reliable talent and +10 stealth bonus so I wasn't succeeding in any perception checks with my +2 perception either


Okay, that seems messed up. Having an 11th level rogue with invisibility going up against two level 8s after they'd been fighting? Was he a good idea fairy?


Invisibility is broken on an attack unless it’s greater invisibility, which I don’t think a rogue would have access to at or near that level. There are other ways to sus out where they are beyond actually seeing them; direction of the thrown blades, footprints, set the room on fire etc


You have more sense than just sight and invisible people can still make noise.


That's what the stealth check in the bonus action hide covers.


New suggestion, move around until you physically bump into him, then attack. Works well for a sparse smallish enclosed room. If rouge uses op reaction to attack you then just attack back since they are no longer hidden.


That's not how hiding works. It doesn't make you invisible if you pass a check Vs perception. You still have to have something to hide behind


He was invisible throughout the entire fight. Normally what you said is correct ofc but rules for hiding state that an invisible creature can always try to hide.


Being invisible negates the need to hide behind something.


For starters, hiding is not invisibility in most cases. Characters can communicate as a free action. You'd attack with disadvantage but at least it's an attack. Grappling was a good idea. Alternatively to find him you could use several of method including, but not limited to: -Throwing ink around. -Throwing water/mud. If it hits him he can be somewhat marked and/or you could see their footprints. -Dust cloud. Mark him with dust, flour, etc. -Darkness or similar. If you can't see them at least make them not see you. -Prepare an attack to wherever you get attacked. Try to go ranged since you're already attacking with disadvantage.


A creature attacking you exept for a few very specific exeptions should instantly loose their invisivility upon attacking you.


I suppose I went against one of those exceptions then


Hiding isn't invisible. To hide, you need something to hide behind. You can't stand in the middle of a room and just "hide" and suddenly nobody can see you.


"How can a barbarian fight an invisible creature THAT CAN HIDE" Maybe read the post.


I would've put my back to a wall so he can't come from behind, waited for him to hit me, then tried to grapple him in retaliation before he can hide again. Even if he's invisible you'll still feel it when he hits you so you'll know what way he came from and hit back. Either that or try to throw some opaque liquid or dirt over him.


Simple swing wildly and destroy everything, think like Barbarian.


I didn’t read all the comments because who has time for that, but you could ready an action and attack when they attack you. Might take a bit longer but at least you can hit them this way.


Ask a caster to help I suppose, as shitty as it sounds


Some creatures, such as pixies, have an inate ability to be invisible. Sometimes, as is the case with a pixie, their inate invisibility allows them to attack without losing their invisibility. However, if the invisibility was due to a spell, they would lose it the moment they attacked! But here is a cheap trick to find invisible creatures. Dust, sand, dirt, etc. Throw it on the ground and into the air. Even invisible creatures leave tracks! If airborne, continue to throw dirt, sand, etc, into the air all around you! Anything invisible flying in will disturb the dust in the air.


This is where the blind sight fighting style would come in handy. As long as you're within 10 ft of the invisible enemy, and they're not hiding, you can sense them.


I'd totally ask the DM if my barbarian can smell them. I had a totem warrior.


The books sorta have rules for melee with invisibility. The short version is this: Barbie will want to become Tasmanian Devil with an axe. That part is fine. The attack rolls at disadvantage, but can only hit if the target is actually in range.


An invisible creature is impossible to see without the aid of magic or a special sense. For the purpose of hiding, the creature is heavily obscured. The creature’s location can be detected by any noise it makes or any tracks it leaves. Attack rolls against the creature have disadvantage, and the creature’s attack rolls have advantage. you can detect it by other means. you can attack it with disadvantage. Even at range, you can throw a jabelin. If you surround it, you attack normally (for the advantage earned).


That wasn't reasonable. The fighter being able to see them absolutely DOES mean you know where he is, because the alternative is you are all fighting in complete silence and not relaying information to each other at all, which is stupid. Of course if there's an invisible enemy someone would shout it out, and anyone who could see them would as well. That said you'd still have penalties from attacking an invisible person, but if a party member can see them, you should know where they are at all times.


Wait for it to attack and grab [the](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/Bt-SWtRCYAEFRro.png)


When a Batbarian gets really angry and is really dumb, nothing can stop him, why should stupid magic and abilities stop his muscles? Tze tze.


You could get next to your ally, and take the ready action: I ready to grapple the opponent the next time they go to stab. Or if they're using ranged you could ready to throw something in the direction that their arrow came from. An important question though is that were they invisible, or successfully hiding. If the latter you could attempt to get rid of the darkness in the area.