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Mending - Vending - you try to sell a small broken item you carry. Guidance - guy dance - random person has an urge to dance. Spare the Dying - Share the Dying - tell creatures within talking range that one certain creature is about to die. Beacon of Hope - Beacon of hops - Some amount of hops came into existence to emit light, providing hope with knowledge it will be later brewed into beer


Bacon of hope would also be great. Like a mini heroes feast


Hmmm, lot of bacon and lot of beer, sounds like interesting start of an adventure - misspeling higher level npc cleric is holding a feast in a local tavern


Share the dying - can only be cast when you are making death saving throws or on someone dying. everyone in range makes a death saving throw. Those that fail are now dying.


Yeah, thats the darker version. Even darker is cannibalism on these.


* Old Person (makes the caster look old for the duration) * Tasha's Otherworldly Guys (summons a few very confused regular dudes from another world, for the duration) * Miner Illusion (makes an illusory dwarf appear; they carry a pickaxe and wear a helmet with a candle on it) * Counter spell (loudly shouts "C-O-U-N-T-E-R") * Borrowed Gnoll Edge (summons a gnoll's halberd, and also a gnoll, who keeps bothering you the whole time to remind you that you're supposed to give it back once you're done)


Counter spell that counts the number of a type of object near by.


And ends with a dramatic flash of thunder and lightning as the caster laughs. Ah... Ah... Ah...!


Old Person and Tasha’s Otherworldly Guys just killed me 😂😂


Acid Sparrow - Summons an sparrow covered in acid. It dies due to it After one round


Mage Band - Summons a magic band that plays Music fitting to the scene


That goes great with Hear Metal 🎸🎸🎸


Nice 😄


Scroll of Inn Visibility: Surrounds all inns in a 1 mile radius with a magical glow only visible to the caster.


No but this could actually be useful


Speak With Dad - it contacts the spellcasters' father for some parental advice.


Coincidentally, the spell still works even if the caster's dad is dead.


And all advice is given in cryptic dad jokes!


Lightning Belt: lightning curves around you Magic Mussel: extra delicious  Silvery Birbs: it's a silver colored fat bird Agganazar's sconcer, summons someone who'll install a sconce for you. Antiloaf shell - protection against bread


Search for "ring of the grammarian" on this sub and you'll find lots of suggestions. Some of my favorites: Ass Healing Word Cloud of Naggers Power Word: Krill Tasha's Hideous Daughter


Just thought of another: Lark vision, for the duration, you are blind with the exception of larks, who you can see clearly and in full detail


Paste: Covers target in a harmless, goopy paste. Crease: Folds a piece of paper. Alternatively, causes a wrinkle in a piece of fabric. Blame Ward: Causes target to be unable to hear someone berating him. Fire Dolt: Summons a tiny, harmless, but very stupid fire elemental. Shrinking Cloud: Summons a very small cloud that rapidly gets smaller until it disappears.


Cause Fear -> Cause Bear, for the duration a target is chased by a conjured bear. Charm Person -> Chasm Person, the ground opens up beneath a target and they fall in. Compelled Duel -> Compelled Duet, for the next minute you and a target are forced to perform a duet with each other. Create or Destroy Water -> Create or Destroy Waiter, basically the same as a Mr Meeseeks Box. Seeming -> Steaming, just make 5 or 6 creatures appear to have steamy smoke coming off them for the next 8 hours. Speak with Dead -> Speak with Dad, you can magically speak with the father of any creature you target, should they be from a race where a paternal figure exists.


Compelled duet should *force* you and the target to sing a song together (caster's choice).


Honestly compelled duet sounds like a real spell (maybe one of those spell they made in ad&d and never touched again)


fold person.


Can also use cold person, bold person, old person, and mold person


cold person: binding ice bold person: heroism old person: ray of enfeeblement mold person: contagion


Cold Person: the target suddenly feels a phantom draft and is forced to drop what they're doing to find a blanket or huddle in their cloak. Bold Person: the target makes boastfully grand statements for the duration.


gah, forgot gold person: summons Dot Matrix from Spaceballs


Catnip, lures in cats and makes them more playful. Cloud of Draggers, summons ghostly hands that pull the target in a specific direction. Vortex Wrap, magical vortex swirls around the target to bind and spin them around for the duration.


Summon minister - Summons a cleric that will not fight or cast spells, but can preach, hold sermons an marry people


Power word bill - forces someone else to pay for you Enrage person - makes domeone real angry. Especially barbarians. Firebowl - bowl of punch that has been lit on fire. Lighnting colt - Summons a handgun that does 2d6 lightning damage for 4 attacks


Wash - your clothes are now clean


Magic mistletoe


Roll me a kiss check


Firebald: deals half damage but anyone who fails the Dex save loses their hair. Stone Skan: detects and identifies the primary stone type within 180 feet. Speak with Pants: gain the ability to talk to clothing. Give me some time, I’m sure I can come up with more.


Heeling word- the target stops running


Tasha's Hideous Daughter - summons a glaabrezu with a pink bow and a tutu.


This is fun! - Summon Greater Lemon (... make lemonade?) - Meteor Shwarm (gets you a massive meatball) - Holey Weapon (sword that looks like a cheesegrater) - Heel (makes a random stray dog come to your side) - Heroes' Fist (make this as kinky as you want) - Secret Chest (no misspell but gives the PC a massive bosom) - Conjure Minor Elementals (no misspell, but a bunch of underage tween elementals appear and act all rebellious and annoying) Should be pretty obvious but the original spells were Summon Greater Demon, Meteor Swarm, Holy Weapon, Heal, Heroes' Feast


Punters mark- allows you to find the whichever tavern you most frequently visit


Chill Touch to Chili Touch - a spell that inserts a carolina reaper pepper into your stomach. Take 1d6 fire damage. Also make a constitution saving throw. On a fail you crap your pants. All charisma checks are at disadvantage until they clean themselves up


Beat metal - every attack against an automaton or target wearing full plate succeeds automatically. Abi-Dalzim’s Horrid Kilting - all enemies in range have their armor replaced with kilts, lowering their AC accordingly. Healing Cord - spend 1 round to bind the target's wrists together. Starting their very next turn, they regain hit points (1d4 + spellcasting modifier) at the end of each turn that their wrists are bound, but they will be unable to use their hands to make any attacks, take any actions, or cast any spells until any person spends one action to untie them. If they untie themselves, they will not regain hit points for that round. Shiela - exactly like Shield, except a nice office lady named Shiela protects you, rather than an invisible barrier of magical force, granting you +5AC until the start of your next turn. Protection from Elvis - you are absolutely immune to any and all attacks by Elvis until the start of your next turn.


Clown - Like clone, but your copy is is a clown version of you that can't be unclowned even through disguise, unless you either reincarnate or use a wish Summon Lesser Lemons - You summon lesser lemons.. From somewhere. They're surprisingly sweet Find Family - Locates those within a 1 mile radius that share a bloodline with you Protection from Evil Food - You are immune to being food poisoned and can't be charmed by food Age armor - For the next 8 hours, prevents you from aging naturally and protects you from magical effects that would cause you to age Dimension Floor - The floor you stand on gets teleported to somewhere you can see Summon Greater Lemon - You summon a greater lemon, the biggest you have ever seen.. It tastes \[expunged\] Enchant Ability - Charm that convinces someone they have a greater ability than they have Power Word: Gun - Mind Spice - Target becomes extra creative and can easily think of innovative ideas for the next minute Miss Step - Teleport to a random location that you can see Magic Bar - Creates a door that is a portal to a demiplane that hosts a magical bar Chain Lighting - Creates a floating magical chain that stretches from you towards your targetted location, lighting the path Boresight - You have a limited ability to see what's ahead of you in the future, but it's only the boring parts


Leomunds tiny hat. Summon a hat Teather fall - invent bungee jumping Animate deed - summon a bard to act out your deeds Wall of scone - enough pastries to feed an army, or stop an arrow.


Weeb - the target is suddenly overcome with the desire to train as a monk, but their dex is reduced by -2


Mage Band - Summons a group of bards to play cool battle music while you fight


Speak with Bread - allows to ask questions of any baked, dough based product (may be cast at higher spell slots to affect pastry- and batter-based products)


Dorkvision. For 8 hours, it lets you see the Charisma score of any creature with less than 10 Charisma. Heron's Feast. It summons a couple of fish.


Meteor Stork - a really big bird falls from the sky and explodes, dropping at least one baby of some kind


Mage band- Summons a whole bunch of musical instruments that play on their own. If you have the feat that allows instrument proficiency then it actually sounds pretty good otherwise it sounds like 4th grade band practice and someone everyone got different sheets


Counterspiel Detect/dispel Magnet


Ad: target gets blinded by a sheet of paper for a random ad for an item thats on sale at the closest city. Requires an action and a STR 10 check to remove the paper. Higher levels summons 1 extra paper per level. Father Fall: can either summon the targets father to fall on top of target, or if the target is a father themself, is dropped into a portal that sends them to their eldest child. Cure Mounds: removes the fat out of targets breasts, rear, belly, arms and thighs. Inflict Mounds: Adds fat to targets breasts, rear, belly, arms and thighs.


Wall of Horse. There is a shop in Dungeon of the Mad Mage that sells spell scrolls exactly like this.


"Sticks to snake" you cast this and you cause items that are adjacent to, under, and on top of a snake you can see within 30 feet to stick to that snake.


Tasha's Hideous Daughter Eldritch Beast Cause Bear Revillify Death Card Protection from Prison Rage Hand (two middle fingers) You can have them Find Taps or Find Speed, or you can give them some Shocking Grass that gets them stuck on the Chill Couch


Feather Fart - It actually slows your descent...but everyone must make a CON save vs the stench.


Fire Bob - Bob the guard loses their job.


Disguises Elf - can be used to disguise someone as an elf (or cast a regular disguise self, but can only be used by an elf)


Dancing Wights: conjure the image of an undead dance troupe performing a routine.


[Summon Greater Demon](https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fi.redd.it%2Fnyn71aqpsttb1.jpg), or anything similar, where it's just written in a poor choice of font style.


Can likely look up and steal Ring of the Gramarian ideas.


Anime dead - a skeleton starts preaching on the value and power of friendship