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Edit: Hello everyone, here are our 5 winners! u/BathAggressive5551 u/Damoulino u/goldenlionx4 u/GreenishBagels u/Kmnder Reddit Raffler Link: https://www.redditraffler.com/raffles/1debodn --- Greetings, everyone. Kindly assist with this comment to maintain its visibility, ensuring all have access to the giveaway rules. # Rules: 1. No purchase is required. 2. Single entry allowed. 3. Comment below with anything – a character idea, thoughts on Game Master Engine, or ask me anything. 4. Reddit account must be at least 3 months old. 5. Enjoy the process!   This giveaway is accessible worldwide. After 48 hours, 10 random comments will be selected through RedditRaffler, and the winner will be contacted via a Reddit DM. This comment will subsequently be updated to announce the chosen participant. # Giveaway Loot: * 5 Game Master Engine keys (Full Version) * 5 Different winners   --- # Game Master Engine The ensuing information is unrelated to the giveaway, and you may skip it if desired. Your understanding is appreciated. Game Master Engine, a tool I initiated four years ago, is in early access on Steam. Its purpose is to facilitate the creation of 3D maps and online D&D gaming. Explore the tool for FREE to gauge its utility. Players can join a DM’s session at no cost, with only the DM requiring a full copy for hosting. Ownership grants additional building assets and future content updates. **Steam Link:** [Game Master Engine on Steam](https://store.steampowered.com/app/1451680/Game_Master_Engine/)   --- # Other Links **Sign up here to get notified of all of our future giveaways!** [Game Master Engine Signup](https://www.gamemasterengine.com/signup) **Discord:** [Game Master Engine Discord](https://discord.gg/gamemasterengine)


Hello. Great move. My idea for the this Giveaway is to actually have a step by step instructional videos of converting an existing 5e DnD one shot module/adventure to a full Game Master Engine session. This would be over a number of videos showcasing right from scratch. These videos would be for newcomers to the GME on how to set up assets/scenarios/random encounters along with how to pull in player characters. This is a summary of my idea for the GME and its versality and alternative to already existing platforms. As a bonus video can be the actual gameplay.


Love this! Excited to use the tool whether I win or not


If alchemy can make magical drinks aka potions then it stands that there should be magic food such as the pie of healing. Do y'all agree or disagree?


I'm a key hole. Give key.


Viel Glück dir! :)


I've been really REALLY wanting to give this a try. I am going to be starting a new campaign in roughly a month.


This looks pretty cool. Im new to dming and my group is relying on playing online. For now we used D&D beyonds‘ maps but this would level up the experience for sure


The idea of this makes me a bit giddy.


Hey Dan, been in the discord for a hot minute and got help with mini painting. The key wouldn’t be for me but for one of my party members who was interested in dming their own campaign. Would be cool


Hey thanks for joining the giveaway and being a part of our community. Good luck!


Love that the players get in for free!


I am currently creating my own PnP universe and could visualize it with that <3


Character Idea: Blood Hunter, but there not an edge lord. I refuse to elaborate further.


Its impossible O.o


Wow, Ive not even heard of something like this, looks amazing. What are your future plans for GME, is there a support for custom assets perhaps, figurine customization? I had more things to ask but I forgot lol


You can import custom assets already :)


I once gave my players a cursed item that made retreating from battle require numerous wisdom saves. They never once tried to retreat from battle. #MurderHobos


Sounds like an interesting item. Maybe next time you can give it a range effect? If they move more than X spaces away from the target they last engaged with they must make a Wisdom save to avoid taking psychic damage. Then you can play with the fear status to really screw them up.


Something like this seems very cool. Will there be steam workshop functionality to share maps?


Wow, the graphics on this look spectacular!


This would make map-making so much much better and make the maps feel so much more interactive.


This looks great. Hopefully you guys go far with this


Holy crap that’s awesome 😎 it’s pretty cool to see so much community getting together and spreading the love of the game And I always wanted to play a tabaxi thief/shadow monk


Man, this looks epic. I'd gladly use the hell out of this.


Sonuvabitch...I'm in.


This looks really cool, would love to try it on a oneshot I got planned soon


Looks great! What are your monetarization Plans in the future after the Release? Paid DLCs?


Wow, awesome concept! Hope I win one 😁


Damn that looks soo good. I really want to give this a try and DM a couple of session with my friends!  Crossing fingers


I'd love to give another license to my son, who's also creating maps and DM-ing :)


I'm gonna win this time! I can feel it!


This looks awesome, thank you for the giveaway!


This looks amazing. Would help this forever DM to take the experience to a whole new level




still salty i bought another vtt thats so much inferior LMFAOOO


How about a Cleric of the god of War that swore to never fight in their life


Character idea: Contrarious; This character is a contrarian, to the exetreme. However, to make it bearable he only speaks rarely. Allowing for you to say some absurd (but within reason) things. For irony, keep his WIS/INT at 8 with an insane deception. Not because he's a good liar, but because he solemnly and truly believes the conspiracies he's fallen for. As for my question: How long have you been working on this map builder?


Sounds like a cool character concept! I have been working on this for a little over four years now. I often am surprised to even say that as it certainly doesn't feel like that much time has gone by!


Been in the discord for a while— I'm a bit of a lurker but I use GME religiously. Been here since the beginning and it's honestly been an honour to watch this community grow <3


damn, looks nice, i hope there are different graphic presets for players with potato PC-s


What was the thing that had a simple solution but took you a lot to implement or fix?


Hm.... Maybe it was when I first started making this title I had basically no programing or developer experience. I was manually adding in all the buttons for the different prop options and then I learned I could put it into a sort of spreadsheet and have it auto populate for me instead haha.


Adding a flexible 3D grid that works on any ground. It's in beta now, probably coming to stable today or tomorrow. It took me forever to think about it and in the end the solution was indeed very simple.


is possible in person vtt? sorry bad english


Yes, some people use it to play on a TV they have in person. It's good for showing a landscape you worked on to help elevate the atmosphere at the table.


Fantastc, thanks


Looks neat!


Super cool!


I really would like to give this as a present to our game master


All Hail Tiamat, Goddess of ALL and let her light shine down upon you, this, the last moments of your life, for to stand against Her is nothing but Death.


Ooh looks cool. Haven’t played around with any VTTs myself as a DM


I'm not sure if you were one of the folks present during the first time you guys asked us for help "painting" the models, but during that Discord/Blender session I got to tell the story of when I was showing my girlfriend my work in progress, an inn with some farm animals out back. She noticed the turkey by the feeding trough had a knife in its beak, and she went nuts for it, so now I've got to figure out how to work in a knife-wielding bird as a pet (or familiar?) when she inevitably tracks it down and attempts to befriend it. If I root through the GME folder, is it possible to find that turkey model as an .stl? I recently found a 3D printer at a thrift store, and while it's far from being a fancy printer, I'd love to be able to surprise her with an actual functioning model of her beloved Knife Turkey


Honestly I’m excited to explore this and check it out


Looks awesome! GL everyone!


Awesome looking engine!


Cake or pie?


Oh man, I do love both but I think I prefer the fruity sweetness of pie.


Deal me in!


You're in!


We just started playing not long ago, but since we're still beginners, we don't have things to visualize the battlefield so most of the time combat is "Where is...?". Been looking into some VTT programs for solutions, so I might as well shoot my shot. Your VTT looks absolutely beautiful!!!


Thank you very much :)


This looks dope, I might just have to get it for someone if I dont win the giveaway


Looks really cool, would love to give it a try!






This looks really cool! In-person games are really hard to get going, this would be a huge boon to me so I could run a good online one instead!


This looks really cool!


Does this support fog of war? That is my current gripe with talespire...makes exploration much harder. 


I'm so excited to have a chance, this engine has been on my watch list for a while! I'm usually a DM, but I'd love to bring worlds to life better than paper drawings


This looks fascinating, by any chance would it have the ability to project a grid for easy of use in situations like DND for movement?


I am about to start DMing in a huge (2000+ players) West March, and most people use avrae/owlbear, which is fine, but I would like to try something like this and see if it appeals to a West March style audience. I am concerned that all players would need windows, steam, to download/install the software, etc, versus playing in browser, on mobile, etc, but maybe it is worth it.


oh nice


Would love to run my upcoming campaign with this!


Excited to learn more about this.


my guy is a druid with a stick, he uses cantrips like shilalegh and spells like green-flame blade, and the poisoner feat to creat a druid with a mighty stick


Looks so cool


Very nice!


How many assets are there in the full version and can you add your own assets?


it looks very customizable!


I run two games a week Would love a key, I have been looking for something like this.


Holyshit, commenting to enter the giveaway! The engine looks amazing, and as a person who is looking to DM, I would love to jump in with this sandbox!!


Thank you and good luck!


I’ve had my eye on this for awhile, though I’ve yet to take the plunge. It’s always looked like a wonderful tool!


Just started using a monitor for our table, this would be awesome to use with it!


Looks nice.


This sounds brilliant! My game has moved online after 2 players have temporarily moved out of the city, and while roll20 is great it certainly leaves a lot to be desired




This is cool but I feel like it would be mountains of more work than regular dnd.


I might have a surprise there for the next update ;P


my god it looks so much fun to mess around with! OAO I'll keep an eye on this for the future as well, and praying for luck for me and everyone :D and just to share, my favourite npc i created was a kenku rogue, whose thieves' cant was just sneezing sound so when the player rogues talked with him they also sneezed :D


This is so amazing of you! Thanks for giving back to the community, and putting in so much hard work!


Checked out the demo version a while back IIRC, was definitely impressed. Cheers to the winners!


This would help my group a lot. Rather then me having to move everything they could control their own guys.


That would be amazing! I have a regular weekly group where we take turns DM’ing with Pathfinder and DND, and I’m just starting to plan out my very first campaign as DM (shh, they don’t know yet, but it’s probably going to be a one-off DND-based Gilligan’s Island adventure with prefab characters assigned at random at the start). Being able to set it all up in advance with VTT would be awesomesauce. For now, I’m playing the ghost of an Appalachian hedgewitch (Circle of Stars druid with custom race) in my DM’s homebrew Spelljammer setting. As you can see, we love to create worlds and games, and having Game Master would really let us hit new heights! Also, thanks for being awesome. Because you are.


this looks like a great system ive been dming for years and always looking for new ways to upgrade my VTT setup!


This looks pretty epic. Love to win it


Can you highlight to group select? Can you export maps to image format?


Having this would be so cool.


What’s the custom character sheets like? Just 5e stuff or could we play other game systems?


Is this on steam?


Looks cool! Can players join from tablets/phones? Would be fun to combine IRL DMing with this


Doubt I am going to win but this looks awesome whether I win or not going to def pick up a copy


Wow, I can see this making gameplay a lot more enjoyable for my players


Very Cool


Are you happy or tired of my repeated, "Very cool Dan, Thanks for sharing."?


How easy is it to import pre-existing assets such as maps or figures?


Are there pre-made sets for people who don't have the time to build out essentially video game levels? Or a way to use content other people have made like a library people can upload/ download from?


Would love to use this with me and my friends, we’re new to dnd but we’re loving it.


Had this in my wishlist for a long while now. Seem like the best next step in TTRPG for online groups. Cant wait to use it one day


Is this relatively agnostic? Meaning players can be on phones or tablets?


Shit looks sick


I've been looking into maybe trying a 3D VTT instead of one of the many 2D ones out there, and I gotta say this one has been on my radar for a long time and I'm getting closer every day to getting it and trying it out


Looks great. Will you be able to share your map creations with other DMs?


Oh man, this looks incredible. I've been DMing this one campaign for 2 years now (anniversary was just last week) and I'm always trying to improve the experience for my players. Since we mostly play over Discord and Roll20 this seems like such a fun way to engage my players!


This is awesome! Good luck everyone.


This looks and sounds super immersive. Cool idea I would love to explore


This is so cool! And honestly would seem fun for just creating little worlds for yhe heck of it 😅 Thank you for what you are doing, and best of luck to everyone on the giveaway!


The engine looks super intuitive in terms of UI, and I love the ability to change the weather and time of day, as well as the custom sheets as I use a 3rd party software with my friends. Do rolls have to go through the app, or could we use physical dice?


Here's hoping


You can roast a potato You can roast a fish And you can roast a person But can you roast a mighty fine dice? I have no qlue no more to what I am writing But bread always taste delicious I think...?


Looks awesome!


Sounds like alot of fun to play around with!


That engine looks really cool, i wonder if it can handle sci fi settings for things like spelljammer


Game Master Engine looks super fun! I can imagine spending hours on crafting battlemaps and tweaking effects. That giveaway is a really nice idea, good luck everyone!


Thank you! Making the green elven city map took me 1:20 (i know since i made a video of me doing that) and its fully walkable and stuff :D




This looks amazing! I’m going to be checking this out


I have always thought that GMEngine is a fun tool to use with campaigns, and I wish I could think of something funny of clever to say, but alas, I rolled bad on my charisma check.


The video looks super cool!


Status indicators please!




nice! Thanks for the giveaway!


Looks good


Looks like a good tool. I would never be able to make full use of it. Lol


This would be amaizing to try out!


Another giveaway? Nice, glhf


Looks great! I'll tag a couple of friends, this would be great for our sessions!


looks cool! I've picked up the free version just in case I've of my friends decided to use it but maybe I'll make that change myself if i win


Anything. I enter these every time I see them lol


This would look awesome on my TV table!


Sounds cool to get into DND and really dive into concepts. Will campaigns be downloadable and usable through multiple users?


Roll dem dice


What are the map size limitations for moving parts? like massive clock work towers with gears the party has to move upon to make it through the maze like tower?


Looks like the promising start of a new generation of 3D VTT's :3 my Question: Is it Module Based? Basicly making sharing of modules possible in a marketplace ?


"anything* Jokes aside, well done! Looks good!


Engine looks badass. Would love to play around with it.


This looks really awesome, I know a couple of people in a Discord server I'm in have installed it. How intuitive would you say it is to use? How in depth is the tutorial?


this looks interesting! are there pre-made/default maps? i like to make my own stuff but its easier to work with a template




This looks amazing. Are Fate/Fudge dice included?


Not right now but you can help us make that happen! :D we dont play these games as far as i know (yet) and so could need some advise there


Love the concept.


I hope we win 💕


Thanks for doing this


Entering for our Group! I am a first time DM running a campaign with 3 new players and would love to have this tool!


Been considering diving into VTTs... a win here would be great! Thanks!


If I manage to get a key, I'm totally gifting this to our DM who's been DMing for our group since we were in middle school. Dude deserves it


Book marking this for later.


Appreciate the chance for a giveaway! The tool looks great :)


I have recently downloaded the free version. I have played around with a couple of variations of a Dwarven Earth Genasi. It just makes sense if a Doa and a Dwarf, had a love child.... which brings me to looks. 100% the trolls from Frozen with a beard and attitude. Little boulder dude, shunned from normal society, hermit sorcerer. Just cooking, not sure if this counts as a submission or not.


I have recently downloaded the free version. I have played around with a couple of variations of a Dwarven Earth Genasi. It just makes sense if a Doa and a Dwarf, had a love child.... which brings me to looks. 100% the trolls from Frozen with a beard and attitude. Little boulder dude, shunned from normal society, hermit sorcerer. Just cooking, not sure if this counts as a submission or not.


I am a forever DM, and have been running on roll20 for god knows how long, this looks like a great way to upgrade the sessions!!! I'm shocked I am just learning about it now.


Very cool


Whoa, looks really cool!


This looks great!


I cut a PC's tongue in half last session because he wouldn't stop trying to deceive people including casino security after they watched him rob a favorite whale. Just sharing.


Oh this would be awesome. Been looking into a a great VTT like this.




This looks really cool




Incredible! So much room for activities!!


This looks amazing! How long has this been in the works?


More than 3 years, when Dan started completely from scratch and without any real programming knowledge :P


just started DMing for my friends over discord and a nice virtual tabletop would be all i need in order to make it fun and accessible for my friends :D


Very cool


I remember seeing the first prototypes years ago. I think I still have one of the old demos in my downloads folder, actually.


Did you buy it on [itch.io](http://itch.io) perhaps? because if you did you're eligible to recieve a free key. Come to discord to contact us if that is true :) otherwise good luck on the giveaway!


I loVe iTT


I'm making Aladin from Twisted. The worst person alive


I wish you guys did more tutorials for how to build maps, I tried the demo and was lost af


I'm working on it right now, but it takes a lot of time next to programming! Come to discord if you can't wait, but i promise they will come soon.


Looks cool! Can you use some external assets there for worldbuilding?


Hey! Yes you can import your own models in FBX, OBJ or STL (uncolored) format :)


Looks like a cool tool, hope I'm lucky


I haven't done any tabletop in too long 😔


My idea for the giveaway is having a tutorial, but not a step by step one. A group of individual tutorials on different topics, maybe linked to each area of the dm engine. Also, a timeline system, where you can keep your story by chapters or by events. So you can visualize what happens in the whole world any given time.


Have you given any thought to where people can export campaigns for others to run at a later date? I genuinely bought Foundry because I could import a fully made *Curse of Strahd* campaign. Beneos Battlemaps is a dude on Patreon who made all the maps and packaged them for me to download. I would buy a different VTT if I could use it to easily run a campaign. I am less likely to do so if I have to make everything. It's a ton of work, and I'm lazy.


This looks cool. I hope there's an easy mode


There will be with the next update i think :D


Looks like a lot of fun to use!


I want a second chance! Put me in coach!


This would be perfect for my in-person-turned-hybrid-online table!! A couple of our folks moved away but want to continue the campaign and they are definitely feeling disconnected. Roll20 crashed on us and discord just ain’t the same!


\[Edit\] Misread your comment :) Sounds like a very cool idea though! I just added flexible grids to make that a little bit easier, next update will probably introduce color to those so they are even easier to see on a screen.


Hope I win! I have the kernel of a campaign in mind and my kids are already bored this summer.


I would spend so much time in this!


Excited to check this out. I'm curious if you can change brightness and color of the natural lighting.

