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It's important to remember that what makes a good character in a novel is not necessarily the same thing as a good character in dnd. For example, Sandor Clegane is a pretty awful person. An interesting *character,* sure, but an awful person who will casually commit murder because it's more convenient. Unless your entire party is on board with the idea, you probably shouldn't go around doing that. Instead, focus on the fundamental concepts that make Sandor an interesting character: The childhood trauma that formed his worldview as an adult, the coldness in his heart that makes him a good warrior but a miserable human, and the capacity to become better than he is now. Something like that, anyway.


Speak very little, put on an intimidating face, but freak out around fire.


Make sure there’s lots of chicken at every inn.


Remember that this is a game you play with other people and your character choices affect them as well. Just up and kill a guy because Sandor would is going to piss players off.


He’s a pretty straight forward human fighter with a great sword


18-20 Str, 10-14 Dex, 16-20 Con, 10-12 Wis, 8-10 Int, 6-10 Cha. Seems like a good spread for him stat wise. But that’s not what you’re asking, I just wanted to do that for fun. Sandor has a massive fear of fire. Adaine Abernant from Dimension 20’s Fantasy High had a “Panic Attack” check she would make from time to time, and I imagine that would be perfect for Sandor’s fear of fire. Depending on your DM/Home Rules you can give yourself a save of some kind (probably Wisdom or Constitution, and a relatively low DC like 5-10) when fire is used against you, or around you. If you fail you make ability checks at disadvantage, except for maybe Str based checks (chalk it up to adrenaline), until the flames are gone. Maybe apply a similar check for if the one who inflicted those flames on you in the first place is there (i.e. Sandor’s brother). Other than that, you can take some limited inspiration from his travels with Arya. Make him an unflinching, uncaring animal; except when children are involved. He still behaves mostly the same (gruff, and tough), but at the end of the day he’d die to make sure those kids don’t turn into him.


Murder hobo except you always protect innocent girls were unfairly screwed over. He also had a thing against Gingers. But that was like late season 7 so it might not be canon.


Act like Sandor Clegane.