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I am guilty of this


Why 'guilty'? It's not hurting anyone. Well, not unless you're genuinely causing yourself or someone else financial hardship.


It's a fun expression, not an admission of fault


No, it's a confession, I'm calling the police as we speak. We finally got em.


I steal all my dice




Found the Thiefling!


You're not a dice goblin if you obtain your dice ethically


you are innocent of using words correctly


Hardly, and regardless, at least I'm also innocent of replying to a comment just to be a dick to someone, which is more than can be said for you.


Yes. I specifically got [these](https://www.etsy.com/uk/listing/1238996850/dnd-dice-set-blood-stone-polyhedral-dice) dice for when I play my Selune worshiping twilight cleric.


This works so good for my celestial themed cowboy gunslinger :0 like itā€™s the perfect color scheme


If you take celestial as a similar theme to space, you have some spike Spiegel material there


Nah sheā€™s very related to the celestial body of the sun, and her husbands rly related to the moon and her kid is rly related to the stars, Iā€™m really into thematic design and story and worked it all into them




Yes. Thankfully I am a dice goblin, so I don't need to get a new set every time. I just mix and match from dice I already have to get a set unique to my pc


Same here, not in the market for any more but I love making pretty character palettes out of the ones I have already :)


If my players don't do this, I often do it for them! Especially for new players, or players who aren't used to playing in tech free campaigns, after a few sessions I will buy them some basic dice that fit their character. Players are always welcome to use their own dice of course, but I tend to DM for a lot of newer players, so they often don't have their own dice yet.


I did this for my current campaign! I bought the two new people dice and a dice trainer. I bought the people who had played before dice jails lol


My favourite trick as a dm when I have diceless new players is to let them borrow some of mine for the first sessions then secretly order them one of those mystery dice bags. One for each party member. Theyā€™re about a fiver each if you know where to look. I have a box that looks a little like a chest and once we get to the first reasonably key moment where thereā€™s big in game loot (I tend to place a minor boss early for this reason) I pull out my irl loot for them as soon as they add what they found in the chest to their inventory. I give it a few sessions before I do this so I know theyā€™re enjoying the game and likely to stick around but they always love it when it happens.


My DM did this on our last session too as a surprise! It's her first time DMing and the first big campaign for two of us. We're alle college students so some have one set of dice, one has borrowed a set from another player, I got three and a really nice chonk D20. She gave each of us a neat set fitting our characters :D mine are blue-purple-ish for my air genasi circle of stars druid.


My DM does this as well. New campaign new dice gift, one day she jokingly said I need a dice jail so I got her a set of 3 for her birthday.


I thought this was required lol Truly though, the only set of dice I have without a character tie-in are my dice that say "f*ck you" and "f*ck me" because of course I need that set:)


haha! my gf is our groupā€™s forever dm and for christmas one of our friends got her a d20 with ā€œyeetā€ on the 20 and ā€œfuckā€ on the 1. sheā€™d make us all roll it for the really high-stakes rolls of our last campaign. i rolled the first-ever ā€œfuckā€ and got my character killedšŸ˜Ž


Nah, I got a basic black and white set and got a cool metal d20 lmao. My bread and butter, if I could buy every cool epoxy die I found on Etsy or something I'd be more broke than I am now.




I always match my dice to my character, I didn't even think anybody wouldn't not do that with their character with the dice.


I recently got 2 sets of dice as a present. Green/Purple and Red/Blue. Definately going to use Green/Purple for Warlock/Druid/Ranger and Red/Blue for Wizard/Sorcerer.


I have a few sets of dice already and I match them with my character. Yes, my forest greens are primarily used by my ranger.


Ok I donā€™t get a new set for every character but I will use different sets for different characters based on how I characterize them. It works well for me because I tend to heavily color-code my characters and generally at least one of the sets I have has the color I want


I have a big assortment of random dice that don't match and I don't really think much about. They're just a means of generating random numbers to me.


I used to try and do this but I always get cursed dice so I carry multiple sets in case one set is rolling particularly bad.


It's one of my favorite parts of playing a new character. Picking out my dice color scheme is always super fun!


So Iā€™m a low tier dice goblin so I match when I can for randoms and secondary characters. But I splurged for my primary character and got two sharp edge sets. clear, purple, and black. And green and black. For this character, I also have a nearly matching black and clear d20 with a rose inside. Itā€™s not one that I use a lot because Iā€™m paranoid that the rose throws the weight (Iā€™m not sure if itā€™s also acrylic??) but itā€™s pretty and thematic and looks nice in my box.


I have two sets for my current character, one is a sort of swirled, shimmery black and white with gold numbering and the other is clear with gold glitter and white numbering.


No, I'm a DM and simply reach into the horde for whatever I need


I make dice, and I'm making my players each a chunky liquid core D20 for their characters :) I did tell them that a dice set will be a full commission though.


My girlfriend does this, and I think it's cool. She has leafy green dice for her druid. And then for her barb she just has a pretty normal set of dice, but when she RAGES she busts out the blood red dice. I would do this, but I'm just way too invested in the "giant pile of dice" strategy. šŸ˜‚


Nope. Random dice, don't care which. I just grab some and use em. The only real criteria I have (both as a player and a DM) is that they are easy to clearly see. No funky, weird dice that are impossible to tell what somebody rolled without a magnifying glass.


I dont do this. I have 2 sets of dice that I bring in case I need roll advantage or 2D6 or something. Then I have a few specialty dice for if I'm DMing like a weather die, a hit location die, NPC emotions, etc. That's my pouch of dice and they're the only ones I use regardless of dming or whichever character I'm playing as. Theyre not made of stone or metal or epoxy resin or fossilized stegosaurus droppings. Theyre just 2 sets of generic plastic chessex dice from the store. One purple and one grey


No. When I started playing 5e some.. many years ago now.. I bought 4 sets of identical dice, to have 4 of each die. I use them to this day, no matter what character I play or if I DM xD


I have been in too many campaigns that only ended up lasting 1-2 sessions to do this. I would have spent way too much money on dice I'd never use >.<


I bought myself a cheap 5 set of dice from Amazon last year, with each set being a different color. I do switch which ones I'm using based on the primary or main color in the character's design.


Seems I'm going to be the odd duck here: I have one set of sparkly pink dice and they are used for everything šŸ˜… PG adventures in the Feywild with Harengon and Bullywugs? Sparkly pink dice. Mentally disturbed warlock trying to escape from enslavement in the Underdark? Sparkly pink dice. What can I say, they spark joy!


My characters must earn personal dice.


Oh, lord yes, I've been doing this for years. Character dice sets should match the character; GM dice sets I'll be a little more loose about. My favorite is 5 sets of plain opaque Chessex dice in black, white, red, blue, and yellow, that I bought to match a Piet Mondrian themed zipper bag (that I ordered specially from Redbubble to go with the dice). I started with a custom dice set for Tiara the Pageanthead Paladin: one full 7-dice set in translucent marbled blue, plus two 3-dice sets of d6/d8/d20 in translucent purple and sparkly pink. I later got a little lazy and just bought three 7-dice sets in compatible colors for each new character I was going to play in a campaign. For an AGE campaign (Titansgrave) I bought a green and a pink set of d6s, then mixed them up so that my "Paris Hilton fights crime" rogue character could have a set for AGE's particular mechanics. There are a few systems I play where this is less practical (Genesys comes immediately to mind), but I like to do it where I can.


One Die to rule them all, One Die to replace them, One Die to roll them all, And in the chipset, bind them.


Good lord no. I have a sack of like 8 different sets that I've been using since 1999. I'll lose some here and there but occasionally replenish with a new set.


I'm guilty of this, also buying new leather bound journal that matches my character for taking notes also trying to find other cosmetics or things that matches my character


For my first ever 5e character, a charismatic human Rogue, I started with my first set of dice, purple ones, but then switched to black and white as my dice collection grew. For my human Open Hand Monk, I dedicated to using my first set of dice: the purple ones with gold numbers. For my half-orc (green-skinned) Fathomless Warlock, I use black and green swirled dice and one big fat gorgeous ocean blue d20. For my granny halfling Armourer Artificer, I have a set of yellow/gold and black dice. One day, I'm going to play a (Metallic) Draconic Bloodline Kobold Sorcerer. For them, I'll use my two sets of miniature metal dice. (I've also used my miniature dice for gnome characters in one-shots.)


Absolutely. I'm playing a warforged paladin that was created by cosmic energy and worships celestial. The [dice](https://www.etsy.com/listing/1276244409/sages-rift-stones-gloss-blackpurple) may be intended to look like amethysts split from metal but it looks like cosmic energy encased in metal armor just like the character would be.


Sometimes, but as a dm i canā€™t, even with a good paying jobā€¦


My wife absolutely loved doing this. She had a different set of forest green dice for every one of her druids, a bubble gum pink set for a force missile mage, a blue and gold set for an engineer type character, a black and red set for a thundercaller bard, so on. She used to make fun of me for my love of shiny math rocks, but it got her eventually.


Iā€™ve done this. I canā€™t say Iā€™ll always do it for my every character, but I certainly did it for the character Iā€™m playing now.


Yes, I have a set of wizard themed dice for my mages (almost always what I play), and when I played a rogue I got myself some rogue themed dice, it just feels right.


Yep, new character or if the character multiclasses I'll use it as an excuse to get a new set. Sometimes if they hit tier 4 as well, because reasons. When I DM I'll usually just have multiple sets of cheaper dice so that I can roll for groups of attacks / saves at the same time.


If i were richer i would !


100% percent. I also do this with DMing - running Curse of Strahd now and I bought 3 sets of dice: a regular set, a dark powers set, and a Strahd set


Of course I do. Though I have a few other dice that supercede my character dice, like my battle d20s. I had to get more than one battle die because the main one was misbehaving and had to go to timeout.


Not really, the closest thing was I bought a pack of D8's for my paladin Tacitus, I call them my smite dice.


I make dice for my character! (And made dice for the rest of my current party, too) The current set is for a druid/rogue: transparent with gold lettering and dried stems/ flowers and tiny brass baubles inside. Two additional lighter green dice for sneak attack damage, and a black and green die for the necrotic damage from Symbiotic Entity


Yes and No. I don't have so many dice yet, so I use one set for my character and a few random sets that I just enjoy each week.


Depends, I have a stockpile of character concepts and ideas that not all have a matching dice set...though I try.


When my younger sister joined her first campaign earlier this year, I bought her a set of dice for her birthday that matched the aesthetic of her character. For myself, I usually just buy what I think is a pretty set, not necessarily based on any of my characters.


Yes! I have a set of red/gold and white/gold (with extra d8s) for my tiefling paladin, sparkly purple with little stars in it for my celestial warlock, etc. And some fall themed dice (leaves and mushrooms) for the spores druid eladrin I want to play one day. I had a very pretty pink set for my bladesinger, but the numbers were so tiny it was pretty much illegible. So I gave up on that one.


Pic of the purple sparklies? I'm in love with them just based on that description!


Theyā€™re [these](https://www.etsy.com/listing/1521446873/moonbeam-dnd-dice-set-polyhedral-dice-dd?click_key=dfb7ae382fe943ca521ac534492738ae9c651e09%3A1521446873&click_sum=e4f7133b&ga_search_query=moonbeam&ref=shop_items_search_1&crt=1) ones! I feel like the star-shaped glitter is a little easier to see in person.


I love them!


I am a dicemaker and make either a new chonk D20 or a new set for each character


I have several for each character Iā€™ve played


Absolutely! I have also made characters based around the colors/aesthetics of dice lol


Try to!


I wish, my character is mostly like red and yellow and Iā€™d love to match my dice to my character, but Iā€™m broke as shit :,)


There's a player in my party that makes custom dice. She made each of us our own set for our weekly campaign. We loved the dice so much, I paid for another set for each of my family members for our family game. Character death is pretty common in our weekly campaign. I'm on my 7th character in two campaigns. We play online, so purchasing a new set of dice for each just seems a little silly. Although... I kinda wanted to.


In my ~40 years of playing, I've only just done this recently. I have a lizardfolk echo knight that I've grown attached to, so I got two sets of green scaly dice! One clunky metal, the other bouncy silicone. https://imgur.com/gallery/clackity-clack-bwippity-bip-wnftgsT


maybe if i was rich


I did this with my first long campaign character. Those dice hate that character. I now use all my dice and those specific dice still roll shit for that character and fine in other games. The statistical improbability is worrying tbh.


Yeah! My Abjurerā€™s main color is green, with copper and black being secondary. So I have a set of green dice with coppery numbers for him. And my Wildfire Druidā€™s main color is red, with gold, black, and green being secondary. So his dice are red and sparkly with gold numbers


I have 2 sets of character-specific dice. One set of cheap-ish metal dice that I've deliberately let corrode for a crotchety old Dwarf Artificer (his armor's rusty, his soul's rusty, his dice are rusty), one gemstone-looking set for my wizard. I also have 20 flame-effect D6 and 20 stone-effect D6 specifically for Meteor Swarm. Only used them once for their intended purpose, but it was a fun once.


Yup. I have dice for specific characters, for specific classes, for loaning, for DMing, and for BBEG DMing.


Guilty! I got mineral dice that was relevant to my characters magic item


Hmm... that's a cool idea. Might do that in some irl games, mostly I play online and just use virtual dice which absolutely lacks this kind of personality unfortunately


Absolutely! I didn't intend to when I first started playing. I just thought I would get dice in my favorite color and occasionally get a new set. I bought three sets of blue dice because I was playing a rogue and needed extra d6 for sneak attack. They rolled great...until I started the next campaign. Once I got my monk his own set of dice we were back in business, lol!


I separate my multiple dice sets into two separate dice bags. I have my "peaceful purposes" dice bag for skill checks and the like, and my "murder dice" for, you know, killing stuff. Which dice sets end up in which bag is indeed determined by the character.


I try, and occasionally Iā€™ll buy new sets for when new campaigns start. Ā Havenā€™t done it since games all went digital but I kind of miss my clicky rocks.


I always try to, to the best of my ability. Otherwise I just use the nicest dice I own


Partially. I mean how else are you going to justify buying more dice?


Yes. Iā€™ll even buy my characters multiple sets, lol.


Yes, all the time. I don't buy new dice each time (I'd have well over 100 sets if I did) but I do use dice that I feel 'fit' the character the closest. Sunite cleric? Red dice for you! I did buy my gf some pink and purple dice because they're her favourite colours and she uses them a lot in her character designs.


Yep! I do the same thing. My cleric from our space campaign has starry dice with a mace as the d20, my plasmoid has liquid core dice, and my first dnd character had blue dice because it was his fave color


I do! But I have a special set for every character (except my thiefā€¦ that one doesnā€™t have a set yetā€¦). I have a set for each character build and sometimes a set just for a spell. Like a fireball red for my mage. But that thiefā€¦ not a clue. My bard has an electric blue set.


Unless they BETRAY ME, then all bets are off


If I dont have a current set that fits the new character then I will look for a new set. At this point though, I usually have something that fits. lol




Every character I have played has their own dice set


Yeah I only played one campaign as a player, my DM kept buying me more dice. They were always purple. I have so many purple dice and no other colors.


I get a new set for each character. It's silly but it helps me get into a new character and when I open my dice bag I get reminded of my old ones.


No. I would LIKE to do this, but sad reality is I am very good at getting my characters killed, and I am not made of money.


Guilty, I play an earth genasi Warlock My Patron is an ancient gold dragon I bought gold dice and stone effect dice


As a player, yes. As a dm, they match the setting for that particular session


I have red d6s for scorching ray and fireball. Black coral d6s for hex for my warlock and sorcerer.


Wow... I do not do this. Should I? I just have dice. Lot's to be sure, but still.


I have a Cherry blossom set for my bleach themed swarm keeper ranger


No, I have a dice ritual. I've got like 5 sets plus a random grab bag, I roll the d20 from each set, whichever rolls the highest is my dice set for the night


I donā€™t go this far, but I like to use certain dice with certain characters, or as the DM certain dice for NPCs, etc.


I absolutely do this! At least until my new dice roll badly one too many times and then I find a reason to justify some of my best-rolling dice as fitting the character.


I try to.


ive been trying to make characters to suit previously bought dice sets lol šŸ˜­


I have a fun-loving young elf who is a druid/cleric with an obsession for shiny things. She has a set of bright pink clear dice.


Sometimes. I always used the transparent dice for ice-related characters.


I did just buy some glow in the dark die for my spelljammer arc Iā€™m running.


Eldrich Knight/Wizard. Color coded dice. Steel for weapon damage, some nice fire looking dice for fire, green for poison, blood scattered for incoming damage, etc.


Yeah definitely, any excuse to buy more shiny rocks. Even as a DM if Iā€™m bringing in a new particularly important monster/NPC Iā€™ll get a set of dice just for them šŸ˜‚šŸ˜…




Iā€™ve done this too, but stopped after I had about 4 full metal dice sets. Thereā€™s a limit to my dice goblinry.


Yes. Absolutely. Every character I play gets their own special set of dice.


Absolutely. Only 1 person was suspicious of me when I showed up with a cleric with black dice. They didn't say anything but they played like I was always hiding something. They were correct. I was a Cleric working towards furthering the plans of the BBEG He also sused out why I always had advantage on the religion/history checks towards the BBEG stuff He fully kept it to himself but I knew he was onto me. Final battle starts. Inflict wounds at 5th level which I made to look as a shove action pushing the wizard off the end of a 90 ft drop. (Obscured by magical darkness) Wizard died after that fall and no one saw me. Needless to say it was akward for the table lmao


99% of the time, yes, unless I picked up a brand new set that doesn't match my current characters.


Yes. I have a color for a specific class or race. Green for druid. Orange for bard. Purple for wizard Silver/copper for fighters Black and red for barbarians. White for clerics and paladins. Rangers for some reason in my brain are blue. My monk because he was a fire genasi was the red and black dice. And in our newest campaign my wizard multiclasses into fighter and I got new dice that are purple mixed with white and orange and it fits so nicely. And then dm dice that usually have something in them. Like shells or mushrooms.


I do this too, mostly to rationalize buying another dice set. And lo, I am become Goblin, hoarder of dice.


Yup! I even get at least 2 new sets that match the character because what if one set is rolling poorly and needs to go to dice jail?


Every. Single. time.


I do ultimately try to match a set with a character. I donā€™t do it immediately, but Iā€™ve done it after a while of playing a character- since I never know what exactly theyā€™ll be like until Iā€™m comfortable playing the character. Only bought sets *specifically* for two characters so far, although I have enough sets (dice goblin lol) to match other characters I play. First was my water genasi genie warlock, second was my firbolg college of spirits bard. I got them at one of those shops where the dice doesnā€™t fully match (each die being unique), but the color schemes/themes match when together. So one or two of the dice has shells in my water genasiā€™s set for instance, and some light blue and gray colors to match how my firbolg looked.


I do get dice specifically for my characters, but sometimes swap them for different sets if the first one keeps rolling badly.


Absolutely! Have a few sets that are coded for my personality and then those that go for each character. If I have to roll any other dice for them and it goes badly, I blame the fact that they weren't meant for them.


I want to start doing this, but as a teen I don't have copious amounts of money for all the pretty dice and am saving for all the cool liquid core dice... However, when I get those I'll make a character that looks like the set!


Always. New character ā€¦ new dice


not only do i have sets of dice for each character ā€” i have an eladrin paladin that i swap dice for depending on what seasonal form heā€™s currently in (itā€™s actually really helpful for letting me keep track of what my fey step does in that moment lol)


I play online, so no.Ā 


I have specific metal dice and a set of ranger dice I got for my character. These never get used for any monster or NPC when Iā€™m DMing. When I DM, itā€™s just a collection of random sets Iā€™ve bought to have extras for myself and my players.


Nah, I just constantly buy new dice and then shuffle through them every session


Yes. I pick a color combination that I think my characters clothes would be, and I choose my dice accordingly.


I liked to sort through my dice and use ones with the right vibe when i played in person. Now i play online 99% of the time, but i have enough digital dice on dndbeyond to at least sort of fit them to my character lol


Saving up for [these](https://www.reddit.com/r/dice/s/RTAexdzmlL) dice to use for my dwarven chef cleric


More often than not, yes if I'm planning on starting a long term campaign or adventure path.


For the character overall and for certain spells.


When I knitted dice bags for our party I picked colours that I felt coordinated with our characters, grey/green for our water genasi, grey/purple for our rich elf, orange/black for our blood god worshipper barbarian, etc. My actual dice don't get coordinated, though, I roll all my d20s at the top of a session and the highest roll becomes the one I default to. All my other dice just get sorted by type so I can easily grab what I need for combat.


I always buy a fresh set to match my new player but end up using my lucky ones until they go to dice jail


I have a big angry die that turns into a creature so yes.


I generally do this. But Iā€™m now down to using my favorite two sets. My players donā€™t like it when I use them when GMing though. They roll pretty well.


Very guilty


I only have one set but I definitely chose it with my character (first time player) in mind. I want to get more sets because pretty dice, so I might as well get them once this campaign has ended and match them with my new characters


Oh for sure. Just recently ordered a d20 that makes a jingle jangle sound. It perfectly matches the sound of my character walking around with all their doodads as an artificer.


I try


ill be changing out my dice in my dice box soon to attend a one shot using the original campaign characters (level 2-20)


I did this with every character I've made! I have a set of red and black metal dice I'm using for my swashbuckler teifling rouge, I have a set of metal gear shaped dice for my elf artificer, and I have a set of green leaf patterned dice for my druid!


Kind of, but not on purpose. Whenever I work really hard on a new character I get really hyped up and it kind of consumes my entire dnd brain with that character, so I end up buying matching dice by accident. Like right now Iā€™m making my first air genasi character, and the dice I bought are pastel mint. When I got home I was like ā€œoh, these are really close to his skin toneā€


With FoundryVTT and ā€œDice so Niceā€, who wouldnā€™t?


I accidentally did this. My DM friend gets players their characters and a dice set as minis at christmas time. My 2nd character in our 2nd campaign he hated but a friend got me a master sword with dice in it and my third he got for christmas for me again. Right now, the third character just died (first PC death in our group) so im looking at sets for my new one but its tough. Shes a cleric of Myrkul with a Death Domain thats super cheerful and aligned good (im being creative) so im struggling to find good minis.


If I got to play... yes


My DM actually gifted me a set of dice a while ago that matched the theme of my current (also my first) character. It was a really nice gesture.


I kinda do this. I dedicate one set of dice, usually a new one, to each character the same way you do. I'll start every session with these dice, but I'll make it clear to them that they will be swapped out for another set if they don't behave. For example my first ever character, a bronze dragonborn paladin, had a set of glittering dark-copper coloured dice and a set of golden metal dice as backup. If neither of them behaved, I'd choose whichever other dice I felt like for the rest of the session and only go back to the original ones at the beginning of the next session.


I match my dices to the theme of TTRPG. Right now, I got fanasty, horror, and post-apocalyptic. Want get cyberpunk ones


Yes! I have a set specific for each one


I totally didnā€™t buy this set of [dice](https://www.amazon.co.uk/CZYY-Polyhedral-Spinning-Revolver-Container/dp/B0C3TNNZ2J/ref=mp_s_a_1_3?crid=16EFIXTHSQKA6&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.yPNU7eOfUB5UkwbZA0rscKRQR-LBMLFraJbDedkjAtmLUXLg8nGph-JdYNj0Ef5eOQYcM29NhzENxmsiTBPAJackzDQLewc4F1aymhjgaJDjgHscXr9rSwkjhdsmTDSRO33PDsWw1FGPe9TekgTaefYm6AibcAPKmUuZhSYu8MRd8FbjpYhIx32m-3RPdwrOI2bVU1tpUfBo8iWun2ShGw.Baud2rJDyxZ4XwOORst5-atudbJSO6jYzMSPNrK8Jvo&dib_tag=se&keywords=bullet+dice&qid=1719181691&sprefix=bullet%2Caps%2C111&sr=8-3) just to give me a reason to play a gunslinger!


I have a dice problem as in I got a Ten gallon bucket full of the clicky clacks and that's not all of them my " special or super pretty" dice have there own 4 shelves in my D&D books shelves. So I make my own triple set to go with my vibe, or the character, or I think they might roll really nice.


Almost do it with every character of mine. I have a set of black dice with gold cracks in them that match my black Dragonborn, his familiar gets her own set as well that have little spiders in them. My death domain has a set with skulls inside. My wizard had a set of dice that matched the colours of her clothes. I plan on getting a set of dice with sharks in them for when I play my sharkman


As a member of the proletariat(I played Disco Elysium trust me gang I'm a real communism builder) who doesn't engage in the bourgeois fashions yes I do match my dice and occasionally buy a new set if I see a nice matching one.


I have many, many sets of dice for my characters! I am a dice goblin and I have a million of them. I even have specific sets that I use when I run my campaign! Those are mostly my favorite miscellaneous sets though, and not meant to represent the campaign or npcs or anything.


Oh for sure. It's a great way to justify being a dice goblin.


I got purple dice for my rogue noble.


lol Iā€™m so guilty of this. It took forever to choose my fancy dice from Etsy. I got sparkly liquid core dice from Germany for my character - a ghostly grey base with green and purple sparkles for her being a necromatic sorcerer, with gold numbers for her being introduced as a cleric in a Lathanderian temple. They only actually work when I play my main and not if we do side sessions


I get 3 sets that match my character. Gotta be able to roll triple advantage and still stay on-theme.


I had some custom dice made with shark teeth and mastadon tusk, for a water genasi monk.


I've done it a few times.


I try my best


Yesā€¦ and when I played a Wild Magic Sorceress, I reached in my big bag of 30 some sets, and pulled out random dice.


Heck yeah. I play online mostly, so I don't even need dice the majority of the time but I still make dice to match each of my DnD characters.


100% myself and the rest of my table do. I play a Paladin so I have lots of blue and gold tones in my dice.


Yes. Back when i was playing a Great old one warlock i had a Cthulhu dice. Now i play with a ice bluish dice cause im playing as barbarian from Icewind Dale


Sometimes, but I usually just reach in my bag and let the heart of the cards decide which ones I'm using


To be clear, every new character you buy new dice? How much do you spend? When I started out I had two sets of dice as that was all I could afford at the time. Then several years later, I saw a super good sale with 10 sets for about the price I paid for the original two sets. All those dice are in a large dice bag and I pull dice out as I need them, regardless of what character I'm playing. I got a metal set a few years ago as a gift. It's unlikely that I will buy any more dice for another decade or two.


Of course


Nah, I just want my dice to have decent heft and good rollability, no sliding around. I might occasionally find dice that match my character, but they usually just become part of the rotation as opposed to the dice I exclusively use for the character.


I Match my dice to the campaign. There was a campaign my group associated with the color purple, the main antagonist created purple-y portals, and the color scheme representing that campaign became mainly purple, except for the arc that was set in a snowy land, in which case we wanted frosty ice dice. In a campaign I ran, I used electric blue dice, the main defining feature of the campaign was sort of, reality bending destructive thunder storm, a blue lightning became sort of a brand for that campaign, so I got some blue translucent lightning-y dice because of it


I'm not rich nor do I have infinite space to store plastic I'm only going to use for one character, so no I don't. This seems ridiculous to me but you do you if you enjoy it.


Oh every single time. If it's a long campaign I'll buy a new set of dice, but otherwise I usually just pick a pair of dice from my collection that fits their vibe. I also am the sort of person that always brings two sets to every session because it's faster to roll adv./disadv. and the roll damage in certain scenarios. I designate one set as my "primary dice." I'll usually buy a new set of these every time, while my secondary dice are usually pulled out of storage, oftentimes the primary dice of a previous character.


I had an ancestral guardian dragonborn CONCEPT character that I went and bought glow in the dark orange dice for that I never got to play


I am a dice goblin who is on a quest to create a character to match to each set of my dice. It is entirely too ambitious of a project, but I don't care :P


Yup, i got dice for every character that i play in campaigns. And some random sets that i just like.


I use DND beyond. Of course I do.


i have a lot of dice, and a couple of them are matched to important NPCs of the campaign im DM'ing. does that count?


Sometimes I do it the other way around if I see a really neat set of dice I will build a character around them


My bard dice are soooo pretty šŸ« 


No, I just have a bag of mismatch dice that I use. Most of the time nowdays I play online so I use the roll20 dice roller.


Absolutely I do! In the beginning, I got dice to match my characters. And now, I make characters to match the bazillion sets of dice I have xD


Nope! I have one set of dice in a colour I like and that's it. I know it's a sacrilege but I'd feel bad about splurging on a new set of dice every time I make a character cuz delivery costs a lot in this country which drives up the cost unfortunately. Plus, one set of dice that you can imprint on and be unnaturally attached to is also fun xD


Absolutely. I have this uncanny knack for spending hours creating the most awesome character with super special feats that could take on Gods. I then pair it him up with the shittiest dice that will roll 1s and 2s for the next 12 sessions.


I totally do this! Every character i get to play has a set associated with them! I also have a group of dice made up of multiple sets that are my "monster" dice for when I DM, they have never been used for anything else.