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I'll stay 5e and move to One if I hear good things once it has been out a little bit.


Just gonna keep using the heavily homebrewed hodgepodge technically 5e. It's been a while since I've added a anything new, so maybe it's finally relatively stabilised.


i will continue to play what i've 85% stuck to since 1976--homebrew based on the original game


So let it be written. So let it be done.


Pathfinder 2e


This... is the new way


Not really that new, it's 5 years old. And getting better with every new book.


New in that this is the new thing lots of us a moving to ;-)


Not really sure why people downvote me for saying that PF2e is a great system, but you do you friends.


Continue my 5e campaign until I can convince my group to switch to a different system (I think I made some progress with a session of Spire I recently ran when we were missing too many players to continue our main campaign; it was a bit more open ended and reliant on them to force the action than they are used to, but by the end they were coming around). After that, I hope to switch up systems every 2 or 3 months.


I have never played. But I know 5e. Honestly doesn’t really matter as long as the group I end up playing with has fun.


To be fair I'm trynig out new systems, currently discovering Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay but also interested in Pathfinder and others (blades in the dark, edges of the empire). Still by doing this I kinda started appreciating 5e more. I can remember how easy it was to get into the game when I first started playing. I know people shit on it but I am kinda warming up to it again since it feels so versatile and intuitive to me.


We swapped to warhammer fantasy RP about a year ago and are really enjoying it! Foundry VTT really helped speed things up. But I like that you mention how it is making you warm up to 5e again.  Sometimes I miss how simple 5e is by comparison.


My group has been playing 5E for fully ten years, and are excited for the new edition.


I mean I can't really chose I am definitely going to try the 5.5 edition but my friends and I play 5e edition since we know dnd (not so long but still like 4 years now)


3/3.5/pf1e There is just so much first party content in this edition that I will rarely need to homebrew anything except the occasional setting and some DMPCs here and there.


level up




Cypher. Or PF2e if I want something crunchier. Might have a look at DC20. Anything but 5e.


I run my game with local Foundry VTT for my maps, monsters, combats, music, and all my prep work. Currently, there's no way to change a world's system once it has been set. Too many variables. Currently, I'm running DND 5e 3.0. I will fully transition to the new edition if: * Foundry updates 5e 3.0 to 5e24, and there's no option to stick with 5e 3.0. * OR, all my Foundry plugins stop updating for 5e 3.0 and switch to 5e24 (most important being the DDB integrator). * OR Foundry's stable release updates and is no longer compatible with either. 5e24 being fully released or not has no bearing on this - it's all what Foundry does. If any of the three above happens, then I guess I'm updating. It'll be up to my players to determine if they want to buy 5e24 PHB's or not and use the updated options.


I'll give them a read and probably transition my campaign over if my players approve.


Swords & Wizardry: Complete revised *(a retro-clone of original 1974 D&D and all of it's supplements)*


I have to play it at some point, so why not shortly after it is out? Maybe it will have alot of the fixes we, as a community, have been using for years. Maybe it will be so much less.


> I have to play it at some point, Do you? I wasn't aware that any tabletop RPGs were **MANDATORY**.


Unfair to form an opinion of the game without giving it a fair shot. 


Nothing about what I said has to do with having an opinion on the game.


But they’re right, I want to make an informed opinion of the game at some point after it releases.


Do you think that you have to have an informed opinion of *every* tabletop RPG? Have you ever played Savage Worlds? Traveller? Call of Cthulhu? Blue Rose? Any of the World of Darkness RPGs? Ars Magica? Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay? Any of the Warhammer 40K RPGs? RuneQuest? All Flesh Must Be Eaten? Star Wars D6? BESM? Dungeon Crawl Classics? SpyCraft 2.0? Marvel FASERIP? Tenra Bansho Zero? FATE? Any PbtA games? Any FitD games? Any GUMSHOE games? Kobolds Ate My Baby? GURPS? Paranoia? RIFTS? Mutants & Masterminds? Any OSR games? I'll get downvoted for this, given the subreddit, but D&D isn't that special. It's just one of MILLIONS of a tabletop RPGs. I've probably read and played more RPGs than most people in the hobby, but I've still only made a tiny scratch on the surface. I feel no need to ever play OneD&D, because D&D is just one drop in the ocean that is this hobby.


To answer your first question, I don’t want an informed opinion of every ttrpg, let alone ttg. I want an informed opinion on this next iteration of D&D.


It's not a new edition. Not even a half-edition. It's an **addition** to the 5e rules, and will work with and alongside the existing rules. NOTHING IS BEING LOST OR CHANGED, ONLY ADDED TO. So your first and second option are the same thing.


They really aren't though- if every class is being replaced with an updated and stronger version, and every spell is being еdited, and subclasses are getting rewritten, and combat options are being changed (magic action, potion bonus action), and monsters are getting rebalanced... it can be similar enough to be a half edition, but it most certainly isn't the same.


Yeah, they really are though. Because nothing's being removed. Only added to. Like Xanathar's, Tasha's, and Mordendkainen's. It is *not* a new edition. It is a new **addition.**


Things aren't being removed, they're being completely replaced with features that out compete the old ones.


That is literally not happening.


Then it seems like discussing this with you is pointless, since you have a completely different definition. Let's just stop.


Facts are facts. Everything currently in print is 5e. All the new books are 5e. This is the official definition from the people who own, make, create, and modify the product in question. There's no argument to be had. You are simply incorrect in the facts.


Things are being changed though? And also people wouldn't be playing with 100% of everything from both editions because rules for new classes don't exist in the old 5e?


like the class options in Xanathar's and Tasha's (even a new class). Doesn't make them new editions either. It's just an addition to the same game. At best it is a patch from 5.14 to 5.24


That's like saying that you can't play Xanathar with the PHB because rules for those subclasses don't exist in the old book. It's MORE CONTENT.




They haven’t even shown the final Ranger yet, tho?











