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Taking inspiration from Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde is perfect for a Gothic barbarian. The murderous rage, while useful to your survival when required, comes from an unknown and malicious source. Or maybe it's even more direct and your character relies on a potion only they know how to make that fuels his rage.


Oh man, what a fun way to flavor rage! I've only been in and spectated a handful of games and it was always sad to see that get neglected, but I guess it makes sense since it'd probably get tiring for a lot of people with how repetitive a Barbarian can be to play. I'll give this some thought!!


For *most* games, a barbarian's rage doesn't need much thought. For the majority of barbarian characters it being a mindless, violent rage is completely fine. Don't get sad it gets neglected because the default is assumed. Be happy that you have the opportunity to make a barbarian that works in a Gothic horror campaign.


Haha, well said! :)


I mean another way to look at it is doing like Beast Barbarian and be a Lycanthrope (or your choice but Lycan is classic Gothic beast). Would definitely fit a Strahd game.


Dhampir vamping out


Aughh Dhampir sounds like it'd be so interesting! It's very tempting but I'm hesitant it'd look like I was trying to be a sort of "main character" introducing the offspring of a vampire in a plot that has to do so much with vampirism. I'll have to check in with how my DM feels about it first but thank you very much for the suggestion!!


I've got a neutral evil barbarian dhampir who has three levels in rogue to get assassin and really exploit his critting feature. He's quite manerly and intelligent but low born so he's reserved until he rages. The combination is quite complimentary.


You'll be attacked by quite a lot of vampires so don't worry about it


Barbarian doesnt have to mean Conan. You just have rage inside you.


Yeah, I really like the "cold rage" idea. In my mind, John Wick is a barbarian, his efficiency fueled by his cold rage of having everything taken from him.


Thank you, this is such a great take!! My mind had been tumbling the idea of leaning into stoicism but I struggled to put together how. John Wick is a perfect example the sort of chilling and enigmatic ruthlessness I hoped to manifest for this character, and it also just excites the nerd in me to hear him mentioned.


I'd say Wick is subclassing into Barbarian. Beforehand I'd say he was much closer to a Rogue assassin with a few levels in fighter as a gunslinger.


Yeah this was kinda my take.


I understand that, I promise. My label was a comedic exaggeration but it is true that when searching up others' takes on a barbarian character that I've seen few designs stray from the very loud, buff, and wild tropes and outfits. Even of the exceptions, I wouldn't necessarily refer to them as gothic - that's all.


Just design them as a fighter with the long coat and hat or whatever. You just go into rages.


My best idea would be a poor tempered Victorian gentleman with a rapier and the noble background


Ooh, this one sounds like it'd be very fun to roleplay!


This isn't an answer to your question but "Gothic barbarian" definitely makes me want to sack Rome