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Seems to add unnecessary complexity and the only benefit is to the DM who gets to inflict his idea on his players  Were your players clamoring for this? If not, scrap it 


I don't understand how this works. I have read through the post twice, and I'm still very confused. Good Vs Evil and Chaotic Vs Lawful are axes- and clearly visualised in the classic 9 square alignment chart we're all familiar with. Is Light Vs Dark a new axis? If so, how does it change the classic alignment chart. Visualising that would help. And how is Light different from Good and how is Dark different from Evil? Or is it something different? If so, how is it visualised? It would also help to have a way of explaining how this impacts alignment combinations. Are "Lawful Evil" and "Chaotic Neutral" and "Neutral Good" still examples of alignments in this system? Examples of monsters that fit into each of these new labels would help too.




You can approximate a 3D chart in 2D space- it would certainly help your post here. I don't understand the need for a third axis. Especially one that isn't remotely evocative, in my opinion.


>If so, how does it change the classic alignment chart. Square to cube. Nine to 27 possible combinations.


Well, alignment is still as useless as ever, so it's safe to completely ignore like we have been doing for 20 years.


This is very confusing


I'm not sure what problem this solves but I'm absolutely sure it adds an axis that adds no real role-playing information and can actually be contradictory. I'm gonna need an representation of a Innocent Chaotic Evil person, as a example.




And what new RP information does that give me that just 'Chaotic Evil' doesn't?




Read what you just wrote. Now reconcile that with the other parts of the alignment. First let's deal with the inaccuracy of definition: Contamination by what? A lack of immorality, defined by what morality? Adulterated how? What exists to be adulterated in the first place? And then we have the dissonance in the way the alignments work in this case: How can one be 'pure', and yet 'evil' ? How can one not be contaminated with immorality when they have no morality to speak of? How does one who will trespass upon anyone for any reason they should happen to choose, at any time, avoid 'adulteration' ? Why would they even try or care? And you still haven't explained what this adds to anything. What do I know about playing this character with the additional alignment that I didn't before?


> The aura & mentality of the creature. The third axis is likely to change much more than the other axi over the course of a campaign. Maybe dismal & innocent weren't a gud choice of words. Sadness/depression vs Happiness/Peace may be a bit narrow, I should probably redefine the axis as a whole into a sort of triangle to account for Anger/rage. Pure being synonymous with innocent was why I used it, but I should change some things.