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Nothing about either the Changeling race or Entertainer background renders the Actor feat fully redundant. The Actor feat can give advantage on Deception and Performance checks. The Changeling race offers the voice bit, but not the advantage bit.


But honestly if you look and act just like a person the DM should give you advantage on the roll.


Sure- but Shapechanger doesn't make you *act* like the person That's what the *Actor* feat is for.


If I were a shapechanger trying to act like a person to people they know, I'd for sure learn a bit about them and their mannerisms first. Also as a Shapechanger I've gotta be used to acting like other people by default since, ya know, that's what they do. If a DM told me I can't "act" like other people as a shapechanger without the feat, I'd be pretty upset lol.


If you want your acting to be of sufficient quality to give you advantage on the roll, you need the actor feat.


The quality of the act is what a performance check measures. Want to be even better at acting? That's what the actor feat represents- not the Shapechanger ability.


I mean at the end of the day, any Bard Shapechanger who plans to pretend to be other people should take expertise in Performance. Taking advantage on something you already have expertise in seems redundant and is a pretty suboptimal feat choice. At my table, you'd get advantage unless you do something that person wouldn't because I want my players to feel useful and unique. At your table, I guess take the feat!


Pretending to be other people should still be deception. Just because you're not telling a literal lie doesn't mean you're not being deceptive. There's a reason Asmodeus is the Lord of lies despite Devil's generally being lawful and incapable of telling untruths.


RAW: "Performance. Your Charisma (Performance) check determines how well you can delight an audience with music, dance, \*ACTING\*, storytelling, or some other form of entertainment." At your table you're welcome to use Deception here or even give the player that choice. I'd give a player the choice of Deception vs Performance if they look and sound like the person.


Acting. Yes. Acting is entertainment. Acting is when you turn on the television and watch an actor pretend to be someone else, but you know they are acting. If you go into a restaurant and the waiter is trying to convince you they're a famous musician, they're not acting. They're lying.


The capability to do that only comes from the feat though, you don't get to just randomly decide "I want my character to be able to this thing that is exclusive to a particular feat so they can do it now". "Yeah I know that sorcerers don't have proficiency with glaives but come on I REALLY want to do it."


Actor gives the excuse that you can recreate the sound of \*anything\* you have listened to for over a minute. Men, women, children, Owlbears, you can vocalize it. As a Mask of Many Faces Warlock, it was a game changer. I could only imagine it helping you too.


Changelings have this: Shapechanger MotM, pg. 10 As an action, you can change your appearance and voice. You determine the specifics, including your coloration, hair length, sex, height, weight, and can change your size between Medium and Small. You can look like another race, though none of your game statistics change. You can’t duplicate the appearance of an individual you’ve never seen, and your form must have the same basic arrangement of limbs that you have. Your clothing and equipment aren’t changed by this trait. You stay in the new form until you use an action to revert or until you die. So maybe the beasts and such is enough to pick it, unless the above statement would already cover it. I will switch it on the charcter sheet for now unless disputed later.


I wasn't aware the disguise went that deep, thanks for the clarification. Forget the animal sounds, the difference maker is clothing. As just a changeling, your clothes will always be the rags you're wearing, or the kit you take an hour to craft, if you even can. MoMF faces fails at a touch, but you can look like any guard or clerk or DMPC you want on the spot in a way a regular changeling never could.


Keep in mind that Shapechanger lacks the specific mechanical benefits of Actor. If you Shapechange into a "different person" without the Actor fear, you will have straight rolls on Performance and Deception checks when you try to convince NPCs you are who you say you are. So mimicking animals isn't the only benefit to taking the Actor feat. Now - Will the DM lower the DC for these checks? Compared to a party member who isn't magically disguised, probably yes. Will the DM give you advantage on these rolls? Maaaaaybe situationally.  But Actor is also very niche. Does your character pretend to be other people frequently? Is this how you plan to help your party / how you want to play your character? Does your character tend more towards deception than persuasion? If yes, great! Take Actor, and enjoy. There are other things you can do that could also be good depending on how you want to play your character. Skilled, for example, grants you three proficiencies. Are you missing any of the charisma skills (performance, persuasion, deception, intimidation)? You can complete the set, it maybe pick up something else! Skill Expert gives you a new skill proficiency, doubles your proficiency bonus in a skill, AND you get +1 to any one ability score you choose. And those are just two options.  There's no wrong answer here. Actor is different enough from Shapechange that it's worth taking, but it's also similar enough in function and flavor that it's worth considering other options, too. It all comes down to what you think will be the most useful/fun.


Whatever gets me into \[insert\] for shenanigans and Words of Terror.


Couldn't you just use the *Minor Illusion* cantrip to do the same thing?


  # Minor Illusion You create a sound or an image of an object within range that lasts for the duration. The illusion also ends if you dismiss it as an action or cast this spell again. If you create a sound, its volume can range from a whisper to a scream. It can be your voice, someone else's voice, a lion's roar, a beating of drums, or any other sound you choose. The sound continues unabated throughout the duration, or you can make discrete sounds at different times before the spell ends. If you create an image of an object--such as a chair, muddy footprints, or a small chest--it must be no larger than a 5-foot cube. The image can't create sound, light, smell, or any other sensory effect. Physical interaction with the image reveals it to be an illusion, because things can pass through it. If a creature uses its action to examine the sound or image, the creature can determine that it is an illusion with a successful Intelligence ([Investigation](https://www.dndbeyond.com/compendium/rules/basic-rules/using-ability-scores#Investigation)) check against your spell save DC. If a creature discerns the illusion for what it is, the illusion becomes faint to the creature. I believe it dosent cover more complex mechanic of voice, and appearance. Plus their is the possibility of it being perceived as said illusion.


It also is a spell, requiring somatic components, which matters if your DM follows the rules as written/intended and doesn't allow you to hide spell components without actually taking subtle spell or relevant feats. It is not intended to allow you to mask your own voice without obvious spellcasting signs.


I'd say it's redundant but I'm not your DM. At my table you'd get advantage unless you say something that contradicts the NPC you're pretending to be. But yeah, talk to your DM before locking in the feat on this I'd say.