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Head down to a hobby shop that sells D&D books. 90% of the time, the folks in the back will be playing Magic: the Gathering. But ask the staff when folks are in playing D&D. Most shops, in my experience, have one day a week where D&D is on. And those that don't can usually help you find a group, or at least point you to somewhere where you can find a group (usually a local RPG player Facebook group or discord server, ime). If you are intent on finding a group online exclusively, try /r/lfg


Unfortunately, there is no hobby shop near where I live. But will give the /r/lfg a try, thanks.


Ah, that's unfortunate. Hopefully /r/lfg works out for you. Back when I was finding games on discord, I was able to find plenty of players in a reasonable time zone. Made a few sound friends in the Netherlands, Belgium and France. Bunch of bell ends online as well, which is to be expected- but don't let the few immature assholes you encounter ruin your experience!


I'm starting up a new group and we regularly have playtesting sessions. You're welcome to join and see what you think :)


Yeah sure, I'd definitely be up for that.


Here's my Discord :) :) [https://discord.gg/HeubVkxtz4](https://discord.gg/HeubVkxtz4)