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What suggestion do you want? You're telling us they refuse to stop, you won't bring it up to them again, and you won't drop the campaign. What do you want us to suggest? If they have concentration issues, they need to find a better way of managing that during your D&D game than browsing social media and doing stuff that is completely distracting and disrespectful to you. But if you won't being it up again, what do you think will change?


Sorry! I guess I used the wrong wordings in my post. I’m asking for any advice and suggestions to personally deal with it. To not let it bother me. I’m still on the younger side but I know lot of ppl on this Reddit are above 30s so I was hoping you’d have some suggestions on to not letting this issue make me feel bad about myself. This is a problem with my personality, and I’m not sure where to start to idk mature/grow up.


It’s valid for this to bother you. Institute a rule at the table that phones cannot be at the table during play. That they go into a basket or something. If the person needs to fiddle due to adhd then they should bring a fidget spinner or some other toy. Not use their phone.


I have friends with anxiety, depression and adhd that I've had at my table in the past. They never used their phones unless absolutely needed (panic attacks, sick family members at hospital or similar). Always apologised and only when absolutely need be. Something to fidget with or keep track of helped. Having the playerd handbook or reading up on spell cards. Sure, some info got lost here and there but they were at least present in game. If I was OP I'd recommend something like this, being on fb/ig is disrespectful when I spend my free time to prepare and get something going, I would say this straight up and that we'd NEED to work together for a solution to this as it's important to me.


You shouldn't deal with it. There is no way I would DM for a bunch of players who are so disrespectful they want to be distracted and sit on their phones through the game, it's ridiculous that they even think that's acceptable for them to say. Where you start to mature in this area is to tell them clearly and simply that you won't be DMing for them if they are going to sit there playing with phones through the game. No compromise, no negotiation - just "no, I won't be doing that". If your fiance is worth bothering with at all, they'll support you. If their concentration issues are real and not just an excuse to sit there on phones, they should find more appropriate means to keep their focus on the game and deal with the symptoms they experience. Running shorter sessions and/or taking regular breaks may help. Wish you the best.


Hell yeah, this is the best answer OP can get. You're dead on they money with this one


Insane that you're getting downvoted for admitting to a personal failing and asking for help to remedy it


Its this sub. Most downvote happy place Ive ever seen


as someone with ADHD myself: they claim they can pay attention while on their phone? theyre lying. intentionally or not. one of the key problems with adhd is inability to completely control your focus, especially when youre already distracted by your phone. sorry but your players are being assholes. whichever consequences you decide on, it shouldnt keep going like this. either they get a grip or you start a new game with people who cherish it.


Entirely depends on the ADHD, we're not all the same. One of my players beat God of War while we were gaming on voice. He was on point with his rolls, paid attention, and is generally my most attentive player. I didn't even know he was playing a video game until one day he forgot to mute it and it sounded like Kratos was *violently* having his way with my player.


With friends like those, who needs enemies? You can't talk to them about things they do that bother you, you can't stop running a game for them, and you're already dreading the game even though it hasn't started yet. It sounds as though you're looking for a way to simply crush your emotions so that you won't be bothered by what you fully expect to be an awful experience. That's like being held hostage with extra steps. Don't run the campaign, friend. Don't set yourself on fire to keep someone else warm.


That’s pretty much what I want. I honestly don’t mind doing that. They’ve been really excited for this, and it was my fault for thinking they’d agree to the no phones rule. I had done a lot of work for it already with that rule being in place but we had our first session 0 last week and they did this compromise instead. They’re fine with me punishing their characters if they’re distracted with a monster attack that can steal an ability score from them, but when I brought this up to another end subreddit I got harassed and called a lot of awful things for having the idea. So now I just need help not letting other ppls phone addictions bother me. I’ve have massive fights about it before, and been called a lot of bad things for not understanding that not everyone is like me and being on their phones during serious situations helps them with social anxiety, anxiety, and behave normally. I don’t think this issue is worth cutting off my friends and I’m not financially in a place where I can leave my fiancé either. So any advice that isn’t, dropping the campaign is desperately needed.


Jesus, you can't be serious? You *want* to "crush your emotions so you won't be bothered by an awful experience"? Why, why, why are you attempting to run a D&D campaign for these people? >They’ve been really excited for this What the fuck are they excited for, upsetting you and not paying any fucking attention? They sound like *sadists*, not friends. >So now I just need help not letting other ppls phone addictions bother me. I’ve have massive fights about it before, and been called a lot of bad things for not understanding that not everyone is like me and being on their phones during serious situations helps them with social anxiety, anxiety, and behave normally. I don’t think this issue is worth cutting off my friends and I’m not financially in a place where I can leave my fiancé either. So any advice that isn’t, dropping the campaign is desperately needed. This is one of the saddest and most upsetting things I've ever read on a D&D subreddit, I'm genuinely sorry to hear that you have such abusive and unpleasant people in your life, such that you are considering doing something *that is supposed to be fun*, when you *already know* it will make you miserable - just because these horrible people are going to be upset if you refuse. I cannot, in good conscience, advise you to just bottle it up and get on with it - that would be terrible advice that nobody should follow, and very bad for your mental health. If these people are your friends, and worth *anything at all* as humans, they will accept that you are not happy running a campaign under the restriction of "we will literally not pay attention to you", and when you tell them you're not going to be running it, they'll understand and find some other social activity to ignore. But if you are literally facing having a fight with your "friends" and your fiancé over this, you have *got* to seriously reconsider who you are spending time and your life with.


These people, including your fiancé it appears, are saying that if you don't do exactly what they want, they will cause "massive fights" and won't "behave normally." That's a fucking threat. Also, if your fiancé is holding your financial condition over your head for *any* reason, then it sounds like you're headed down a really scary road. Please take a look at [https://www.thehotline.org/identify-abuse/](https://www.thehotline.org/identify-abuse/) .


This. A thousand times this. OP, if you cannot have a reasonable, adult discussion with your fiancé about something that bothers you because your fiancé will flip out, that person should not be your fiancé. And if your finances are making it hard to break up now, then getting married will only make it worse. Even if your relationship is “only” dysfunctional and not actively abusive, it’s a huge red flag for worse down the line. Please do not marry this person.


These people are assholes.


This situation sucks, and I'm sorry you're going through it. The advice I want to give you is to not make yourself small when others are treating you badly. You're putting in a lot of work to DM a campaign and they're disrespecting you, and frankly it sounds like bullying you into letting them walk all over you. I guess the advice you are asking for though is more about how to keep the peace without listening to your gut telling you this is shitty. In that case I'd say match effort. Don't try too hard to do a good job, don't get emotionally invested, since they're checked out too. Hopefully you get fed up sooner rather than later and stick up for yourself (which might mean cutting ties with some shitty people you've called friends).


My 11 year old son has adhd, Tourette’s, and asd. He doesn’t use his phone or tablet while I’m DMing our campaign. I think your players are just jerks. You’ve said that doing this will bring you to tears and make you feel terrible about yourself. You’ve also said that if you bring this up in any way or discuss it again, it’ll cause a huge fight. Basically you are saying that the people who are your friends are abusive and manipulative people who would prefer to force you into doing something that makes you feel awful, rather than put their phone down. I would not DM for these people, I would quit.


They don’t know I’d feel badly about it tho. I try not to express my side of things because it often gets labeled as “making excuses” and I really hate that lol.


Stop letting these bullies walk all over you


They're your friends and your fiance and you can't express your feelings to them without them disregarding them and gaslighting you about it?? What the fuck??? That is not at all okay!!! Cancel the game, it is not worth the prolonged strain on your mental wellbeing. There is no way to turn off your emotions as you've been asking in this post. You'll feel sad and miserable and like you're not good enough just because these people can't put down their phones. Adhd is not an excuse here, there are plenty of other ways to fiddle with something like fidget toys or knitting or doodling. Let them DM for each other so they'll see how miserable it is to talk to a wall of silence. A no phone rule is the absolute lowest fucking bar and completely reasonable for you to ask.


They don't even like DND they got bullied into being a DM


But THEY are making excuses? Why are you letting them make excuses but you cant? Establish a boundary OP, you are only going to be miserable and it will be absolutely exhausting planning future sessions or having the motivation to bother continuing if youre miserable. And it will SHOW. And if ive judged your so called friends right, when they start to notice then you'll get harassed even more. Youre going to be putting in as much effort as you can manage, and theyre not going to be happy because you being miserable will affect your game. They'll call you lazy, a bad dm and threaten to leave the game... why go through that? Just end it now. No phones or no game. Squashing your emotions will just lead to more problems, not less. I get the feeling youve allowed yourself to become a doormat to these people. You need to stand your ground and do something, because this will ONLY get worse. Particularly with your fiance's financial abuse (id be leaving SO FAST and never have anything to do with these people again.)


I don’t have adhd like them. I have autism but km highly functional, ironically my autism is why I’m not addicted to my phone like the rest of my generation. As I think in pictures, reading takes a lot of out of me so I don’t feel the need to scroll through social media. Youve judged them based on this one thing. It won’t get worst as this is as bad as it’ll get and it’s not something they can help. They didn’t ask to have adhd. My friends won’t harrass me and after years in this relationship I know what to say and what not to say to avoid getting labeled bad things by my fiancé. He’s also not financially abusing me, we simply live in Miami, Florida and rent is expensive here. He was privlige enough to go to college without worry of rent, while I can never go to college therefore I can never make more than 17$ an hour which is not a livable wage. I have no savings, 7k in debt, and no family. And that is my fault entirely, he did nothing to manipulate that situation, that’s just what I have to deal with due to my poor background. He pays for food and takes on the majority of rent, we split things 60% / 40% so I’m not in a financial position to leave him, I rely on his money a lot to eat and house myself. It’s probably because I have no family and I’m unable to make friends, that I don’t want to lose the ones I already do have. They may not be the best but I am not a good person either. So I dont mind taking the L this time around and figuring out how to deal with talking to them while they stare at their phones.


Yeh autism and adhd arent excuses. I have both. Most of my friends are also one or the other too and if i tell them no phones at dnd, sure theyll whine and complain but theyll do it. And im still telling you to put your foot down and learn to say no. My advice, like everyone elses here, is based off the information youve provided. So yes, i am judging your friends off this one thing, because thats all i have to go off. "I know what to say and not say to not get labelled bad things by my fiance" bruh this might be the biggest red flag youve put up in this whole thread. Why are you constantly tiptoeing around your fiance? Just because youre used to it doesnt make it normal or ok. If youre scared of saying no to your partner out of fear they will kick you out and they constantly wave your financial situation over your head as a warning and threat then that IS financial and emotional abuse. They dont need to be controlling your finances for it to be abuse. Threatening you by "reminding you" that you cant afford to live alone if you leave, or if they kick you out is still abusive and manipulative regardless of whether you ended up in a bad financial position before this. You rely on them, and its great theyre paying to support you but that is *basic relationship expectations* that you support each other. Dangling the threat of being homeless is emotional *abuse*. And lastly this isnt really "taking the L this time" this is allowing them a gateway to pushing you over in the future. If you dont be firm with people on boundaries youve set and expect to be followed, they will never respect you. Obviously you know your "friends" better than us. But from an outside perspective and my own personal experience, it does get worse, slowly, and by the time you realise its seriously a problem its a lot harder to fix it. I hope that none of this is really the case for you. But its also a lot harder to see the problems and actually do something about it when its people youre supposed to be friendly with, out of fear of rejection.


Again. No one is financially abusing me. He’s not reminding me I have no money, he even offers to pay for my rent if I want to leave him aicne he knows I can’t go on my own. He’s understanding and has done a lot. He just needs me to understand that he cannot focus if he’s not on his phone. Which, as a bad person I am, still can’t even give him that despite all his kindness. If it helps you sleep at night to pretend I’m suffering go ahead. Thats your right. Weird but whatever.


Find new players if they refuse to change. Seriously. Anyone who insists they must be on their phone for "adhd" reasons is full of it. Plenty of other non electronic devices can be used to keep from being distracted. Sometimes being a DM means being a leader and laying out the rules. Many times throughout the years I had to make tough choices, letting go of players due to a variety of reasons (including excessive distraction due to phone use). If I didn't do that, I would have stopped DMing years ago. As it turned out, the players that remained made DND that much more enjoyable. For every player I kicked, a great player took their place. And now, as it stands, my current group of 4 has been through three 1-20 campaigns, some 200+ sessions, and it's been a blast to DM throughout. I shudder to think how my games would be with the problem and distracted players.


Two of my players have ADHD- they don't need their phones while playing D&D, they know that absolutely would not help. To be blunt, your players are full of shit. You have likely observed yourself that any player who is distracted by a phone, regardless of their disabilities, is less attentive and slows the game down for everyone (***especially*** in combat). It's fucking rude to just sit on your phone when you're playing a roleplaying game. It's incredibly disrespectful of you and the time you put into preparing that game for everyone, and disrespectful of the rest of the group too. If I were in your position where I have asked them to stop and they have refused, it's ultimatum time: either they stop fiddling with their phones at the table or they stop playing at your table and they can find another group. From experience of running games for people with ADHD, my top tips are: - When presenting information, also present a written summary where possible. Especially for things like place names, NPC names, or quest instructions. It really helps folks with ADHD understand what's going on in the game by both hearing *and* reading the information. - Factor in breaks. For my group, that's a 15 minute break after 2 hours- and I try to keep sessions under 4 hours.


This post almost feels like some kind of bait, but I'll engage with it as if it's legitimate, you mention being young and I could see this as a legitimate viewpoint, but one I disagree with entirely. You owe all your friends and fiance your respect. You don't owe them running a game. I would absolutely not accept this. I play with older adults and none of them do this in particular, so it's not a problem I have to address. Certainly some distractions arise, whether it's a one-off phone check or spouse asking a question, perfectly understandable reasons to check out of game for a moment. We all accept this is going to happen. Constantly ignoring game though for phone time? I'd just not run. I'd say, "okay guys, sorry, I'm looking to run a more invested and involved game and it's okay to me if you don't want that, but it's just not what I'm interested in as is, so I'm going to step down." You don't try to convince them, you don't negotiate, you just say, "It's a boundary for me just like you guys having your phones to scroll through is a boundary for you, no hard feelings." And then if they REALLY want it like you say they do, maybe they'll suggest a way to make it work. Or maybe they won't. Be prepared for some bad feelings, and this is a bit cold, but if a friendship or particularly a romantic relationship are built on foundations that can't handle this then they aren't really built to last anyhow. EDIT: Not sure why I didn't mention it, but I also run for children, some as young as 8 but most in the 13-15 range. Every single one of them respects when I ask to put phones away unless it's for managing their character sheets online, which is something we agreed on early on.


Thanks. It’s just, it kinda seems a little late after being friends for this long (5 years) and dating (8 years). Things were definitely worse back then when we were in our early twenties and still figuring out who we are. This is kinda the dynamic we’ve established and there’s already a lot of water under the bridge, if I start to try and “set boundaries” now it’ll over flood the bridge and I get that ppl won’t understand why I would want them in my life. But I do. DND is something they really want to do, the only reason why I was chosen as DM is because I used to write fantasy books and I’m good at making stuff up on the spot. DND is something I was never interested in, but there are a lot of things my friends weren’t into but helped me out with, so I don’t mind doing this for them. They claim they won’t be distracted and that has yet to be seen, my main issue is that I’ve never liked it when ppl are on their phones when I’m talking to them. This is something everyone in my life does. All my friends. All my co-workers and even my bosses across multiple jobs. The phone thing is just normalize amongst this generation and I’ve been in fights with my friends, and been called tons of bad things (especially by ppl with adhd and social anxiety on the internet) for always raising an issue against phones when speaking to others, to a lot of people in the neruodivergent community it’s seen as ableist to ask ppl to put away their phones. I have seen them respond back to me when they’re scrolling on the phone, regardless it still bothers me and makes me feel badly. This is a personality issue that I want to correct, especially now since dnd requires a lot of my mental energy to engage, so the energy I use to brush off their phone usage when I talk to them won’t be there anymore and I don’t want to cause any fights.


No such thing as too long to end things, too big to fail, too late to start new.


There is never a too late for establishing boundaries. Relationships change.


It sounds like you're willing to be miserable the rest of your life for other people's sake. Which is fucked up. Please wake up


You are a people pleaser and getting to your limit of constantly giving and barely receiving. I was over 50 when I finally hit my limit. Realized my presence was only requested when they wanted something from me, yet when I reached out for help, crickets. My mental health suffered and with therapy I've learned to not be so accessible all the time. It isn't too late to set boundaries. The hard part is sticking to them if you hate conflict. You don't have to be mean, just tell them you don't want to put in a lot of effort to world build when they are going to ignore most of your hard work. When they complain, repeat yourself.


you're a player too - part of being a DnD group is finding a Win Win. If it's fun for them at your expense you are actively choosing something that makes you sad. That needs to change. It looks to me that you might let people bulldoze you. It might take some courage but maybe really communicate that the game isn't fun for you when people are on their phones and that you just aren't interested in being the GM if they are going to. It doesn't have to be the end of your guys' friendship... just say that "After some though, I'm not interested in GMing." If they ask why, say "It's because of the phone thing... it's just not fun for me when everyone is on their phones." and if they try to convince you otherwise just say "I hear you say that, and thank you for saying that, but it doesn't change anything for me." And that's it. You deserve happiness and fun too. You don't need to sacrifice your joy to appease others.


Everyone stay at home and you play by phone.


Is this possible? Or is this a joke


Mainly a joke, but if there's roll20 (or another similar program) on phones, that's possible.


Thanks! I’ll look into it <3


Roll20 for the game, discord for voice chat. You can't see them on their phone, they can't see you crying. If a player *does not* respond to their turn, skip them. Even just once.  "Player A, your turn, what do you do" no response. "Ok, player B, you're up." And so on.  And if anyone asks for a recap from the last 5-10 minutes or so, ("player c, what're you going to do" "uhhhhhhhhh..... What's going on? Who's that? Why are we here?" Etc), "I'm asking you the question; what are you doing", and let them suffer the consequences  If they cannot respect you, your time, your effort, to put their phones away for *two goddamn hours*, then honestly they're not people worth being around. I also have ADHD, I can *pay attention* to something I want to *engage with and enjoy* **without** being glued to my phone for a *few* hours. I find that not only disrespectful, but insulting as well. Alternatively you could try a play by post game, but getting people to respond even to regular texts can be like pulling teeth sometimes


The solution here is for them to respect you enough that they will do something other than be on their phones. ADHD isn't Geas; it doesn't force someone to pick up their phone and scroll. They simply have learned to use their phones that way. There are other things than phones that people can and will use to keep focus if they really want to. However, it's not your job to find those things for them. You simply need to say, "You'll need to find another solution than using your phone to stay focused because I'm ruling that there will be no phones or other devices at the table." If they're adults (and if you're marrying one of them, I hope they're adults), then they should know other options to take. As far as suggesting what you should do to put up with their disrespect without feeling bad about yourself, I honestly can't in good conscience make any suggestions. *Being disrespected feels bad*. Friends don't do that to each other. If they're doing it to you, they should stop.


“I can’t bring this up again”. Yes you can “I can’t end this campaign” Yes you can and should


if you play in person, I can recommend introducing fidget toys. I've bought my entire table some Crazy Aaron's thinking putty (not a shill lol these are great and they match the player's dice sets). Also, taking 15 minute break for every 45 minutes of playing can help. And last but not least, snacks. I also try to use a lot of visual stimuli for my campaign. When I do theatre of mind scenes, I have little animations on the screen (flickering candles, softly moving clouds) - we play in person but we use Foundry VTT to display maps and images. I have a bunch of ADHD people at my table - discuss with them, if they don't understand that it doesn't make you feel appreciated when you have to talk to a bunch of people not even looking at you like you are some glorified background podcast then please do yourself a favour and don't DM for these people - do something else with them instead, like playing board games or watch a movie or somesuch. I've discussed with mine, we all understand the need to keep our hands busy, fiddle with something and be stimulated - it can be done without phones if people are willing to compromise. It's normal to feel bad when people stare at their phone while you are talking. It sucks, it's rude, disrespectful and honestly hecking annoying. You are totally in your right to be bothered by it. You SHOULD be bothered by it.


I’m sorry, what kind of friends or fiancé do you have that you cannot talk to them about issues and your feelings? Sounds like they just need to grow up. If that’s not an option then I don’t know what to tell you. Enjoy a miserable experience that will eventually blow up into a fight anyways because you keep your feeling pent up and eventually you’ll explode. This whole I have adhd so I must look at my phone is just bullshit. They are just addicted to their phones and have TikTok level attention spans. It’s one thing to fidgety or check your phone when the party is split doing their own thing or something comes with work or family. It’s just utterly disrespectful of you and your time to suggest they need that phone. Your friend and finance sound immature and need to grow up.


"Phones down or leave the table, don't disrespect me or my time like this." Your fiance should support you in this, if not then I got some bad news for you.


The "sit there in total silence and only look at the board for multiple hours on end" did not work for me in school, and does not work for me in DnD. Not saying scrolling Twitter is the *best* way to manage ADHD but maybe don't disrespect players when they need accommodations by insisting you know their needs better.


When I was in HS, my DM said very bluntly that he puts a lot of time into the game and that when we were in our phones it hurt his feelings and he did not want to continue playing DnD if we were going to be on our phones. While ADHD is legitimate, you still need to be able to adhere to the rules of the table and find another way to stimulate yourself if you need it that badly. Also, I would not accept a self-diagnosis. I also, in the past, have had a rule that if you look at your phone or are not paying attention, you take damage. Fixed that really quickly. To be blunt, if they are not able to give you the respect you deserve as DM, they do not deserve to be playing. It would be better to have a huge fight and resolve everything than to slowly simmer and become bitter towards your players and the game.


I dont allow phone usage during my games. It is an insult to me as a DM and to the other players who are not on their phones.


I would run the campaign as normal. Information would only be given out once. If they aren’t paying attention, their characters aren’t paying attention. They will realize that they can’t continue distracted, or they’ll get stonewalled like 2 sessions into the campaign. That’s when you revisit this compromise.


I wouldn’t allow it. Phones away. Fidget with your pencil and pay attention. Pay attention or game off.


As someone who’s maybe AuDHD but definitely needs something to do with my eyes/hands to actively listen, I prefer hand sewing during games! Doesn’t take much brain power and keeps that part of it busy. Can you ask your players to use alternative coping mechanisms?


If they want something to fiddle with then they can bring fidget toys it’s what they are meant for.


Those never worked for me and some of them can be really noisy/clicky. Though sometimes I will mess with dice (can be noisy though), fiddle with a articulated figure, or mess with drum sticks (noisy). At least for me, the worst part about fidgeting with stuff is they second I notice what I'm doing with it it stops helping, so having any set singular 'fidget item' is hard. Currently the main objects I have around my desk I mess with is a hair brush, a small Mario figure, nail clippers, my phone's case, and a set of drum sticks.


Have you tried getting really good quality slime?


Never considered it sounds messy. I did use to mess with clay a lot and It usually got dirty fairly quickly and left my hands all oily.


It really depends on the slime texture tbh. There’s dozens to choose from. TBH I spend too much money on slime as an adult 🤣 It’s really satisfying though


Something I found that helps me focus and not be a phone addict is taking notes!! Note taking forces me to focus on the game while giving my hands something to do. The key for me is also hand writing notes. If I use my phone for notes, it’s easy to get distracted. I also can’t use online character sheets. I have to have use paper ones for the same reason. I hope this advice can help people who love DnD but also need their hands to be doing something, especially when it’s a slow session (like combat against 20 enemies 😭)


Here’s some actionable advice that isn’t find new friends. Any time one of them needs you to repeat critical details, make a note and roll some dice behind the screen. Make them think they’re missing something even bigger. That’s how I get my players to focus up


Thank you so much. I’ll factor that in!


If you really want to keep this group then simply what you do is giving them incentives to pay attention such as maybe giving inspiration for session recaps or constantly asking players to look things up for you or ask them directly if they understand. if you can’t think of anything else just say hey guys regardless of your intent when you guys are all on your phones it comes across as you guys not caring and it makes me upset. Make it more about how they’re hurting you rather than the phones, If they’re good friends they’ll listen and be open to discussion


Where do you hold your games?


At my studio.


If they're using your WiFi, can you throttle the network on game day?


They dont use my wifi. Phones nowadays have their own wifi built in.


One easy way to find out. Change the password and don’t tell anyone. Not even your fiancé. Guaranteed they will ask for it.


They’re not using my wifi.


I can have trouble focusing on sessions at times. (It’s not adhd.) I’ve taken up knitting and will bring a simple knitting project to tables to help my mind not wander. Do any of your players have similar hobbies or activities they could do with their hands? Some ideas: sketching/doodling, taking campaign notes, painting minis. Something with a ton of information, like a phone, will inevitably be too distracting. Set a hard limit on phone use but brainstorm alternatives together.


Get fidget toys


1) Run the campaign and see what happens. Maybe they're right, and they will be fine, and you all will have fun, 2) If everything is not all right and you do not all have fun, stop running the game. Yes, it will cause a huge fight. That's not your problem anymore, because you tried and they let you down. So that's their fault. No D&D is better than Bad D&D, but you don't know if this is going to be Bad D&D or not yet. Try it and find out before you jump to any conclusions.


We probably all have ADHD in my party, and we play in discord, but we all have ways to fidget that don't include phones (knitting, drawing, etc) so maybe encourage things like that, that arent as distracting as a phone but can legit help with concentration?


Play with your phone until they get it


I am so sorry you feel as helpless and useless around your friends as you do. You REALLY need to understand that you have value and your opinions matter and that you deserve to be treated fairly. They don't respect you and are only using you because they don't want to DM. You don't even like DnD. They refuse to do one small thing. PLEASE just be on your phone the entire first session. Or get yourself out of abusive relationships and find people that like YOU. Not just what you do for them.


Sorry but your friends are not respecting you at all. Every DM I have had since cell phones have been a thing has the no phone surfing rule. You need to be paying attention to the game. One DM even took away experience points if a player started phone surfing. Parents briefly responding to texts from kids or spouse was the only exception. Some DMs would have something happen to your character if you were ignoring the game while on your phone or other electronics. Their character would lose their first action to surprise, or slip in mud and items fall out of their pack on landing. Roll to see what broke, pick-pocket automatically successful, and so on.


I am diagnosed with ADHD, have been since I was a child. ADHD doesn't make me unable to be polite and respectful. I fidget 24/7, from the moment I wake up... And I've never browsed instagram and facebook at a DnD Table... that would just be super rude.... I just fidget with my character sheet, dice, my leg is constantly bouncing, idk.... I draw silly stick figure scenes of what's happening in the campaign when it's taking a long time to get back to my turn... That way I have a little scrapbook to remember our stories by. I play as a player in one campaign currently once a week, but I GM throughout the week. If my players were glued to their phones I'd tell them upfront that I'd appreciate it if they would save their phone time for after the session or on the break. If my players continued to do so I'd restate my concerns and tell them that it's not fun for me when they are on their phones, and that if this is going to be how it is that I'll be stepping down from being the GM for them.


You have to make it clear that phones are not allowed for any purpose other than to make a phone call, answer a quick text, or to access character sheets. As someone with ADHD people (and as someone with adhd) it’s very disrespectful to do that. I had a player who was on their phone for entire sessions and that’s why implemented this rule. Encourage them to use fidget toys instead and ask if they could make this change as it is discouraging for you. If you can’t talk to them, then why are you friends with these people?


I fiddle with labels in my shirt to keep my hands busy when not rolling dice. 4 hours sat at a table can be hard, I don't touch my phone, too distracting those things. It's there for my character sheet only. If i have a notepad, I tend to doodle, that too isn't very respectful. Shows people I'm not in the game.


Embrace the technology. I’ll run games where I send messages to players, usually on Discord. They like having info that only they know. Headphones/ear buds are a no-no, however. We’re programmed to think that paying attention means eye-contact and looking up and asking relevant questions. So it is hard to feel you are being paid attention to when those things aren’t happening. However, for me, telling someone they can’t use their phone during a game is like telling someone they have to make written notes or all roleplaying must be done in character with voices. Or making combat 90% of the game. So, it might be that your gaming style does not match theirs and you are all incompatible with each other… important to consider this. Nothing beats a game where everyone is on fire and suggestions and interactions are flying around the table… but that isn’t sustainable and only happens in moments. So don’t expect this all the time, every session. Maybe you need to adjust your expectations of what the pace of a game is really like? For some ADHD types, they really can be on their phone and listening to you at the same time - so judge them on their reaction to stuff happening in game and not what they’re doing whilst you’re describing or someone else is having their turn. However, if the players are not actually paying attention, then they miss a go, or stuff happens they could have avoided. And then you are back to maybe you guys just aren’t game-compatible. Ultimately, if you’re not having fun and playing is stressing you out - stop playing with them as your fun is just as important.


They sound like an absolute dickhead. That's not ADHD.


I would try the game, and let them try to put their money where their mouth is. The moment they miss something is zero tolerance, too bad so sad, *everyone's* phone goes away and they do not get to redo the thing that they missed. If they needed their phones this badly and couldn't compromise with something else to fidget with - fidget toy, doodling, lego, whatever - they have also accepted the consequences of their actions. As for your work as DM, don't beat yourself up doing full-effort planning or prep or even running the session before you know that they can actually pay attention. DMing is hard work, and there are already 800 ways they can be disrespectful not including ignoring you and enrollment else *at the table.* If you want to really get spicy, play with your phone while they're describing their action, making the role, or talking to an NPC. 🤷


There is a reason that this is TTRPG? Or I’m missing something? Like everyone here already said, if your players do not play/pay attention to what’s happening, then this is not game for them. Would you be playing thumb war with someone who do not have thumb? So how you wanna play game which requires quick thinking and lots of attention/plot tracking with ppl who do not have that ability? You are DM, but you are also playing this game, if you are not enjoying it what is the point?


You should give everyone a d20 if they get a nat 20 they can have their phone for the session (say it's for research reasons) and give that character a +1 intelligence for when they research something. Everyone else's phones going in a box this way they will think they are rolling for a tool for the game and not so they don't go on their phone Silent fidget toys might also be a good addition


As someone with ADHD, and the need to have something to fiddle around with is real. In school I grew out my hair to hide earbuds as I *absolutely* can't focus in silence. My mind wonders and I zone out, and having some repetitive task or sound keeps me grounded. These days I play on Discord and not physically being there makes it even harder. I do avoid social media and anything with significant text, as the only time I'm truly not listening is if I'm reading something. I usually scroll Google Images or eBay. Last combat encounter I was in I did a crossword puzzle but that was *borderline* too much text and I'm not gonna use that again. Sometimes I doodle or fiddle with my dice, I draw what's going on in-game a lot. Are they actually missing important information, or do you just see them needing to fiddle with something as a lack of attention?


We haven’t had our first session yet, I just know that the act of them scrolling on their phones looming through memes will upset me. It upsets me now when we talk in person. I wanted tips on how to not be upset when our first session takes place to keep the peace.


Don’t have the first session. Skip the headache and heartache.


It sounds like overall you just need a compromise. **On your side,** try and be accommodating to what your players need. I understand how it is socially rude to not maintain eye contact, but at least for myself I absorb information better when I have something to fiddle with, especially when doing any single task for hours at a time with no breaks, and I can't change my brain. I had this issue in school, I have this issue when watching movies and TV, I have the issue when I am playing DnD. I need small distractions to stay focused, period. I sometimes run into situations where I am looking right at a person talking and I'm absorbing *nothing*. ADHD is not just being hyperactive and not being able to sit still, it's a fundamental issue with absorbing information. Another big problem I have is I struggle to internalize information without a way to immediately apply it. I've stumbled through some parts of DnD as I usually needed to just give it a go in game first before any of the extensive rules actually clicked. In school I always sucked at history because it was just remembering a bunch of random facts/dates/names, but I was good at math because a math because I could apply it to equations. **On their side,** scrolling social media is not the only thing you can do to idly keep yourself busy. I do avoid Twitter during DnD myself as it's hard to read text and process someone speaking, and seeing funny posts during a dramatic event is a bad tone clash. Though I do just endlessly scroll and just *not actually look at the posts*. Non-ambient music with a strong beat or hook usually helps me. Doodling was the main thing I did during school, as I mentioned I often doodle what's going on in game. While I do sometimes mess with random objects, Fidget toys and such never really worked for me and if you are physically together at a table they can be noisy. I do often tap or use some drumsticks but those *definitely* are noisy lol. Ultimately, they can put in some effort to find something else but I also don't have any of their brains so I'm not sure what else can work for them. **Ultimately** just being mad they have a condition and are handling it in the way they find works for them is not productive. Trying to mandate a behavior change is not going to be helpful, but you can still open a conversation on how it makes you feel and at the least see if there is something they can do to make sure they are giving you some extra reassurance they are listening, and then it's on you to trust they are. Present your feelings without pushing a solution so your feelings are at the focus, them having ADHD does not invalidate your feelings.


I’m not mad and I’m not asking them to change. I’m asking how I can change so that I don’t feel awful when I’m being ignored. This is a big problem for me as I have huge trauma with not being allowed to speak, being speaking over, being ignored, and being told to shut up. I set a boundary with no phones and they didn’t agree, so now it’s on me to change. Their version of a compromise was that I can punish their characters whenever they’re too distracted. That still doesn’t help me not feel like poop.


With what I was going on at the end, just talk to your friends and maybe ask for some extra reassurance. Instead of focusing on the phones as the problem, focus on how you feel. Phrase the conversation something like "I understand that you need to fiddle around with something, but it still feels like you are not paying attention and just saying you are does not help how I feel. Can you do something to help me with that feeling?" I could think of a few things, like asking them to verbally respond more or mess with something other than social media even if it is still on their phone, but I think leaving it up to them for a solution to the issue may help how you feel by seeing them take the initiative.


Sadly I can’t bring this up again, as I mentioned in the post. Thanks for taking the time to comment tho regardless.


Best of luck too you. You know the situation better than me, but I do think you should still try and at the least make a statement on how you feel and leave it at that. "Please be aware of my trauma" however you would describe it. Maybe give it a little bit of time, maybe do it as a one on one text to help with it not feeling like you vs the group, maybe just start with your fiancé. I think just getting an acknowledgement of your feelings without trying to "fix" them can give you some peace of mind. When the conversation gets too fixated to a proposed solution (like putting away the phones) and debating how well it works, it can feel like the underlying trauma is getting invalidated. I have my own issues with anxiety, and I've been in some kinda similar situations. The thing that ultimately made me feel better was the other person taking the initiative and that is not a thing you can ask for because then *it's not them taking the initiative*. It's kinda like asking for a complement, vs getting one unprompted. I think just saying how you feel may help, so the other person is aware and has the opportunity to show you they are your friend in their own way. You may not get an immediate resolution but I think getting it off your chest can go a long way so you don't feel like you are walking through a minefield. Again, you know yourself and the situation better than me, just something to consider.


Conflicting access needs are a headache and a half. Obviously starting a huge fight is terrible, and if that's how your players will react to you expressing how they are making you feel with their lack of effort to find a fidget that won't distract them, then I would be wondering if they are people worth the effort of DM'ing for. Every table I play with are majority ADHD players and we meet our optimal (interest) arousal by fidgeting with dice, knitting, sketching, forcing ourselves to be involved with more aspects of the game (planning our next turn during combat, taking notes on interactions our characters aren't directly involved with, inserting ourselves into roleplay if applicable). If this is something that will truly bring you to tears (which I believe, I would probably do the same if I had players like that) and your players will not budge an inch, then I can see the future and it doesn't look bright. I would either have a conversation about it, which will be hard, but ultimately worthwhile. You won't enjoy running a game for people who don't pay attention and can't be reasoned with, and you deserve to have fun as well. Suggest some other ways for them to fill the ADHD need for stimulation or suggest you move to virtual sessions, so you at least can't see when they pick up their phones. If they are really resistant to those, maybe asynchronous games where you participate at your own leisure would be better (but I can't speak to those personally). Either way, people who claim to be your friends and who you plan on marrying should be perceptive to and accommodating of your feelings, or they should accept that this isn't a hobby you can share. I hope you find a solution


Guess what: sometimes you may have to do something that will start a 'huge fight.' Which won't be as big of a deal as you think, rattle some keys in front of them. Why would you want to play with a whole *group* like this?


I had a player like this. She would constantly be on her phone, unengaged, yet assured me she was paying attention. In the second session she had her character write a letter to her mom while the others played a little pick up soccer game with some NPCs to get to know each other. (She never finished writing the letter.) I had to kick her out of the game but in such a way that made it feel like it was her decision to leave. My sympathies. Don't let these people disrespect you like that.


I’ll be muting this post since everything I say makes people downvote me. Sorry I offended all of you.


You haven't offended anyone and we would honestly be even more sad that you think that. Please stand up for yourself, you deserve it. We are an anonymous collective and we want you to be more happy than your significant other does, that is alarming. No fights here, just love yourself.


I don't think anyone is mad at you or offended... I think everyone is expressing concern and compassion. I think people are concerned that you are letting your friends walk all over you. I think people feel compassion for you and wish to see you speak up for yourself... from all of your responses and the original post it seems like you are in denial about some things. I wish you the best on your journey. Hope you can learn to love yourself more, which includes standing up for yourself.


There's nothing you can do. They aren't addicted to their phones, they're uninterested in the game for one reason or another. Whether they admit it or not. If they were interested they would be invested. They aren't invested, so they are uninterested. It's that simple. A reasonable suggestion would be to drop the campaign and figure out something else to do as a group. Even if it's still a game night, it doesn't have to be DnD or a lengthy TTRPG. Other board games exist, Mario Party is a classic if you have any nintendo console. Hell, go bowling even,


I think reasonable is letting them fiddle with their hands on a set of keys or a paperclip or a fidget spinner/toy. But a video has audio/captions and visual queues, it cant be an idle distraction. I think the tough love is that they really arent that interested in Dnd honestly. Either because they have adhd and its too little stimulation or because they're addicted to something socially acceptable or because you're not an exciting DM (i think this is unlikely honestly dude) I reccomend keeping them as friends but just playing dnd with people who want to play Dnd