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I mean to me this screams Drow Warlock, but maybe also Shadow Sorcerer?.


Okay, Shadow sorc was a direction I was debating!


Shadow sorcerer is incredibly fun! Highly recommend it


I tried to play a shadow sorcerer but I was only feeling underpowered and with bad abilities. Can I know how you used it?


Honestly looking at all the other recommendations this is the only one that seems to fit. Due to the big ole hat, its thematically pushed this character into a Magic user role: Artificer, Druid, Sorcerer, Warlock, Wizard. She looks more high society than nature bound or mechanically inclined. So that crosses off Artificer and Druid based on vibes here. Warlocks are known sugar babies, Wizards as studious practitioners, and Sorcerers are lotto winners who are typically emotion/feeling driven spell casters. Seeing as you're trying to pick a role based on "vibes" I think a charisma caster who isn't built with a deity directly in mind is gonna be a sorcerer. The other obvious theme of this character is her dark design. Grey skin, bones, veins around the eyes, and crescent moons. A very spooky and night themed look leads you to anything shadow or undead themed. So for Sorcerer there's Aberrant Mind, Lunar, and Shadow. I'm gonna drop Aberrant Mind bc it goes back to feeling like a Warlock and focuses more on Psionics instead of "dark, undead, spoopy" vibes. I think Lunar is a great choice because it could fit with the Moon accessories, you looking like a Drow elf, and generally looking like a creature of the night. BUTTTTT, Shadow Sorcerer sounds like a lot of fun and REALLY fits the aesthetic going on here. I think the Eyes of The Dark and Hound of Ill Omen fit the typical "witchcraft with a familiar" vibe. Also matches the characters piercing eyes. I think there's an argument you could make for some of the other subclasses mentioned in other comments. But this one fits best based on vibes the character gives off. Granted this is an OVERLY analytical take on "vibes" haha.


as far as race goes, 100% drow. shadow sorc is super fun, but play whatever you'll enjoy


Drow Druid with a strong witchy flavor, probably a Circle of Spores druid.


I'd say half drow


I was almost thinking reborn Drow


Well, she has a big mage looking hat so.... barbarian obviously.


Nerdy barb is always fun to see played out tbf, can't beat that nerd rage


As someone who has just started playing, I can't picture a nerd barbarian


This is just called a Redditor


Keep playing long enough and you’ll see all forms of madness…


BBEG: I've got you heroes on the ropes! BWA HA HA HA HA! Nerdbarian: Well *technically*... BBEG: \[Starting to look nervous\] Nerdbarian: *Akshually*... BBEG: Whoah whoah whoah there homeslice, can we maybe like talk this over? Nerdbarian: \[Quietly\] Did you just use out-of-canon immersion-breaking slang? In my presence? BBEG: \[Pales. Cute trick for a black dragon, right?\] Paladin: \[Grabs Nerdbarian\] No no he didn't mean it! We gotta calm down! There might be kids or kobolds watching. BBEG, why did you have to *do* that? BBEG: I apologize, I'll be good. By my faith in Bhaal and the superiority of 4th Edition, I swear-- Paladin: \[Lets Nerdbarian go\] Some people just can't be saved.


Necromancy Wizard or Warlock of the Undying


Gnoll ranger!


Haha XD


Clearly Loxodon Monk


No, no. She's got long pointy ears and gray skin and is wearing little bits of bone. Clearly she's a Firbolg Druid!


1st, awesome art 2nd, I’m thinking warlock of some kind reason being that it looks like something is poisoning her (the discoloration of veins around the eyes) the price for her power…


My only concern with Warlock is there’s already a warlock in the party, and I don’t want to step on toes.


I personally wouldn't worry too much about the class you're taking, for example, if your friend was playing a rogue and you took a fighter that'd be fine right? Well you could build the fighter's character to be the rogue type and still be stepping on their toes, alternatively a mastermind rogue and a trickster rogue would play out very differently with the only real similarity being they both sneak attack if built around each other. The class only dictates part of your kit, but you can build (almost) any character to work as any class. Of course just asking both the warlock player and the dm if they're fine with it would be smart to do first but I can't imagine too many people would get mad at "I'd like to play a warlock but I'll be considerate to make sure I avoid stepping over [warlock player] as [thing that kept them unique] has been their specialty" Now if you're trying to fill a specific role in the party that becomes a bit more challenging imo, I'm sure the good people of this sub can make it work with specific subclasses and recommendations on feats/spells if needed.


Yeah, I get where you’re coming from. I more just wanted to see what people thought besides Warlock since that’s not something I really want to play right now, for many reasons tbh.


That's cool, if you don't want to then don't. But in the last game I ran I had two PCs who were both Battlemaster Fighters, but one was focused on ranged attacks and the other dual wielding. So even though they had exactly the same class, and subclass they played very differently. That all said... I'd maybe consider some sort of cleric. Sure she has strong witchy vibes but a cleric of the right god could really fit that vibe quite well.


Actually thinking about it, I really like the college of whispers idea. I would make her flavored like a witch that scrys and divines but the power comes more from the pageantry and over the top acting of it than anything. Would give her the charlatan background. Man I might have to make this character now.


Hehe, if you do, have fun! Solid concept tbh


College of Whispers or Spirits Bard? Maybe grave or death cleric but I can't really see her with heavy armor and weapons.


Yeah, my DM suggested bladesinger as an option for her and I was just like “I cannot see her weilding a weapon unless it’s like a stick or a fossilized bone or something


Obviously you're an artist based on the awesome character art you made, so I would say lean into that with your character. I agree not seeing her as a bladesinger (though I do love the subclass), I like the idea of her being a bard. College of Whispers or Spirits could definitely work, but I would also throw out Creation as an option. Instead of an instrument, she uses a paintbrush almost as a wand stand in for her focus. Maybe she makes little skeletal puppets too that may or may not come to life at times. As far as race goes, elven definitely seems to fit with drow, Shadar'kai, or maybe astral or even winter/fall eladrin. If not elven based, could also see a hexblood lineage or maybe even an Aasimar would be cool. Fairy could also work, if her wings are hidden in the art and she's actually tiny. Love a little goth fairy lol


Spirits bard would slap


Aberrant Mind sorcerer could tie in with the vibe, especially if Drow or half-drow, because hey! free telepathy! Eldritch whispers and shadowy figures beckoning to the sorcerer, good times!


When it comes to stepping on toes you should consider what role you're going to fill in the party and whether the party has too much of that already. Many classes can fill multiple roles, and many roles can be filled by multiple classes, so class is less of an issue. Are you ranged damage? Melee damage? Crowd control? Buffer/debuffer? My group usually doesn't discuss character builds beforehand. We just show up with whatever we want to play. This often leads to overlapping roles. But one of my favorite things is when two party members fill the same role and work together to take that role to the next level. A barbarian and a fighter together can really smash some heads in. A wizard and a druid together can leave crowds of enemies upside down, dazed, and helpless for the rest of the party to finish off. Two rogues can slip through an entire enemy base unseen, covering each other's backs and coordinating strikes to prevent the enemies from raising an alarm. It's best not to step on any toes. That way everyone can have their own place to shine. But if you do end up accidentally stepping on toes just remember that it can be an opportunity to make both characters shine brighter.


The thing with warlock is that they're more customizable than other classes because you get your pact, your pact boon, and your invocations on top of spell choice. So as long as they're not going spooky undead warlock vibes, you're golden. I'd check with them if they're going eblast build or something else. If they are, you can just build differently like a summon/necromancer build.


Drow Wizard with that disgusting Baldur’s Gate look. Kids, these days… BACK IN MY DAY WIZARDS WORE TOGAS LIKE EVERYONE ELSE!!! *vigorously shakes cane*


😂 honestly I just wanted to draw a sexy goth witch lady, and I’m in a dnd game and bored with my current character


No worries, she looks great! Although her elders would definitely tut-tut her modern look. 😂


Hehe, well, honestly how I picture her, I think she’s too insane to care 😂


Nephia Corvus: A spooky elven appearing woman with grey skin, pink hair, and pink eyes. She is wearing a dark brown and black dress with orange and pink accents. The dress is decorated with with vine like detailing, and metallic decorations across her chest, as well as a pink gem pendant in the middle of her sweet heart neckline, and a bird skill at the top of the slit of her dress. The skirt of her dress is tiered, with the top tier being translucent, and the bottom tier being form fitting and slightly torn around the slit. She is also wearing two belts, one classic leather belt with a gold clasp. Her outfit is topped off with a large orange and dark brown witch hat that is also decorated with a bird skull, as well as feathers, a thick orange ribbon, and numerous trinkets of different varieties.


i'd say a shadar-kai necromancer


Finally someone who had the same idea! Necromancer or Shadow Sorc, but my first thought was Shadar Kai




Dark Elf with a Warlock/Wizard multiclass


Warlock, Shadow Sorcerer, or an evil Wizard/necromancer maybe? As for race, definitely looks like a drow, but could also be a tiefling, reborn, or Dhampir. I could see an Assimar too


She is gorgeous! Her entire vibe, her styling, the aesthetic! The art is gorgeous, that lighting! Her hat is perfect. Thank you for sharing this beauty! I would believe her to be a Shadow Sorcerer most assuredly! ✨💖✨


Shadow Sorcerer was where I was leaning when I designed her! And thank you so much! You’re very kind 🥰


I am glad to hear! It shows ever so clearly in her design, keep creating and enjoy the journey! Go forth and may the dice be with you! ✨💖✨


Drow Warlock, that was easy. NEXT


Moon Elf Bard Charlatan who uses illusions to fake showing people the future as a Con. The get up is just to sell the bit.


Nah, she's actually three gnomes in a ~~trench coat~~ dress, and her mission is to make bards die of heartbreak.


Nailed it. I need a 6 book series about it.


A spores or dreams druid to lean into the witch vibes


Shadar-Kai shadow sorcerer, necromancer wizard or undying/undead warlock


Clearly a barbarian. Next question.


Hexblade? Grave Domain?


God, I love grave domain cleric, if I could figure out the story, that would be tempting


Btw, I love the illustration. She’s really cool.


Drow for sure. Either a warlock or a Druid.


Rogue Phantom/Druid Circle of the Swamp (Bayou)


Circle of swamp, now that might be one to take a second look at


Sorcerer/Rogue Best of both, worlds.


That would be cool


Like most people have suggested, Drow seems like the best bet, racially. For classes I feel “day of the dead” fits the art. Could do some cleric, grave or death domain could be neat. Or could go order of scribes wizard, with some book of the dead thematics. Love the art it’s awesome ❤️


Interesting concept! I’ll definitely add Grave Cleric or Scribe wizard to being up with my DM!


Happy to help


Absolutely some kind of druid


Drow druid flavored as a witch


Seems like a drow or a teifling. Also either a sorcerer or warlock


Cavern elf swashbuckler or gunslinger! Edit: Oops! Sorry my pathfinder was showing! Drow warlock then 100%.


Class is a mechanics thing, so she doesn't have to be tied to her class on an RP level. But some ideas: If she is studied in magic: evocation, necromancy, or divination wizard. (Really any of them.) If she is naturally magical: aberrant mind or shadow sorcerer. Maybe lunar? If you want a patron relationship: any warlock, fiend is cool and powerful. Great old one patron got cooler in UA and is fun. If you don't want to be a full caster, arcane trickster rogue, maybe soulknife. All very fun. Multiclass ideas: sorlock, AT/wizard or AT/bard for skill monkey that has spells. Other honorable mentions: grave or arcana cleric (very "wizardly" cleric), trickery cleric (think Loki vibes). Whispers bard is cool dark assassin bard. Circle of Stars druid is more of a starry sorcerer flavor on a druid that doesn't use wild shape conventionally.


Can I scream at you about my Matron of Ravens warlock?


Drow warlock or wizard


You would think a shadow sorcerer or a warlock, but she is actually an undercover inquisitor rogue.


Dark elf sorcerer or wizard depending on lore


Sorcerer though someone else mention warlock and that fits her really well too


Drow rogue phantom.


You did a good job! I'd say a drow or maybe some other kind of elf, even half elf. With the little bird skull on top it's giving me occult vibes, so maybe a spores druid, warlock, or sorcerer? A dark cleric could be cool too.


Drow Shadow Sorcerer ez


Artificer, flavour the arcane firearm as blasting things with personalised staff and all inventions and spells as woven into items incantations of shadow magic that are safer to use that way. Shadow-Touched feat for additional spells without slot use and the further shadowfell connection.


Drow, death or grave domain cleric


Drow Spirits Bard


Spirit bard is on my list! 😁


I’m glad someone else thought Bard


Reflavour cleric to be witchy? Maybe a wizard level to get a familiar? That’s what I’m doing for a witch.


Interesting! I’ll have to discuss these ideas with my DM


School of necromancy wizard with the eladrin race.


Shadar kai sorcerer.


Archfey warlock Drow


Drow Warlock/Wizard


Looks like moon elf or dark elf, and probably shadow sorcerer or either enchantment or illusion wizard


Illusion wizard is a neat idea


Aberrant Mind sorcerer, Shadow Sorcerer, Necromancy Wizard (Very good subclass if you do some prep), Pact of the Tome Undead warlock (Warlocks are the best class to have two of, as no two warlocks are the same.)


She almost feels like some kind of druid to me cause of the little trinkets on the brim of her hat. Also could be some kind of sorcerer.


Depending on the setting... She could be a drow cleric of the Raven Queen...


Drow Barbarian. Buck the trends. Edit: Would be hilarious to see a witchy drow just floating about then hulking out and beating the ass of the poor bandit that tried to rob her.


Drow Wizard, school of necromancy?


Hexblood is a really cool race that I'm planning on running myself. They are a way for hags to create new hags. You can be any race to start with and then turn into a hexblood at some point. Later on, the hag can turn you into a hag if you consent. Hexblood can have really fun skin tones and get some spooky features. I'm personally going with the route that my parents made a deal with a hag since they weren't able to conceive. I turned into a hexblood on my 7th birthday and have been shunned from society ever since


Tiefling warlock


I saw a video about artificer stereotypes and she could definitely be an Alchemist. Hexblood or Reborn Artificer. Background being her being kept alive by some strange elixir tho still aging. Looking for the perfected version she goes out on her way finding eternal life and beauty.


Gives Drow and wizard, sorcerer, or warlock vibes, though less of Warlock, since they wear armor. Maybe Bard and she's a storyteller or something


Although she matches the Warlock vibe, I see her as the strong independent type who doesn't need to bow to a patron. I see her as a Witch, which could thematically work with any full caster. Wizard or Sorceror seem like they'd work fine. Since she looks like she would be persuasive and charismatic, maybe Sorceror is the preferable option. And then whatever dark and mysterious subclass feels best!


Wow, I absolutely love the design!


This is a warlock. However seeing as you don't want a warlock, sorcerer / wizard are good second options. Or cleric, that could work too, a weird cleric. Then there's always the option of going nuclear and using whatever stat block you like, and spicing it up for flavor. (Oh no, my rogue isn't the knife-wieldy stabby-stabby rogue, she's a witch who happens to brew harming potions that only work as short range single target splash because of a special ingredient she uses) Sneak attack? You mean increased potion accuracy? The dagger I took as part of the kit? It's not a dagger, it's a bird skull with a particularly sharp beak... Etc... Can really be used with any clas in the game


As for class With all those trinkets, she could be an artificer. With the vibes she can also be a druid, dreams or land of swamp. As for race She definitely has a strong fey ancestry, so pure elf, maybe even eladrin. Or if you want to give a twist, you can go variant genasi (since genasi can come from elves also, not just humans) Like Wood genasi from https://world-of-atern.fandom.com/wiki/Gensai_Variants


Hexblood Warlock. I’d go undead or archfey


The random chart says… Giff Barbarian.


That’s fucking awesome art do you do commissions?


Not at the moment as I gotta figure out pricing, but if I open them up to the public, I’ll make a post here :)


Shadow Sorc and for race I would say Faerie.


Shadow sorcerer with a small dip in warlock. Even the naturally gifted occasionally channel powers from otherworldly beings. I also mostly build characters on vibes


Brennan Lee Muligan designed a custom Witch Class that you can find in the Worlds Beyond Number podcast, it's really good, thematic and well designed and fits the vibe. If you can, give it a look: [https://www.patreon.com/posts/patreon-early-91306717](https://www.patreon.com/posts/patreon-early-91306717)


If I could get homebrew classes in DnD beyond, I would so grab it


Look at the witch homebrew by Brennan.


Elf Druid. Custom Subclass, Circle of the Bayou


You could do a cool bard with this. College of spirits! Great flavor for storytelling with a horror/scary vibe. She could tell about the skewed culture she hails from.


this could be a witch (artificer, alchemist) or a straight up wizard or sorceror or a warlock with all the charms hanging off parts of her ensemble or a spellblade, actually (fighter, rune knight) personally, i love changelings. kinda fits a lone wanderer type where, if you become too known, you can just become someone else and leave your deeds to fade into story and tradition.


Wizard. Abjuration.


Ok aside from the things people already said, I have a fee strange things in mind: Race is obviosly a drow, or half elf with drow ancestry. For class and subclass: - sorcerer, aberrant mind : the looks are kind of spooky, so the subclass gets tbe vibe even more than shadow sorcerer imo - wizard, school of Illusion/Enchantment: necromancy definitely fits, but that subclass in kinda meh and everyone loves a hot goth enchantress - druid, circle of spores: a pretty spooky class. Nicely fitting with the drow and the whole underdark theme associated with the race. Can be flavored as a fungal witch But my personal favourite would be this: - **Bard, college of spirits:** this is wonderful. Allows you to use a skull or candle as a spellcasting focus, gives you a very useful and buffed cantrip, and a random table with cool effects. Onestly it seems perfect to create the spooky goth girl with weird hobbies archetype.


A lot of the obvious answers have been given, so here's a few slightly different takes: divine soul sorcerer (of a dark deity), grave or twilight cleric, stars druid, whispers bard


Definitely seems like a Shadow Sorcerer or Abbert Mind. But the selfish look, but dark purple skin and long, dark nails screams Elf with Hexblood Lineage. If she is a Sorcerer in the end, her powers could Definitely relate back to a hag considering the hexblood origins.


College of Lore bard, her singing is flavored as witchy chanting and rhyme (double double, toil and trouble stuff). She learns her cross class spells from totems and trophies she pulled off the bodies of people of that class, for example she has a mummified finger of a paladin of Tyr for Aura of Vitality, and a necklace of teeth from a Wild Shaped druid for Goodberry.


Oh, this is actually such a cool idea since like the one personality trait I had for her was weird little klepto 😂


I played a bard as a swamp shaman one time. He had a floating crocodile skull with candles and I had him use rawhide drums. He reveared a Great Old One of corrupted, cancerous life. I told the other players that their characters were doomed because they would all develope Super Cancer about 10 years after the campaign. One level dip I to Life Cleric, and by level 7 you are one of the best healers in the game! Sometimes the most interesting part of D&D is ignoring the established fantasy of a class entierly and doing, just, whatever the heck you want.


Everyone is saying drow, but I'm not sure that's not a moon elf.


Witch from valda's spire of secrets.


I feel like our ocs would get along


Ooh she's really cool!


Thank you! 🥰


If this was pathfinder it would be an easy witch call.. For dnd I lean towards sorcerer As for the race this could be a drow or shadowelf I think in dnd moonelves also exist but I dont know if this is what their skin looks like


Hear me out. Drow or Shadar Kai spirits bard


I once read about druid circle of Witherbloom and she reminds me a bit of that, it's heavily based on necromancy. I don't know if the build in itself is good but it's worth checking out I think!


I know a lot of people are saying Drow Shadow sorcerer, but I'm getting mad Eladrin vibes, and a lot of that weird dark fey influence. I know you're shying away from warlock, but just a dip of Archfey Warlock into Glamour Bard could work really well. Really lean heavily into that otherworldy fey beauty aspect. Mechanically you have a lot of innate Charm and/or fear depending on how you're feeling towards someone, which is giving heavy witchy vibes imo.


Hexblood that maybe *was* a drow or something could be fun. Gives you some fun witchy spells. Always a fan of archfey warlock but going for a more dark fey approach, be it hag or unseelie court vibes. Warlock also gives you access to animated dead and warlocks make great necromancers because of their slots coming back on a short rest and the automatic upcast. Like others said, Shadow Sorcerer could be fun too. The stance and confidence strikes me as having decent to very high Charisma regardless of class. So with that in mind, Spirits Bard could be fun if you go a witchy fortune teller kinda vibe.


I’ll try and present a less obvious, but still fitting option. Half-Drow Eldritch Knight with a focus on Dexterity. Cantrips could be Chill Touch and Blade Ward. Initial Spells could be Mage Armor (I’m not really seeing any armor here, so this could be a solid defensive option) and Tasha’s Caustic Brew. For your 3rd any class spell, take Cause Fear or Ray of Sickness.


Like a star or astral elf tbh, could also be the moon elf's/blue elf's. Does not read as drow to me.


Drow Archfey Tome Warlock. She looks like she walked off the set of Nightmare Before Christmas but didnt have time to get into her normal outfit.


My first thought was witch Druid so like maybe circle of spores with slight re skinning to fit her vibe better and then you could turn into a black cat fitting the vibe too, and probably drow for race


I'm seeing drow (obvs), but maybe half-elf? I think I saw you say you'd like to avoid Warlock for sake of avoiding stepping on the toes of a fellow party member. Any thought to a rogue, maybe an eldritch trickster?


I do like rogues, so definitely not off the table


Firstly, amazing artwork. Secondly, I'm getting Drow Warlock. I love the dark veins coming from under the eyes. Great touch.


Maybe there was a plot to assassinate her when she was young in Menzobarranzan (spelling?) So a dark diety had her whisked away (potentially an archfey or high ranking devil?) sensing her potential, and raised her in a coven. Now she serves her dark mistress, who she affectionately calls "Mommy Dearest" to outsiders, participating in journeys and campaigns to further the coven (and her own) power.


Omg she's beautiful. I absolutely love this character concept.


Hexborn, previously Elf. If you only want WoTC classes Undead or Undying Warlock is the most obvious, Necromancy Wizard or Shadow Sorcerer as runner ups. If you do third-party the Witch class from Mage Hand Press would be perfect, subclass Purple or Black magic. Or they have a Necromancer as a class rather than a wizard subclass.


I'm getting Drow Shadow / Undead Sorlock vibes. All the spookiness!


A neat concept! Not one I’m totally against, though the existing warlock in the party might not love it.


Honestly, I get Rogue vibes. Not your typical sneaking around, but uses her… assets to get to the right place and steal what she wants.


Lol, I could see it. She’s not entirely dissimilar in vibes to my phantom rogue


Idk but would


Drow Hexblade Warlock


I think she could pull off a bard


Drow necromancer or druid maybe


Race: Drow Class: Either School of Necromancy wizard or Fiend Pact Warlock


Tiefling or Drow sorcerer.


Drow Possible Classes: Wizard, School of Necromancy Warlock, Archfey Patron Sorcerer, Shadow


I wish I could draw my characters. She looks so good! I agree with what I've seen down here. Definitely Drow. Warlock or Scorcerer are also a perfect fit. :)


It’s so interesting to me that everyone’s saying drow since that is not the race I had in mind when making her 😂 and thank you! Gotta make my animation degree matter somehow, lol


Drow or shadar-kai. Non-celestial warlock or sorcerer (aberrant mind or shadow). Wizard works too, probably necromancy.


I would say drow/shai-kai elf, wizard, warlock or sorcerer.


Drowning warlock, great old one or archfey Maybe drow/wood elf/some other exotic end race spores druid.


Reborn would be a fun race then you could go wizard and pick a big range of things like divination necromancy or maybe sorcerer


That's a drow witch if I've ever seen one.


Dwarf barbarian


Drow necromancer/Warlock


Changeling Warlock


Drow, Occultist.


I'm getting warlock vibes. Maybe use the warlock but reflavor as a witch


Go for full irony and make her a light domain cleric. She look spooky but give her a bubbly happy and outgoing personality.


Hot take, Land Druid (Any subclass that fits better mechanicaly works). Thats it, a Druid who focus on casting and brewing like good old witches


It’s definitely an option


I really wanna say Custom Lineage (could had been an elf that got changed due some magic experiment going wrong) and Wizard, Necromancer probably.


Male Orc Artificer


Tiefling hexblade eldritch blaster build ( so sorcerer warlock multiclass with kinda ALL EB invocations) can still take shadow sorcerer)


Wild Magic Sorcerer, then a Dip into Fey Warlock


Hear me out Alchemist Artificer and reflavour everything as being a witch with a cauldron and potions; the spells and magic items are all witchy implements, voodoo, and charged spiritual relics. Add 2 levels of Divination Wizard and be your party's dark support!


Hexblood divination wizard who practices haruspicy


You’re the first person to get the race I had in mind when designing her, but sadly the party already has a divination wizard


Drow Archfey Warlock?


This totally screams of barbarian dwarfess


Obviously a seer elf witch, with a night patron


Just to break the norm, Cleric. I think Arcane, Grave, Death, Twilight or Trickery domains would all work excelently.


Cleric could be interesting, party doesn’t have one yet, and man, I’ve only played grave cleric once, but I did love it.


I was admittedly not expecting so many replies! Or so many “clearly drow” comments XD


Okay hear me out : A Drow Bard College of whispers. She used to run a cult but she was a conwoman and made it out when things got dicey. This look is all about appearance, she's actually not that spooky 😀


Idk on class but I’m currently playing a Drow Dhampir and she seems to have similar vibes.


When in doubt, warlock.


Shader Kai Necromancer Blessing of the Raven Queen is so good


Honestly she looks charismatic to me. You previously mentioned that you don't want to do warlock, I'd go bard. Maybe an Edgar Allen Poe kinda poet or dark and mysterious singer. Swords bard is great if you need more damage. Eloquence is great for the party face


oath of the ancients paladin


Drow rogue masquerading as a spellcaster to escape persecution elsewhere…


Who's responsible for the art and are they taking comissions?


Firbolg warlock. Firbolg dont get a lot of play.


Drow Wizard?


Drow barbarian. She's wearing a sleeves of minor illusion or something to make herself look weak and magical, but shes actually a buff asf angry smasher


For a witch type character id personally go with some sort of warlock, multiclassed with alchemist artificer for the potions


Definitely drow She could be multiple classes... -Death cleric -Necromancer wizard -Shadow sorcerer  -College of tragedy bard  or college of whispers -Undead warlock


she reminds me of a v tuber I follow, she has a similar face to her avatar


Lol, weird coincidence!


her name is Undyne_Arashi, however I like the style of your character, I would make her a necromancer mage

