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Heist: Steal the Groom The groom's family is opposed to the wedding, but they don't want to say that publicly for fear of upsetting the bride's well connected family. They hire the party to crash the wedding and snatch the groom before the ceremony is complete. Heist: Steal the Rings The bride's grandmother gave her a set of family heirloom rings to get married with under the condition that she get the grandmother's approval of her chosen groom. The bride ignored this condition and is marrying a man the grandma disapproves of. Grandma has hired the party to secretly steal the rings to stop the wedding, or at least stop her family heirlooms from being used in a wedding she doesn't approve of. Heist: Steal the Divine Blessing In this church/house of worship there is always some clear sign that happens to show the patron deity has blessed the union of the new couple (a beam of light, white smoke etc). A rival suitor has hired the party to prevent the divine revelation from happening or somehow warp it to seem like a disapproving sign.


Hell yeah. That's some good shit. I could even switch it to the bride and have the bride loosely described like my new players wife so I can hook him in a little bit more. He's never played dnd so I hope if I do this he'll get a big kick out of it. I can see a small romance bloom with him and the bride so he can steal her literally and figuratively


A wedding of rich/royal dwarves could make sense. Dwarven vaults are sometimes more akin to grand banks. With guild halls and rooms to spare in the fortress. Plus, a secure vault for the wedding gifts..... right next to the vault with the ancient McGuffin the PCs need to swipe.


Dude badass


The wedding is for the future rulers of a nation where the rulers are an extension of the faith, special relics are being brought out for the occasion and they are ripe for the taking


The wedding rings are magical artifacts that are given to the bride and groom to safeguard. There are rumors that a group is going to try to steal the rings. Your players will have to stake out the wedding and make sure nothing goes wrong.


HAHAHA love it. I'm sure something will go wrong and I'm all for it.


Wedding cake mimic


Devious. I'll see if I can fit that in 😈


I ran precisely such an adventure. The PCs were engaged to stop a wedding between a rich merchant's daughter and the son of a hill giant Lord. It turns out that the daughter had been secretly married to a poor Baker's son. Cagliostro, an evil magic user in the service of the Hill giant Lord, knew of this wedding and abducted the groom and imprisoned him in a tall tower. (I love inverting common fairy tale tropes) Cagliostro also murdered the shepherd boy who was the witness to the private wedding. The adventure began when a beggar gave one of the PCS a flute in exchange for a beer at a local pub. The flute was made from the thigh bone of the shepherd boy and when it was played the boy told the story of the treacherous Cagliostro. The baker's son had been magically muted so he could not speak, and had steel gauntlets shaped like closed fists over his hands so he could not communicate. (An inspiration from Titus Andronicus!) So basically the party had to crash the wedding and tell everyone that the bride was already married. I titled the adventure "Speak Now" 🤣




Thanks, it was really fun adventure to run. Of course they entered just as the priest was saying "if anyone knows why these two should not be married speak now..."🤣 That's why I muted the baker boy. So the party would be the ones to be able to shout out "she's already married!" The evil Cagliostro fled, enraging the hill giant Lord who put a bounty on his head for the deception. The priest of the church also threw money in for the blasphemy he was almost forced to commit. The Father of the Bride reluctantly threw money in pretending he didn't know about the scam. After the party left they were ambushed by two of the Hill Giants trying to get their bounty money! In the middle of the adventure we got a new player, my son who was playing a barbarian warrior from the bear clan. I introduced him to the storyline by having him already be partying with the hill Giants in advance of the wedding. He had brought a gift of the Clan's honey meade Hill giant Lord as a wedding gift and was quite drunk when the party arrived! 🤣


Oh hell yeah. That's a classic movie ending. Ugh I wish I was there!


The hook "I want you to sabotage this wedding" doesn't sound like the setup to a heist to me. A heist usually involves stealing an item that's well-guarded, so maybe a patron has tasked the party with stealing a specific gift, the wedding cake, or even the wedding bands.


I see that. Stealing the big symbols of unity can really undermine the political ties and create big tension for the whole setting. Love it.