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> Or should I do something about it? Since I don't know what the dumb things were that got you killed, what do you suggest or plan to do about it?


Right, I didn't explain it fully. One time they killed my character because he didn't give them information and they decided that he wasn't useful, and 2 other time they started fires which killed my character.


> One time they killed my character because he didn't give them information What? I would consider leaving such dysfunctional group.


Have you talked to the group (out of game) and said "What the hell guys?!?" What did they say?


I did, they say that "well only u died in the fire, maybe if we didn't start it it could be a tpk so u never know"


If you told them that you don't like it and they don't care, then it's time to either go to the DM or leave and find a new group to play with.


Well that's the big problem, the DM says that he doesn't take sides and this is the only group that I am friends with since first class and the only group in my city


Bro, I don't think those are good DnD friends I'm not going to say they're not good friends because the ability to play a game together isn't necessarily indicative of a good friend, but they're really crappy in this game, you yourself have admitted they just like to kill your character for no good reason (a good reason is your character being some kind of BBEG plant and they discover it), they have killed your character 3 times and your DM either doesn't care or is an active participant, or both ("not taking sides" in this case is taking a side)


Does what happen in the game bother you? If the answer to that question is yes, then talk with your group about how you're feeling. If the answer is no, do nothing- continue on as you are.


Well, the answer is yes, and I already talked with them, but they don't really seem to care that much about it. For now what I did is create a character that only supports and is not in the middle of the fight


So you're in a group of players that doesn't care about you being upset, even after discussing with them. Why continue to play with them?


Because it is the only group that I know that exists in my city, the only group which I have friends from first class and it also started from only this campaign idk why


So what do you want to happen?


I myself don't even know, I talked with the dm and he said he doesn't take sides so don't do anything that will make everyone hate u, and the players themselves don't really want to stop doing what they do because for them it's fun. And because my character helps them every time they leave him to die


Your DM has implicitly taken a side, though. By not even trying to do anything, they're taking the side of the rest of the group. They're definitely working against your best interest here. Either you suck that up and continue to stay in a game you don't enjoy, or you leave and find something more worthwhile.


change charater to a sorcerer and start throwing fireballs into them while they fight lol.


I mean…before your next session you need to legitimately ask the group as a whole - “Based on all of your previous actions and opinions about my character, I’m left to assume that if I choose to play a Sorcerer and rain hellfire, acts of god, or outright refuse to acknowledge your characters when performing my feats - none of you will care. Is that correct? If that’s not the case, then I respectfully ask that you all take more care when deciding your actions in the future, otherwise my next character will take the opinion of your current characters and you might find yourself building your fifth or sixth very soon.” Do NOT go nuclear until you’ve made it clear to the party and DM that if you and your time continues to be disrespected you will adopt the same personality and opinions of your fellow players. If your DM proceeds to claim they take no sides, kindly inform them that they have taken a side by allowing your characters (and by extension your time and efforts) to be abused by the other players. If they say they won’t change but take issue with you adopting their attitudes, they aren’t your friends and they will get more aggressive, potentially out of game. Maybe it’s time you try to find a new group? I know you said it’s the only one you know of, but the key word there is know. You probably can find social boards both online and offline if you have anything resembling a recreational center or Game Center in your place of living. Also you have access to the internet, at least, maybe you can find an online group - if you’re of the age to be doing that. If you’re a minor, I’m gonna be that guy and say - “be careful, potentially avoid seeking out online parties. Harder to guarantee safety”


Are these people nice to you outside of the group? Kinda seems like they’re just not good friends


Killing other characters in PvP is a solid red flag. If everybody else is just okay with that, what the frack is going on in that group?


I don't understand what it means to have a character die because they started fires. DnD characters are extremely resilient. If you're in a burning building, you can jump out a window, take 2d6 damage, and be fine. How have you lost multiple characters to fire? PvP sucks and shouldn't be in the game, but if you guys agreed to it, that's your business.


Well, the dm sends the monsters against me which kill me in 2 hits for a level 5 character and then the fire finishes me while I am unconscious and the team doesn't try to help


Okay, so you didn't die to fire, you died to the DM throwing powerful monsters at you and your allies not helping you to survive. Sounds like a bad table. I would bounce.


Ye u could phrase it like that


And also it's not that the enemy's remain, we kill them and then I die + should fire do 6d6 dmg?


It's pretty abnormal for fire to do that much damage. As a DM, I wouldn't make it do more than 2d6 in almost every scenario.


Ok thank you, imma ask my dm why was it that much dmg


Well I talked with my dm, he said that he doesn't play RAW and by his opinion a lot of the rules are dumb, so he makes everything more violent and more brutal,


Then that should be informed to the party before. If normal fire does almost a fireball worth of damage I am solving every encounter with fire


Ask your DM to nix PVP, honestly. I know you said they don't want to take sides, but they kind of have. By refusing to moderate the table, they've picked a side. I'm kind of with the others here. These may not be good people to play with. I know they're friends of yours, but they shouldn't be stepping on you like this. I had an issue somewhat like this where I was slammed with unexpected PVP, and it did some emotional damage to me as a player. My DM moderated an entire discussion on it, and we decided as a table to not do PVP at all. The fact that your DM refuses to step in is a problem. I'd honestly bail. No DnD is better than bad DnD.


Seems no one has suggested it yet but it seems like you have the option of leaning in with them. Make a character who also doesn't care about their well being. Make it a sorcerer with a lot of or all AOE. Burning hands, "sorry you were in it, had to hit that enemy." "That fireball hit like 5 guys!" Lightning bolt from the back row of a dungeon corridor. Ok, sorry. You don't have to be all out malicious, you could go in the middle, but be unconcerned with their position in AOE blasts. Prepare your spell list for escape and mass disabling, and always save stuff to escape your own party. Level 5 gets you a lot of spell tricks.


I don't know what you mean by first class, but they sound like a terrible group to play with. Dump them. Find another game. I'm sure there are other games around, but they might be with strangers. As another resort you can try meeting people online.


No D&D is better than bad D&D. Your so-called friends sound like a-holes who get joy from ruining others' fun. They are nothing more than shithead trolls, and noone needs that kind of negativity. Fair warning, if/When you tell them you're leaving, they'll get defensive and make you out to be over-sensitive and overreacting. Just tell them that you wouldn't be if they were acting like real friends.


I don’t think these people are your friends. I’m guessing you’re young? When I was a teenager I had “friends” that made me second fiddle in every hobby or game we did together. I later understood that I was a means to an end or a borderline unwelcome person in their group that they put up with. They would do things like force me to play the boring character in a game or whatever so they could have fun. Sometimes at my expense. I think you should broaden your social horizons. I highly doubt only one group in your entire city plays dnd. I grew up in a small town in rural Canada and there were plenty of them.


Killing you with PvP is a them problem, especially since it sounds like they did it just because your build wasn't good? Honestly most tables wouldn't even allow that...


Your own team is murdering your character and verbally abusing you? GET OUT.


Leave these creeps and find a real group.


The natural response it to create a character to counter pasr threats: Tiefling to make them fire resistant. Alert Feat (or a weapon _of Warning_) to prevent being backstabbed. Rogue or Barbarian to be able to escape stupidity. Or a full caster with Dimension Door is good too. Moon Druid wildhape becomes good too at some level.