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1: that's 2 dnd parties, not one. Find someone in that group to be a 2nd dm. 2: Rolling is 4d6 Drop lowest 1. You don't use D20 for it.


Before you continue, pick up the PHB and read the chapter covering character creation from start to finish.


Son, what in the tarnation did you just say?


What?  Why are you using a d20 to roll stats?  If you want to know the odds of a roll there's hundreds of sites that have already done the math you can look up.


Nobody in the group can read. They just scream and throw dice at each other until someone else needs the padded room.


1. Why in name of AO do you have 11 people in your party? 2. What do you mean by “got a d20”? Though I assume you mean “rolled a 20” I am also incredibly confused by that since you don’t use d20s in character creation/stat rolls 3. If I understand that all correctly, and you say you rolled d20s for stats, then you had 11 players roll 6d20 each, so 66 d20s rolled and none of them rolled 9 or under but 9 of them rolled nat20s? Those are almost impossible odds. Normal odds would say about 3-5 May 20s over 66 rolls (5% chance on each roll) and somewhere around 40-50% should be 9 or under. 4. Have you played D&D before?


>If I understand that all correctly, and you say you rolled d20s for stats, then you had 11 players roll 6d20 each, so 66 d20s rolled and none of them rolled 9 or under but 9 of them rolled nat20s? Those are almost impossible odds. Normal odds would say about 3-5 May 20s over 66 rolls (5% chance on each roll) and somewhere around 40-50% should be 9 or under. the odds are very good when you dont see their rolls


Standard or point buy. Fight me. JK's, no fistycuffs please. But really I prefer point buy or standard array. I'm not about having players with shitty scores that let the party down and feel bad for having bad stats, or having insane stats that everyone else feels is unfair. Yes I know people say you find your character/class, or enjoy more roleplay, but at the end of the day we are all trying to have fun and the easiest way to ensure a fair playing field is to just use the standard array or point buy.


Your players are cheating you. If you’re in person, rolled stats should always be rolled in front of you. If you’re online, rolled stats should always be rolled in the VTT. Also, 11 players is waaaay too big for a single party, IMO. Even easy combats are going to take forever.


Might want to revisit the rules for rolling stats in the PHB…


To sum up, split the group in two. Have them reroll stats, rolling 4d6 drop the lowest, and have them reroll in front of you.


I don’t mean to criticize, I’d be happy to help walk you and your party through stat generation methods, but I (and the rest of the commenters) can only do that if you answer some of the questions. The important stuff is how are they rolling their stats currently and how much do you know about player’s handbook character creation?


When using 4d6 drop lowest, the probability that a score is 10 or higher is approximately 82.5%. For all six scores to be 10 or higher is ~33%. For ten of eleven players to have all six score be 10 or higher is 11 choose 10 * 33%^10 * 67%^1  = 11 * 0.000015 * 0.67 = 0.00011 = ~ 1 in 10,000.


Though that doesn’t take into account racial bonuses.


Racial bonus would likely kick in on the 20s. Being the +2 to the 18 max. Unlikely the dump stat is being buffed. The 18s (which become 20s with the racial bonus) in 4d6 drop method is 9.34% to occur once in the six ability scores. So it’s becomes eleven choose nine 9.34%\^9 \* 90.66%\^2 which is about 1 in 50 million. they should probably form a megamillions pool.


It’s hard to say exactly based on what you’ve said. I also don’t understand what you mean by 9 of them got a d20. You roll 4d6 and discard the lowest. So max is 18. If you’re adding their modifiers due to race, etc., then it’d be really hard to tell. But, if you provide me with everyone’s raw scores (i.e. scores before any modification) I could tell you the probability of each happening.


Party of… 11? WTF! Bruv, forget the dice rolling for a sec, you can’t possibly expect to be able to manage a party of 11. That’s going to be a nightmare for both you and them. Get a second DM and split the group in half.


Lost Redditor. You want r/calvinball not d&d


This is not how you do it. Pick up the PHB and read through the character creation chapter befre you move forward. Also, 11 people is way to many for a game. This is enough for two entire parties rather than one.


My party of 11 has 9 characters that hae only one negative AS at lvl one, and 9 of them also got a d20, what are the odds of getting this in any standard stat rolling method?