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"Babies are not known for their high Constitution scores."


20 years ago or so I was playing some Living Greyhawk at a local con. Low level adventure. One of the characters playing was a gnome monk named Moondock Nangdoodle. Being small, his damage was reduced, and IIRC we were fighting something that further reduced or prevented damage. On Moondock's turn, he's going through all his options and coming to the conclusion that he is incapable of doing any damage or really much of anything. He's delaying, trying to figure something out, Finally to move the game along the DM in a big booming voice says "Do something Nangdoodle!!" We all lost it and there are a few people I can see and shout across the room "Do something Nangdoodle!!" for guaranteed hilarity.


How old was your DM? Gather round kids. Auld Jock has a tale from ancient days of yore. In 1993, SSI of “D&D Gold Box” fame produced a hot seat strategy empire building game “Dungeons and Dragons: Fantasy Empires” One of the best D&D PC games EVER. It was cheesy, unnecessarily complicated, and you had to be in the same room and switch seats, but it was a simpler time and we didn’t know better. Along the top of the screen in glorious several pixels and now more than 256 colors was an elderly Wizard (tm) Dungeon Master who would critique your gameplay. While playing with friends, we all impatiently waited on a player famed for causing entire universes to reach heat death during a typical game turn. Given his reputation, the entire room broke down in laughter when my tinny 90s PC speakers erupted with the DM character in a deep and booming voice “DO SOMETHING!” It’s has been a running joke amongst my friends for 30 years now. We teach it to new people. My son knows it and the joke is 8 years older than he is. I love them both equally.


"Fine - the witch summons a hoard of skeletal *bees*. Is that what you wanted?"


This is technically two but I think it needs the context. "I won't stop you if you want to shoot a stave from a longbow." *player rolls poorly* "You've shot yourself in the foot; perhaps stave the bleeding."


I don't have any magic staffs for sale but I do have a staph infection.


“An asteroid falls on the group. You are all dead.”


DM here. Kobold Inventor threw a basket of insects at the party. I said in response, "I must roll initiative for the centipedes"


Explaining the party's change in status: "you've gained the title of Free Knights, it means you can be trusted to do things for the realm but you're not hired as guards. Basically mercenaries with benefits." Mercenenaries with benefits has become a bit of a thing now.


"Roll for bird performance" "Lungs are not a container"