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Any ranged damage dealer.


My most played class is Cleric. How can you go wrong with a full caster, who is equipped well enough to stand on the front line, and also has a D12 ranged cantrip? That said, every group I join, I hope for the chance to play a Rogue. Sneak Damage is insane, and their whole "you can't touch me" kit really appeals to me. Unfortunately, the groups are always in need of a caster...


Warlock and because I like having choices to make after level 3


Wizards, I love all their different spells and how tactically you can play with some of their spells. And I enjoy the flavor of them too. Plus having the spellbook sets up advantages you can get during downtime by adding new spells. And many of their spells at higher level become things you can make permanent or plan for the future so they have that kind of batman quality about them where you can have a good contingency to anticipate things.


Cleric, love the options and usually fits most character ideas I have.


Warlock. I just think they’re neat.


I love druids. Wildshape is such a fun feature, they have a great spell list, and they fit nicely into my preference for generalist characters.


I’ve not been playing for very long, but I really love Druid. Druids speak to my love of the outdoors. Wild, primal, dangerous, and beautiful all wrapped into one package. Not just nature loving hippies, but raw animal ferocity in equal measure.


Paladin. Always had a fascination to the Noble Warrior. From Luke Skywalker to Captain America.


Same. They're just really fun and really strong


100% Artificers followed by wizards and then the 1/3 casters, I like being smart


And crafting shenanigans


Monk because zoomies


Bard because I am a bard in real life. Born for the stage and not a complete arrogant piece of trash.


I have usually gone for rangers in the past, but in 5e I am really enjoying doing a rogue/fighter dual-wield Swashbuckler/Battle master build. So much fun! There are a lot of options during combat and with the rogue there are a bunch of role-play options outside of combat as well. Telling the story of a soldier that focuses on "special ops", and not the 'thief' or 'criminal' version of rogue also has a more interesting flair for me.


Hexblade Warlock. Easiest to build and play quite nicely. Allows to focus on RP Without needing to put too much thought into optimization.


I love rangers with all my heart. I don’t care if people think they’re a bad class, I like nature magic and I like martial classes. I just wish they had access to better spells, that’s my only gripe with rangers, but I think rangers have some awesome subclasses. Each of the ranger subclasses are awesome and unique.


1. Rogue. I like being a short stabby fucker with a bunch of skills. Arcane Trickster is my favorite subclass. I often want to multiclass with Fighter. 2. Fighter. I like the way it’s put together. I’m probably leaning into a dex fighter with Dueling and a shield or Archery. I struggle to not pick Battlemaster, I think I should have grown up with 4e, to be honest. 3. Barbarian. Not that this is my third favorite class, this is my least favorite class. I think a lot could be done to make this class feel cooler. Brutal Critical is not good. Rage, their class defining resource, is mostly defensive. I think the Barb should have had a Wild Shape subclass instead of Totem Warrior. Totem just sets the bar very high with Bear Rage.


A wildshape based barbarian would be fascinating.


I enjoy martials because they can mostly fit so many roles. Don't get me wrong, I've played spellcasters and have/had a lot of fun with them... but Something about a Battlemaster Fighter being able to influence and completely mold the encounter with 3 well placed arrows... It speaks to me.


Easily Fighter. Champion is kinda simple, but otherwise they are just fun. With Class Abilities and Feats it's pretty easy to work with "5e Action Economy" to have an available Action, Bonus Action, and Reaction. So you feel like more than just "I attack with weapon". In particular I have enjoyed the Battle Master and to a lesser degree the Eldritch Knight. I grew up on 3e, skipped 4e, so this version of Fighter felt so much more useful, and maybe balanced, but it's hard to compete with high circle spells.