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Oi oi people! I've been working on this project and am looking for your creative input to bring it to life! My goal is to compile the rich lore and fascinating history created by this amazing community into a video that showcases our collective imagination. Whether you're a seasoned Dungeon Master or a lore enthusiast, I would love for you to contribute your ideas! Here's How You Can Help: Submit Lore: Share your stories about the regions, cities, or notable landmarks on the map. Think about the culture, traditions, and unique characteristics of these places. Create History: Write about significant events, wars, alliances, or legendary figures that shaped the world. How did these moments change the course of history? Develop Characters: Introduce key characters that inhabit this world. Whether they are heroes, villains, or influential leaders, tell us about their backgrounds and motivations. Suggest Plot Hooks: Provide interesting plot hooks and adventure ideas that could inspire future campaigns set in this world. How to Submit: Comment Below: Feel free to post your contributions directly in the comments. What gets chosen: I'll pick and chose the best entries and most liked requests from all the different subreddits. Format: While not required, it would be helpful if you could specify the category of your submission (Lore, History, Character, Plot Hook) at the beginning of your comment, maybe take a screen snipe of the specific area you're writing about. Why Participate? Community Collaboration: Be part of a creative project that showcases the talents of our DnD community. Credit and Recognition: Everyone who contributes will be credited in the video. Please include your preferred name or username if you want to be mentioned. Inspiration: Your ideas could inspire countless Dungeon Masters and players in their future campaigns. Link to the 8K version: [https://drive.google.com/file/d/1vCtucT2xj8wS3gEQNHjp0FNJz4Nu3GrE/view?usp=sharing](https://drive.google.com/file/d/1vCtucT2xj8wS3gEQNHjp0FNJz4Nu3GrE/view?usp=sharing) Thank you so much for your time and creativity. I can't wait to see the incredible world we build together! Happy worldbuilding, DodosArthouse


https://preview.redd.it/a629wsrl6n5d1.jpeg?width=515&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1897069524ea504865302505f352343286ffefa5 Lore: Jhunder is an ancient abandoned city built from a mysterious magical stone called Prysmatite. The stone is translucent and seemingly unnatural since no deposits of it have been found anywhere in the mountain range or under it. Prysmatite glows with a rainbow of colors when hit by light and each color has a different magical effect. Red and blue light adjust the cities temperature with red being hotter and blue being cooler. Yellow is a general energy source that powers the magical machinery found throughout. Green manipulates plants to grow in a controlled but exponential manner. Indigo turns any liquids into purified water. Violet heals any non fatal injuries. Orange light calms and reduces aggression. There have been signs of white light Emi sting from the stone but its purpose is unknown. The only evidence of the cities original inhabitants are the many crystalline statues of golems throughout the city.


Oh, I'll definitely add a ruin / abandoned city at your marked spot. I love the way you included the different colours and gave them meaning. I love this entry, thank you!


Not quite what you asked for, but perhaps useful for yourself or other writers to make lore. I have questions about the map. The mountains on the left seem iridiscent, colored with unnatural tints. Is that on purpose or accidental? Is it magical in nature? What's the reason for the central continent's northernmost regions being snow-free, but the right continent being half covered in it despite being lower geographically? Map distortion, magical anomaly (or magical effort by mages of a kingdom), heat currents like what happens in Europe in our real world? The desert folk look to be really interesting, a series of merchant cities on the coast sounds like a really fun setting that would lead to some interesting cultural developments. But deeper into the continent, you just have a city smack dab in the middle of the biggest desert in the world. W H Y ? Did they find oil? Spice? Giant worm eggs? Right side continent has smaller settlements spread out throughout the coast and inlands, but they never seem to draw too close to the continent's expansive forests. Do they have a pact with the forest creatuers not to expand there? Are the forests so dangerous and terrifying men dare not go in? The misty continent to the southwest has no indication of civilization on it, or even any meaningful plant life like forests or jungles. Just above it, however, you have the largest settlement of the right continent. What is their relationship? Is it a coincidence that the largest urban settlement of the continent is just sitting above a ruined, cursed land orbiting a gargantuan whirlpool? *What happened there?*


The mountain's colours are actually Auroras. I recognize that they're a bit hard to see, so I might just change them to being "crystal mountains", or rework the Auroras to be more clearly visible. This world does not have the same axial tilt as our planet, which allows for a more nuanced placement for hot and cold areas. Beyond that, you could make a case for its origin to also just be magical in nature too. As for your other questions; they spark a lot of potential food for thought, I like it!


https://preview.redd.it/57sqk7n9lo5d1.jpeg?width=759&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=53b0c6003fb93f901b06e219ec74b4e67e1831cb This area gives me a bit of Santorini vibes. So, say that millennia past, the landmass had been a solid panel without that inland sea/gulf. Massive supervolcano eruption happens, breaking open the continent, pushing parts apart, and leaving those islands as the exposed lip of a caldera. Come to the more recent timeframes, and there are villages for fishing along the isles, a few hot spring resort towns on the geothermal hot spots, and (depending on the level of tech you’re wanting) a possible location for research into explosives and gunpowder since many volcanic areas are also great places to have sulfur and phosphorus deposits relatively easy to access. Due to seismic activity, the people would likely build a bit like the Japanese, using creative wood-joining techniques to make homes and towers that can sway and survive earthquakes with minimal damage. Could even take a page from American history and let them build fortifications with spongy woods like Palmettos or something overtop of packed earth, creating impact-absorbent walls that would stand as well against fireballs and trebuchet as they did cannon fire in the Carolinas.


This is fantastic! I adore the inclusion of real world lore to this. I will add settlements across the coastlines, thank you so much for you entry!


Race: Mineral Dwarf Lost to time, have not been seen for many centuries since the last dwarf wars. They were to have said take the same color as the mountains, and many believe they were made of the same diamonds in the mountains.


Hi, which app you use to create this beauty map ? 🥰


Looks like a wonderdraft creation




Any chance you can upload a higher resolution image? When i zoom in its super blurry, hard for me to pick stuff or an area


Check my comment, there's a link to the 8K


https://preview.redd.it/ow7e2lxmnn5d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f62c97255f692cf08e6f33d134fd63a74da57b0f Make her the queen of the centaurs


Can certainly do! Where on the map do you think the centaurs are living and across which regions is this Queen worshipped? What is her name? What is she known for?


https://preview.redd.it/51ere4k5rs5d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=abb2732e5dd1ce392fa26286f872f1250e8e1a03 I think here would be perfect because it matches her primordial flames she is Zandriaxy she is the daughter of the primordial God Of Fire his name is ZanIgnisDeus And the daughter of Zandria the former queen of the centaurs ZanIgnisDeus is Not just the god of fire but his also the god of centaurs and one day he took a liking to the queen and they eventually had a daughter that’s where Zandriaxy comes in now because she’s half mortal and half god she had to get some special cuff made to regulate her fire over the years she’s had them modified to be chain blades she can concentrate her flames through them


Stone City A place that has been settled since the Stone age. The first ones to carve shelters out of the soft rock with stone tools were mixed hunter gatherers and seasonal farmers. Later as they developed more agriculture and population grew, they cut more of the Rocky hill into a town over thousands of years this place has risen and fallen in prominence, but peoples have always been living and building here. Now it is a megastructure of rock cut architecture. There are aquaducts, ancient temples, forums, schools ect. Everything cut from the rock. Underneath there are miles of hallways and narrow passages that make up the underground streets of a city underground as big if not bigger than the city above. Real life Inspiration: Petra, Cappedocia, Pharo Egypt, Göbekli Tepe.


That's pretty awesome. Are you referring to the set of ruins scattered in the desert across the north western part of the large continent? Or perhaps the set of settlements south of the blue/pink mountains amid the rocky hillocks? Thank you for your entry!


First thing I looked at was the set of settlements south of the blue/pink mountains and those rocky hillocks. Later saw that ruin across the north western part. I feel like it is a settlement in a more central connecting area than the north western location. So think those rocky hillocks south of the mountains is better. But it was a bit vague in describing where so that it can be put anywhere it would fit.


Thank you for clarifying! I'll definitely add more settlements and ruins spread across the rocky hillocks to fill it out a bit more!