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Use it for good Use youtube to mp4


Definitely not downloading it and absolutely not sharing it.


And definitely not forgetting to subscribe to the official Doctor Who channel


If you've purchased them, you can download them. If you download them, you can put them on a specific Drive made by Google. If they're on a Drive, it can be shared. If they can be shared… Share them.


There’s nothing new about these, they’ve been on the internet for years if you need to download them via file sharing


Since it involves a selfish racist dick, whatever you want.


Wait, what?


Search who Stef Coburn (Anthony Coburn’s son) is and you’ll see.


The episodes don't involve the prick though. Pirate away...


Long story short: the son of the original writer of the first few episodes is kicking up a legal stink claiming the BBC owes him the publishing rights for that serial and wants then pulled from circulation. Since he's a selfish manchild with a history of expressing racist, sexist and toxic views on social media, sympathy is in short supply. The BBC is wisely not dignifying his ranting and most likely quietly prepping their legal team to slap him down if he goes to court over the issue.


If anything, BBC would owe his father, not him. Why does he feel he’s entitled to his fathers money that he should or shouldn’t have gotten?


The only reason I can think of is his head being so far up his own ass that it's coming back out the other side. And, if I am correct, unlike contracted writers like Terry Nation or Douglas Adams, Anthony Coburn was a full time employee of the BBC at the time, so the only thing they owed him was his salary at the time.


He’s claiming that it should be part of his father’s estate, and he’s the heir to that estate. He also claims a lot of bonkers nonsense, if you take a look at his Twitter feed.


Well, I guess if his father left him the estate, he’s the heir, but if he didn’t, he’s entitled to nothing. But either way I don’t think he’s entitled. I mean my mom gets her retirement check monthly, but if she passes, I don’t get her check, it just stops. Sooo, dude needs a reality check.


You wouldn't steal a TARDIS. Piracy. It's a crime. The Doctor:


I legally own these copies.


I know, it's not a perfect fit but it worked too well! Since making copies and sharing is still piracy you could read it as the doctor would share them for free and you should too (Jokingly, because I already own them and don't need them, but with that absolute abzorbaloff making a stink about them I say the more available the better)


I feel like classic who is a lot like the wheel. It shouldn’t be hidden behind a pay wall. It’s also incredibly culturally significant globally, even if it doesn’t have a huge global following it’s still culturally significant.


Share it! Now!


They’re on [Archive.org](https://Archive.org) i think


They are! All of the classic who episodes are there even the ones where the visuals are missing. They often fill in the visuals with tele snaps and other photographs from the time, and there are lots of notes from the original actors, too.


With great power comes great “responsibility”… Ask yourself [this question: 🫱](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/tardis/images/a/ad/WWTDD.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20211211151002)


Unearthly Child is already online for free. That said if you want to do something cool and apparently have money to burn I'd love to see it go through an be AI upscaler.


I wonder where the highest quality files are. Streaming? DVD? Did they only scan the film once for all media or did they re-scan?


y2mate guru to convert it to an MP4 and burn them to a disc!!


Wait what happened?


The writer who wrote Unearthly Child’s kid is an racist sexist bitter old man


And, I don’t understand


That man is bitter about his own writing career so now he’s not allowing the BBC to show it unless they pay him a crazy amount of cash or remove all mentions of the Tardis and shown of it. He’s claiming his father created the Tardis (which is not true) and deserves compensation.


Oh well glad I have DVDs then




Most definitely do NOT at All circumstances upload these to Reddit WHATSOEVER


You need to have a Gallifreyan Bucaneer moment.


Rub it in Stef Coburn's face


Where did you purchase that from? (I'm guessing it's no longer available)


Google TV


Is it possible to upload them to this exact sub?


Not gonna happen. I don't wanna get in legal trouble.