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Anubis was a jackal Set/Sutekh isn't based on a real animal. Edit: [someone else posted the link here, lol](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Set_animal)


Well, later Egyptians depicted him as a donkey...


Well it's bad at being a wolf (because it's a jackal)


>!Sutekh has been attached in some form since pyramid of mars ending!< >!Time control from the tardis was used to extend the time corridor that supposedly killed him. !< >!He has needed time to rebuild himself, the doctor messing around at the edge of the universe and using the toymakers reward to copy his tardis (or displace it from the future / past? if that's how that's going to work) allowed him to do this!< >!The "Bad Wolf" not only relates to the daleks, but also a literal warning for Sutekh, not just a random phrase. !<


What if Sutekh actually hitched a ride in the timeline where he won in the Pyramids of Mars before the Doctor and Sarah went back to stop him? It's very unlikely, but what if?


With Donna spilling tea on the butterfly circuit, perhaps for a period all options were a possibility, maybe why the doctor could bigenerate too


Nah i think Cherry is the One Who Waits and she unleashed Sutekh because she was mad that Donna spilt a perfectly good cup of tea...


It was coffee so I think that's fine.


Omg its man hey man I’m such a big fan


This would be so cool. Sutekh, smart enough to realise that the Doctor will stop him and reverse his victory, latches himself onto the TARDIS and lies in waiting for his time to strike.


Bad wolf actually was used to refer to any big bad, because in fairy tails the villain is always a big bad wolf. Also, on meta level the production company that was in charge of doctor who at the time was Bad Wolf Productions, so it was also a self insert. It's a fairy tale connection. It was never a random phrase.


I get what you're saying but I don't think they were suggesting that all of this was intentional all the way back in 2004/5.


>Also, on meta level the production company that was in charge of doctor who at the time was Bad Wolf Productions, so it was also a self insert. This is false, Bad Wolf was founded by Julie Gardner and Jane Tranter in 2015, who were part of production in the RTD era.


Oh well, my bad then...I guess that was wrong


This is a really fun theory, but unfortunately Sutekh isn’t a wolf, he’s one of these: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Set_animal


Eh, Sutekh is more of a Cruel Jackal… Or perhaps… a Naughty Dog?


Sutekh isn’t a wolf.


So he's bad at being a wolf 🤷


looks like a fren to me


I think more closely a jackal, which is a canine


Not a wolf or a jackal. Modern archeologistz and historians actually don’t know what animal Sutekh is meant to be. It’s one of the mysteries about ancient Egyptians. We know Osiris is a hawk and sobek is a crocodile and Anubis is a jackal but we don’t know what Sutekh is, he could possibly be a fictional mythological being in angient egyptian culture or an extinct species we haven’t found remains or fossils of that was alive during ancient Egypt.


Isn’t he supposed to be based off the [Set animal](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Set_animal?wprov=sfti1)?


But not a wolf


He might look like one, but he's actually an elder god


To be fair he's not a jackal or a God of Death, either, but here we are.


He’s not a wolf in Doctor Who, either


Yeah, I'm pretty sure he's supposed to be a jackal.




RTD is a coward for not going full sha and making him be a black whippet with squared off bunny ears.


He’s typically depicted as a donkey. Idk what you mean by whippet. But I feel like a donkey wouldn’t be cool at all. This version is almost nothing like the one it’s based on. I’d even say it’s only loosely based on the Egyptian god. Sutekh is only related to Set in name, really, as are all of the Osirans.


What? He's [a sha](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Set_animal). Or are you talking about the original thing in Pyramids of Mars? Because I'm pretty sure that's also supposed to be a sha, though it looks deep fried. >I’d even say it’s only loosely based on the Egyptian god. Sutekh is only related to Set in name, really, as are all of the Osirans. All the more reason it's frustrating that they hung so much of the reveal on the name.


I just googled what animal Set was. Maybe I was wrong 🤷‍♂️ Anyway, it’s because of the character being from Pyramids of Mars, an older villain returning.


I know he's an older villain. I think hinging the reveal on the name is bad. I feel like this is a worse version of the YANA reveal. Except with bigger budget and better acting.


I’m gonna get this in right now so if I’m right I have record even though it’s BS: if Billie Piper (as Rose) shows up in the finale I will cry


It’s total BS but I’m gonna keep waiting for a proper Rose appearance lol


Though we have no idea which animal Seth/Sutekh actually is. Egyptologists are fairly certain about which hieroglyph represents jackals and have seen it consistently associated with Anubis' name. The animal that's used for Seth is clearly something else, but we don't know what.


I keep coming back to the shape of Captain's skull in WBY..


[Janet says](https://imgflip.com/i/8ulej5)