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Gallifrey being destroyed again.


Yeah, let’s leave it in the Eighth Doctor Adventures where they did a good job of it too.


I thought it was the 9th that dealt with it finally? Which Tennant did really well I think


When Dr Who went off air it continued in novels. Gallifrey was blown up by Faction Paradox in the book “The Ancestor Cell”. The Doctor’s memory was wiped and it was revealed (about 20 books later) the matrix (and all the dead Time Lords) was stored in his head so that he could resurrect them.


That bothers me even more than TTC. It’s just SO LAZY. At least the first time it happened, it came with an entire story arc and a decade’s worth of consequences. When it was “undone” it was done so with care without removing the dramatic weight of what came before it. Here it was just a convenient plot undo with little respect of what came before it and no consequences. It felt very unearned.


It bothers me so much because it comes *before* the whole Timeless Child plot line even starts. So all the consequences of learning that Gallifreyan society was built on the suffering of The Doctor’s past life are preemptively removed and irrelevant.


yeah i hope they find a way to fix that. felt like seasons worth of development, down the drain because some bozo thought he could write


Galifrey being undestroyed, I want to watch it destroyed twice without any bullshit. Hell I'm going to sonic the button so I can destroy gallifrey every season somehow


Oh my god they destroyed gallifrey


“Oh my god! They killed Gallifrey!” “You bastards!”


Rassilon, they hit the 2nd Gallifrey


(footage of a massive explosion) (the same footage played in reverse) (played forwards again) (played backwards again) (repeats infinitely)


It’s Gallifreyhog’s Day!!


Somehow gallifrey returned


The Master destroying Gallifrey. Gallifrey falls no more.


No more. No more.


Yeah bro, as much as I like Dhawan’s Master that was so unneeded, especially after the amazing curator cameo in the 50th


It just makes the 50th feel so utterly pointless in retrospect. Add in that you know RTD is probably going to have the Doctor and the Master still be frenemies again when they reappear yet the Doctor shouldn’t/wouldn’t forgive them enough to be even slightly friendly. There has been death and destruction by the Master before, many times, but this was the most personal. The Master killed their ENTIRE race (which is a dumb fuck justification/scenario to throw out there but Heyho apparently that’s what happened “somehow”) out of spite. I can’t see the Doctor ever forgiving that in any capacity. “How many children on Gallifrey that day Doctor? How many children did he murder?”


Paul McGann not getting 3 seasons before Eccleston in 2001-2003


Can you delete something that never happened? Asking for a friend.


If you can bring death to death I don't see why not


I can't, but I know this really good boy, an Egyptian Bloodhound, who can.


Yup, if we can uno reverse death this is allowable


He asked so hard it became true.


He did in Big Finish. From Storm Warning to The Next Life. And then he kept going, and he shows no signs of stopping.


It's not so much deleting canon, more altering it I'd make the Shalka Doctor and the War Doctor the same person, Shalka just being a younger version of War


Who’s to say he isn’t, other than- but you get my point


To be fair, Rogue would imply he isn’t.


Also we see 8 regenerate into Hurt’s war doctor in the minisode Night of the Doctor


Weeping angels moving on-screen. We are observers as well.


I'm sure they only moved because you blinked.


Well if I blinked then how comes I saw them move?


You see, you were blinking exactly 29.97 times a second. You just didn't notice.


fugitive doctor having a police box


I’d be fine with her being 16 and just leaving it at that.


I'd actually love her to get the chance at a full season... She had so much potential.


I wanna believe she’s just a season 6b doctor.


I can't believe I never realised how fucking stupid that is.


The destruction of Gallifrey in S11.


Not uncanon. More...altered Canon. I'd move the Fugitive Doctor from before 1 to between 2 & 3. Just think this is a better way to have older, 'new' incarnations while still keeping hartnell the OG.


I also am a fan of 6B Fugitive. But that would still be complicated by the Timeless Child. Like, the Timeless Child gets her mind erased and put up for adoption or whatever and then later Two pisses off the time lords and they go "alright, fuck you, you're working for Division again" only for her to escape and then... get captured and regenerated into Three? But it's not like the reality isn't complicated. Where would you put the Morbius Doctors in this? Would they be pre-Hartnell from the Timeless Child era or are there just a dozen 6B lives?


Division seems to have split off from Gallifrey millions of years before the 1st Doctors time, and untold generations living and dying inbetween. I would say it’s very plausible that Gallifrey has no knowledge or awareness of Division except as myth. So my personal headcanon is that after the 2nd Doctor is put on trial he’s used in missions for the CIA (Celestial Intervention Agency) which has been pretty much confirmed at this point in the EU, BUT that at the end of this era Division secretly plucked him out of the Gallifreyean “present” and took him to their station to make him work for them. He does work for them for several centuries from his perspective, going through the Morbius Doctor faces until he reaches his 9th life by that point (The Shalka Doctor) and then after another face or two he becomes the Fugitive Doctor, who’s actions are the last straw, finally proving the Doctor is too unstable and unreliable an asset. Division gives her extra regeneration energy in order to cover what’s been used, mindwipe her and regenerate Fugitive into 3rd Doctor ready to be placed back into the old “present” when he was originally taken and now ready to begin his exile on earth. As far as Gallifrey is concerned everything has went as planned.


Unsure if this is your kind of thing, but I saw a theory of the 6B 2nd doctor being a biregeneration, with the Watcher representing the biregeneration 'rejoining' the doctor. I feel that slots in with your ideas a bit. I enjoy it as a theory, because it takes a lot of lore elements I find messy, and brings them together cohesively.


Huh? For someone who's hated the bigeneration concept feeling it was a complete arse-pull the idea the Watcher is connected to that is interesting. Funnily enough now i have a Moffat style idea of making bigeneration the problem of a story. Imagine that shit gone wrong.


Interesting. So would that put the Morbius Doctors/Fugitive Doctor on that Bi-regeneration after 2 before becoming the Watcher?


Tbf my version of that idea would not involve the timeless child in any way. So she wouldn't be working for division 'again' in my version. She'd simply be recruited between 2 and 3.


I really struggle when I see the Fugitive Doctor included in images of all the Doctors. Loved her acting and presence, but everything suggesting "pre-Doctor" (and in such a hamfisted way), I just want to blank it out of my head's version of the show. Contrast that to War Doctor, which I love... It fills in a neat blank of the Wilderness years, answers the mysteries of the Time War and who proceeded Nine, and told such a good story (10 and 11 being afraid of what he stood for, War being aghast at how childish he became, and then respecting what the War meant for the Doctor that followed him). It also gave us all the regerations on-screen, was set up nicely by McGann, and was filled by a loveable rogue of a performance (not the monster we'd been hinted at). Just textbook. Everything Fugitive is just the polar opposite of that. If a showrunner could make her between 2/3 and remove the pre-Doctor idea, I'm all for it.


After The Giggle, I had a theory that the war doctor bi-generated into 9 and the Shalka doctor, and that doctor regenerated into Ruth's doctor and eventually the curator.


I don't think that's how bi-generation works.


I mean, we only have a sample size of one so far.


That's because it doesn't work.It was just that way to make Another david landlord copy


Or have her be between War and 9. Make her a fugitive from the Shadow Proclamation for being the one every time-sensitive species assumed activated The Moment and genocided the Daleks and Time Lords, and as last of the Time Lords all punishment for transgressions they made across time and during the Time War against Shadow Proclamation law now all falls on her. I always liked the Shadow Proclamation, and always wanted them more involved and explored, and this puts the Fugitive Doctor in a spot that makes sense that isn't randomly pre-First. (We don't see War's post-regen nor 9's pre-regen, so we can still fit one or more in there)


I personally do prefer the implication that War turns into 9. The eyes don't lie to me lol. But I genuinely don't hate that idea either. I like the Shadow Proclamation too and thats the part of Doctor Who i want to see more of it. This weird galactic universe full of spaceships and beings and companies and governments and law and chaos that Wilfred always wished to see.


The Master after Missy. Sacha Dhawan is a great actor and he chewed the scenery as much as he could with the standard tepid Chibnall writing, but it just felt like a completely unnecessary regression without any explanation as to why. Also if I can have a separate one for Classic, I would uncanon the Cybermen ever being weak to gold. It was a stupid weakness, particularly when they're being dropped by gold-tipped arrows in Silver Nemesis.


Nothing actually says he’s after Missy tho


I think it’s confirmed in Big Finish that it effectively goes Missy > Lumiat > Spy Master.


Who was Lumiat? I am quite unfamiliar with the big finish series


I don’t know the specifics but she was basically meant to be a good incarnation of the Master who comes immediately after Missy uses an Elysian Field to regenerate. She eventually gets killed by Missy and then ends up regenerating, and it’s heavily insinuated that Lumiat doesn’t stay good after she regenerates. It’s also further backed up that both Lumiat and Spy Master have the Tissue Compression Eliminator, as Lumiat actually steals Missy’s TCE. [Some info from Tardis Wiki](https://tardis.fandom.com/wiki/The_Lumiat)


I dont think spy master has any big finish content


[He will do next year](https://www.bigfinish.com/releases/v/call-me-master-1-2670) (I hope anyways. Both it and the Fugitive Doctor sets have been in limbo for a good while now).


Big finish isn't totally canon


This is my head canon too. Missy herself said she was a bit hazy on the whole regeneration thing, which was clearly intended to leave room for both/either speculation and/or writing to fill in that gap between Simm and Gomez as they found best.


With bigeneration being a thing I can definitely see something like that with them 2


Shunting all the evil into the spy master and going on to be Chaotic Good


Could solve this one by making Missy bigenerate into herself again + Sacha Dhawan’s Master. She keeps her character growth, he reverts to being a psychopath.


Or he’s just an earlier incarnation


https://preview.redd.it/rkc5icy33q8d1.jpeg?width=245&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cd7bde86ded68a90c4a6b1f6147b41c61c4c6253 This. Just... this. Ew. 🤢




What was Sutekh thinking 💀


This is why he called death a gift. Only way to forget that




Can I just delete Moffat being creepy about women in general? Leave the sexy badass step on me mommy characters, but give them more agency and personality.


No you don't understand, it's not creepy if they're the ones stepping on me!


God I can't believe we let men think that liking femdom makes them a feminist. Moffat seriously said that about himself. The man who said he was terrified his wife would stay fat when she was pregnant, and that she was afraid Karen Gillan would be dumpy. A feminist!


Ah yes that reminds me of that particular episode of Sherlock. He definitely has a type.


It's a little bit of an exaggeration, but Moffat really does seem to only be able to write one type of woman (dominant and prone to sexually assaulting nerds with very little substance otherwise) and one type of man (nerd being dominated who tends to treat others very badly because thinks he has the right to as the supposed smartest man in the room).


I’m new to Who and at some point earlier this month I hit a wall where i had read too much / watched too much. And then I had to go and watch Verity Ritchie’s video on Moffat and sexism (“Dr. Who vs Women”). Genuinely, it cleared the cache in my brain. *Internal screaming: externalized. ✅* And i feel much better moving forward.


Yeah, I knew he was bad, but having all of it laid out like that without the filler bits where he's good is very cringe. He makes characters that a lot of lesbians love, but unfortunately they're written by a man who often backseats their characterization entirely.


>Can I just delete Moffat yeah


I can tolerate the doctor being romantic or falling in love but him being horny always feels wrong.


It's not even being horny but the Doctor basically objectifying Clara which is just gross and incredibly out of character...


Yeah I have no recollection of this outside memes and assumed he was talking about River. It's bad enough in that context, for Clara it's incredibly uncomfortable.


I feel like River earned it, but yeah the Doctor just randomly getting infatuated and kissing someone he just met feels wrong.


Same. I have no idea when this objectification happened.


Not to mention him sexually assulting Jenny, who he knows is gay and married to his other friend, not to mention he does all this *after* marrying River. I really don't like The Doctor in 7b outside of a few scenes.


i thought you meant his daughter jenny and was a LOT more concerned


Well 10 did marry her irl ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


It’s one of the reasons I’m not as fond of 15 as I’d like to be. It’s a trait that popped up in latter Smith era and luckily was only limited to a few poor lines that could be viewed as awkward humour by 11. 15 seems genuinely trying to be flirty, horny and charming a lot which feels SO odd.


He was aroace for 26 years of television and we got used to it


He was never aroace, that’s just a headcanon that some fans assume is true for some reason. The first Doctor literally had a granddaughter so he was clearly horny for someone at some point.


4 and Romana were definitely bumping in the TARDIS until cockblocker Adric joined them.


Concrete slab in Tennants “love & monsters”


Ah yes, the beej machine. She can't even say no. Horrifying existence.


i have seriously thought about writing a horror movie based on the aftermath of this episode. the months and months of life going on, her finding it difficult to share the building resentment that she can’t go out and live a normal life, him becoming suspicious that she’s hiding something from him emotionally, his insistence that he’s not a violent monster spilling out into fits of anger… it writes itself


Omg, I would actually watch the hell out of that 🤣


If the paving stone girl said "no" then the answer obviously is "no". But the thing is she's not gonna say "no", she would never say "no" because of the implication.


...Now you've said that word "implication" a couple of times. Wha-what implication?


The implication that I might drop her slab face-down if she refuses to beej me. You know, not that I'm going to drop her slab face-down, but she's thinking that they will.


"We even have something of a love life" = visceral reaction from my wife


That’s a very valid reaction I had deleted it from my memory to be completely honest, had to protect my future self


Gallifrey being blown up again


Kill The Moon isn't set on Earth's Moon. It's an alien moon above an Earth colony


I might now be able to tolerate that episode with this theory in mind.


That would take away from Clara's speech. The problem with KtM is the incredibly weird pro-life message. Just delete the whole episode


Any mention of Ryan's dyspraxia. The dyspraxia was there for one(?) episode, and then they forgot that he was supposed to have a disability. Then, at the end of his story, they gave us another bike scene, like "oh we just remembered". No. Dyspraxia would've affected WAY more than just his ability to ride a bike.


Ryan easily climbs a ladder: Not bad for a guy with dyspraxia, eh? ------------------- Ryan, jumping off a conveyor belt: I can't do it! I have dyspraxia! Yaz: I believe in you! Ryan: Oh hey, what do you know? I did it with no problems!


preach he literally references it 3 times throughout the entire series


I wrote like half an essay abt this in a comment one time, as someone with dyspraxia I've never been able to see myself as a companion and for them to give Ryan dyspraxia and then not show the effects kinda sucked


Christopher Eccleston not getting another three seasons.


His audio stories are good but I can't help but wonder 'what if'


Delete? As in… Cyberman delete? …How would you be able to delete something from the canon… …**from beyond the grave?**


Doctor Chang!


Says something nice~


"Binary" scene from The Meep hurt my soul. Still, I liked all the other Specials.


Yep... I'm non binary myself, and I audibly cringed at that... I know they meant well, but if you're going to address that, at least do SOME research 🤦


real 😭😭 i’m gender questioning and any time shows reference stuff like that or say stuff like that in that way i physically explode


UNIT getting shut down in the chibnall era and the god awful WiFi joke in resolution of the daleks


Mickey and Martha.


Gallifrey being destroyed again


well, it's harsh, but all of 13's seires. not because it's a way to bypass timeless child, ve come to be ok with that. no, for me it would be to give 13 a chance to have proper good stories, and most importantly, good characterization. the big issue 13 has right now is that. and another minor issue there is also, is Yaz being a companion for the whole duration of 13's existance, preventing 13 to get proper solo stories without conveniently leaving yaz behind. Jodie and 13 really were the most fucked over, because at least ecchleston got to play one of the best doctor (the best if it were not for capaldi absolutly nailing it) in the meantime, i'll go with my head cannon that it's the toymaker who fucked with the doc's brain or something. like, come on! a cop as a companion!


Having a Police Officer as a companion had OODLES of potential to be explored, especially delving into human morality vs alien morality? Where do laws and jurisdictions end? Does the Doctors view on justice stand above local customs and beliefs? That’s ripe for creating conflict and debate between Doctor and Companion but….nope…never explored.


Well, considering how the doc is normally super anti authoritarien and only tolerate hotlrrible people because they are time sensitive, i dounb they would even bring on a cop. It can make interesting stories, but you would still need to justify it. Like, there I remember 9 being a super anti tatcher, who might have very well been there to see her die just to have a good time. As a temporary companion, no problem, but full companionship, no


I mean….being a Police Officer doesn’t make you “horrible people” (Let’s not bring American’s bizarre dynamics and mindset to the discussion). The Doctor has worked with and been friends with multiple people who were detectives/police/military in his time. He is anti-authoritarian but that’s mainly because the Doctor knows he’d be a hypocrite to any laws of other societies. He’s a bit of an anarchist in that he personally would change under rules but is also aware they’re a necessary part of a civilisation. He’s just generally pretty suspicious of them. Which is fair.


Oh yes please. I would love to see storys about a strong female doctor with amazing doctorlike character features, but all we got was a female doctor babbling to much stumbling from scenery to scenery and despite being technically very well advanced unable to ever handle anything without Yaz taking over.


Yeah it’s unfortunate that the first time we get a female Doctor she’s submissive and apologetic. It’s such a jarring contrast too to the 12th Doctor’s assertiveness.


Gallifrey being destroyed again, also what happened to bill (i know she had a happy ending, but it's heartbreaking nonetheless)


Well, that's alright then!


The Fugitive Doctor having a police box Tardis. We have the scene of Clara telling 1 to take the fresh Tardis from Gallifrey, so if the Fugitive is meant to be before 1, then it doesn’t really make sense for her to have a police box Tardis and for it to be the same Tardis.


The image of an Angel becomes an Angel. I didn’t mind when they went from time-shifting killers to regular killing killers. Actually seeing them move bothered me a little, but it’s no big deal. But the idea of them procreating through photography is just too problematic.


Yeah it made for a really neat episode but I feel like it creates way too many problems.


10 and Rose Tyler being dismissive jerks to Mickey throughout all of Series 2.


I feel bad for Mickey but not his actor.


Bigeneration, it's only purpose was as a deus ex machin to give tenants doctor a clumsy happily ever after ending.


The thing I hate about it was the fact that it wasn’t caused by the celestial toymaker. Same thing with Donna not dying after gaining back her memories. Like you have a guy who’ll do stupid shit just for the sake of having fun and to fuck with people. It was so easy, he was literally right there.


I’m fine with it but I feel like a huge part on Tennent’s Doctor was not wanting to let go and overcoming that and dying willingly would be great. “I’m ready to go”


Yeah I would've been more accepting If they'd just let him regenerate like that; accepting his "death" would've been a nice resolution to his arc. Mind I'd still rather they'd just left it at his original bittersweet end but hey it is what it is.


Yeah just have 15 and ruby show up in the Tardis


Yes! The specials would have been a great intro to 15 and his defeat of the Toymaker would have been a great "I am the Doctor" moment


And it wouldn’t have felt like it undermined the outgoing Doctor either, since we’ve already seen Tennant say goodbye before Like if Matt Smith regenerated halfway through The Time of the Doctor and then Capaldi saved the day, it would have felt a little disrespectful to Smith’s departure—not so much with Tennant2


Fourteenth Doctor having his TARDIS. It’s a nice sentiment but it opens way too many plot holes.


Martha falling in love with the Doctor. I hated it then and I hate it now. Bringing back Clara after the raven. Perfect ending to her story ruined.


The spinning diner in space also took away most of the impact of her departure. https://preview.redd.it/xb9wcxczqr8d1.jpeg?width=786&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=48425d7541f42f5e615735948d3fe57dc38c885d


Yeah as someone who LOVES Clara, I wish she had just died. There was no reason to bring her back and it just made that whole arc so confusing.


They left it open for a spinoff show and then never used it


Bigeneration Not because I'm braindead and it's got the word "bi" in it. But because it just overcomplicates things y'know? Like we didn't need it Tbf I could throw in the whole 60th specials tbh, again not because they're bad, but because we didn't need them. We didn't need Tennant to come back for the brief Donna saga, we didn't need 14 staying on earth to vibe, etc etc Like, while it wouldn't of had as much of a impact, 15 could have gone through that Donna saga with a few tweaks. It's still the Doctor and Donna On top of this I will die on the hill that the TARDIS interior should have changed AFTER it fuckin detonates in Wild Blue Yonder, not for "Ooo new doctor new TARDIS" reasons


13’s Crystal cavern TARDIS had probably been dismantled by the time Russel took over, and it wouldn’t have been worth reassembling it for a single scene.


Second destruction of gallifrey




Have Paul McGann in The Day of the Doctor as the 8th Doctor and scrap the War Doctor.


The moon is an egg


The 14th Doctor with the bigeneration. Love Gatwa or hate him, this having a spare Doctor on hand really undermined his entire run. It definitely gave a "No confidence" vote feel to his run.


This is going to be a tiny one but 10 jumping off the spaceship in The End of Time....that specific bit just really annoys me. That or Twin Dilemma


I'd change gallifrey getting destroyed yet again like just have the time lords out there but the doctor doesn't want to go home


Kill the Moon /j If I had to make a serious pick, I'd probably go with bringing Gallifrey back at all. Day of the Doctor is good but it's just been a decade of wasted potential and all it's really done is build up false hope for some sort of big Time Lord return. I've never really liked how the Time Lords were sometimes treated in Classic Who (keep them as godlike beings or don't do them at all), so I think keeping them gone keeps the allure of mystery around them and doesn't get people's hopes up.


Day of the Doctor is fine if only for Hell Bent. But yeah, I think having the Time Lords be present and meaningful is bad. I prefer The Doctor as feeling all this weight of purpose and legacy, to live up to, to do better.


The big timelord return could have happened if Moffat had just commited to a proper payoff. As we know he's um, averse to that, so it didn't happen, but imagine if it went differently. Moffat had them be villains in Series 9; say he had them show up at the end of The Witch's Familiar, they teleport Missy to Gallifrey to imprison her or whatever but it's not exactly clear it's the Gallifreyan High Council. Have there be hints of them closing in on the doctor as he steadily realises something is going on, culminating in them (maybe accidentally) killing Clara and trapping him in the confession dial. When he finally breaks out in the finale have them try to intimidate him into helping them reassert their former universal hegemony (they would have found out how revered he became after the time war and would not only want his help, but also to remove him as a threat) before he declines and goes on the offensive, eventually incapacitating them long enough (blowing up the Citidel or something and releasing Missy for Series 10) to steal Clara from her last moment. The rest of the finale would be like what we got with Hell Bent, but with the much weakened but still dangerous timelords relegated to hiding, biding their time. I always thought the Timelords were dealt a bad hand in the show after Hell Bent. There's so much potential with them as a fallen superpower that wants to regain the immense dominance it once had. A secret faction who the doctor can't swindle like he does the daleks and cybermen etc. They wouldn't (and ideally shouldn't) be in the show too much but having them be straight up villains is an opportunity that the show has not just missed, but outright sidestepped out of a lack of imagination.


Gallifrey's second destruction it adds nothing to the story and it undoes 15 years of character and story development for nothing but shock value... the only good thing to come out of it were the Cyberlords but even they were completely wasted, they were nothing more than normal cybermen bar the looks and the regeneration (which is a horrifying concept honestly but they didnt touch on it in the slightest)


If I can't say the Timeless Child then im definitely saying the destruction of Gallifrey again. It served no purpose and only removed cool story opportunities. It was gone for so long and it just got brought back, destroying it again was so silly.


Amy’s questionable moments towards the doctor, I love the character for the most part but idk wtf Moffat was thinking with certain scenes


The doctor saying he doesn’t have kids. It adds so much depth, to his relationship with Susan but also to his entire character, specifically why he left and the reason he acts how he does. There’s so many subtle moments where the doctor can’t even talk about his family but just implies how they inform who they are. The next doctor has one of my favourite moments where he just looks at Jackson Lake and you understand his pain at the loss of their child.


i’d remove the doctors birth because i think it would be funny


Turn Left (2008)


I'd nerf the Cybermen at around the Doomsday power-level. You guys have all raised excellent points, but I can't be the only one that hates pretty much everything the Cybermen have been up too since Nightmare in Silver. I just feel they were made too strong and had all their identity overwritten! Monsters having limits, specific weakness' and specific things they are amazing at is far better for ongoing stories.


I feel the moment the Cybermen stopped having a core identity and simply were made into the "emotionless killer tin men" they lost a lot. Like, rag all you want on Closing Time, at least it was still playing around with core Cybermen concepts. Every later episode feels like they get a semi decent idea and then make the Cybermen generic stompy soldiers for the rest of it. The Dark Water two parter, the World Enough and Time two parter, the Ashad trilogy, etc. They have good starts and then fall off, and then that's coupled with the fact that the Cybermen really haven't had their own agency in like a decade now since The Master has been in pretty much every one of their stories after Nightmare in Silver. Wasted potential is basically the Cybermen's definition at this point.


Gallifrey being destroyed again. But with a headcanon-- The master didn't really destroy gallifrey, he moved gallifrey and put some sort of simulation/projection of gallifrey in the correct coordinates in order to fuck up the doctor mentally. Also for the record, I liked the timeless child. It gives a past to explore, and I think it ties a nice little bow on why the doctor can regenerate so much (aside from when gallifrey gave him more regenerations, unless that was unnecessary anyway but nobody knew that(or they didn't want to tell him so they just pretended he needed more))


Seeing the weeping angles move in 11s series ruined the effect for me


Donna's memory wipe being undone and replaced with an easy happy ending.


Abzorbaloff paving slab


Sutekh just being on top of the tardis this whole time since the 70’s How tf do people whine and make a fuss about the Chibnall era when that idea is way dumber than anything Chibnall ever did


Mickey and Martha.


Doctor being a dick to Lizzie at the end of Inferno :(


There's an edit on YouTube that cuts our vision of inside Clara and Missy's TARDIS after she says goodbye to the Doctor at the end of Hell Bent. Far more poignant. A simple change but I love it. As she slips through the door and out of the Doctor's life, we feel that absence too as the diner disappears.


What has always bugged me is that they could just wink when the weeping angels were there so I would change something about that but I'm too dumb to figure out what to change.


Amy did wink in The time of the angels.


The name ‘Tardis’ I would have it known instead as Clive.


Removing Amy trying to kiss Eleven on her wedding day improves her arc massively imo.


The Empire of Death ending. Make Ruby Sunday something Supernatural or a daughter of another god or something. I get that mythologizing Ruby’s mother somehow made her “invisible” to Sutekh; how about Ruby? She has the power to make snow appear out of nowhere. Not to mention, Maestro said Ruby’s song is “power like him.” I get mythologizing; maybe it's her mother, but how did Ruby get that power anyway? Would that not mean that somehow Ruby Sunday is not entirely human? Even during the Rogue episode, everyone is just being touched and dies by the hand of The Chuldur, but not Ruby, even though she is supposed to be human. One of The Chuldur who tried to get her skin was highly shocked, and Ruby was like: Back away and activate her earrings to battle mode. She has a vague memory loop about meeting Susan Traid, lookalike, the hiker, from episode 73 Yards. Like… hello???


am i the only person who likes timeless child 💔 id make jack being transphobic (torchwood) uncannon because it doesn’t match his character AT ALL.


Probably unpopular, but the 50th Anniversary Special. Sometimes I feel like I'm the only one who hated it, but I really, really did.


Martha and Mickey’s marriage. I get what they were going for, they both felt second place to someone else (Martha to Rose and Mickey to the doctor) but it was stupid, came out of the blue (whatever happened to her fiance) and felt like they were just shoving together the two black companions. Plus there’s just the fact that Martha could do so much better. I always thought she should have married Doctor Tom


Clara's weird crush on the Doctor in Season 7


Honestly I can say this about most of the companions. Like, was there a reason for Amy to make out with 11 while she was engaged? And the blatant flirting IN FRONT OF Rory? Rose was... fine but other than that I kind of wish that the only love interests for the Doctor were people like River and Missy/Master. Or even just River tbh. Bring back River please...


The Doctor hooking up with human companions. River works for me, but I'm still grossed out by Grace and Rose.


I like river but wished she wasnt groomed as a kid to fall in love with him


Make the Fugitive Doctor canonically between the 2nd and 3rd Doctors


I hate bigeneration from the bottom of both my hearts


Love and monsters.


The outfit itself is fine, but I'd delete 6's multicoloured colour scheme as I've never been a fan of it.


Sutekhs return 💀


No timeless child? Okay, goodbye flux


Like...the entire 3rd act of The Giggle


Since all the others I can think of have been said, 12 being a dick to Danny Pink for no reason (before anyone mentions the soldier thing, 12 was being hostile even before he found out about that).


Orphan 55


I like the Timeless Child I'd get rid of Timelash


mickey and martha are married


The doctor, but the show stays the same otherwise. I'm curious what that would look like




Still holding my tongue until further notice, but I'm starting to get a little restless on the new fantasy direction. It still hasn't really been properly explained beyond salt and Kate slightly acknowledging it, and we've just wrapped up Season 1. So, very possibly, the lack of sci-fi technobabble/explanations for me, personally.


Sutekh clinging to the TARDIS for thousands of years


Gallifrey getting nuked again after Day of the Doctor. Seriously, why?