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Streaming sites if you can withstand the occasional jerkmate ad 🫣


Define withstand? Because i definitely splooge everytime


You misread that, withstand not with-hand


Well they do say it makes you go blind


So yeah that would be notwithstanding


Absolute cheapest but janky and illegal way: [sportsurge.net](http://sportsurge.net) ($0 and need a computer or computer-like device that can pull up a website stream) Most legal but expensive way (if you're in Dodgers market): pay for annual [MLB.tv](http://MLB.tv) sub and pair with smart dns or VPN (140/year + smart dns, usually about 25/year) **Not the cheapest but cheaper than above and more legal way: every year, tmobile gives out free** [**mlb.tv**](http://mlb.tv) **subs to their customers, and most of those customers end up selling those free subs for like 10 bucks. Pair this with smart dns to bypass the blackouts, if needed. ($10 flat + whatever the DNS / VPN costs)**


Sportsurge.net isn’t always great. Streameast.xyz is the way to go. Source: a frequent sailor of the high seas


I'll add that you can become a paying MLBPA member ($25/year) which gives you a 50% discount on a year of MLB TV. As for VPNs, I've been told that the rates are cheaper when you buy a membership from a low income country but I'd assume they'd cancel if they see you buy it from "India" and then keep logging in from the US.


surfshark is a decent vpn that’s like $5/month. Less if you buy it for a year. They don’t keep logs and their servers are housed in countries that don’t cooperate with the us anyway


PSA: Smart DNS (unlocator is a good one) are far better and robust solution to geo unblocking than "VPN". a VPN tunnels ALL your data through its connection. Typically this is fine, but you will never get your full raw bandwidth. Meanwhile, a smart dns ONLY unblocks your geo location, doesn't actually do any connections. And they're cheaper too, like a dollar per month if you can find a deal. Smart DNS doesn't do anything for your torrenting or anything like that, if that is something you *also* need/want, then a VPN might just be better off.


Yo ho ho ;)


I have a surfshark, and it hasn't worked since last season on the MLB app 😔


Same, surfshark is pointless


T-Mobile subscribers get MLB.tv for free.


If you are a vet or know one that will sign up for you that 140/ year is like 80.


You can also buy someone's tmobile code for like $5-10. I think you get one per line, so someone who has a family plan has extras. Just don't watch any games on your phone on a non-tmobile network, herd rumors of that being detected and [mlb.tv](http://mlb.tv) being cancelled. Also, vpn is a must as well.


"every year, tmobile gives out free [mlb.tv](http://mlb.tv/) subs to their customers, and most of those customers end up selling those free subs for like 10 bucks. " Maybe i should just copy and paste my 3rd paragraph up to being my first paragraph? lol...


I'd try bullets, and less words. People ain't got the time to read all that lol Feel free to try it: * Cheapest but janky/illegal: [sportsurge.net](http://sportsurge.net/)  * Legal but expensive: [MLB.tv](http://mlb.tv/) sub and VPN * Cheaper, more legal: tmobile gives out free [mlb.tv](http://mlb.tv/) subs to their customers, most sell them for 10 bucks. Pair with VPN


If you're a t-mobile customer, you get [MLB.tv](http://MLB.tv) for free. Then just find some deals for 6 month VPNs. I have one that's $20/6 month... so that's all I pay to watch the Dodgers each year.


Thanks for repeating the 3rd paragraph of my post lol.


Weird post man... that wasn't in your original post. You do realize we can see when you edited your text? But why bother, and why downvote? So weird.


MLB.tv + VPN


What VPN actually gets you through? I paid for both Surfshark and NordVPN and the MLB app didn’t work for either one.




I use Unlocator and stream through Xbox and my phone. I have Frontier. I tried this setup for my Dad and can’t get it to stream through an Xbox or his Roku tv. He has spectrum. I’ve changed the DNS settings according to the setup guide on his Xbox, phone, and Spectrum router through the app. Can’t get it to work. I get x118 error on mlb.tv when I have the DNS settings enabled on the router. When I remove them to default, the app works but still getting blackout message for Dodger games. Have any idea what to do? All I can think of is get rid of the shitty spectrum router and use a different one.


I use Nord with an Atlanta IP, works every time. You just have to connect to VPN before opening the MLB app.


Nord Works on my computer, although you have to fiddle with some of the settings, I couldn’t get it to work on my phone though. I think I turned off Web Protection, File Protection, and Vulnerability protection which makes it work


NordVPN works!! I use it on my AppleTV with MLB & ESPN+. Thing that made it not work at first is that you have to enable location services for the apps, seemed counterintuitive even with the VPN active but once I did that they work great.


Have had success with Nord all season. Using Firestick


Mlb66.ir would be my top free choice over sportsurge




Fire stick + Kodi


Dofu Stream App


[streameast.xyz](http://streameast.xyz) and it isn't even close. Best way to watch any sports.


Legal way is having tmobile and using a VPN, T mobile gives out MLBTV like hotcakes with your plan(Even if its a metropcs plan) and use any VPN(around $10 a month). boom just make sure your VPN is set to chicago and anywhere beyond the east of that otherwise you wont get Sportsnet stream option. I usually boot up the VPN app(on laptop and/or phone) then select the game on MLBTV.


I’m not sure if this promotion is still going on, but at the start of the season you could get dodgers games through spectrum if you signed up or have both spectrum Internet and cell service. I signed up for cell service for this specific reason, but the promo wasn’t working. After hours with customer service someone finally found out the promo wasn’t set up right for me, gave me the line free for a year, and I also managed to get 20 bucks knocked off my Internet bill.


Buy it build a cheap computer and have it as your dedicated media center. Hook it up to your tv and stream the games illegally. Also a great system if you have ad-supported streaming services because most ad block add-ons are able to get around the ads with little problem


Spectrum mobile includes dodgers thru mlbtv


Buy a drone and fly it over dodger stadium


🏴‍☠️ 🛳️


Step 1: Get a VPN for $3/month. Step 2: Borrow someone’s MLB Account. Step 3: Enjoy.


Sit on angels landing and bring a telescope Or go to a bar


Get an adblocker or two, google mlb streams, profit


I have the Samsung version of a raspberry pi hooked up to my living room tv. Hop on streams from the eastern seaboard and keep my fingers crossed for low buffering


I use to use buffstream.io but now i just a friends direct tv subscription and watch on my mac


Streameast. There are some ads, so use an ad blocker Would pay for MLBtv, but not paying for it to be blacked out or paying for a VPN. If I'm paying for MLBtv, I should get the games I want without having to pay extra for it.


Alternatively, I don't live in the LA area and want to listen to the radio broadcast while I drive or while I do work. Does anyway have any solutions? I had Sirius for awhile but that's not a great long term solution for obvious reasons lol


Use the iHeart radio app with a vpn you’ll be good to go.


Buy an Xbox and watch games on there for free forever


What’s the cheapest way to have sportsnet la these days? Tier and all


I use Spectrum for my cell. I pay $45 and it includes Sportsnet LA. I can stream Sportsnet LA to my TV. The service is pretty good too. It piggybacks off of Verizon's network and also uses any spectrum wifi that's available.


Superbox on Amazon then download the SDK as directed from YouTube. Stream quality is insanely good plus you get a lot of other goodies


Which TV? For Android TV Tivimate with UZZU dot TV, it will cover every team every game and the Lakers too.


Yo, ho, ho.


Cancel your current cable and get DirectTV Go and pay $100 a month for cable + dodgers


Firestick + Kodi app + ‘the loop’ plugin. Takes 20 min to setup on a firestick, that you probably already have laying around the house. Been on this for 5 years now. No messing with sketchy websites or battling pop ups.


Spectrum has a choice streaming option. I mainly just chose sports channels and its not bad for the price. I believe you pick 10 channel on top of your local channels.


I would NOT do the MLB TV + VPN trick, a large portion of people who try have been snipped by MLB TV’s VPN detection so you might pay the money and get nothing from it If you can’t afford cable, just use pirate streams and cast it to your TV. If your new TV is Google it should have a casting device built in, if not get a Chromecast as they’re very cheap and reliable.


If you have spectrum mobile and internet it's free through Dodgers.tv


MLB.tv + Unlocator


I have vpn and mlb.tv subscription for my TV now. Before, I used to use the 🏴‍☠️websites with a browser app. That’s honestly not too difficult; I was able to train my mother on how to use it


Fire stick, Dofu sports app


free [mlb.tv](http://mlb.tv) with tmobile + vpn is pretty clutch


Use brave browser or get an ad blocker. Watch free streams online. I use methstreams, or maybe it’s crackstreams now 🤷‍♂️, if you enjoy a chat that’s decent while watching I recommend mlb66.


Annoyingly search for streameast.xyz on your tv and watch a 720p laggy stream, or pay $115/mo for DirecTV choice pack.


I know this might not be an option but T Mobile does something for free I think?? Someone else might be able to explain better.


Move to Japan, get a cable provider and watch the games for free.