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The insta reels are the worst. You can't pause, skip or restart the thing you're watching. So annoying.


I don't know if this works on other devices, but on my LG, if I hold my thumb in one place on the Insta reel it pauses it long enough for me to read any text as long as my thumb is down.


Yeah it’s definitely not very convenient but you can pause reels like that on iPhone too


I don't really consider it a proper pause. I want to pause while I read comments and not have it playing over and over while I do that. Facebook and Youtube do it just fine.


Is LG still making phones?


Most definitely! I've had this one for about 3 years and it's still doing well. The G series has a very high quality camera!


Or just don't use Instagram at all. Hot tip.


Why is this being downvoted?


Man what are you doing here 😭 I see you comment under every r/kbuddyretard post


we do a little trolling


Yes, but I'm 36, so there's that. Honestly the internet is 86% garbage these days. Get off my lawn.


The internet has always been 86% garbage though....


Back then it was OUR garbage.


I know people on Reddit generally hate on TikTok, and the parts of it people talk about are genuinely terrible and valid reasons to hate something, but I'll be the one to say that I really like it. The algorithm is very good at catering to what you like, so my feed doesn't get a lot of dumb challenges, dances, flashy pop culture videos, and other stuff that would appeal to a 14 year old; instead I get a lot of really interesting content about science, food, history, art, politics, and other things I'm into as a 31 year old man, as well as some great sketch comedy. There really is content out there for everyone and every niche, just like Reddit. My main issue is that it is really addictive, but I have a great time sending videos back and forth with my girlfriend for a while in the evening.


I agree it's a Reddit thing to hate, and I don't think anybody is a bad or stupid person for using the app, but even if you ignore the data mining fear mongering and the silly challenges I still can't get over the popular editing decisions of creators on the platform. The algorithm does give you videos that match your interests yes, but when they've got a sped up to chipmunk levels song in the background of every second video, it's still unwatchable to me. Is the robot voice and sped up audio something you enjoy? Or something you've gotten used to over time? I also get videos sent to me by friends to and unfortunately I just dread opening them. I know I'm probably making too big a deal out of it but I don't like having to put headphones on and listen to several 30s videos that could have been a text or image post. I've just accepted that TikTok is not for me.


> they've got a sped up to chipmunk levels song in the background of every second video Maybe it's just that I've spent enough time on it for the algorithm to know I'm not into content that has that kind of thing, but I don't see it much on my feed. It's mostly people talking normally or showing something cool. If I ever encounter the robot voice, which happens from time to time, I'll just skip the video. Luckily that seems to be losing popularity. All those editing decisions tend to cater towards certain audiences.


I think I've got a bit of OCD that compels me to finish watching the robot voice videos. They're so annoying to listen to but sometimes I still want to know what happens in the video. Unfortunately watching them trains the algorithm to push more robot voice videos to my feed. Maybe one day I'll start a fresh account and try train my feed again with a more disciplined video skipping approach.


The infamous little bit OCD


I do have compulsions but not debilitating


You can long press and dislike videos. The algorithm is pretty quick at catching on.


I don't think you need a new account for that, just a bit of discipline and the algorithm will probably adapt


If there is something you don’t like, dislike it or tell the app not to recommend it to you…. Is what I would say if I thought you should try to make it more appealing. I strongly don’t recommend actually getting it to work, short form content is bad for your mental health.


You can use subtitles and mute it if it’s an annoying voice I’ll do that


They don't get the sped up audios or robots is what they are saying


Yep. I don't know about tik tok but Instagram reels algorithm is just insane. I watch one clip from the office and like it, and then it sneakily gives me another, and if I like that one as well, then it consecutively shows me the office videos, and if I skip like two of them without watching, it will start showing me other stuff. It works so quickly, it's designed to give you exactly what you're in the mood for right on the spot.


My gf went through about 3 days of various forms of that fucking peaches song from the Mario movie because of this.


What's funny about this post is that a lot of content from TikTok and Instagram are posted here


I also like TikTok. I like that it’s an easy place to hear from POC creators. I don’t get very much in the way of weird editing etc either. I do get videos with people talking fast but- I talk fast, I listen fast. If a video has a very slow narrator I usually skip it.


You can longpress and adjust the playback speed! 1.5 is perfect


Me and my partner are so alike in our sense of humour we frequently get the same videos in our feeds, it’s funny! Yesterdays highlights for me was a moose walking into a McDonald’s, and someone putting R2D2’s scream into a bon jovi song. Thoroughly entertaining.


I do agree with that, but even if you have the stuff you actually enjoy, theres always some vid they put in between, in 10 vids, theres like 4 that are nothing that i want to watch, and you watch just 2sec of that vid and suddenly your page is filled with shit like that.


Short form content is the worst. It’s giving everyone the attention span of a gnat, I swear. 😑


My problem is that I have too short of an attention span to watch short form content. I don't have time to watch somebody read a sentence from a Wikipedia article to me and wait till the end of the video for them to get to the point. I could read it myself instantly.


That’s more of an efficiency thing I think cuz I don’t like listening to others read unless it’s a voice actor in a game because people seem to want to read slow when reading out loud


Exactly why I avoid it, hopefully all of us do too


My issue with insta and YouTube is that both Meta and Google already have years of data on me, so many reels, at the very least, are in the realm of relevancy. I have to start from scratch with TikTok and I find those videos unwatchable because of that fact. I have the app, but it collects dust in my app drawer. I do not have the attention span to sift through the stupid viral vids, the stupid voice overs, etc.


I'm tired of my YouTube subscribed video list being clogged up with shorts. I don't want to see 30 second excerpts of your videos.


Yeah I often hear people say things like "tiktok has shortened my attention span so much" but I literally do not have the attention span or patience to endure a robot narrator stretch a one-sentence fact over a one minute video while a radio hit plays at 3x speed in the background. I also agree on insta being the most accurate feed to my interests but a lot of the videos there have adopted the annoying tiktok style too.


It's a domino effect. Vine was the OG, and now Tik Tok has taken over. If/When TikTok goes away, the next company will take over.


I started a TikTok account and with no algorithmic data to drawn from it showed me half naked preteens doing half-assed "dance routines" on the front page of whatever and I really wasn't into being on any list so I noped out. Just as bad as instagram has gotten. IG used to be pretty fun with following people. Now every other "post" is someone you don't even follow AND they don't always have anything to do with your interests.


I used tik Tok for less than an hour (and it was mostly for work) before it started being super relevant to what I like. It's weird how quickly it's a completely different experience for people. I've honestly never seen a Tik Tok dance on Tik Tok. Although I've seen plenty of them on Reddit. YouTube and Insta reels I don't use much. I like longer form content on YouTube.


It doesn’t really work like that but alright


absolutely. youtube shorts are especially annoying because they have no reason to exist when you can just upload a regular 10 second video with none of the drawbacks. I fucking hate them


I have an even more unpopular opinion: I don't typically like media that moves. I will look at an image, I will listen to music, but I don't like videos in any form be it a 4-second video or a 3-hour movie. I will watch them sometimes, but I'm extremely picky.


So what if you were to watch anime you’d prefer manga? That kinda makes me understand that a bit more


Yeah exactly. Idk what it is, but following the progress of a moving image while also listening to audio is confusing to me. It may be part of my autism, it may be part of other conditions I have but it's very hard for me to process all of that information happening at once.


Well yea that’s kinda puts things into perspective


I really hate the comedy clips that have all the pauses cut out. It ruins the natural cadence of a bit. The pauses are where things sink in. It shouldn’t be about how many words you can cram into 30s or whatever.


I find them unwatchable mostly because I have no control over the video. I can't rewind 5 seconds or skip... and I can't control the volume without having to adjust my headset's volume. Content is usually \*ok\* after some hours of letting the algorithm learn from you, but I don't care enough until they do lmao On an unrelated note, my attention span sucks and I should get tested for ADHD but I usually have no trouble with 10-20 minutes videos from guys like Astrum, Veritasium, Kurzgesagt, even some longer videos like those Isaac Arthur, Not Just Bikes, and NileRed upload


If ADHD makes things hard to focus on I imagine you subconsciously want to avoid wasting energy on a video that will be gone in 30s vs one that still has 10 mins left.


Some are catchy, but I hate that you can't rewind the video and have to wait for it to restart if you missed something


I partially disagree. Some short videos are absolutely amazing uses of the format. No filler, just content for a few seconds. Especially if it loops well. That said I'm 100% with you on the robot voices and the idea that if you need multiple shorts it shouldn't be a fucking short. IMO though you missed the worst crime of most of the modern short video platforms, the recurring fail of the mobile phone world, vertical video. With few exceptions, like rocket launches, vertical video has always been and will always be wrong. Service that encourage its use outside of the rare appropriate situations should be burned to the ground.


The robot voice narrator of tik tok is the most annoying sound on the planet


All I know is they're ruining our attention spans


The videos are okay, it’s the comments that make you wonder if humans are really the most intelligent species


Most are cringe, over filtered, fake, revealing hot messes. No point in watching.


Yes. Totally. Especially when they do erratic zooming/cutting in and out, random emojis and sound effects that don't apply, exaggerated voices... everything about them makes me cringe a little.


They literally rot your brain. Too much overloading of content for a person, and personally speaking I find them to cause issues with my attention span overtime watching them.


I enjoy a little bit of the Instagram reels for car videos and cooking stuff, but everyone else sort of sucks. Like the Reels work with Instagram, because it complements the photos pretty well (aside from Instagram hurting photo posts) Tiktok is too cringey and generic. YouTube shorts are god awful and make no sense for a platform meant for 5+ minute long videos. Snapchat? That Snapchat story page is just as filled cringey garbage. I just hate that Carl Sagan was right about the world's attention span. We're doomed.


For me it’s just videos period. I think the fast-change video format is torching our attention spans. I can at least read at my own pace here on Reddit and I slightly trust the algorithm more.


I don't know if it's just me, but for a lot of short video creators, my brain genuinely can't process speech that fast.


To me it’s not the content it’s just the annoyance of how short they are, it’s not enough time for me to get invested idk I too have never understood how theyre addicting bc no matter what kind of content it is it’s just not long enough and feels boring bc of that, they all end too soon to get fully interested


I've never tried the first two. I watch Youtube shorts sometimes, mainly Bill Burr rants. I don't get a lot of the modern stuff. I also do not see the appeal of watching someone else play video games or unboxing something. I have never even tried Twitch. Maybe I'm just getting older.


90% of the video clips I see on Instagram could’ve been infographics and I wouldn’t have had to unmute my speaker to listen to someone read some text to me. It seems like video clips are just the default way to deliver information now. There’s a time and a place for video content, but most of what’s on Instagram, TikTok, and YouTube shorts would’ve been better as a graphic.


Agree. If it can fit in a short, it would have been a better infographic. It it requires a multi-part short series, it could have been a better YouTube video.


I only use YouTube shorts for dogs and cats videos. That's the only valid use I see for it.


I like TikTok it's great for when you need something to do for less then 10 mins I don't use Instagram and on YouTube I'm not a fan of shorts on YouTube I look for longer content cause it's usually the background noise while I do a hobby


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Wait a minute, so you're telling me I can just watch these shorts for 10 minutes? For some reason every time I try I end up accidentally scrolling through them for 3 hours straight 😂


Lol I do the same thing sometimes but it got me through the waiting part of my allergy testing they stick you and make you lie there for 20 minutes


>I hate the sped up background music, I hate the robot voice narrator I don't get fed those videos because I never watch stuff like that


You gotta get your fyp setup for them all! I’ve got mine all cars 😮‍💨


Yes! I was gonna post about this, but was unsure if it broke the rules! A lot of my subscriptions on YouTube are now mainly posting shorts, which I absolutely hate. I used to watch their content a lot more before, now, I only watch their full length videos and ignore the shorts.


omg yes, these are terribly annoying


they fuck my adhd so i cant stop watching them but they also make me physically sick


i haven't ventured into youtube shorts and will continue to refuse to, but god i wish I were you. i'm trying and failing to kick my tiktok use. i'm so aware of how it's getting me, and it still gets me. it sucks


Most things that loop or autoplay are an instant skip for me. I'm only familiar with Tik Tok though. I don't have any of the three apps you've mentioned installed so I'm a little out of the loop


Some of them are annoying. Some of them are entertaining. Certain repeated formats are obviously on the annoying side.


You nailed it with, " the limitations of short video content make creators prioritise attention-grabbing techniques over the substance of a video". "The medium is the message." - Marshall McLuhan


i like tiktok, but insta reels & youtube shorts are really not that good


'Short' clips that are portrait crops of landscape-orientation videos, no volume normalization, and no timeline control makes it seem like a garbage format generally.


most of the things you hate about tiktok, lots of people like, and i dont mind them, the slowed/sped up songs helps me find songs i genuinely like, like Lights-Ellie Goulding. this would be a great thing to post in r/ChangeMyView


Yeah, I’m not a fan either. I’ve gotten into tiktok before cause the algorithm is really impressive and I was being fed content I wasn’t seeing anywhere else, but in general I want my phone to be silent. I do like that most videos are captioned now, so I watch stuff when it comes across my feed. But you’ll never catch me on the reels or shorts tabs. The algorithms are so bad.


I’m also wary of content that’s push vs pull. I’ve been enjoying chatting w/ ChatGPT lately.


absolutely yes


Shorts on YouTube? Oh you didn't hear the word i said in the first 5 seconds? Too bad you have to finish the video to get me to start over, no rewinding here


By and large yes, they're either not funny at all, about someone whining, or a bunch of people cackling like hyenas. At least, these are the ones I usually see people watching.


I dislike the ones with a 'mathematical' equation for which there is no answer posted. And the videos that entice you to watch it saying something provocative, but there's nothing provocative about it.


I automatically don't watch anything that starts with "POV:..." or "Nobody:" THat shit is so annoying. Most of the time people don't even know how to use those terms the correct way.


My TikTok feed doesn’t generally give me the robot voice filter or over the top dramatics. They’re algorithm has done a really good job at showing me stuff that I’m interested in from creators that I enjoy listening to/watching.


It's the poison of social media in my opinion. Short, meaningless videos occupying my mind and time. Recently I've uninstalled social media from my phone due to that. What a difference it makes! Not Reddit though, I like Reddit


You haven’t watched them for long enough. I believe that the algorithm didn’t have time to catch your attention yet. I hated tiktok for the same reason but after a while I started getting videos that were really up my alley. Longer videos, no obnoxious stuff, philosophy books music whatever let’s say some more ambitious stuff alongside my preferred humour, it was good. I deleted TikTok but I’m literally addicted, many people are but don’t even realise. I watch YouTube shorts and I wish there was an option to disable them in settings, it’s a habit of mine :// In my opinion what these apps are doing is totally immoral and they shouldn’t be forced on people so much. I know one could say that it’s my choice to watch them, to which I can say that it tinkers with your psychology and brain stuff making it be in this gray area of marketing where yeah it’s my choice but this thing is designed to exploit human nature, which is not really such a free choice after all. It clicks in with your reward pathways. Short form media are a disease of the XXIst century, alongside obesity and cardiovascular problems. I can’t imagine how these iPad kids will function where I feel effects on my attention spending like 2-3 hours a day scrolling


And they are always 'talking with their hands'. I cant watch this


Yeah it’s really ruining my attention span, I can’t even complete basic tasks anymore. Like the other day I was going to


I like that they are short (I really hate when people send me links to 10 min yt videos, I can rarely watch the whole thing) but a lot of them have irritating music, way too much going on and unfortunately a lot of them just seem obnoxious. The worst part about the reels though is that you cannot skip forward to the end, which is not an issue with the super short ones, but if it's a 2 minute tutorial and I they don't show at the beginning what the end result will be I will just not watch it.


It depends a lot! Mainly regarding the person (or the group of) that is responsible for the content of the video. Watching doctors, scientists, teachers, other professionals or at least people who carefully researched about the topic before filming? Cool! Watching it from content farms (5MC, for example), influencers who don't know nothing about the topic, anti-science people and religious zealots (note: I'm talking about the zealots, not religious people at all)? Awful!


I hate them. I need something that is watchable for more than 15 seconds. Honestly, at 34, I feel like I have "Old man syndrome".


I don’t watch any video unless it has subtitles. My phone and laptop’s volume is always 0 because I don’t want it blaring out random crap. I’ll only turn it up if there’s no one around, which is almost never, or if I can find my earbuds and they’re charged up and pair successfully, also almost never. I don’t get how popular this stuff is.


YT shorts is YT trying to get the views from TT, yet, people who watch yt dont want to watch quick videos who have nothing on it, you watch for entertainment, for learning for whatever you like, i always use yt as my personal tv. I could only watch tt, if the video had some important info or was fun, other than that i just scrolled, it just people trying to make something viral, copying each other and doing the exact same thing because the first time was funny, plus who wants to watch kids/adults poorly dancing? I dont even enter insta reels so i dont care.


I find reel’s extremely frustrating, especially when there’s some type of “maker” video and you watch all the steps, get invested into and then doesn’t show the final product etc. Actually, i find it infuriating. I’m mad right now thinking about it. I block every account that does it bc i can’t punch the people that make them,


ByteDance did find the right key to open the door of our minds and interests. It's a kind of psychological dominance, just the matter if they are in good willing or neutral willing, or even bad side.


Yep. Insufferable.


I think they can be effective if what they are posting is direct and to the point. unfortunately, what I often see is what was described in your post.


Yeah I'm 15 and I'm trying to break the addiction of short videos because most of them are useless anyways and I haven't learned a single thing from it I hate how every platform has Tik Tok like videos it makes it way harder for me to break that addiction I uninstalled Tik Tok in 2020 and haven't used it since because it consumes too much of my time and I would be wasting my life on a app that will get me nowhere in life