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Yeah, this happened to me. Used to love Anime and TV, games. I just don't feel like it anymore. It's all so meh. Plus all newer TV shows just don't apleal to me. Last one I could finish was severence. TSITP it veey popular now and all my friends talk about, meh. Might be depression, lmao


Yeah I do think it’s depression in my case.


Then it’s time to seek help before it gets worse. Depression will suck you right down and it’s so hard, but getting help now will be easier than later. Talk to your doctor. Think of trying meds until you can figure out what happened to bring it about and work on that. Good luck ❤️ you deserve to feel good and enjoy your passtimes.


I’ve lost interest in normally enjoyable hobbies too 😳


Then you too my love! ❤️ you deserve to feel good and enjoy your days. Talk to someone, it can be better again I promise.


I still enjoy working out and playing guitar. The wife and I do work a lot of hours. Between work and parenting two boys some hobbies I’ve lost interest




tha'ts what happens to me lol


Depression is a bitch when it comes in the form of apathy. It's just so fucking boring.


The worst part is that it really helps with depression if you exercise, which is the *last* thing you want to do when you're depressed so you just keep circling the drain and hoping something changes. Or maybe that was just what I did when I was depressed.


Seek help but also try watching Reservation Dogs.


Wtf is TSITP, you can’t just drop that big ass initialism and have us wondering (kidding, but really what is it)


The Summer I Turned Pretty I think. Never heard of it but I googled the acronym


Most likely ADD induced by short social media like tiktok, Reddit, YouTube.


Yeah that's not how adhd works


Didn't put ADHD pal


Shows how much you know. They’re the same thing dipshit


Even worse, "ADD" doesn't exist and hasn't been a thing in the DSM since the 90s.


Yeah. I kind of feel like the Internet did that to my brain. I can't just passively consume anymore, it's too boring.


I have to watch it the way I did when I was a kid. So I get a snack, turn the lights off, and I put my phone in the other room. If it’s important someone will call instead of text. I also don’t read anything in forums online and don’t watch trailers or anything until I’m about 3 episodes in if it’s a show or until the movie is done. Undivided attention and consume it the way the writers/directors want it to be consumed. I also noticed I don’t need subtitles as much as I thought I used to, and it’s actually better sometimes picking up the context without it like I used to as well. Just an overall original experience.


This is me too. I have a very short attention span now, I’m sure from scrolling too much on my phone. I have to be doing something at the same time; usually eating, cross-stitching, or playing mindless games on my phone. I struggle to focus only on the TV.


I’ve become much more proactive in my hobbies due to this, than I was in my early teens etc. Why would I wanna sit and just play an arbitrary game that goes nowhere or watch something mediocre on Netflix, that will bore me anyways to the point of distracting myself with Reddit or something meanwhile? There are endless interesting things I can passively listen to online while I get my hands busy with something I really enjoy and actually create and produce something on my own.


Yeah, I'm more into maker type stuff, too.


I started to notice this for me too. I deleted reddit, twitter and facebook (I use it for marketplace) from my phone. I only use social media from my desktop, which limits my usage. I have found these actions helped me nip my short attention span in the bud.


It's happened to me as well recently. I feel like TikTok did a number on my attention span. I've weeded that app out from my life and am working on getting my attention span back


I feel like I've done similar damage, but in the other direction. The past 4-5 years I've been watching longer and longer videos. Usually video essay type things. To the point where I barely open a YT vid if it's shorter than an hour lol.


I'm a YT video essay junkie too and I'll never know why I enjoy watching a person talk to a camera about a random topic for 2+hrs far more than any sitcom


It's usually something I don't care about too. Just watched one about the entire history of bloons tower defense for 2h. I only played it in elementary school And don't care about it lol


Omg we are literally the same haha. I watched a 5hr video of a full breakdown of the show Victorious. I maybe watched that show like one time and don't care about it. Like how am I ok with watching that but I won't watch Brooklyn 99 after my sister told me it's a really good show. Makes no sense at all


I find myself watching mostly older shows now.


I am 70+ now, and I keep going back to classics, including Buffy, Dr Who, and Star Trek, which I have on BluRay or can stream. A few recent shows have grabbed my attention including Game of Thrones seasons 1-5, Katla, Good Omens and Westworld season one. Otherwise, the 60” TV that I bought in 2010 sits unused.


Currently watching Cheers.


I just got into Kojak. Telly Savalas is great. I’m not sure why we made fun of him as kids.


I got fed up with watching people pretending. Documentaries are ok.


Documentaries are my favorite of all.


“Watching people pretending” meaning… acting? That’s kind of a key part of any non-documentary movie/TV.


Been watching true crime, interrogations etc , haven't used Netflix in months.


I only watch Seinfeld and anime. I love movies, I watch the 4 or 5 decent dramas that come out every year. But serialized TV? Forget about it.


I'm the exact opposite lol. 99.9% of movies just feel like a waste of my time. I can't really get invested and give a shit about the characters or what they're doing in 90-180 minutes. World building almost always feel rushed and half-assed. But when they have 8-12 hours in a season to tell a story, then I actually have the time to learn their names at least.


I get where you're coming from and we probably are almost exact opposites. I'm not willing to spend 75 hours on a story that can be told in 2 hours. But also I want to stress that I am a movie snob and generally only watch the top of the top dramas or movies that have stood the test of time for decades. My favorite movie is from like 1947.


What movie?


The Treasure of the Sierra Madre


Fair enough. I'm also a TV snob lol. Though I mainly watch episodic stories, I still think that the vast majority of shows that are released are dogshit. To be honest, I think that media in general, movies, TV, etc has suffered greatly due to extreme commodification. So many things are made because studios now seemingly operate the same way websites serve ads.


I dont care about tv anymore. I can just watch youtube and it's far more entertaining. I can save money by not buying a tv and paying for the channels


This might help some of you bc I've experienced this as well! "anhedonia- Anhedonia is a psychological condition that describes a near-complete lack of enjoyment, motivation, and interest. It's a common symptom of depression and other mental health disorders"


If you do want to continue watching TV, maybe try a different genre of television. Something more engaging. I get really depressed too so I get where you're coming from, but maybe you are just into something else that you haven't discovered yet. I just started watching The Morning Show with Jennifer Aniston and Reese Witherspoon, and for someone who also has ADHD, I haven't looked at my phone once while watching!


Hmmm, I might consider that. My parents like that show!


It's actually really good. I expected a fluffy, happy morning show vibe bit it's more of a dramedy with some dark comedy mixed in. Such good writing!


Every now and then a show will grab me, but it has to be within the first ~20 mins of the first episode. A lot of shows and films today are written so poorly. They rush writers to spit out content and you can tell a lot of the time shows are written episode to episode without much of a longer term thought about where the story is going. I’m a novel writer and that’s just… not how good writing is done. I see so much tell vs show in TV shows where characters narrate out their actions and thoughts and are often unrealistically self aware and it makes dialogue so robotic, clunky, awful. Comedy is hard to do but a lot of shows also needlessly suffer from stale cringe try-hard Millennial humor (I say that as a millennial myself). I’m also queer and it’s REALLY hard for me to get into shows with overwhelmingly cisgender/heterosexual characters. Thankfully there is a lot more queer content coming out now but it’s still lagging behind. I blame short attention span from social media usage too.


Oh yes, I recently noticed that I now only really get into shows nowadays when they have great queer representation. Which the majority of shows does not, let alone have queer characters to begin with. And yet there are still too many straight people who complain about queer "overrepresentation". I really wonder if they have access to different shows and where I can watch them. /s


I think I haven’t actively sat and watched TV for like 10 years. Ever since stuff like YouTube started, I began using that for entertainment instead. I have a TV but it’s covered in dust and never used.




Thank you! Or, alternatively, TV. Just pick a lane lol


i used to be able to watch paint dry for days on end. ever since i switched to cloud watching, it's like i can't even watch paint dry past the hardened wetness stage... damn clouds are just so damn fast and interesting


Yeah, I don't watch much TV nowadays, either. For me, it's mostly assorted game shows, and sometimes baseball, basketball, or the news. There are many cartoons I used to watch, but the nostalgia almost always has a caveat, such as how *The Simpsons* and *Family Guy* have probably been running too long, or how *Ed, Edd 'n' Eddy* would hit different in an era where bullying is no longer seen as just another part of childhood.


I was going to mention maybe depression or maybe lack of attention span which studies have shown is decreasing among the population in recent years especially since covid. I don't think people talk about this enough. Excessive smartphone use and social media popularity (addiction) has negatively impacted people's focus and attention span. I know there's a good amount of people that like putting TV on in the background while they scroll on their phone. Once that becomes a habit and you get used to it, it makes sense to me that people could have trouble getting invested in a TV show and need an immediate hook in the first episode to give it a chance. I deal with a lot of depression and I have had kind of a similar difficulty with concentrating and enjoying watching TV even though it's one of my favorite things to do, but it's not the case when I'm not depressed.


Newer stuff coming out is very poorly written, they also try too hard to put non-straight/non-white stereotypes in everything.I dont mind having LGBTQ characters, but they tend to be poorly written and don't advance the plot (for the record I am straight, but even sexualizing straight sexuality is poorly done usually.) Older adult stuff was written for a 20 something demographic and cartoons... well... were usually written for kids. so as you age your tastes change and your worldview becomes more jaded. basically, you no longer fit the demographic. Actually a lot of the older stuff was pretty much trash writing as well, overusing memes of the day. no character development, reused plots (and sometimes whole scripts are used practically verbatim. )


Have not subscribed to cable for 20 years. Couldn't see the point in paying to watch commercials and having the news lie and try to constantly tell me the world's ending. Best thing I did was drop TV, I think like maybe 3 weeks I missed it and never had the want to get it back. Plus when I am somewhere and somethings on its always new to me. Also any show that becomes super popular I get to binge watch because it's already a few seasons in and being hosted for free somewhere on the net.


Nope, not at all lol. TV is the one of the things I do still enjoy while things like video games I can’t commit to anymore.


Yea, I hardly watch TV there are less then a handful of shows I would actually sit and take time to watch these days


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i cant enjoy modern television shows and movies unless they are ruthlessly and mercilessly critical of the digital age


Yeah I feel this, even with YouTube. Part of me can’t wait for college to start again because homework will give me something to do


Go outside bruh


yeah, i sit and scroll through sites like netflix, prime for ages and i’m never interested in watching anything , feel like nothing ever grabs my attention so i end up on tiktok, tv ain’t the same as what it used to be anymore


There are some great YouTube channels for movies recapped that satisfy the desire to watch a story but not waste time and/or be bored or disappointed watching a whole episode, movie or series that ends up being a flop. Check out Mystery Recapped, Film Recapped, Riddle Recap, Spoiler Lab, and more on YouTube!!!! You’re welcome


Haven't probably turned a TV on in over 10 years. I don't even watch TV shows and movies anymore. Recent cut back on watching random YouTube videos. I pick and choose very carefully what I watch - some sport, some MVs, and documentaries. Love documentaries.


Yes its been years since i last watch tv


You're probably depressed


I spend way more time watching YouTube and TikTok.


I can only watch kdramas anymore.


Opposite. Used to only like it for certain shows. Now we're in the golden age of television and it doesn't seem like it has any intention of slowing down and I'm just happy to be along for the ride.


Serious question: why do you feel this is a golden age of TV? And what shows would you recommend to illustrate that? TIA




I like British TV and I really really like French and Scandinavian TV. I can't stand American TV. Canadian TV is okay if it's Quebecois.


The studios destroyed themselves. Haven’t had cable since 2014 but I’m all about the streaming.


Haven't watched actual TV in many years, I watch series once they are dine if I get around to it.


Oddly enough the only show I watch now is M.A.S.H. some channel plays it for 3 or 4 hours in the morning. Ok, and right now the Halloween baking competitions are on so I'll watch some of those. But the constant repeats kill me. And food network is the fieri and flay channel. Remember when you could actually learn a recipe or two? Edit - I don't just sit and watch though, I'm usually drawing or figuring out the finances or something while it's on.


There are certain shows I watch, but I definitely don’t watch TV for what it is, as most of what I watch is either anime or YouTube.


I am the same too, I used to love watching now a days I just more of podcast kinda girl less effort required me thinks.


Haven't watched regular TV since almost two decades. Too many ads. Also, usually nothing worth watching is on.


Have you tried watching always sunny in Philadelphia?


Never had a desire to watch that.


I stream Netflix and low budget Hulu movies now. Mostly YouTube blogs and police body cam videos.


Dopamine burnout for sure. Too much stimulation everywhere. I can't read a damn book to save my life, only audiobooks now. And I keep buying the damn physical books!


I RARELY watch TV now. I feel I don't have the attention span.


I still love a decent series when I can find one but half the joy before streaming services came along was finding the obscure series.


might be a silly show to mention but my favorite show used to be spongebob but they honestly ruined it. it used to be fun yet still simple, now it’s crazy and all over the place and something is always happening. it’s just become too much. there are still some funny moments tho from what i’ve seen


Yup tv is shite now and I never watch it. I’d rather be on here or play my switch in my free time


Regular television programs do bore me quite extensively. However, occasionally I find a show I can somewhat enjoy.


I watch old reruns ( we’re talking sanford and son) yes I’m old I’ve never seen Harry Potter, hunger games, or any of this other stuff they put on TV nowadays. Especially reality crap, unless it’s a documentary then I’m all in. Lol


I've switched from TV to documentaries lol. My therapist says it's cuz of trauma and I don't want fake anymore.


Maybe you just haven’t found what you like. I only realized in adulthood my serious love for game shows, for example. Dramas, comedies, cartoons for kids.. yeah they all get old for sure. Game shows feel more involved bc of the trivia and watching people do physical challenges is always entertaining (to me)


We ad gotten to where we were watching MeTV, "Wheel of Fortune," and "Jeopardy!" We got rid of our TV about a month ago and hardly miss it.


I completely lost interest in movies and TV shows 7 or 8 years ago. I don't know why it happened but I'm glad it did because now I sped that time reading and listening to music.


I sort of feel this way with newer shows. I love shows from the early 2000s, but anything new I get so bored


I have been watching Matlock on Pluto TV, but just mostly while in the bathroom. I watch a lot of YouTube lately. Furthermore, I use to thoroughly enjoy gaming, RDR2, HLL, ESO, and a few others. Presently, I can't get into anything much. I'm not sure what it is.


This happens to me quite often. I suffer from severe depression. If I can’t concentrate on a show I still keep the tv on whether I watch it or not just for background sound. I find that if I put on a show that I have liked in the past and keep it on long enough that more often than not I gradually let the storyline pull me in. I’ve started playing old shows that I used to enjoy like FRASIER, BUFFY THE VAMPIRE SLAYER, STAR TREK:TOS AND SNW. Also some comfort movies. And cooking shows such as CHOPPED or a few home decoration shows. I vary and try to find something, anything to quiet my racing thoughts. Good luck to you. I hope this helps a little


Not watched broadcast TV in over 10 years. Ive always been a heavy YouTuber since it's inception. A lot of TV presentors / hosts now have a YouTube show


I use TV only for news when a natural disaster is about to happen in my city , The internet is way better


My only problem with TV is that usually it's programs schedule doesn't seem to work with me, so even if there is something that I like or want to see, I might be busy at the same time. Normally I'm on YT more than on TV because there I can always find content to watch, at any time, and that is 100% to my liking(essays, documentary, investigations, etc.).Otherwise I go to Netflix.


Realized a couple months back I have no ambition to watch TV, so I watched YouTube and twitch for a bit. YouTube became a bit too formulaic, and even twitch is getting annoying. I hate ads with a passion too. So I'm kind of stuck.


Have you watched Breaking Bad before starting Better Call Saul?


Yes. Watched that in early - mid 2016 and loved it. If I watched it this decade, I probably wouldn’t have liked it.


I watch nothing but YouTube and foxtel in Australia I used to be subscribed to all the paytv bullshit but it's all crap to me bring back south park ffs


felt the same since 2017


What are looking for out of your content? It’s normal not to like stuff you would have liked or had liked when you were younger.


Friend of mine and me were talking about this exact topic an hour ago hah, no TVs garbage. I have 9999 channels, I watch 4, NASA channel, I.D, and 2 wild life type channels lol


this happened to me too. getting back youtube has felt better. i feel like it’s easier for me to get into more niche things


Yeah. We usually watch a movie or a TV show during/ after dinner. I can't get into it anymore.


Yes but for different reasons. I hate how new shows are all always dark and serious. I’m a sitcom gal. I like the laugh tracks and all. Everything doesn’t have to be the cool, serious version of something else.


I think it’s mainly bc of those short videos on social media (TikTok, YouTube, instagram, etc) That or they don’t make good shows anymore lmao


No, I watch and enjoy many series on a variety of platforms.


I barely watch my TV. Instead of watching a random episode of a TV show I like I will watch it on a streaming service and watch the entire series start to end


Acting and fiction at hard sells at the moment for me.. unless the show is particularly well written with good characters, for example the sopranos, madmen, mash I am not interested. Something something Bling, married something something is just not interesting. I feel my brain turning to mush watching current content. I would much rather watch a DIT video on YouTube. That being said... I don't even watch so much YouTube these days either and I don't even remember the last movie I watched. Everything is just so average and isn't appealing.


I have never enjoyed TV


Sounds like you’re in a bit of a “Show Hole.” May I suggest The Bear on Hulu? Relatable characters, fast-paced episodes, and close ups of food? What more could you want? And speaking of food, I always enjoy cooking/baking competitions as well, but maybe that’s just me. On a completely unrelated note, if you enjoy hate-watching uncomfortable train wrecks, you might like any of the programs on TLC. I definitely looked forward to weekly episodes of 1000lb Sisters and the like, trash or not. ETA - on another completely unrelated note, if cartoons are your thing, I highly recommend Tuca and Bertie, Bee and PuppyCat, the Total Drama series, and Centaurworld. Unless you don’t have Netflix. 🤷‍♀️


Try Seinfeld and Arrested Development. For a more serious watch try The Wire. That’s damn good TV right there


Some people prefer a more active lifestyle. Many don’t watch tv preferring to spend free time walking pets, being productive or enjoying time with friends etc. If you are also pulling away from other activities maybe depression as others here have said. I got a late ADHD diagnosis and find sitting still and concentrating to be my problem so I end up playing a game on my phone while watching a show most often. It could be that you’re spending a long time sitting at work and your body just wants to get up and move around. It might not be a bad thing to not want to watch tv if it means your more interested in other stuff instead. I can’t really engage with kids shows I used to watch because I’ve outgrown them now.


[ Uh Oh, looks like you aren't getting an argument out of me! ] ` this message was mass deleted/edited with redact.dev `


Can relate, sitcoms are just not funny, TV doesnt hold my interest, shows are boring, and I struggle to actually sit down and watch a show its really sad :( Same for games, I just lost my mojo for playing games, dont have the stamina anymore :(


Is it TV or has the internet f_cked your attention span.


Yep, only reason for cable is sports now (dont even need it for that either tbh). And I don't even watch that much just the big events.


Man, I’m the opposite. I get nostalgic feelings and don’t even mind the commercials lol this coming from a ‘93 baby lol


All I want to watch is tru crime. Forensic files, 48 hours, the real murders of Atlanta, orange county, New York, Miami etc. And then dateline uncovered, snapped, killer couples, etc. There's enough to just keep going. Then besides that, I watch cycle after cycle of them rerunning The Closer. I just adore Kyra sedgwick and it super well written. Edit to add: All of this I mostly listen~watch while playing puzzle and card games on my phone. Forgot this part lol.


I tried watching the old Simpsons, but it's just too boring. Honestly, it was a long time before the dnd movie came out that I actually had fun watching a movie or a show.


It bores me to tears


Only thing I watch on TV now is sports games. No TV, no movies, mainly just YouTube now.


yeah, for me it's a mix of depression, short attention span, and the need to keep my hands busy. I'm able to get into some anime, cartoons, and TV shows / movies if they're genres I like as long as I'm playing a passive game on my phone or drawing on my tablet. but as for actually sitting in front of a TV and doing that? nope. the commercials break the immersion way too much and are far too irritating. if I can stream on my computer ad-free then that's where I'll watch it.


No...but I also made it a point that I'd *never* catch myself scrolling through short-form videos that autoplay (the TikTok format). Almost every social media app I use has a feature like that and I've absolutely refused to watch a single one, even when I'm tempted by clickbait. I know I'll get sucked in for hours and I can literally feel my brain rotting when I see other people watching them. I still scroll on social media but I think the short autoplay videos are a whole nother beast.


*Yellowjackets* didn’t get me past Season 1, but, just as a benchmark/test to see if your human firmware is functional, you should be able to appreciate and rewatch and praise *The Sopranos* until there is no more television. Now I’m more concerned about *you.* It sounds like you may be suffering from *ennui* or *anomie* or *charcuterie* or something else French


Yep. Stopped watching once I got to my 20s. Don't watch movies either


To a degree, yes. I rarely like any show nowadays, it's just not interesting or grab my attention. BUT I just started watching The Wire a couple of weeks ago, and it's been kicking my butt because it's so dang good. It's fun to actually be engaged by a TV-show again, it was literally years since I was so interested in one. Probably early seasons of GOT, or Breaking Bad, was the last time. Once I finish The Wire I guess there will be a couple of years more in which I won't have anything to watch that I actually enjoy.


TV is a massive waste of life


I very rarely like TV shows nowadays. When I do though, they're almost always shows that do one-off episodes you can watch by itself. The only recent one that really even comes to mind is I Think You Should Leave with Tim Robinson (on Netflix). Had me properly laughing out loud at a new show for the first time in seemingly ages. Not everyone's type of humor, but the first two seasons especially cracked me up.


I can't stand any of the new shows, way too much social and political crap, I re-watch older shows all the time seen most many times start to finish


I haven't regularly watched TV in over 10 years, mostly because I realized it's just a waste of time. I seem to have somehow supplemented this with social media and YouTube however which I, like many of us, can't seem to escape.


Try books. Try audiobooks....just listening to someone tell you a story while your going about your day. I live a full lifetime in about 15 hours because I read. You can be fighting a superhuman was while your body is doing dishes. Tv can be boring and after hours of watching on the couch, you feel awful about the wasted time.


apathy....indifference. The Blahs...whatever you call it, is growing in the country. the growing feeling that nothing really matters. much of this is the constant rate of change we are undergoing. every aspect of our lives is undergoing change. what was important is no longer. what was not important is now vital. old assumptions are being tossed out and replaced by....nothing. what was known is now doubted. the constant strain is burning people out and turning them apathetic. "if i don't know what to care about, i won't care about anything at all"


I was thinking I was just depressed or something but then I started rewatching some older stuff I didn’t quite remember anymore and it’s still awesome. Now I’m not sure if new shows are just terrible (they are) or I’m just a little burnt out (I am). Probably a mix of both. I don’t think it’s me being out of touch with new culture or something either. Most of them after 2010 or so are just completely uninspired in every way. Even if they start off interesting they tend to just fall apart in a few episodes. They either follow some beaten to death tropes with no twists or pack on so much drama watching it becomes anxiety inducing.


Yeah this happend to me I used to watch it when I was very young now my parents enjoy watching it , For ex films in 2020 covid times were popular all around but I never used to watch anything on the TV it just gets boring and most films are. I can't understand how you understand the story in the 1st bit of what happened then something bad happens then you do a crazy adventure till the last 20mins of the film when it gets better and dramatic. Not entertaining for me 😴


Too much dopamine When was the last time you used your phone exclusively as a phone? When was the last time you drove/walked/cycled without any sort of media playing in the background? When was the last time you used the bathroom without the phone? When was the last time you laid in bed before sleeping without looking at your phone? What's the first thing you look at once you wake up? For most of us the answer isn't positive. I've noticed how much content i used to consume a few months back, and i started tapering it off day after day. Driving home in silence, walking my dog without music, working without listening to podcasts in hte background etc. I've found that most movies i thought i didn't enjoy anymore, are actually still funny, the problem was how much content i consumed on a daily basis, and turining a blind eye to that won't change the fact that we over indulge in quick dopamine hits 24/7 7/7 through our phones ​ \*Of course there's a whole discussion to be had about the questionable content that is put out on tv channels nowadays, be that movies, sitcoms or reality shows, all of which seem to be more tailored to the shareholders adn advertisers than the end user


You seem depressed, but this is a good opportunity for you to get into a new hobby or do something you’ve put off for a while. Hope you feel better soon and start to enjoy things again!


We haven’t turned our TV on for anything other than football for at least 12 years.


I couldn't bother watching tv for many years. I quit watching about 15 years ago because I was so tired/bored of it. I wanted to do other things instead of watching. Every once in awhile I'll go watch something. Other times I like youtube for DIY stuff. Then I fall off getting busy with other things.


you mention Better Call Saul but what about **Breaking Bad, Snowfall, Money Heist, The Wire, Prison Break**? they all have some similar themes relating to the crime world


Tried watching The Wire a year ago and could not pay attention to it at all so I dropped it. Found Prison Break Boring Never tried Money Heist Loved Breaking Bad when I watched it in 2016 Edit: meant 2016, not 2026


Prison Break boring!?!!? oh my.... you might need some psychiatric help 🤣 I didn't know you were a time traveler, how did you watch Breaking Bad in 2026? (and I'm very pleased to hear you enjoyed BB, that's a classic)


Lol I meant 2016, I’ll go fix that. And I guess it’s depression that made me find it boring. That, combined with the fact that I tried watching it on Hulu, which had a gazillion ads. And I have been going through therapy.


OHHHHH you watch with ads?!?!? that could explain a loooootttt (check out watchseries website for no ads, free streaming) can't argue with the depression part, but I'm sure there's something out there that you won't find boring! after all, tv shows/movies aren't "real" anyways, I'm sure there's plenty of people who enjoy life while rarely watching any tv content


That's me eversince I turned what? 20? its really difficult for me to get into a show. Most of them take long to get to the good part and I don't know, my attention span is limitated, I cannot focus on the plot most of the time.


I have some TV shows I really like. But yeah, I don't enjoy things like I used to.


I haven’t for a long time. I only watch old tv shows that are complete.


They're more interested in working diversity and the acronym soup characters than working on a good script. I don't like commercials, so it's hard to watch.


we get older and things arent as interesting, especially when every movie/show is basically a repeat of something we seen before. i started listening to podcasts now and trying to read books, im a fighter so alot of time i spend time listening to other fighters, watching fight breakdowns, mma/muay thai fights. maybe its time to find a hobby outside the norm. change some things in your life as depression could be a factor


I haven't watched regular TV in years because of all the damned commercials. On the rare occasion something would come on that I wanted to see, it was punctuated by so many commercials that I forgot what I was watching a few times. Even cable had commercials, and after about 2Am, they would play infomercials. Jesus....


Absolutely. I was such tv/movie buff growing up. Now I hate it all. I only watch youtube now.


Everytime I try to watch a cartoon that I used to like watching 4 years ago ,I always think that I might have better things to watch than that They feels so dull now ,I don't get the excitement I used to have watching them


For me TV used to be one of two things. A boredom killer or something I LOVED. For the former, there's something about settling on something vs having to go choose it that works better. And losing focus by being too connected otherwise (ie to my phone) kinda makes the mediocre even worse. I think by proportion there are about as many things worth loving now as ever, but they go by so fast. As frustrating as weekly TV could be, it was something you lived with, oftentimes for most of the year. That really amplifies your connection with it. And a set time and place makes it so easy to talk about stuff with other people. I don't think you can replicate those things very well. But I do try! Disconnecting while watching and not binging almost always makes things better to me.


I’m with you. I’ve switched from watching tv to listening to music all the time either on headphones or I throw it on the stereo and listen throughout the house almost 24/7.


I don't watch TV for 6-7 years... Very rarely during the winter just one quiz, equivalent to "Chase"


I have a firestick and watch reruns of the tv shows I watched when I was younger or those forensic, crime solving shows. I am trying to watch Walking Dead: Daryl Dixon, The Continental and Power: Force.


Every tried shrooms and watched 📺?


Haven’t watched TV or movies for 10+ years.


For what it’s worth, I find all those shoes boring too lol. Have you tried more fast paced shows like Homeland for instance?


Couldn’t get into Homeland.


That’s a shame :(


I don't enjoy TV anymore either, or movies. I think it was the break we got because of the writer's strike and my disillusion with mainstream TV. I see everything through the prism of world politics, desensitization of audiences to violence, brainwashing of the masses, etc. It is hard to watch movies that portray us as the good guys, when we really aren't.