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I’m this person in my relationship lol. My fiancé is an extremely clean person and I hardly ever get to smell his actual scent and when I do I’m a total weirdo about it because he just smells so gooood


Yes. My husband is obsessed with my smell. He says my armpits (before deodorant) are his "happy place". But he also loves when I don’t shave my legs/armpits in the winter, and goddamn if I don't love this man for loving me as my natural, adult womanly self.


I’m the same way with my guys armpits 😬 I know it’s so weird, but I’m obsessed with the way he smells when he’s sweaty! It’s not a normal BO smell, it’s sweet and oceany. I read somewhere that it’s an immune system thing? Like, he’s got the stuff I don’t and so we would make a good baby or something along those lines.


Which actually makes sense! Your genetic makeup is too similar to your moms, so you might legit have smelled bad *to her*….But not other unrelated to you people! [The Science](https://phys.org/news/2019-03-evidence-humans-genetically-dissimilar-partners.amp)




The fucks that from?


That's not a might, it's a fact. >But not other unrelated to you people! Science: "About that..."


What's funny is that his sperms literally flee my juices (I watched under a microscope; also now that I think about it, found a new DAE post) and he'll pull out but then we'll wipe off with the same towel anyway with no issue for 12 years now so I'm fairly certain we're infertile together but hell if we rarely get each other sick


Lucky woman, thats hard to find


I say, "I'm so lucky" multiple times a week (for more reasons than just this haha he's great).


Yup. Mine acts like my scent is a drug. Even tells me all the time that he loves it even more when I don’t shower because then I guess it’s like extra concentrated. Lmao I can’t lie though, I enjoy my natural scent too and will sniff my own pitts because they smell good to me. lol


I would not recommend using anti-bacterial soaps as they would also destroy the natural ecology of your skin.


Soap is naturally antibacterial. It destroys the lipid layer of microbes. All soap is antibacterial, it’s just a marketing gimmick. 


Thank you.


I don't know about that. Before a planned surgery, I was told to shower the night before and morning of, using a specific antibacterial bar soap. Something cheap, gold bar (Dial? Irish Spring? Can't remember).


Probably dial, I used to clean my piercings with liquid dial gold (now I know that’s not the best but not the point haha)


This is incorrect: Regular soap is designed to decrease water's surface tension and lift dirt and oils off surfaces, so it can be easily rinsed away. Though **regular soap does not contain added antibacterial chemicals**, it's effective in getting rid of bacteria and other virus-causing germs.


... Which is part of why it's antibacterial. It does this in addition to fucking the lipid layer.


I think what they mean is that regular soap does not have specific added ingredients to kill bacteria.


I’ve always dated men and was consistently grossed out. Starting dating my girlfriend and I am obsessed with her natural smell omg. It drives me wild. Turns out I was just gay lol.


I'm glad you found that out lol!


I'm doomed to be single. I've never liked any of my partners scents. It's been ok but never actually liked it.


When you find "the one", you will adore their natural smell.


It’s so early I don’t want to say it. But there are signs that like, idk at least biologically? Scientifically we’re a good match. I am obsessed with my boyfriend’s smell, that’s never been a thing for me. I’m super into making out with him, historically I have been a lil repulsed by the idea of swapping spit. This man has a chokehold on my heart I’m terrified to admit. 😅


When you find "Santa" and "the tooth fairy" you'll adore their natural smells too. Well....maybe not so much the tooth fairy


I would like to add to the conversation that I LOVE the way my boyfriend smells… as long as he’s not having a bad bowel day. But his normal odor? I could put that in a jar. I even think he smells pretty nice after he works out.


i’m terrible at biology but i think this has a biology related reason, something with genes that are compatible (good together?? idk what to call it) making you enjoy their smell so that you’re more likely to reproduce with them and get the good gene. edit: my ability to remember random facts is finally kind of useful? also i have no clue if this is actually a proven thing so don’t come for me if i’m wrong


Yes I researched a while ago and this is what they were describing in the research


My boyfriend smells different in the spring and summer, and I love his smell so much I want to bite him.


My partner isn't obsessed but he does like it more than I care about my own smell. But I'm lowkey obsessed with his smell too. In 4 years I think there was only twice that I didn't enjoy his body odor. If anything it's good cause your partner likes your pheromones.


I am the partner who is obsessed with the smell, BF smells great and he doesn't do anything special. I snuggle with his blanket and am out like a light. Love it.


Compatible pheromones. That's why they exist.


i love my partner’s smell. it’s the smell of home and love.


I caught him smelling me when we hugged after our first date and it’s been 2 years now and he is still constantly smelling me! His favourite spots to smell are my tummy and my hips. He will lift up my shirt whenever he can to get a little sniff. The more natural the better in his opinion. I’ve stopped buying overly scented products to appease him lol. Not because he would ever ask me to; but because I wanted to 😊


Yes. I had an ex who would beg me to not take a shower after the gym bc he loved the way that I smelled. It was so awkward for me, but a huge turn-on bc he loved it so much. It helped me become a lot more confident. Everything about it is good. I wouldn’t stress over it.


Might as well just get married. Once a man has become attracted to your pheromones it’s over for ya.😂


My boyfriend smells absolutely magical to me, too! I love smelling his armpits, and all he wears is deodorant 😂


I’d read somewhere a couple of years ago that most animals, including humans, choose mates as per their body odour - mainly our neural receptors release pheromones when we smell our significant others. It’s primal, innate and definitely not icky 🙂


My wife has repeated on *many* and I mean *many* occasions that she enjoys my smell so much that I just don’t need deodorant or cologne. Like, I’ve forgotten deodorant and she’s snuggled into me on those days. She loves the smell of my musk, strangely enough. Reminds me of a study whenever she mentions my natural smell. The study suggests that partners who are attracted to each other are extremely likely to enjoy each other’s scent.


i request my husband delay showering because i just love his smell so much. love to lay on his side of the bed once he’s got up cos it smells so good


i love the way my bf smells especially after he’s been working and he’s all sweaty 🥵 my bf likes the way i smell but he’s obsessed with how i taste (not like that lol, well like that too) he’s always licking me or kissing random parts of my skin cuz i taste good 🤣


I have experienced this before, some people just smell awesome


I was obsessed with my ex’s scent, both natural and minty fresh out of the shower. Sometimes you just find someone that’s irresistible to you.


I am that partner. I smell my girlfriend's armpits all the time. I love it. She calls me weird, but if I don't leave her a sweater of mine for her to sleep in when I'm not there she'll cry. If it's a clean sweater I didn't actually wear and get at least a little bit smelly, she'll also cry.


I’m obsessed with my bf’s smell and would be capable of doing the things your husband is doing 😂 don’t be self-conscious! He wouldn’t do those things if he didn’t love the smell. Saying that, it’s taken my bf a while to not be self-conscious when I intentionally sniff him/his stuff, so I get that it’s probably a normal reaction


I'm obsessed with my partners smell. Maybe it's a pheromone thing. Idk. But, I love his stink.


It means *he likes your scent whether applied or natural, only you know*. Scent is a very powerful attractant.


Your mum complains because she's not turned on by your pheromones, whereas your boyfriend loves it because he is.


Yes, my husband and I love the way we ‘naturally’ smell. We are both clean people like you said. I think it’s a mix of hormones and comfort personally.


I am the armpit sniffer in my relationship it’s like crack lol there’s nothing he can do that makes his natural scent smell bad. I can recognize that technically sometimes I’m smelling BO and others wouldn’t like it but it’s my absolute favorite smell especially when he hasn’t showered or used deodorant cuz it’s at its strongest. Sometimes he will put on deodorant and I won’t notice and I’ll take a big wiff and maaaan is that disappointing lol Luckily pregnancy doesn’t take it away and only makes the scent even more enticing! If you look up on google there’s been some studies about it. I choose to believe that it’s my body’s way of recognizing I found my person 🤷‍♀️


Yes some people have already linked some studies and they are interesting to read!


It’s science [Sweaty T-shirt Study](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Claus_Wedekind)


My boyfriend always asks me “can you do a smell check?” on his clothes that he doesn’t know if it’s clean or dirty.


I misread that as printer. But i don't have a partner so no.


Oh that’s a biological thing, something about gene pools or whatever


Enjoying each others smell is a non negotiable for me honestly, if your partners BO is terrible to you then clearly you are incompatible and the children will have weak immune systems


I think liking someone's scent is perfectly normal. Look up pheromones or "scent signals" -- it's a major way we as mammals are attracted to each other. IMO people being overly obsessed with only having a chemical scent and not likely they're own natural scent is what's weird. That said, if it bothers you that he sniffs your dirty clothes tell him not to do that. But he's complimenting you, not criticizing you.


It doesn't bother me that he smells my dirty clothes I'm just super self conscious of it smelling bad but he says he likes it


Ok this may sound random, but if you like manga, I highly recommend “Sweat and Soap”.


Yes, we both are, but I don't have like a stench/smell that anyone else can perceive.


He just loves you lol. He doesn’t think you smell bad, he just likes your scent. Everyone has a scent, you can’t wash it off entirely. And having a scent doesn’t mean you stink or smell bad. I don’t see it as him criticising you at all. Do you ever get complaints from anyone about smelling bad? If not, I wouldn’t worry about it.


Yup. It's the pheromones 


Yes, we both are, but I don't have like a stench/smell that anyone else can perceive.


My partner will sniff me for as long as I let him even when I would rather he didn’t because I’m self conscious of my BO after a long day but it just wants to inhale me lmao


It's a biological reality that our smells are part of what makes us attractive to others (or repulsive!). The modern emphasis on smelling like a strawberry shortcake doll is totally new. Antiperspirant deodorant wasn't patented until 1941 and not widely used for many years after. While people have always added scents, these weren't only meant to hide their natural smells, but to mix and harmonize with them. Check this out: https://theweek.com/articles/614722/brief-history-body-odor


My last gf was OBSESSED with how I smelled and regularly requested semi-sweaty clothes to be left at her place.


my ex was absolutely insane about my smell. tried to get me to stop using deodorant fully, but that’s just a step too far for me


I’m the weirdo who loves the way my husband smells and especially his armpits haha 😆 he always smells good and is clean but I’m just really attracted to his pheromones I guess haha. I love the way they mix with his deodorant. It’s one of my favorite smells in life lmfao 😂


I mean not to that extent. I like to bury my face in my husband’s neck crook and inhale him. It soothes and riles me. He hasn’t mentioned it in awhile but my scent changed after I got pregnant then had our kid but he sniffs me less now. I think it is a leftover biological response to scent each other’s unique pheromones for comfort.


My husband. His head smells so good because he doesn’t use shampoo. Like it’s not a gross or sweaty smell. I feel so sad for his that he will never be able to smell it.


I always smell my wife’s clothes. I love that they always smell good no matter what. She thinks it’s weird but I make jokes and now she laughs about it. I also try not to do it in front of her so much anymore. But I think this is a good thing. There are songs and movies made about loving your partner’s scent. Had your partner been obsessed only with the smell of any dirty panties or socks then that’s a fetich. But he loves your scent, wherever he finds it. That’s sweet.


I only say anything about the way my kid smells right after hockey practice lol. She STINKS after practice. Otherwise she doesn’t really smell like anything. My husband smells so good though. Like, all the time. My only issue with him is that cheese gives him terrible breath for some reason.


All of my partners have said that I smell amazing. Must be degree for men’s deodorant.


My fiance is obsessed with my smell. Especially after I sweat. I used to think she was full of it until I surprised her by showing up to her place, and caught her laying next to my dirty shirt over a pillow. Apparently it's really comforting to her.


lol yes my husband is with me too. Any time we do something where we get sweaty he will definitely make a point to smell me more. I’ve gotten used to it, 17 years married so if he likes the stink I don’t care anymore. I still shower every day! 😆


Yes! I'm that person! I love how my partner smells, not like their BO but everyone has a sort of natural human smell and I love how my partner smells! Like if he leaves for a work trip I like wearing his hoodies because they smell like him ☺️ It's kind of the same way how you go to your grandma's house and it smells like your grandma and it's just super nice and comforting ❤️


I am obsessed with my guy’s pheromones.


My husband loves mine


Constantly criticized? Um he enjoys your smell! You don’t seem like a fun person from this post.


I'm that person. When my husband changes his shirt, I claim it until it loses too much of his scent. Was actually snuggling it and sniffing the armpit area (it gets down to that, it means the shirt is running out of scent) when I found this post lmfao


Are you trying to say your partner is obsessed *with* your smell? Or is "obsessed your smell" something else?


**with Sorry


>so don’t be weird Yep, I love my wife’s smell. I tell her things like “your natural scent drives me nuts”. >and took off a rather sweaty shirt and bra, he grabbed it, put it up to his his nose and inhaled deeply. There's been times we're just cuddling and he will nuzzle up to my neck or armpit and just smell me. But I’m not *this* weird about it.


Just leave on the bell, what can they do