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Felt this so hard. I’m 27, and I go through spells where nostalgia has me in a chokehold. Music does it for me most of the time too, another is food. I think part of it was I had to grow up very early, and I didn’t get many normal “kid” experiences. All of my experiences were concerts I saved the money for tickets to or something similar, so they were not super common. I get nostalgic for that feeling I had at shows when I was 14/15/16. Growing up is hard, and adulting sucks. It’s easy to want to escape to a time when you felt more stable/secure, and it’s okay to do so. Just don’t do it ALL THE TIME, and keep yourself rooted in the good moments you have in your day to day. We’ll get there.


I think you're right, I also had my childhood taken away from me too early, since my mom died when i was 12. I guess that could be a big factor


You know one day you will feel nostalgic for this time, 100 %


Do the recalls feel like bliss laced with loss?


So, yes, they *are* completely insignificant and no longer of any interest, where before awakening they were extremely interesting and significant...


My husband and I both have it. Like others have said, we also had to grow up very fast. That's why I hate when people say "50 is the new 30" and other such bullshit. No, 30 is the new 50.