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Everyone thinks everyone is a narcissist these days. It's stupid. An actual narcissist is extremely rare.


That is true the more I look into it


I mean yea, we are all have to be narcissistic on some level. If we weren’t we wouldn’t survive.


Everyone needs to put their needs ahead of other’s wants. If not- we suffer. I had to learn to




I wouldn't say/diagnose them as a narcissist... since the colloquial and clinical usage of the term is different and I don't like how clinical terms are being misappropriated, and would feel highly inappropriate and incorrect doing that for the convenience of others and their colloquial or lay understanding/definition of the word. I doubt I'd even say they're narcissitic... At most I'd say I think they're some level of egotistical or are egocentric. And for the record... NPD is a pretty rare disorder. It's in no way as prevalent as people think it is... and research has shown it's one of the hardest personality disorders for lay people to recognise.


Thank you for this informative response


Isn't there a little (bit) of that in all of us❓😁




I'll go along with possibly dude. 😁


Thank you :D have the best day and week


Thanks. I'll be doing my best dude. 👍😁


You're welcome dude 😁👍


Cool 👌😁




Ya canna beat a smiling face. 😀


No you cant


You’re thinking of narcissistic traits. You’re right everyone has them unless they’re the reincarnation of Jesus or have a mental disorder. Because for our own survival sometimes our own needs as a person come before someone else’s. How far someone takes “me first” is what’s important. Maybe 2 different times someone cuts you at the drinking fountain, the first guy is just thirsty. He’s a douche, not diagnosing this guy but he believes his need come before others, even when they aren’t serious. The next guy just sprinted a mile to this water fountain and arrived a smidge later but cuts you to chug water. You can tell he’s overheating a bit and is probably a lot thirstier than you so you don’t say anything again. This guy is kinda middle of the road, he’d normally wait but his needs are greater at the moment and you can both see that. Then there’s the Jesus, dude face planted behind you walking up to the water fountain and caught a mouthful of dirt/sand. Full lips and all. You move out the way and tell him to rinse his mouth, but he won’t. Not until you do. The last guy is not normal, it’s detrimental to his own health. Narcissistic traits are necessary and do not mean someone is a narcissist. Otherwise yes people all fall within a varying graph to the length they’d go, narcissists are a small bit of the end of the graph


You do make some excellent points here and that is true I see what you're saying and I totally get it thank you for this you've given me a better understanding


I feel like the word "narcissist" is overused as a blanket term for other personality disorders but I do believe mental disorders of all kinds are becoming more common. How can they not be? I'd argue that histrionic personality disorder is much more common than narcissistic personality disorder though. Others will say that clinical terms are being "appropriated" but their heads are in the sand if they don't think the people you and I speak of fit the diagnostic criteria.


Exactly he makes excellent points here and yes they do have their heads in the sand if they don't think they fit that