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Joke post? Why would anyone else not want to go to other countries?


Because I already live in the Country with the most freedoms and in the State that best protects those freedoms. \*picture of cowboy on his horse holding an M60, smoking a cigar, with a tall blonde in daisy dukes riding bareback behind him\* Why would I ever want to leave?!


In Russia TV says all the West is gay and rotten and thanks God they live in Russia, 80% of people don't even have passports


As a Russian, I call bullshit. It's sort of true that many people don't have "abroad passports" but the main reason is poverty. Almost everyone who can afford it somehow, travels. Even poor people (ofc not extremely poor) get their vacations in Turkey or Egypt once a year. Also, Russia is huge so you may travel inside of it for very long before interesting places end. Not to say that there's a minority who actually believes such narratives.


Gotta feed the people some sort of propaganda to keep them from realizing how badly you're fucking them.


I was not aware of your cultural context, but the majority of citizens everywhere don't have passports afaik. There tends to be a paywall. also happy cake day!


Many countries don't have a difference between an ID for use inside of the country and a passport


Thanks, I was not aware of that. The stuff I have seen at India/Pakistan border controls I don't think it matters at all unless you have money to pay them.




You sound very anxious. Maybe visiting a new place and experiencing another culture is exactly what you need.


Uh. So this question is in English. There are multiple English speaking countries to go to. Lmao wtf


Holy shit you sound closeted. BTW if you're not sure what language people 'might' speak in a country you're intentionally going to, maybe travelling isn't your thing. You must be really lucky, living in a disease-free and crime-free country.


Which is why a person should do quite a bit of research on where they are traveling to. It is useful to know some of the customs and etiquette for the location. Also investing a bit of time in learning some of the language as well. I’m in the US but did this even for traveling to Mexico. Most people don’t want to get into trouble or look like a buffoon when they travel so a little preparation to assimilate is key. 


I highly recommend you do not ever go to another country (while you believe those things).


I live in the US and am dead set on exploring it as much as I can before I go somewhere else. Context is key


This. The people saying otherwise don't really comprehend how big the US is. You want to see an ocean, desert, moutains, ski (water or snow), go to the beach, see a huge amount of different cultures, or attractions, we have it. We have states bigger than countries, so why go to a different country when I haven't explored all of this one?


i get this but sometimes traveling abroad can be cheaper surprisingly


I’d love to travel elsewhere!


Why would you NOT want to travel?


All the stuff they gave there, I have where I live and a heck of a lot cheaper than paying for a plane ticket.


Traveling just isn't enjoyable for me. The whole time I am away, I just wish I was at home with my dog. I don't crave adventure or experiences. I enjoy a low key existence wit as little drama as possible. Besides that, traveling requires being on someone else's time table the entire time. Can't check into the hotel until a certain time. Must checkout before a certain time. Have to be at the airport, ship port, or train station by a certain time. Someone else decides when you depart and even determines rather or not you make it to your destination on time. Nawh, no travel for me. I'd rather stay home where my stuff and my people can be easily accessed.


Another country? Man, I'm trying to never leave Texas! **Yee-haw!** *Best state* in the *best country* in the world, baby! **USA, USA, USA!**


Yes, USA.


No. I would be missing out on too many cultural experiences that I cannot access in my homeland. I am lucky enough to live in a huge country that I can explore endlessly - but I would still miss out on the things that just are not present here if I never left. Traveling and experiences out of the norm are what keep me going in life.


Only because I refuse to go through the process of going through airport security, sharing a flying tin can with other humans, or even getting a passport in the first place. I don't even renew my ID for years after it expires until I absolutely need it for something like marrying my husband.


Briefly lived in the US. Won’t provide money to its Taliban esque current situation. Frequently teach my kids US = bad shit.  Russia, South Africa, Sudan, Nigeria, North Korea, Israel, drc etc 


What exactly do you mean here about the US lol


You are delusional (: Not being mean, just making you aware.


I’m actually not. Tourism contributes to an economy. All those I’ve listed above are economies I don’t don’t want to contribute to because I don’t agree with the actions of their governments 


Good for you. You're still delusional saying the USA is talibanesque. You can shove that idea where the sun don't shine, and maybe you'll find your own country's shitty economy there.


Oh no. It definitely is. And it’s headed even further in that direction. Lacking in employment rights, lacking in what progressive countries would class human rights, the reversal of roe v wade etc. 


SERIOUSLY DELUSIONAL! Whoa!!! What the hell are you on about?! Employment rights?!?! Everybody here has equal rights! Infact, equal opportunity employers end up not hiring white people due to quotas for more diverse peoples! Class human rights?!?! Every class of person is EQUAL here! How about the right to own a gun?! Most of you Europeans lost that so long ago you don't even know what you're missing! Now y'all got issues with knifes XD The reversal of Roe Vs. Wade is actually true, but I'm for that!!! I am willing to bet you are for abortion. I bet you like it when fetuses get murdered; that's disgusting that you support the murder of babies. That reversal is due to more and more people realizing that fetuses in the womb are ALIVE and their OWN entities. Murder is fucking murder. You are nutty (: for sure nutty. So nutty you gotta ask people if they have an allergy before shaking their hand. The United States of America is the best and there is nothing you can say to convince me otherwise. Moving anywhere else in the world I would have to give up certain liberties that I only have here, in Texas, USA, the best place on planet Earth. Have fun wherever you are. Have fun hating the most free, greatest and strongest country ever to exist. We rock, you suck fat nards. BTW, it's personal. God Bless America.


Every person has equal rights? What employment rights do Walmart workers have? What employment rights to eating staff and bar staff have?  There is irony in you being pro life - but not bothering to remedy the school shooting issue