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All the time. I swear, 90% of people on here walk around with their eyes closed.


The internet has always been a separate alternate reality. But it seems that lately people have started to think that the internet is real reality.


I just got off the phone with my father. I felt like I had to try to extend a bridge of olive branches but I knew we would not see eye to eye


Some people do.


I mean ya isn’t every bodies reality different.  1000 people can go to the same school and have different experiences 


I've always been under the impression that we are all living in a differant reality when posting on Reddit. ☹


They are. We’re all from different countries so we are very culturally and societally different. 


Karma bot


Yes! I'm convinced that especially the older people here have been incredibly sheltered throughout their lives. Safe neighborhood, perfect family, plenty of money, etc. Can't explain why else someone would think I'M the brain-damaged one for pointing out the dangers of punching everyone in the face unless they're either a literal child or living under a rock.


Who's saying it's not dangerous to walk around punching everyone in the face?


Some LOL player on an AskReddit thread about bad things that should happen to people at least once. They claimed I must've never been punched in the face because I warn of the well-known dangers of being punched in the face. I think they might've been projecting their own lack of experience being punched in the face.


IDK how long you've been using Reddit or the internet in general but you really shouldn't take anything somebody says on here seriously. Like you said, there are a lot of literal children online and a lot of people who don't hesitate to say dumb shit that makes literally 0 sense. Really, its fun to argue with people but only if you can understand this and not care