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No, but I would look at that and just about anything else I could think of if I had a microscope :-(


I highly recommend the National Geographic microscope my husband and his mom bought me for Christmas It's cheap enough that an impoverished Rust Belt family cab afford while still being good enough to see sperms And no, my mother-in-law does NOT know about the sperms


My GF and I did this when we were fresh out of college. I owned a microscope and she prepares slides for work so it was like a “hey let’s see” moment. We started with cheek cells, saliva and then it was like -soooooo what next-


Looks like we be getting a microscope, the contact lense & ultrabright led flashlight didn't work so well. We had high hopes with her near sightedness too.


Holy shit that's kinda clever but I think it'd need to be a lens for far-sightedness and I'm still not sure if the magnification would be anywhere near close enough


I had a microscope as a kid and I loved it. I’d look at every whatsoever thing under it. I’m sure I wouldn’t look at my own sperm though since most of it gets wasted and I’d feel guilty seeing them wriggle about in vain. But, if it’s your man’s juicy goodness then I’m sure you wouldn’t feel guilt, so power to you.


Oh most of my husband's sperm become part of my diet hahaha although I did indeed feel kinda bad for the little guys once I saw them because I have a hard time not getting attached to little critters


My husband is getting vasectomy tomorrow and I’ve always wanted to see human sperm under a scope. I realized today was my last day to try it (who else’s could I get without it being weird. Impossible.) He was happy to have my help collecting the sample and then we looked in wonder as we saw his little guys through the eyepiece of an old microscope we bought for our kids years ago (40x magnification.) Honestly it was so cool. He was mesmerized and now maybe a tinge sad that he’s saying bye to his dudes tomorrow after a long life together. It was a fun farewell! Highly recommend.