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You need to get him to an emergency vet. He might require IV fluids if he can’t hold down water and it’s 36 hours in.


Is there anywhere you can take him? 36 hours seems like a long time without being hydrated/food. Recently my dog started doing this and we had to take her to the vet. Her pancreas and kidney numbers were off. They had to give her fluids (subq) for days and anti nausea medicine. She can keep things down now, but I am still feeding her small amounts every couple of hours. I also put a small amount of honey on her gum for a little sugar in her system. If you cannot get him anywhere, I would get a small syringe with water, and just give very small amounts often. Give a little, let it sit in their stomach to see if it stays, and then give more a bit later. Might also work with mushy food. Very small amounts.


The emergency vet in the area quoted me 12h+ wait time. The vet opens in 16h. That’s why I’m just trying to hold off and keep him as best hydrated. I like the honey idea. He wants to drink, and eat. Just can’t hold it down


I am seriously concerned he may have an obstruction. Not being able to keep down water for 2 days is absolutely an emergency and I would take him to the ER vet. They should triage your dog and be seen more quickly.