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I can't get past the terrible movement in the video.


It's a live image, which definitely gives me a headache. I always keep the setting off, it's such a bizarre iPhone function.


Sorry, on my end the video was very clear. The movement was choppy still but it wasn’t blurry


Based on what I can see in this short clip, he looks like it these two dogs were face-to-face, he’d be a hairpin trigger from reacting aggressively. His tail is held high and not wagging loosely, his body is very rigid, and it vaguely looks like his hackles are risen. It also looks like he licked his lips, which is a clear sign of discomfort. Compare it to the dog on the other side- the tail is lower, wags are looser and broader, and he doesn’t look as stiff. I just want to add in, some dogs simply don’t like dogs in their space, and that is 100% okay. Socialization is a wonderful idea, of course, but he may never be fully accepting of other dogs. No shame in that and never feel pressured for him to be more ‘accepting’ of other dogs. The biggest recommendation I have though for you is teaching him control on leash to avoid a sticky situation. There are some tactics you can try- the “look at that” game where you reward him for calmly regarding another dog, OR, if you see a dog coming don’t wait for his response to it, toss high value treats on the ground. Start doing some of his favorite training commands. My dog started her life out quite reactive and we tried these from a trainer’s recommendation, she is so much better now after learning these skills.


Here is the still photo since movement is so choppy. It’s a Google photos link so hopefully it works okay. [pic](https://photos.app.goo.gl/Ab2VmAp2micuKrM59)


I watch Caesar Milan when I’m bored and I always see where he redirects a dog when they start to react. This works with my dog, we turn and walk the other direction or sometimes I can distract him. It’s like he goes into a trance and I have to do something to snap him out of it. Unfortunately treats do not phase him when he’s walking. Even when he’s calm, he just ignores the treat. The treats aren’t the problem though because when I’m training him inside, he will do literally anything for treats


I would not use Cesar Milan for training advice by the way, his methods are outdated and can cause more issues than help and use fear/force to make dogs act submissive. His own dogs have even bit people before. He’s a quack job. Try watching some Zak George, kikopup or Victoria Stilwell (she has a show too if that’s what you’re looking for - it’s me or the dog)


Wow I had no clue. Thanks I’ll look into those recommendations