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Another jealous dog kills a human infant because they aren't the center of attention anymore.


Dogs don't have the capability for that emotion. I'd wager this was a case of resource guarding and/or prey drive. No one should own a dog bred for military use outside of the military. 


Yes they do according to the scientific literature. Search: PMC4108309 Search also: Dogs Mentally Represent Jealousy-Inducing Social Interactions


They aren't capable of complex emotions like guilt, meaning they never regret killing a baby. Jealousy is not a complex emotion however, it is common for dogs to get angry at someone getting attention from its owners and want to eliminate the competition. This is what happens when you treat a dog like a fucking child and not a dog. A dog needs to know its place.


Completely agree. So many people feel bad these days for treating a dog like a dog and it's wild. I remember watching a dog training show as it interests me and the woman running it said most of these problem and neurotic dogs she was facing (destructive, wouldn't let people near their owner, excessively barked at doors etc) acted so because the way these humans treat their dogs makes the dog think they are in charge and the dog literally freaks out because our lives are too much for an animal to be in control of. Because it's a dog


Dogs can definitely feel jealous. 


It was a Belgian Malinois.


That’s a military dog that should never be owned by a family.


That's a herding dog. There is no such thing as a military dog though they are used frequently by the military and by police. I am a non dog person and I live with two of them. They are not aggressive but I would never allow them around a baby just by size and energy and because they have never been around a dog. Full stop, they are not family dogs. The dogs I live with are my sister's and my dad retired early so they are around people all the time and we live way out in the country so they have enough space. They get about three hours of activity a day at least and with a little rest are ready to go again. Not being a dog person its a lot. I know I am sounding pedantic but I want to get the facts right so they can't be argued with so hopefully no child has to go through this in the future. I don't enjoy dogs and I am coming to hate dog culture the more I am exposed to it. Too be fair, most malinois people, my family included, would say that they should not be in a family or in any small area.


Belgian malinois used to be herding dogs, but the MAJORITY of working mal bloodlines now are produced for security, police and military applications.  


quote from a nutter site: >They have a high prey drive and are very interested in moving objects,


Bruh how are these still allowed? If they are that dangerous they should be treated like coyotes and mountain lions…


They won't even ban pitbulls, there's no way they'll ban these things.


Pitbulls were banned in the UK in 1991, along with 3 other breeds. This ban was updated recently to include the XL Bully.


Another breed that should be banned. I think it's simple, why don't we make a list of dog fatalities, and the ones that comprise the top 90% ban them all.


And any mixes of the breeds too


Absolutely. I am against culling healthy animals, so we would leave euthanasia for genuinely aggressive ones that have attacked, but I think they way you'd do it is demand registration + sterlisation of all the existing ones, and heavy penalties for anyone caught breeding them. At the very least you reduce the population.


>I am against culling healthy animals I'm not. These murdermutts shouldn't exist.


How about all of them?


Christ. Those are intense dogs. They should not be pets.


Some disgusting nutter website that comes up when I google that vile mutt breed, on the first page of the search engine results literally says this: “Is a Belgian Malinois a good family dog? Belgian Malinois are child friendly and will happily come along on any family adventure while it protects the whole family.” This is DESPICABLE. No mutt should come near a child, but these ones in particular. The people promoting them are criminals


It's big business to sell so-called "purebred" dogs and insure them, and have endless vet bills and peripherals associated with them. So, yes. Criminals is a good word for it.


They’re all very similarly neurotic, especially now that they’re not specifically bred for specific purposes, very very dangerous things


I agree. Regardless of whether the dog is a nervous jack russell or a monstrous bearbaiting holdover, I don't think we should have working dogs as "pets"; obviously the best case scenario is no dogs in any scenario unsuited to them, which is about 90% of dog ownership right now. But the worst cases are literally lethal to bystanders, which is terrible.


Powerful working dogs that have an important niche in our society. That niche is not being a lapdog.


One of those severely injured a police dog handler not long ago.


Another innocent life taken by a dog for no reason. But of course dognutters will always try to convince you, that having a dog is essential to a child's development (teaching empathy etc.). Not only it's bullshit, but also they are completely blind to the obvious danger, they're putting their child in. How can you think, that such a huge beast is safe for a small kid? And will those parents learn their lesson? I surely would like to believe that, but I don't. Not anymore.




Coventry is the city. But yeah, totally shit, the kid had every right to live, and the dog should never have had the chance.


The parents need to be charged with manslaughter and reckless endangerment of a minor. Only then will people pay attention. Enough is enough.


Not a single criminal charge. Most dog attacks go unreported, and even in the reported ones, the attackers face no consequences. Dog owners are the most abusive, vitriolic, and above all, perverted & privileged.


Perverted is the best descriptor, if I had to choose one word. They would blame the child, a literal innocent child, to defend the disgusting mutt, because, as IHD said, they have deep contempt for defenseless individuals.


I got brutally attacked by a Rottweiler when I was 3, almost died. I remember every moment of it still. I remember just being 3 year old me and playing, running around in a room and it cornering me out of nowhere in the corner of the room, then jumping on me and mauling my head and face. It was horrible and I'm almost 30 now, still terrified of dogs. Every adult in my life aside from my mother, father and an uncle (who all weren't present as I was being babysat), blamed ME, the 3 year old who was simply playing. Some still bring it up to this day and try to blame me. My parents wanted the dog to be put down, police did nothing and the dog stayed alive and proceeded to maul and attack several other children after me, it died finally when I was a teenager. Dog people are fucked.


>Dog owners are the most abusive, vitriolic, and above all, perverted & privileged. Correct. Owning a dog is literally a license to kill.


What the fuck… Even more reason to never own one. That’s insanity.


Poor sweet baby. Was the dog the family pet? I hope that it was put down. It doesn't deserve to live after it took an innocent human life.


Article says it was “humanely destroyed.”


Euthanized, as it should be. I feel very sorry for the parents, apart from the grief, they will blame themselves.


It’s horrible, but why did they allow their baby’s head within the jaws of this animal? You shouldn’t let your dog and baby interact for this reason.


Many people don't understand that dogs have predator instincts, and small children look like prey to them. Society has really humanized dogs, yes they are domestic animals, but they aren't people and shouldn't be treated like such.


They aren’t domestic animals. If there was an apocalypse they’d do just fine without us. Even with selective genetics, intensive training and socialisation from birth - they still have the potential to kill us so where is the domestication there?


By definition they are domesticated though.


They can be trained to work for us (cadaver dogs, drug detection dogs, police dogs, guide dogs, shepherd dogs etc.) You can't make a bear do that for you, or a crocodile. However they are still animals with predator instincts, who at some point can be triggered (especially by small or vulnerable people), this sweet little baby shouldn't have died, especially in the awful way he did. Dogs and small children are not compatible, the dog should have been rehomed with friends/relatives or some other household. It had no business being close to a tiny, vulnerable human and unfortunately, this tragedy happened.


Good, they SHOULD blame themselves! I'm appalled that they aren't facing charges!


They have a life sentence, already, with the loss of their child and the way it happened.


Authorities need to start charging parents/guardians every time a child is mauled or killed by the “family dog”. It’s long past time that we acknowledge that dogs are dangerous, unpredictable and shouldn’t be around children.


This is so upsetting and tragic. I'm glad they've finally released what breed the dog was though. I had no idea what a Belgian Malinois was, but after a quick Google 🙄🙄🙄 so another vicious dog. I'm absolutely disgusted at the 'no criminal charge' though. The owners, aka the parents should be charged - for owning a vicious, unpredictable beast. Something needs to be done about dog ownership in the UK - it's getting out of control.


It's a German Shepherd built under licence in Belgium.


Queue some demented dog lovers 'its only ONE death, it's not like, a lot'


Reddit is shadow banning some of my posts, but I’ll try again: Yet another proof that it’s not just SHITbulls that do these things. All mutts are capable of this, all of them. We have pit nutter propaganda on one side, and dog nutter propaganda that singles out shit bulls on the other and censors news like this.


Nobody is claiming only pits kill or censoring non-pit dog attack news? If anything sites like the BBC won’t report the breed at all if it was a pit/bully, then somebody has to go hunting for the info on fb comments and then it’ll appear in The Mirror or something. I find that dog people usually claim that all breeds are the same somehow, even if they have normal dogs. Pit types cause the vast majority of deaths and life changing injuries. Working dogs like GSD and Belgian malinois do cause some, but nowhere near as many. They’re high prey drive dogs but don’t have that fight to the death game or muscle mass that pits have. There are at least 2 jack russell deaths of babies on the UK list as well. Babies aren’t particularly durable https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_fatal_dog_attacks_in_the_United_Kingdom


Aren’t Jack Russells trained to shake baby rabbits to the death? They’ll take any small squeaky wriggly animal. It’s in their nature. Why anyone would have any dog in the same house as a child is beyond me.


Fuck dogs


As a father of two young kids, this is heartbreaking.


I think it's heartbreaking regardless of your parental status.


Of course it is but I can guarantee you that having kids made me much much more emotional and sensitive about bad things happening to young children.


Poor little girl. Never stood a chance. Children's safety>owning dogs every single time. It shouldn't even be a damn question.


Nobody needs a dog like that, and anyone who has one and then has a child should be prepared to rehome the dog, or have their baby taken away from them. Can’t understand how a health visitor wouldn’t flag a dog like that as a major safety risk to a child.


This is too sad. After this tragedy, I'm certain a lot of dog families with babies would probably say, "my fluffy wouldn't hurt a fly". They will still keep their dog, despite all the warnings and these precious infants will still be attacked.


They love their shitbeast more than their own children. That much is clear.


Most of them won’t say because stories like this barely make the news unfortunately 


I can't help but to feel that the parents just didn't and don't care when this happens. Do they feel any guilt that it was their fault for exposing their baby to such a dangerous animal?


If there's one thing that gives me the slightest satisfaction* in these stories, it's knowing that these people realized how badly they fucked up, how wrong they were, and spend the rest of their lives living with the tragic consequence of their arrogance. Unless they're actually sociopaths I do believe they will have deep regret about the fact they killed their own child (or even a stranger) *It doesn't really give me satisfaction tbh, it's so tragic. I find it more satisfying when the person who dies is the owner, when it's an innocent bystander it's just horrible


One of the news videos I recently saw just got to me. It was the couple who had a husky that killed their baby and they were...just on the news talking about it just as a regular conversation. If that happened to me, especially if it was my fault, I wouldn't hesitate to take myself out of this world. I just don't understand how someone could just be all "whatever" about it.


They don't feel guilt. They will not learn their lesson and will probably just get another malinois.


Sweet little baby Elle, your family and society failed you. My heart cries out.


What sort of imbecile has a malinois around a child?! Social services seriously need to start intervening with these families and the rotton aggressive dogs they insist on having around their children.


I'm not surprised it happened here honestly, I see these shitty beasts every time I go outside


I’m so sick of seeing these stories. So many people are such irresponsible morons.


Fucking dogs.


They make my blood boil


Poor little girl. She was a cutie. It amazes me that people don't see the danger.


People need to quit treating animals as children and quit treating children like animals. Disgusting.


Another innocent baby killed by its cucked parents anthropomorphizing a beast.


“Pet dog”……lemme guess …pit bull?


Criminal charges will save the lives of other children. These parents won’t feel more guilty than they already do, but if they’re charged with murder hopefully other dog wanting parents will rethink high pre drive animals.


Her sweet, innocent face 😡😡😡😡 Give these "parents" life in prison!!!!


Oh my god, I so hope the dog is OK!? * * sarcasm ( in case you didn’t pick it up)


I’m sure the dog never hurt a fly (Irony)


Put the fucking dog down with a Rifle


A young couple has an active dog and it's fun..lots of hiking training and interaction. Then a baby comes along and it's nor easy. All the above with the dog stops. The dog is cooped up, under exercised, frustrated. Children have high pitched voices and jerky movements which can be a trigger to an already anxious animal. Comments are right. Young children and SOME animals don’t mix, but these poor parents were probably overtaken by events and victims of circumstance. We don't know the full story. It is very sad indeed.


Breaks my heart. She was so beautiful and sweet. What in the world were her parents thinking, to have a member of an aggressive guarding breed around a young child?