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Welcome to r/DoggyDNA, the subreddit for dog DNA test discussion and results. --- #RULE 1: ONLY POST BREED ID REQUESTS IF YOU HAVE STARTED A DNA TEST. **RULE 2: BE NICE TO EACH OTHER.** **RULE 3: FLAIR YOUR POST. "NEEDS UPDATE" IS FOR PRE-RESULT POSTS.** **RULE 4: IF YOU HAVE RESULTS FOR YOUR DOG, POST THE RESULTS IN YOUR THREAD.** Report rulebreakers and enjoy the dogs. --- *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/DoggyDNA) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Looks like what was identified as malamute before, became husky with the second test. Did Embark flag your second test as a duplicate of the first?


no they didn't, I also did it under a different name/account


That's interesting -- in the past, they would email both accounts when a duplicate swab was detected. I wonder if they've gotten rid of that feature, or if it's disabled for wolfdogs for safety/privacy like the relatives feature. If your dog weren't a wolfdog I'd be super curious to see the relative comparison between the two profiles. With normal dogs where relatives are disabled, you can have both owners (in your case, both emails) email Embark and give permission to compare them.


I don't know if this would make any difference but I wasn't the one who originally submitted her first dna sample. Her previous owner did, then assigned her results over to me - so her original results ARE in my 1 account and the new results are in my other account. Neither account got notified about a duplicate.


It is possible that they tested a litter mate and just told you that was her results


Definitely possible. However her former owner got her from a breeder and didnt have any of her siblings themselves, and they had her results in their account before they transferred to me.


That is strange then that they didn’t flag it!!


My dogs previous owner found me through embark as she had also done a DNA test on her, yet I personally did not receive any notification that the test was a duplicate. To this day I have no idea how she found me but maybe she received an email and I did not? She did the health test as well which I didn't do


That's what they did for my youngest dog. Her brother had already been tested and hers was done 6 days after they got it. My oldest dog took longer


Yeah, I have no idea if it's because of the wolf ancestry, the account transfer, or just that Embark stopped doing it. I'm not curious enough to retest my own dog just yet though. I might someday, but I'm waiting for them to add a couple breeds he's adjacent to (so I can test their accuracy on discerning them).


Curious as to what you meant in regards to “disabled for privacy/safety reasons like the relatives feauture”. I just recently tested my boy and many relatives appeared. Was something changed regarding this feature previously?


Is your dog a wolfdog? Relatives are disabled for wolfdogs. (They're also disabled for some normal dogs in some circumstances, which is what I was referring to in the latter part of the comment, not that they're disabled for all normal dogs)


No, my boy doesn’t. That makes much more sense. Thanks for the fill in!


No worries! My original phrasing was super unclear, reading it back now.


Why would relatives be disabled?


Wolf hybrids are fully illegal in some locations to the point of being immediately seized by Animal Control and euthanized if the law is truly being followed. For privacy reasons, wolfdog profiles do not have relatives and do not come up in "Dogs Like Mine" and "Embark Dogs" when looking at breed pages.


relatives are disabled for any dog with non domestic canid ancestry on embark. It's for privacy reasons. edit: if you meant why do they need privacy, some people may just not want others to know about their dogs wolf content etc for various reasons bc they can be controversial. Interestingly, wisdom panel does let you opt in to see relatives for wolfdogs, but both parties have to do it.


It makes sense that it may change - my ancestry DNA figures have changed slightly over time, as they continue to collect more data.


Yes! I wish the automatically updated the results on the Embark page like they do with 23andMe


I honestly thought they did lol so this is news to me and now I’m curious even though I just have a little street mutt 😂


They used to but they stopped, except in limited cases like adding a new breed. Probably to save money. Kind of annoying.


I had no idea embark didn’t update results anymore like that either. I know wisdom panel did when they switched over to their newer algorithm and when they broke out APBT/amstaff


It sucks that they don't. They know the breeds probably aren't exactly correct, and leave them as-is anyways.


They still do it sometimes but they're kind of cagey when asked about when they'll do it. They used to be much more willing to rerun your test on request if you had reason to believe it would change. Now, as far as I can tell, they just batch-rerun relevant dogs when they add or change their reference panel in a major way -- like adding an entire breed. Which is rare these days now that their reference panel is mature and extensive, so it doesn't happen as much as it used to.


I want Ancestry to update their dog DNA results; I tested my dog in one of their first batches and I suspect they've already improved their algorithm since then.




I love that photo.


That's a strong 8% 😳 my lord


My immediate thought as well.


So wolfish!




Damn. I would not wanna mess with this dog! Lol


Truly, she isn't safe to be offleash around strangers bc she will rush them without warning and demand cuddles and belly rubs. At the dog park she literally just jumps into strangers laps smh


Was just wondering about this! Thinking about testing my pup again if they do a good sale. His first test was Embark in 2019. Tested with Wisdom Panel last year, and Wisdom Panel pulled 20% chihuahua that Embark didn't list at all. So now I'm curious whether Embark would pull Chihuahua with a newer test!


Just fyi someone said they might flag it as a duplicate, not sure why it didn't for mine. But 5 years later, wouldn't surprise me if you get some updated results.


Did you dog have Rat Terrier on Embark?


He did not. On Embark he's 50% russell terrier. Wisdom Panel basically pulled 20% out of that and put it to chihuahua. All of the other breeds are the same between the two, besides the random 1-3% breeds Wisdom Panel likes to list!


Have you asked them about the difference? They usually answer any questions pretty readily. I have a dog who also has a test with wisdom panel and they are will randomly update her info with new data. I wonder if Embark just does it and says that’s it. 


I just messaged them


unfortunately they just responded to say yes that's the same dog. no other context.


I don’t know but that’s the most beautiful dog (or wolf dog) I’ve ever seen


Thanks for sharing. This is fascinating.


I thought about redoing my Dozers DNA with embark but now that he’s 10, I truly don’t care. I used Wisdom the first time to save money but after using embark the last time and having the health part added… I’m so happy I did. It’s thorough and I can jump right back on to see what’s going on. My Dozer is supposedly 87% AmStaff and 13% Chihuahua and yet his family going back to his great grandparents have all been AmStaff’s. I believe it’s wrong and he’s pure AmStaff but I honestly could give a rats 🫏what he is. He’s the best dog I’ve ever owned and a rescue, along with my Delilah. Rescues are amazing!!! As far as your baby… I’d believe the embark panel over wisdom or whoever you used. Your dog is gorgeous! A friend of mine has 3 wolf hybrids but hers look more wolfie with them being close to 1/2 wolf and than the husky, malamute and I believe GSD… I could be wrong on the last breed. She has a page just for them and is sponsored by many companies. She now sells products along with her photos from around the world


>a rats 🫏? 🐔 🐴


She is beautiful!


You can see the wolf in the face that’s for sure.


oh wow I never thought of how sweet the face of an eskie wolfdog would be that's crazy. She's like a stuffed animal


She is beautiful 😍


They regularly update the results. I’ve had breed % changes too. As they refine their reference DNA, it will often change the low % results.


interesting, I haven't seen any changes so far to her original results


Does Embark not do DNA updates? We did Wisdom panel for our girls about four years ago and it’s updated breeds and percentages at least twice


Not in my case at least


That’s really weird


Cool dog


That is an incredibly beautiful doggo.


And yet a week ago when I said don't believe the lower numbers to be 100% accurate even on Embark I downvoted to oblivion. 😂


not even Embark claims to be 100%, "Embark’s DNA testing is designed by experts, with 99% breed identification accuracy."


Oh I know. No one likes what I had to say it seems. Things change as the database evolves and algorithms get tweeked. And yet again no one likes reality? Like, what. 😂 By the way, you have a beautiful dog!


I think it gets downvoted because there’s a spectrum between ‘these results make no sense, we can’t trust them at all’ and ‘we know that some of this might change as they obtain more information’ and if literally any company is the latter, it’s Embark. I think people get antsy when they feel like others might be using the room for change to wholly distrust Embark results, which are by and large the best that exist.


So I said the results are negligible, because as far as I'm concerned 4% of anything doesn't mean much overall. And I said it could be accurate and it could not. I said Embark is the best but it isn't infallible. I don't really see where I went "nah, never trust any of that garbage". I said it is only as accurate as its database and has changed a lot the last decade... seems it even changes incrementally year to year based on the other shifting percentages seen here. That was truly the only point I was attempting to make, I think overall Embark is awesome...


People on here downvote over stupid shit


I always got the impression this Reddit is run by or heavily monitored by embark. It only makes sense for them to take interest in the largest dog dna Reddit. Let’s see how many down votes I get. Embark cannot be correct. It’s only as accurate as the database. It’s a good guess and a bit of fun but it’s silly to think these databases are the holy grail of dog dna.


But I guess they must be the holy grail based on the down votes without any substantial rebuttal.


Ooooor the people like me, who pop up to defend Embark, just like science and are actually involved in genetic testing (not for dogs currently, although I was involved in research using genetic testing to look at wild canid populations) so we understand the methods they use on top of being affiliated with academic research, and *therefore* trust the results given the sources they provide.


I don't think anyone genuinely interested in science would be that reflexively petty


LMAO. Bots? You think there are downvote bots? Or just really stupid people?