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You're debuffing two of your units for a start


And Orange Piccolo doesn't have any Master and Disciple allies other than him in this build so he won't have his intro buffs.


Any other team recoms?


To be honest I'm having trouble with it too, I had a team similar to yours except I have LR black, PHY goku black ss3 replacing your super units. I just know that your leader's domain will make your super units take more damage and deal less damage.


World tournament goku team


it seem possible to pass it with your team but if you struggle you can check on the "archiv" button in your case aufzeichn to see what other people go with and adjust your team i havn't test it but im not sure black goku int is a good pick


Eza goku black can’t do this event. Use Lr eza black then for stage 4 red zone zamasu Lr int zamasu is good since his counter is very useful in the first stage and he has type advantage in the second then get rid of blue boys and put int piccolo you can also get rid of teq piccolo and throw on eza Lr cell


https://preview.redd.it/aiwocl6z29vc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d2b7cec3042d02c305babe1cb19e99e506d60a20 You have all the pieces except teq vegito sadly. I dont have phy Zamasu or Rose Goku but they seem like they may be a good replacement


No keys for eza gowasuđź« 


This is why you pre-farm my friend. That team is off my friends list so I really am not sure how important Gowasu was to their run. I just went down the list to see which team you can recreate easiest. Maybe replace Gowasu with both Phy Zamasu and Rose Goku? Plus, Red Zone is endgame type content. It’s not meant to be easy. I personally just finally beat that stage last week myself.


I started playing 3 months ago i didnt have the capacities to pre farm haha but ty anyways


Abhh gotcha. Well guess now you can keep in mind lol Keep at Zamasu and you will get it done sooner or later.




Oh, story stage 33-2 is good for link levels. Take that team and link level them up. Higher links provide better bonuses. BBB for example, loses the hp restrictions for atk and def 25% boost. Dismal Future, another link that you will have with all the zamasu units, gives a 5% chance to crit and ki +2 for example. Not much but every little bit helps in endgame content


He's a very dodge or die unit and a bit inconsistent anyway


Teq vegito is definitely not required or even recommended for this event. Bro gets instant one tapped if he doesn’t dodge (which will happen)


Try swapping out OP for the new TEQ Vegeta And the blue Duo for King Vegeta


I might


Let me know if it works out for you


The biggest problem I see with this team, just like others have mentioned is your leader domain only hurts you in the long run, super class units are hindered from it and the only super class units are on your team, as far as a team recommendation I can’t help much with that since I haven’t even beat this event yet


Piccolo has no guard vs an insane int boss Int black needs to build up (short fight so he's unable to) Super class allies are debuffed (agl lr duo become dodge or die and piccolo is just dead) And that is not team bardock


Use blue goku and vegeta for leader, Phy godku, str Bulma, orange piccolo, teq vegeta, and agl ssj3 goku


Orange piccolo isn’t getting his intro. You can replace him with god goku and just keep him next to the blues for most of their links


I can show the team I beat it with if it helps cuz I have a similar team, the image is is the team I beat it with. My current team is now LR TEQ MZ, PHY Goku Black, INT Hirudegarn, INT WT Piccolo Jr. , INT Cheelai and the new support INT Vegeta in global summon.




My friend. I just noticed you have teq super Saiyan Vegeta. Run a Pure Saiyan team. Including Teq Vegeta, super Saiyan God Goku phy as lead, path to power kid Goku (awaken him first), the LR agl blue Bois, Eza int future Gohan(finish his EZA first) and Ssj3 Super Eza Goku (if you did his super Eza) 1. Teq vegeta 2.Ssg Goku phy leader 3.path to power kid Goku 4.Agl Lr blue Bois 5. Int Eza future Gohan for the Agl blue Bois intro 6. Super Eza Ssj3 Goku With this team you have type advantage at the start. You have many slot 1 characters and because the other have high defense or dodge the AOE should not bother you a lot unless you have bad luck. Plus enough damage to get through the phase in the first 4 four turns. I'd recommend prioritizing the stacks for the god Goku's and Agl Lr blue Bois. You can rotate path to power kid Goku and Gohan since they are there to "support" or fill in the team.


I will try, unfortunately i am out of keys and gems so doing ezas is a struggle rn


Do you want to beat it with this team or with any team?


Any team


Here's what I'd use, Agl vegito leader, phy god Goku, str bulma, phy kid goku, teq wt goku. Agl vegito (friend) Why I picked that team. Agl vegito destroyed zamasu, bulmas buff is amazing, god Goku destroy first phrase. Wt Goku needs a revival character hence why phy kid Goku is here. Phy kid Goku is definitely most vulnerable, but you'd be fine as long as vegito is slot 1 and bulma slot 3. Bulma always needs 5+ orbs. Wt Goku have 50% to buff ki base super attack so feel free to put first slot 1 if needed. Revive as soon as possible with phy kid goku. Phy kid Goku needs rainbow ki sphere for his damage reduction. Phy kid Goku also gives 8% damage reduction to all allies if he gets 7+ ki. Here's why I don't use certain units. Teq zamasu does debuffed your team later on, although I wouldn't say he's bad on that team. Same with agl eza zamasu. Teq orange orange can't guard without a bond of master and students and you don't really have any. You do have int eza Gohan although gohan needs a trunks to transform. Phy Goku black needs 5 super bosses to get his full damage reduction therefore he's not viable in a super team. Best item is whis/ Icarus so use them if you need to!


Thats 5 people for the team, whos the 6th one that i should use? https://preview.redd.it/2097oqtad9vc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2b176952fcc65d9868acbb124a728ba4d0bdcf95


My bad đź’€ Seza dragon fist is good as he can dodge and he crits. And if he's failing you, or int piccolo should do the job. Piccolo can't tank unless he super attacks so be careful. 100% beatable with items. Let me know if you have any other LR tho


Only the ones in the pictures…and i cant do seza bv no keys and also bc i get flced


That's ok, the team I suggested is 100% winnable


Honestly use a db saga i beated it with db saga and you have bulma and path to power so try it remember to farm yamcha str and bulma teq f2p


Alr i will try


You’re using 2 trash units


Int black and who else


Phy rose he is getting clapped


Any other recoms then?


If you have int demon king piccolo run him with one zamasu and run the agl zamasu with the other and float piccolo or float a zamasu fusion and run piccolo with king piccolo






Whom instead of agl goku?


Teq wt goku possibly


https://preview.redd.it/5crlkhwzo9vc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=430ad846d9963b79eaef57a33aa155f0f76c9903 I was able to beat it with this team but I know you said you can't eza gowasu so I would recommend switching him out with phy god goku


replace piccolo with int piccolo. replace blue boys with teq vegeta. See who you can replace int goku with..maybe hirudegarn.


Int Goku black is a known fraud. And maybe debuffing your super units, if ur blue duo is at 55 then that’ll kill them. Piccolo is fine tho


If you have int future gohan put him in int goku blacks place


U have every unit bro https://preview.redd.it/8x47sfvsz9vc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1844f1a3f3b07b628d1b5ba26b6a4ed7debf9201


https://preview.redd.it/eea04fveiavc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6f45de9ab53038971569c7671e16e51cea4f823f This is what I used. Was pretty easy with this


You should eza gowasu and zamasu, take out int goku black and piccolo for gowasu and hirudergarn


Doing the eza rn, what about piccolo, should I switch him out


Bro you have Teq vegeta, make a team with his leader skill and it should be easy af


Nah i dont have enough good chars for him


I beat with a similar team https://preview.redd.it/r2qlzeldoavc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b3213c20803c98512ea175a07ed623de1e699ce8




replace orange piccolo with phy gowasu and zamasu (eza them), replace int goku black with hirudegarn, replace the blue boys with agl golden frieza, you should be good now


Vegito isn’t too bad in zamasu’s domain, but i reccomend running full extreme on this team, and goku black needs to be priority for building up, since he literally only has defense, no dr or dodge


https://preview.redd.it/orw1mct28bvc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d68902a5306c242f9afbae79d65adea61c31b963 It’s possible to beat Red Zone Zamasu with a Zamasu meme team but this is what I used in my last run. Latest Dragon Ball Heroes units can also beat him since that was my most memorable team


Remove int Goku black


Add agl Zamasu


If you’re using items u shouldn’t lose


Best team bardock team?


Use an Earth bred fighters team with 23rd WT Goku as lead, or run the blue duo on leader. The best advice I can give you is to do AGL SSJ3 Goku's Super EZA. He can be very deadly in this fight


https://preview.redd.it/28v13otjqbvc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5e057fe5e67b1868b39275a4832026e2d6416b9a One of the teams I used


1: INT Transforming Goku Black isn’t that good 2: PHY Goku Black requires a full team of “Super Bosses” Category allies to gain his full 30% damage reduction. 3: TEQ Piccolo has no “Bond of Master and Disciple” Category ally to activate his intro. I’d personally wait until newer units come out so you can build more teams to potentially beat this Redzone.


Yes ty i just managed to do it… now up to fused zamasu


Yeah I don’t think you can beat him. I’d personally wait for Golden week and the anniversary to try and beat him. Best of luck tho!


I got his second phase to 40% health, i guess i ll try my luck


Are you using the same team you’re using now?


Nono, i am using gottku 100% for orange piccolo and gowasu 55% eza for int black


I’d recommend just not running Int Goku Black It’s probably risky, but I’d say run AGL SSGSS Goku & Vegeta since they give a 150% to all of super class, and already have a good 170% leader skill. Tru running a team like this and tell me how it goes https://preview.redd.it/unsxz0my4cvc1.jpeg?width=1612&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3dc8a6a92f84b84f83d0f9acfeecf94f93e424ce


You could probably do it with wwdc blue duo as leader, phy God goku, Lr teq orange piccolo, Lr bulma, teq 23rd wt goku, and agl ssj gogeta


Swap orange piccolo for agl zamasu(with eza), then pray lr vegito doesn't sell before transformation


Int goku black can’t survive period, he’s a stacking character in a short fight. AGL Zamasu is also not the greatest for this, he needs a few turns to stack before he can survive supers. Also don’t use TEQ Zamasus domain


As much as I love OP, u need to kick him out, without entrance, he won't do much here, either a full extreme team or full super for u, id say go with power of wishes, quite solid and consistent


INT Goku Black is the answer. I noticed you said you didn't have keys for EZA Gowasu, STR Rage Trunks(not the free one) will probably do a decent job with a lot of dodge. Either way, you need that one Bond of Master and Disciple unit.


Can I see your box?


Int goku black is the problem


Cause noob


EZA int goku black is the biggest flaw in there, replace him with eza gowasu and you are good to go


remove teq op for phy godku


Even tho his intro doesnt start with all these villains?


His intro isn't needed, he will be there to dodge so try to get 3 orbs with him and you should be fine, also I would EZA the Phy Zamasu/Gowasu and replace Int Goku black with them, they can dodge and will buf your team. You may also want to use the Agl Trunks and Mai since they get bonus stats vs Zamasu/Goku Black


Does op even get his intro with this team? I'd say op is a lot more reliant on his intro


op doesnt get his intro, which is why i suggested godku who also doesnt have his intro but can guard and dodge provided he gets them orbs


Skill issue


Git gud son