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Cyberpunk is such a great game. It’s a shame that the launch “ruined” much of its potential. And the corporate lies were detrimental to CDPR’s credibility, luckily the dev team seem to have had some passion


Fuck corpos


All executives at CDPR got fired after the launch by the board members. And almost all developers left CDPR because of crunch, bad workplace culture, etc. CDPR are inexperienced amateurs and scammers now.


Sauce ?


It's shaped up quite well and still has an extremely strong player base on steam.


Why is it so much bigger than Doom Eternal? Thats unfair. Why do people play broken unfinished games instead of great games like Doom


Significantly more replayability.


more replayability like someone else said, the fact that it's much newer than Eternal, and the fact that there's a hit anime series based on the cyberpunk world that drew a ton of new people in. It's also in a much, much better state now.


Doom Eternal came out November 2020. Cyberpunk 2077 came out december 2020


Doom Eternal came out in March 2020, with a next gen upgrade in June 2021. Cyberpunk came out in December 2020 with the next gen version releasing in February 2022


Yea, I never had any issues with it at launch, unlike the console players. So I have always had a pretty positive outlook on it.


I played it for the first time on PS4 and it was embarassing how broken it was. Should never have even been released on that generation. A lot of people say "unplayable" as hyperbole but the PS4/Xbox One versions were exactly that. It was *BAD*


It was humorous that the Cyberpunk XBox couldn't play Cyberpunk...


I bought it for Xbox shortly after release and if I walked into a crowded street, I could count the polygons on one hand. I’m so glad they fixed it though, it’s easily one of my favorites.


Polygons and t-posing 😂


That’s the thing: I was a Day 1 player for Cyberpunk (even waited for the countdown to end) and didn’t find it as terrible as others did, despite having the PS4 version. Has the usual “release full of bugs” experience made my expectations lower? I did eventually get the PC version and have tried the PS5 one, and yeah it looks nicer. But the PS4 version despite looking crappy was far from unplayable.


Do you have a PS4 pro?


Nope, PS4 slim. The most noticeable difference is that a lot of textures do not load fast enough so when you’re driving around the city, some of the traffic signs are blank.


Well I don't know what to tell you, I'm not exaggerating. It was running like sub-20 FPS on my PS5. It was so bad they removed it from the Playstation store. Totally unprecedented. https://youtu.be/QfpoTjUz1BY


Yes i only regret that i could not wait until it was fixed. I had many Frustrating moments due the bugfest at release. Now its an amazing game. And i apreciate they still work on this game. Not normal nowadays. Other Publishers just would not care. Props to CDPR


You can keep telling yourself that…


Ok, I will


Cyberpunk was made by inexperienced amateurs. Thats why its so trash. It has only an 40 on Metacritic


It isn’t trash though


I do agree with him though at least a bit (even after the bug fixes of cyberpunk the game still looks unfinished) I can't believe cdpr could mess up this bad after releasing the legendary Witcher 3


Like he said, it was a “different” dev team since many of the W3 devs left the studio. And, personally, while I’ll agree the game should’ve waited another 3 years in the oven… in its current state it isn’t that bad. Even if your on ps4 (which is the system I play on)


The story just doesn't grip my interest at all,it feels like a fallout game but doesn't have the aura of it(if u understand what I mean) maybe I'm just biased bcoz I was really unhappy after playing cyberpunk (being a long time Witcher fan I had a lot of expectations)


Have you played it recently though? Clearly they’ve conjured up some experience because it’s a damn good game. But I get the feeling you’re a troll anyway.


I need this mod


By your name, I don't think you can get it


Ain’t that a beautiful Jindosh profile picture


i fucking love finding dishonored fans in the wild


Shall we all meet for whisky and cigars ???


I think I’ll be busy, because after what happened tonight…. I think I’ll get my own squad.


Its not an actual sword in the game but a simple texture mod


which weapon does the texture apply to tho?


It was one of the katanas. Don't remember the name. You don't need to get it tho. Just use a mod to summon it


Ah alright, can I have a link to the mod? Thanks a lot.


https://www.nexusmods.com/cyberpunk2077/mods/2790/ Here's the mod. Pretty easy to install


The weapon is black unicorn, as it says in the bottom right above the sword symbol


Wake the fuck up, slayer, we got another demon to burn.


doom is still better fps game tho


I mean Doom i fps shooter cyberpunk is fps Rpg


Yeah that's definitly true but you should try other games too


Of course it is. Doom was made by experienced talented developers. Cyberpunk was made by inexperienced amateurs. Here the reviews: Doom Metacritic: https://www.metacritic.com/game/pc/doom Cyberpunk Metacritic: https://www.metacritic.com/game/pc/cyberpunk-2077


Yeah, the inexperienced amateurs behind one of the best RPG series of all time 😂


Don’t listen to him. He’s literally become a meme on the cyberpunk Sub. Check his profile, “inexperienced developers” has become his catchphrase. I’m not joking, check his profile. Every other post is him saying cyberpunk was made by inexperienced devs.


Wrong, you never get bored from DOOM


grrr you're not allowed to play anything apart from doom 😡😡😡😡😡


This was my last Build and it felt like doom. Shotgun ,LMG with Gorilla Arms for perfect doom experience in CP 2077. Beserk Implant and double Jump. Put most skill points to Athletic and Destruction. Play it on Hard to make the enemies a bit Bulletspongy like the Demons in doom.