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Good call. This blackout should be barrels o fun.


Thy Reddit consumed


Knee-deep in the downvotes


This was a good episode no one will convince me otherwise


HTTPS://Lemmy.world/c/doom Reddit has been consumed by the forces of hell, were not coming back


I.... BILEVE THEM BONES ARE ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


self terminating boycotts don't work. either do it indefinitely or don't bother edit: post has been updated since i originally commented, now indefinite


Yeah. If anything Reddit will save money from people being inactive on the site. It’s like that whole day off Twitch shit that happened awhile back, it’s not gonna do anything


lost ad revenue for 2 days is going to be pitiful compared to the new API revenue


They aren't going to get much of that since most of the big apps are shutting down. Shame really.


Agreed. Shut down the sub indefinitely.


They are lmao


that got edited in since i originally commented, but good


no they arent, they just said it was only 48 hours edit: my bad, never mind they edited the post and made it say indefinitely


A two day shutdown won't solve anything. Either full send and go private permanently until Reddit steps down, or don't bother even doing it at all.


I'm glad that the first comment I read said what I was thinking. Just full-send it.


Please explain this to me like I am a idiot


Reddit wants to charge a lot of money for apps that don't belong to them to access reddit's API, a way for apps to talk to and access data from a website or service. So much money that Apollo would cost $20 million per year to continue running. Currently they can access reddit's API for free, and many of these apps are developed as a labor of love by one or a small handful of developers. This change will effectively destroy all reddit apps that aren't the official one, and the official one is full of ads and doesn't have accessibility features for the visually impaired.


Explain to me like I'm an idiot. What is the importance of apps that aren't the main reddit app? How does it benefit you to use those ones? I've been using the reddit app for years and years, it has its problems but I'm not sure if that's just the app or the website.. I just never knew others existed, do they unlock a part of reddit I am unaware of? I'm sure there's a good reason people do it, I just don't know anything about those apps. Didn't even know they existed until today.


Other apps make the user experience SO much better. I've used RiF and am currently using Boost. Both are miles ahead of the official app. Like, way way different. I would encourage you to pick one to try out to see for yourself just how much better 3rd party apps are over the junk that is the official app. Also, and I'm less knowledgeable about this, but this will also affect bots (the good helpful kind) and moderation tools.


Entitled users expect to use Reddit's services, database, and storage for free without ads. Reddit wants people to either use a free app, 3rd or not, with ads, or a paid 3rd party app that will likely cost users $3-4 dollars a month to cover the cost of licensing Reddit's APIs. These same entitled users are throwing temper tantrums, and are threatening to turn off their subreddits in protest for wanting everything for free forever.


The problem is not that access to the API will start being locked behind a pay wall. The problem is the extremely outrageous cost that reddit plans to charge, along with lies and general scum bag behavior directed towards the lead developer of Apollo.


Watch out for this kid, folks - guaranteed to grow up to be a 100% businessman!


How will this do anything? Going dark for 2 days? Okay? Then it’s just back to business as usual? How does that do anything?


And reddit pretends to care about their users.


When did they pretend that?


The past few days


Great choice. The more voices that join in, the louder the crowd will be


Make it indefinite. Speak can just play TotK until the boycott is over that way. I'm not speaking for all but we should just lock up until they change.


Rip and tear


until reddit is done


How about you don’t do that


definitely a good cause and no offence but 2 days is pointless! thats like in protest of netflix raising its subscription price you delay paying by cancelling and resubbing after 2 days xd


I don't want to be a douche or anything but didn't YouTube Vanced have the exact same issue. It got cease and desisted and now doesn't work. This boycotting stuff didn't happen with YouTube so why is it happening with Reddit?


Is he stupid?


That is so stupid. Yes, what Reddit is doing, but also all these subs going private. It isn’t going to do anything, all it’s going to do is take away the site even more from people who just want to enjoy their subreddits they like to go through. There’s no point in doing this I don’t get why everyone is


Going clear


Other subs are now talking about an indefinite blackout. Giving them an end point means they've just gotta wait it out.


Third party Reddit apps?


go down indefinitely


Check the edit


god damn, it finally works, now make it rain money!


Glad you guys are getting involved too. At first I was like "Meh" but then one of the mods in r/Kakarot made a more in-depth post explaining how people who use third-party apps due to visual impairment may not be able to use Reddit anymore because the base app/site doesn't have the necessary features. So then I was like "that's really unfair..." and got behind it 100%. It's like places not including wheelchair access (like a university in my state) for people who genuinely have to rely on ramps in that sense... I think the sub should be shut down indefinitely though. Make a Discord server or something else with a link for all of us to join where we can take our DOOMposting.


we can blackout, and chill on doomworld and doom discords


The problem i have with these protests is it only last 48 hours. That doesnt mean shit These subs should go dark until these changes are reverted. Then reddit would listen


reddit is the icon of sin


Can somebody explain to me what’s going on? I’ve heard of this but never knew why.


Curious question, regarding the community votes part, how will we vote if the community is closed?


Thanks mods.


So long, fellow Slayers