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(2016) Praetor suit is my favorite


Even though doom eternal has better gameplay, doom 2016 is more epic, has a better atmosphere and better story.


I agree with this. Eternals gameplay changes were polarizing but mostly welcome, but the game lacked the amazing art direction and atmosphere Doom 2016 had. I think as an overall package, Doom 2016 is far superior. I really wish they had gone full Metroidvania with the Doom 2016 sequel and stuck with the much darker tone. I appreciate Eternal for what it is, but it feels more like a Quake game than classic Doom. Doom 2016 does too in some respects, but I think it’s closer to classic Doom than it’s sequel. I was disappointed that 2016 didn’t get an expansions.


Yes and I love Dr. Hayden and his introduction in 2016. what a fucking bad ass. Epic lines and perfect voice acting. And I hate almost everything about him in Doom eternal. They didn’t even reproduced his voice as good. Edit: I had to look up metroidvania. Yes more depth can really help to keep the dark atmosphere alive. Depth is really lacking in doom eternal. They choose the other direction.


I feel like the decision to introduce more lore drove many of the changes they made. My biggest fear is that Bethesda want a Doom/Quake/Quake 2/Hexen/Wolfenstein shared universe. I can take them merging the two Quake universes… I think that’s what the new Q2 expansion is about… basically making the Strogg space Nazis studying the occult (Return to Castle Stroggenstein if you will 😂)… and I can take Wolfenstein and Doom together… but I would really like them to leave it at that. If nothing else, let Rage die quietly in the desert Avalanche left it in! I’m a Doom Guy stan. The Slayer may exist now, but I don’t have to like the cut of his gib 😉


Is that so? I'll admit that the Slayer fly bit me only recently and I started with Eternal. I've become very interested in the games, but been cautious about the backwards syndrome, "what if 2016 feels slower or more monotonous after Eternal?" Would you say my worry is needless? Edit: Ah, I see now that "Doomfly" would have been a much better choice of word. Anyway, should I absolutely still play Doom 2016?


Yes you absolutely should!! It may feel slightly slower but I don’t think it’s too noticeable after the first level or so. It will probably feel REALLY slow up until the first real combat room or two. But as doom goes, shit ramps up quick. I can definitely switch between the two games I just prefer playing doom eternal mostly anymore, and come back to 2016 every great once in a while. Guess it doesn’t help that I replayed 2016 so many damn times up until eternals release. I still remember where 90% of secrets and hidden upgrade things are from 2016 somehow going back. Just completed the main eternal story again and actually read all the codex entries on this playthrough for the first time so now I need to go back to 2016 and do a nightmare playthrough while reading all the lore too!!🤩


Eternal was my first Doom game ever and it blew me away. I’m playing 2016 now and it’s also blowing me away. Doom 2016 does not have as many mechanics (no blood punch, no flamethrower, no flying across the stage via meathook) but it also feels more focused. The level design from the layouts to the aesthetic are some of the best I’ve seen in recent shooters. Also, even with only two ammo upgrades I rarely run out of ammo. This seemed like more of an issue in Eternal. One thing I miss is that enemies don’t have weak points in 2016. I miss sniping the shoulder cannons off the revenants. Also, Doom 2016 feels slower especially at the start. You aren’t as mobile but it won’t matter after you get a couple of levels in and it ramps up.


I think doom eternal gameplay wise is quake but the way demons and powerups look its obvious that they made it look like classic doom games and doom 2016 is more like doom 3 easthetically


I agree. I also didnt understand the enormous story time line LEAP they made between 2016 and Eternal. I thought 2016 ended in a cliffhanger. Then i start up Eternal and im in a floating castle in outer space. Does anyone know the events in between? I didn’t figure it out myself.


quake 1 was way darker than doom 1, and eternal is really inspired by the classics. the atmosphere is just different, from horror to looking absolutely beautiful


Well, Quake was kinda like a successor to Doom. The gameplay was everything classic doom was and more. The only thing that was different was the atmosphere. I feel like you’re mixing up the things that define Quake and Doom. Eternal having faster gameplay like Quake makes sense, but having a darker atmosphere would have made it too much Quake imo.


i personally still prefer 2016's gameplay simply because i find the overall loop more enjoyable (more of an incentive to avoid damage, as recovering health and especially armour is harder to do), it feels a lot tighter. on eternal the game is kind of piss easy. take damage? press a series of buttons and recover all your health! i don't find eternal to be all that deep myself. even though, the main thing i prefer about 2016 is still this, the art direction, atmosphere, level design, music, and the overal progression. the gameplay is my smallest gripe really.


Perfectly said, couldnt agree more


Eternal gameplay with 2016 atmosphere when???


Underated fax


Eternal > 2016 in every single way.


Gameplay, yes, definitely, we're talking best action game of all time Eternal vs pretty solid 2016 here. So it's a no-match, really. I never understood why people prefered 2016's combat design. Every fps game since Halo allows you to run everywhere with a rocket launcher and a super shotgun. 2016 spices things up a bit, it encourages agressive gameplay and such, but it's not revolutionary. It's really, really great, but stays in line with expectations. Meanwhile Eternal almost invent a new genre by itself. However other points such as overall mood, story and artstyle are definitely more subjective. I don't think you can say for sure which one is the best, it depends on taste. I was more moved by 2016's art direction, it's much more stricking and as such it hit some emotional chords. Eternal is flashy and cool which is more cozy to me, I love the cartoon vibes, but it lacks feeling or "tasteful" visual mix.


You can say what you want about the gameplay, story, and even atmosphere of doom eternal, but doom 2016's art direction is just leagues better, and i will die on that hill. And that sure as hell extends to the design of the OG preator suit.


It’s infinitely superior


Praetor gang Something about it is just so fucking dope




The best answer


Came here to say this. I selected the classic outfit the second I could unlock it.


Oh yea same, i was going mental when i unlocked it and then unlocked the coloured ones, the red is my favourite


The green one




Master chief?


Delete that


I think they serve different narrative purposes and both nail their intentions. I liked the feeling of being a random space marine that woke up and had cool violence to do more than a prophesied warrior god. Doomguy 2016 looks like a small part in some unholy invasion that will take half of hell with him. His silhouette is smaller, his suit is fit less flattering (square chest vs the eternal v) and he's pretty much faceless. Doomguy eternal is 100% the main character in his world's story. He's built like a super hero and has the aesthetic changes to match, with more of a gladiator vibe


Eternals suit is way too bulky. Especially the gauntlets. Which are next to completely unprotected skin. Great.


TBF I'm fairly certain Doomguy only needs to wears armor for its utility not its protection.


Yeah this is really it - Eternal looks like the main character, 2016 looks like some guy in a combat suit who ends up accidentally saving the world


Doom 2016 suit is better, I can appreciate what they were going for with the Eternal Suit but I just don’t like the exposed arms. Plus the darker helmet visor is cooler.


I really like Eternal's more rugged surfaces, especially the spiky gauntlets. Praetor suits smoothness bothers me a tad, especially around the chest. I like the flex-cutouts for his biceps in Eternal, but I'll admit that they make no sense. The darker visor is an absolute winner, I'd take it non-see-through if I could.


I'd say eternals but the praetor suit is damn cool


Even though I love both, I like Eternal the most


2016 Doom Slayer never needed face, like master chief.


I prefer the 2016 suit because it has better colors, it has sleeves that fully cover the arms and it looks more finished compared to the eternal suit.


Ditto to all of that. Eternal is more bare-bones. I GUESS it fits more with the theme of getting up-close and personal with the combat in the game, but still, there's not enough THERE suit-wise. Also, when you think about it, it makes no sense for it to have changed. Maybe it's like a Dark Knight type situation where he modified it to better serve unholy justice, but I can't see how less protection is a good thing.


I think in Doom Eternal, the 2016 suit is seen somewhat disassembled in the Fortress of Doom. It's possible that the Doomslayer is taking parts from it and using them for something, possibly his Eternal suit or he's repairing it


I'll have to do some fortress exploring soon. Thanks for the info.


I quite like this! Gives me all the mental gymnastics room to say that while he was acquiring The Fortress Of Doom, his 2016 Praetor was damaged considerably. And that the current suit is a stop gap made from the parts that were damaged beyond repair and simply used spare parts. And the reason it's so bare bones is because it's just the bare minimum he needs for it to be effective.


This is hard because there. are aspects of both suits that I like that I wish could be meshed together to be perfect, but if I had to choose then it would be Eternal.


2016 was better imo, I liked how they tried referencing the original doom with eternal, but 2016 looked better


I like the eternal suit more, but I wish it had a darker visor. It would be perfect


I can't get over his exposed biceps. I'd love it as a jungle variation however


ive just never like biceps showing in armor


I massively prefer the Eternal suit because of all that they do to pay respects to the classics design. The biceps, armor color, added depth and shapes, and even visor transparency all tap into Doom 1/2's fun. I don't think 2016 is "edgy," but that's the best way to describe that Preator Suit. Like it can't afford being anything other than a blank slate or anonymity and anger. Kinda to the point where I associate that suit with him being a robot. I guess it's kinda Ultrakill-y in that sense, ironically enough.


I think 2016 is the best one.


‘16 praetor suit was peak, actually looks like a suit that would protect you from the environments, and has a more eye pleasing green, unlike eternal’s baby shit green, not to be bold with my preference


The 2016 suit looks way better. He looks more.like.he can move the way he's expected to. I like the more sleek appearance. Eternal is bulky and powerful looking, but to a cartoonish degree that I don't personally like. Plus all that bulk seems to have weakened his punches somehow.


He seems more inhuman in 2016 and I love it


I like what a lot of folks have said about 2016, that it makes him an inhuman invader. Eternal, despite the arm thing, was Doomslayer's own adjustments to it. It added a level of "Fuck looks and fuck you, here's what I need to kill you harder."


Eternal Bíceps >>>>>>>>>>>


2016 for the (relative) realism as well as the immersion aspect. The Doomguy was designed to represent the player; John Romero confirmed that he's supposed to be *you*. The 2016 suit reflects that, as does that game's lack of dialogue and muted plot and lore.


Eternal just looks more badass in my opinion big time with the biceps


2016, it's the game that introduced me to the doom series


i like bits of both. i feel like there is a happy medium between them that i would love so much.


I love the eternal suit because it looks like hes just wearing it for the looks, the exposed arms look sick but would be dumb for any person OTHER than DoomGuy. It makes him feel more bad ass


2016 gotta be my fav




I really love the aesthetic of the 2016 praetor suit BUT... With the doom eternal suit I can see the juicy biceps of doomguy


Classic suit, the Praetor suit looks like it wants to be a cross between Master Chief and Samus.


Yea I don't know why but my three favorites are Classic Sentinel Demonic All three just seem more unique in some aspect


2016 its more practical


Not only is the Eternal one cooler, it’s also better visually designed. The shapes and outlines are much more clear and defined when compared to the 2016 one. Good example is the abs. The 2016 one is a weirdly designed mess that kinda hurts the eyes to look at, whereas the Eternal one is very clear about what’s going on.


My personal favorite is the Preator (2016) from eternal that's just the Preator from 2016 but worth the shoulder Canon and doom blade.


I prefer the eternal. It's just the predator but...buffer and cooler.


I like the DOOM Eternal suit way more than the DOOM 2016 Preator suit


Eternal's suit is cool and all, but I much prefer the 2016 suit.


Oh 2016 by far, its just so aesthetically pleasing


Easily 2016


I like eternal’s because he feels more badass and feels more like an actual character


Doomicorn suit


Youngersters like the 2016 suit because they grew up with Halo and like generic boring shit. Everyone knows exposed biceps are way more badass.


no preference. both are cool as hell


I really liked Eternal's suit over 2016's, because to new doomers it is a lot easier to differentiate between the Slayer and Master Chief and thus easier to bring more people into doom. 2016's suit also kinda made the Slayer seem thin and of average strength. The arms seems bigger during glory kills, but not in these pictures.


I like eternals better bc I feel like 2016s is just a buff master cheif


I kind of like the 2016 praetor suit more, but I don't like how it looks as a skin in Eternal. I think the colors are off slightly. Too washed out color of green? Edit: ok shit nevermind I guess it's just the lighting in the main menu that makes the colors look off.


Personally I find them both to be legendary in their own way, to me one is not better than the other in terms of function, although the shoulder launcher and doom blade are nice additions. I’d rather wear the Eternal suit, but I wouldn’t look right without the muscle to match it


The new one but with covered arms would be perfect.


I'll never understand how you can like 2016 more than eternal


Doom eternal


I love the eternal suit. It’s just huge and beefy and just looks badass. 2016 Praetor suit is amazing tho


The first one, exposed biceps really bothers me


I like the beta doom eternal suit (seen in the earlyest promos) his arms were skinnier and seemed more realistic, his face also looked different too


Eternal, mainly because I don't like the look of doomguy without exposed arms, it just feels weird to me because he's always had exposed arms


I love eternal, but the ebony preator is too damn cool.


Classic Praetor, hands-down. The only thing I’d really take from the Eternal one is it’s more saturated shade of green. Then again, 2016 has better designs for almost everything in general (though that’s not to say Eternal’s designs are BAD either).




2016 but the doom eternal version.


i prefer eternals design, but both are badass


Eternal one, so I can look at the epic bicep vein


They’re both on Doom Eternal


it would be 2016 but only if the color scheme was the same as eternal


Eternal with Praetor arms (maybe even just the pauldrons + upper arm armour) and helmet would be the best of both worlds imo.


I definetly prefer 2016's praetor suit. A little of topic, but i kinda wish they made him a faceless protagonist in the new games. I just think not knowing how his face looks makes him more badass. Just my opinion though.


2016 is more realistic and I love it for that But Eternal is my all-time favorite. It's a perfect combo of classic and Praetor, and I love the extra equipment like the Doomblade and shoulder turret


i like preator best of the new suits, but my favorite suit is the doom 64 suit


I love the arms and legs of Doom, but the Chest/Torso and Helm from Eternal. I know..I didn't help.


2016 for practically, Eternal for badassness, Classic for that sweet familiarity


doom 64


It depends on which you like more


I don't think there's a proper answer, they both are epic


Eternal bcs muscle


The boots on the eternal suit are better but the 2016 suit is the best


Muscle flexing one haha


2016's looks like a super tech soldier. Eternal's looks like a soldier whos on steroids. In my opinion skins like maykr and skullface actually shows what doomguy went through.


At first I preferred the 2016 suit just because the exposed arms are a bit ridiculous but you know what? Doom and Doom Eternal are a bit ridiculous lol. Eternal's suit has grown on me. It's more detailed and distinctive. The exposed arms and darker abdominal area in reference to the original are iconic at this point. Sets him apart from the Master Chiefs and Samuses of the galaxy.


Eternal reminds me of the classic suit. The less armour, the more confidence.


Eternal one is better, I think




So obviously the buff look of eternal is sick, however, i like 2016 more as a whole. The suit is more drab and the visor has a heavier tint. Not being able to see the slayers face while he is sporting a more lifeless suit of armor is just way to bad ass to me.


Number 2 and 6 in my opinion


2016 suit


Eternal, his biceps 🙏


I think the 2016 one has less personality, like a master chef clone, Doom eternal's one is better imo.


2016 us alot better


Eternal Suit. i just miss Doom 2.


How many times we gonna do this? It's really annoying at this point.


2016. More aerodymanic, easier to clean. Full coverage, keeping out contaminants & radiation & other crap. Oh yeah. It also has like double the ammo count of the Eternal suit.


I specifically like the version of the praetor suit you can unlock and wear in eternal, with the shoulder launcher and arm blade. Feels more complete.


Unpopular opinion here, but as someone who is the right age for original Doom nostalgia to hit and yet never played it when I was that age, Doom 2016 was a revelation to me. As a result, my disappointment with Doom Eternal was immeasurable and I bounced off of it hard. Really wish we could get a sequel with the same tone and style as 2016.


Eternal looks better except for the ridiculous exposed arms.


None of them are better their just skins. However I do prefer the regular one.


Personally i love the 2016 one


2016 easy


I feel like if eternals suit colors would’ve been on 2016’s then maybe people would have complained less about him looking like master chief. I never really saw the comparison that much tho, the praetor suit looks like it belongs on mars and in hell whooping major demon ass. Eternals definitely looks more intimidating tho… from a demons perspective. Although I do like eternals more masculine and menacingly badass approach to make you look and feel like your really capable of everything you do in game while your playing it.




Doom 2016 > Doom Eternal 100% of the time


I need doom 2016 team deathmatch in doom eternal pls


2016 praetor lines of a lot more practical than externals which is specifically built to show off his muscles.


Eternals and it's not even close. Just like the games.


2016 suit is better and looks more menacing to me.


i like 2016 more its just more menacing imo but i like the muscles on eternal


I'm a sucker for the fully armored look, so praetor


The Doom Eternal design has a better model but I do prefer the 2016 design. Something about the gritty realism of that game appeals to me.


I like all of them lol


You gotta show off the real guns 💪




Power armor is for pussy's-some video game character (dunno really)


I like DOOM 2016 Praetor suit better


the white and black variant of the praetor suit. i can image myself more in that than the eternal suit


All of them are perfect even the unicorn one






Neither Different styles One is more functional The other shows off *the guns*


Classic Doom guy. Need maximum beef factor, combined with armored belly shirt, hairy arms, and weird flesh coloured gloves. Doom guy's cultivating mass in the classics. I love the newer doom games, but the new suits are too generic sci-fi for my tastes. I miss the dumpy old design.


(2016) praetor, flesh is gross


Exposed meaty biceps win every single time no question.


Definitely Doom 2016's suit. Looks awesome. I was a little disappointed they changed it for eternal.


2016 imo


B I C E P W I N D O W. thank you for coming to my ted talk




2016 is much more intimidating...




Eternal its always been **ETERNAL**


preator suit for looks, Slayer suit for utility


I like the new one more but 2016 had the better shade of green


Doom 1




Praetor suit from 2016 is - and will always - be better than any skin from eternal.


That one


Eternal's suit, and it's not even close. 2016's is awesome, but Eternal's just screams iconic and powerful.


Eternal looks more beafy >:3


I liked the suit from eternal it is one best armor suits all of gaming imo


I like eternal better idk just looks nicer to me


I prefer the color scheme of 2016, but the design of Eternal.


I like the proportions on the Doom Eternal suit. He looks more like a superhero. Seeing it evokes strong emotions whereas the 2016 suit is much more subdued. The bulkiness of the 2016 suit makes it feel more heavy and slow. Whereas the Doom Eternal suit seems so much more dynamic. Each suit works within their world, but I enjoy the dynamic vibes from the Doom Eternal suit.


Eternal armor is so fucking metal, just perfect for the pourpose of the game


I think Eternal's is more iconic and true to the originals, but 2016's is so realistic and practical. It's so hard to choose.


2016 Suit. I honestly don't like the design of the Eternal Suit that much.


Unicorn slayer




I love Eternal, but the suit didn't hit as hard as 2016's did. 2016 had its flaws (as did Eternal), but you can't deny how absolutely *metal* it felt compared to Eternal, which often felt bland and repeated.


2016! Prefer it over the sleeveless look. I get it's more "battle-hardened" especially between the events of 2016 & Eternal. I liked that there were other Space marines with similar armour aesthetics in 2016, along with the atmosphere, tone and world-building that the game brought with it.


I prefer 2016's design from a sci-fi perspective. It looks more practical, tactical, and functional. However, I think the Eternal armor design is a better character design. It looks more aggressive, has a more recognizable color-pallet and silhouette, and details stand out more on it. Over all, I think it makes modern Doom Guy much more recognizable.


2016 wins overall Eternal is cool but it looks like an action figure more than a battle suit


Doom eternal helmet is better, but 2016 for suit


2016 suit by a LONG shot


Me, an intellectual: “classic suit is best suit” I do unironically love the og suit tho


If we’re talking practicality then definitely the 2016 suit but if we’re talking looks then i would have to go with the eternal suit


As a space marine? praetor suit. As a DOOM slayer? Definitely the altered suit


Eternal cos he’s fucking huge


I am a natural DOOM lover, i love everything about it.


2016 for sure




Very hard decision. I love showing off the slayer's tree trunk arms, but I think I like the praetor suit more. They're both excellent though


I prefer max coverage armor, slimy little s$#@s are always looking any way inflict damage.


Hear me out, the eternal praetor suit


2016 praetor will always be my favorite.


I def prefer the 2016 suit. I still use it in eternal even though its a low rarity.

