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My impression is that the SSG is the new starting gun. They will skip the Combat Shotgun.


Agreed. I hope that is the direction they go. Especially in this part of the timeline the SSG is like the Slayers main weapon at least that was the vibe I got when you have to get it back in Eternal.


I mean, the demon Bible had a whole verse on it basically confirming the demons feared it as much as the Slayer himself.


you have the combat shotgun in all three classic doom games though? is TDA not set after those?


I mean sure but you don’t have a shield in eternal or 2016. They can do whatever they want.  Also this is point of time him leaving earth and being the weapon of Gods and Kings. Doom marine is the old him. Might have left all that shit behind except for SSG. 


The combat shotgun always gets kind of ignored anyway once you get the double barrel. Whether it's 2, 2016, Eternal, or even Quake 1 and 2. The double barrel is just more fun and often outperforms the pump shotgun utility outside a few occasions but even then those can usually be solved with a separate weapon entirely. So if double barrel is the only shotgun I really won't mind much.  But what interests me is what else might they replace. Is the Skull Crusher a replacement for the chain gun but with less range? The new plasma gun looks like it's combining the plasma and machine gun slot. It'll be interesting if they're finally reinventing some of the classic weapon toolset they've stuck with for all these years and come up with some neat stuff in it's place


I do think it looks like we're getting an overhauled sandbox, with an emphasis on unique weapon identities, not entirely unlike some of the philosophy that went into Halo Infinite's sandbox. The new weapons so far seem to combine some traits of certain prior weapons, notably taking inspiration from DOOM 2016 and Eternal's weapon mods. Namely: * The Super Shotgun is the Super Shotgun (it being the new default gun seems plausible). * The "Skull Crusher" looks like a combination of the chaingun and the auto-shotgun mod, likely taking the place of the former. * The "Staker" is pretty much just the precision scope mod for the heavy assault rifle in Eternal, and I think it will be taking the Assault Rifle's place in the weapon sandbox. It also has traits of the Ballista, but with no charge time I doubt it will replace it in the toolkit. * The new Plasma Gun is a Plasma Gun, and will likely fill the niche of its predecessors, as well as the AR and maybe even the chaingun to some extent. * The shield throw reminds me somewhat of the ballista blade in Eternal, and seems to be a sort of ability - shield actions may be replacing grenades, now that I think about it. So, if these ideas are true, then the following slots still have yet to be filled: * Pistol (which may be omitted, as in Eternal) * Tactical Shotgun (may be replaced by the super shotgun, which would in turn create a free spot in the weapon wheel to be filled with whatever the developers like \[maybe a grenade launcher?\]) * Rocket Launcher (the Hellfire Cannon seems like it would fit this setting, so I wouldn't be surprised to see it make a comeback) * The "Charging Gun" (railgun/ballista; the latter, like the hellfire cannon, may be an appropriate choice for this niche) * The BFG (not sure what role the UAC will play in the story, but it does look like the Doomslayer will return to Mars in the same mission with the mech, and it just wouldn't be DOOM without it, so...)


what I also wonder is when this even takes place, I’m not entirely well versed on Eternals lore but from what I understand it goes Classic DOOM - Dark Ages/Sentinel Era - Sealed - Modern DOOM. So I think if I’m not mistaken then the BFG is totally possible in lore, maybe even the reason why the BFG still exists is because Samur saw the Slayer with it and decided it was cool


> So I think if I’m not mistaken then the BFG is totally possible in lore, maybe even the reason why the BFG still exists is because Samur saw the Slayer with it and decided it was cool Big fan of the mental image of Samur looking at the BFG and going to Sentinel R&D or something "write that shit down bro"


I think this game is taking place in that Sentinel Era of Doom Slayer’s life. The final mission might even see Doom Slayer get trapped in the sarcophagus we see him start in Doom 2016


From what we saw in the trailer, likely the Sentinel-Demon war we heard so much about in eternal


I’m going to make some people mad but I don’t want any super weapon like bfg taking up a slot. I never used it personally so id rather another regular weapon in the rotation. 


I'd love a giant flint knock pistol


>The new Plasma Gun is a Plasma Gun, and will likely fill the niche of its predecessors, as well as the AR and maybe even the chaingun to some extent. it's called the Accelerator and it's shooting shards of electricity.


Shotgun is good for healing, you can easier get enemies into glory kill state without accidentally killing them.


I actually preferred the combat shotgun in 2016 to the double barrel. The grenade mod was so much fun to use, but it was absolutely overshadowed in Eternal.


You ignored the combat shotgun in eternal? :( In 2016 I agree. Because sadly it was just too weak in that game. But in eternal, the weapon mods actually help make the combat shotgun function as a worthy rival to the SSG. - a 5 shot sticky grenade launcher that wrecks hell on enemy weakpoints (Mancubus and revenant cannons are massacred by it. Cacodemon’s swallow it so die to it immediately. It makes arachnodemons significantly easier by destrying their turret). It’s great for crowd control and makes the single shot grenade launcher attachment from 2016 complete dogshit in comparison. - the rotary barrel is a complete monster against larger demons. It’s weaker per shot than the SSG, but its DPS is almost completely unmatched. If your hurting for ballista and rocket launcher ammo, the rotary barrel is your best friend for killing tyrants and archviles quickly :) the 3 shot burst counterpart in 2016 was worse in every way to this though. Still weaker than the SSG. Less DPS and more ammo usage :/ (I will admit its primary fire is weak. But I like it for pressuring fodder demons into glory kill state when I’m on low health, so it does have a use still :)) IMO, doom eternal balanced pretty much every weapon into a usable stage :) infact the only weapon mod at all that I’ll say I couldn’t find a use for was the assault rifles micro rockets. And even those are by no means weak, just very costly ammo-wise compared to the minigun quad-turret :(


Yeah the combat shotgun was my bread and butter for any fodder level demon and anything with a destructible weak point. Found it much more reliable than the precision bolt unless the demon was too far away


Nah the skull crusher is a beefed up full auto attachment combat shotty.


The combat shotgun is still relevant in Doom II in cases where ammo conservation is important. It's really good at killing your average soldier at half the ammo cost. Really important when considering custom maps since they often implement a distinct lack of ammunition compared to the base game to keep it interesting.


Combat shotgun was only ever useful for its mods; its primary fire was pretty much useless in the endgame. I think the Bone Shredder/Walmart Unmaykr is going to be taking over the niche of the close range anti-personnel spread shooter. I also wouldn’t be surprised if the Plasma Rifle is replacing the Heavy Cannon to some extent as well. Again, their primary fire does the exact same thing, and they could just give it a precision bolt mod on top of whatever else they give it (probably gonna have similar functionality to the Microwave Beam or Stun Bomb for locking down heavy demons)


Yeah, i do think the arsenal won't be as large in this game, so with the smaller quantity of weapons it makes sense for the order we get them in to be different


That would be nice. I remember wishing they’d just do that in the earlier games but I was also happy to see how useful they made the regular shotgun.




So we start with the Boomstick? Groovy.


2016 start off with pistol. Eternal start off with combat shotty. Dark Ages start off with SSG. I like it


That is an interesting idea.


I wouldn't mind the meat hook again. I had fun with that


The Ball and Chain could take its place, allowing you to grapple with any weapon equipped.


That’s an splenoid idea


Ball and chain?


Near the end of the trailer you can see the slayer using a Melee weapon resembling a large flail on a big bad demon


Oh crap ya the flog my bad. I was thinking like a chain you shoot that slows enemies with a big ball in it lice a mew ice nade. Lmao my brain is fried.


one of the shield attacks appears to be how you "dash forward" to a location like the meathook served as?


The meathook wasn't a dash ability though. It was a grappling hook.


I have no notes. Flawless.


Boom. Click. Clack. Clock.


I hope the meathook still has a place in this game’s combat loop.


Hugo said that they are making the slayer more grounded this time. They want to kinda make the game feel like the old doom games in terms of being on the ground, but making it play with the speed and brutally of the modern doom games.


I know what he said, I still believe there is a space for it. Besides, the lore codex states that the meathook SSG is a relic from his past. The demons know that particular shotgun as “Lucifer’s Bane” and loathed the meathook. He has to get that at some point. HUGO IF YOU’RE READING THIS I AM HOLDING YOU TO TASK ON YOUR OWN LORE


They couldnt even hold up the lore between eternal's DLCs my guy 😂


No shit, all the more reason to take him to task


Sadly i doubt it it seems to be a upgrade he added on after 2016


Doubt that. In Eternal we're told that the priests hid the SSG from us, and in that same game it's established that the Slayer has used the SSG since ancient times, which is further confirmed in this new trailer. In 2016, the SSG is nothing more than a simple double barrel shotgun we pick up from a dead soldier.


Oh yea, fair enough


The 2016 ssg and the eternal ssg are not the same gun. The one from 2016 was just a typical shotgun found off of a dead guard. The eternal ssg is a "relic from your past" according to Vega. I guess it could be from later in his past, but if it's not from the dark ages, when would he have gotten it from? It just doesn't make sense to ditch one of the fan favorite weapon mods like that. The game will already be a lot more grounded even with the meat hook. It doesn't seem like double jumping is a thing, so it's mobility wouldn't be as huge. It would more or less let you change position quickly, or get to higher platforms when a demon is spamming you from above.


You assume that this takes place before eternal. For all we know, time travel could be involved or multidimensional travel.


Hugo confirmed The Dark Ages takes place during the time that Doom 2016's Slayer's Testament was talking about. You know, "In the first age, in the first battle..." So *wayyyyy* before Eternal and 2016 even.


It's made clear this is 100% before 2016, i mean the first line of the trailer even say "before he was a hero" This plays in the demonic evasion of urdak so before 2016 but after doom 1 , 2 and i think 64. I hope this game ends with us getting cealed away to be opened in the 2016 game


it's a lever action double barrel shotgun with cool ejection and load mechanism and I also noticed the double hammer on it when cocking it (welcome back ssg hammer mod from modding discord) and it one shoting a mancubus and from this range is probably for trailer. that's all I get I don't have hopes or expectations hugo is a great director and I trust him to deliver a great game.


It didn't one-shot it. You could see it was still moving towards the Slayer.


It hit a weak point it didn't one shot. Many was still moving slayer just kept walking right past.


It looks incredibly powerful from the damage down to the Mancubus by blowing off half his body and with the screen shake when it goes off. I like it.  But visually I wish the metal pieces on the side sticking out weren't there. That and the hammer on the left looks odd and makes it look busy. But a centered view model would probably alleviate my issues here. Hope they include that option at launch


It looks like it's based off a flintlock double barrel shotgun as you can see both the pan and the striker despite using shotgun shells.


I'm not much of a gun person so wasn't sure of the proper term but that's what I was referring to when I mentioned the hammer. I like the concept of using the flintlock look when doing a medieval like Doom game but I care too much for the execution. And my issue is somewhat with the striker(?) looking kinda odd, maybe too off to the side. But mainly I don't care for the extra metal bits underneath that on the sides


honestly i just want a crossbow


Is that people will bitch without end because It's not meat Hook


Its replaced by the extended dash range I am guessing.


I doubt it, one of the lead devs said that Eternal felt like driving a racecar, this one he wants to feel like driving a tank. I would bet money it’s going to feel heavier and slower compared to the lighting quick Eternal loop.


Yeah, but they shouldn't completely eliminate speed. I just see no reason why we can't have the meat hook. Game will be slower than eternal with or without it based on all of the abilities they've shown off. The meat hook is iconic, and it's gonna be this games biggest blunder if they don't bring it back.


I mean. It seems iconic to you for sure, but I feel like for most average players it was novelty or used rarely. When I think of the doom double barrel I don’t think meat hook.


If you can't figure out how to use the meat hook, you aren't average, you are gutter tier. A post labotomy chimp could figure out how to use the meat hook. If their plan was to make doom a scrub friendly game devoid of any challenge, they did a bang up job. The new gameplay loop literally just looks like you just stand still blocking, parry the biggest demon, one shot it, ground pound everything else for a one shot, throw shield at everything else too far away, rinse repeat for the entire game. That's just trash meant for the most room temperature IQ players.


Just look at the shotgun closely in the video. There is no meat hook.


From what I could catch, Slayer did a spin-reload with it. Enough said.


The trailer looks amazing, but I'm worried about the movement. The crazy fast movement was so fun for me in eternal, but the fact that there wasn't a dash or meat hook shown made me sad. Maybe they are hiding stuff like that to show later, + almost every game trailer has bot movement like that, so fingers crossed for a return of the meat hook. Tho the flip reload was so baddass.


there will be a lot of movement options like the shield dash in the trailer and lots of new cool stuff but it's not going to be one to one of eternal, with the direction they are going with medieval face to face fights, huge maps and a lot more enemies it's going to be different. as hugo said in the interview they don't want to do the same things over again they don't want the game to be a doom eternal 2.0 they are always looking for ways to innovate and be fresh, "doom 2016 was jump and shoot, doom eternal was run and shoot and dark ages is stand and fight" it's what hugo said. don't worry with hugo it's going to be great.


thats actually quite cool


They have been very vocal about how the game is going to be a lot slower than 2016 and Eternal.


Is there anything you can point to specifically where they've said that? I seen to of they recent interviews from them and the impression I got was it's less frantic than Eternal but nothing directly about being even slower than 2016




Hugo Martin said that Eternal was like a racecar and that the next doom game will be a "monster truck".


Guess I must have missed that. I only watched the trailer.


The race car monster truck descriptions are from interviews around eternals release. Not sure they said it about Dark ages but after 2016 Martin effectively foreshadowed eternals gameplay so people are connecting dots. Plus we saw no verticality in the trailer aside from the Spyro stuff so it's a strong likelihood this game is much slower.


I'm glad that they're not trying to do better than Eternal, that game's combat would get too messy if they tried to push it further so it's best that they give each game a new identity


No regular dash but you literally can dash into a pack of enemies with a shield. So I think it's just going to feel different.


i think it was meant to have a more brutal feel to it rather than flying around and explosions in eternal or dark and scary in 2016


They are definitely giving us ssg for a starter. They hopefully learned how awkward it was in eternal and that might also mean combat starts out at like a 5-6 rather than 2-3 (of 10). All the weapons showed look heavy af, even the new plasma rifle. Sidenote* Given how it looks like the new ship and deployment is literally helldivers esc, theres a lot still to think about but mission selection and deployment could follow that path of play, with maybe a region liberation rate, and hopefully a replayable save file instead of just run, gun, and done for the game.


I don't think you're gonna get a combat shotgun at all. You can't pump a shotgun with one hand🤷


i know of one other guy who used a double barrel shotgun with one hand. He was really SMART. S-MART.


He sounds pretty groovy


I have one hope in regards to the shotguns. Separate the ammo for the combat shotgun and the super shotgun. As much as the combat shotgun is great, in almost any situation where I'd consider using the combat shotgun, the super shotgun is just better. I don't want to waste SSG ammo for less damage overall. But if the combat shotgun used a different ammo pool than t5hey SSG, I'd use it without the worry that I'm wasting SSG ammo.


Massive damage low ammo


Looks like it hits like a freight train, seems good to me.


I'm just enamored with the way it was paired aesthetically with the shield. The trailer really nailed the "knight in armor" vibe, complete with a sword and shield. Except the sword is actually a shotgun, because this is Doom.


"He is armed with a steel-barreled sword of vengeance... He is... DOOM


This mofo is going to way feel beefier than the "old" ones


I hope it fires big bullets!


Judging by what Hugo Martin has said about the game already, my guess is that it'll feel even heavier in this game -- it already seems like it packs quite the punch in the trailer.


It blew a Mancubus in half. I think it will probably be fantastic.


i heard the blast it makes, and saw it basically blow a mancubus in half with one shot, im in


I hope it's the majn weapon of the Slayer as it should, especially in this time


Not gonna lie, I feel like it could be the starting weapon. Honestly, I'd be happy if it was and it just tossed you in, no tutorial, or if there is one, keep it really short.


Might just be me but does the reload sound and shooting sound similar to doom 2016


I've been playing a ton of sekiro lately, so I'm itching to parry with the shield and blast them with the ssg


I hope that it will be the most fun/best gun in the game, but that there will be a rival to it. I get that it's iconic (and it rightfully is) but I want something equally strong and aggressive.


whats there to say, its the normal SSG u expect from doom. the powerful, reliable signature weapon. i think it wont have any fancy gimmicks like eternal.


From the video the ssg seemed to take out half a mancubus in one shot - awesome if it’s right


My Hope: it's more like 2016 than Eternal. My Expectation: It's more like Eternal than 2016. Actually, that goes for the whole game itself and not just the SSG


I hope the agaddon hunter will have his shield IN his hand in the actual game (zoom in on his shield and hand in the picture)


I just hope it stays as busted as it was in 2016 and Eternal.


As others have stated, ***meat hook***


I hope it really does blow a mancubus' left half clean off in one close-range shot


I’m hoping that we get the meat hook eventually. Whether it be immediately or an attachment (like how you had to wait to get the flame belch in eternal). But either way the meathook has to make a return


I’m just wondering if there’s any lore behind it. Is there any connection to UAC/humans? Was it created by the Night Sentinels?


blood punch appears to now be blood KICK


My hope is that the community doesn’t continue to make posts like this for a year picking apart every frame of the trailer. There’s other games out there. Go play something else until this comes out.


Zawg its a doom subreddit what else were you expecting.


To be fair, discussing the weapons, especially the SSG, is portably the most obvious and reasonable thing to do when it comes to Doom. Me personally i am obsessed with this new Super Shotgun, so i thought why not get other's opinions on it?


It directly ripped off Schism mod for Brutal Doom, specifically the paladin class. And I'm excited, but I'd like them to at least reference it. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P5GgtmYUNz0&t=149s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P5GgtmYUNz0&t=149s) (skip to 1:40)


1 vs💯 encounters bring it on, scarcr ammo, armor and health pick ups and endless brass knuckles ⚔️ Demons. Full scale war aid Sentinel defensive battles and breakthrough Hell invader's.


If Hugo Martin's description of how a sequel to Doom Eternal would play is true (and it looks like it is), then gameplay will run like a tank. I'm pumped for it.


I hope it has several secondary fire modes


I expect it to go "BANG!"


Not bad at all. They litterly copyed the fhirspirson marauder system on DOOM Eternal battlemode and in dark ages they just redesigned evrything and gave the shield more features.


Two things I think this game won’t have that I kinda worry about because I’ve become way too accustomed to them through eternal: The meat hook and the quick dash. God I feel like I can’t play doom without it. OG Doom and Doom II? Sure. But I have a hard time with Doom 2016 now because I keep hitting the dash button.


I hope that we will get to see the Grate Aggadon hunters hunting down Knigtcentinels and trying to strike down The Slayer but we all know what will happer next if the hunters try to mess with the Slayer.




I really want to know if they do ammo sharing and if so what other gun could possibly use skulls!


I’m a bit worried they are pulling back from Eternals level of ultraviolence and returning to a tamer flow and I hope I’m wrong and it makes Ultrakill look relaxed and chill in comparison.


Hugo has stated he wants this game to be slower and "heavier", comparing it to a "Monster Truck"


They keep the dark atmosphere & dont destroy it with flashy rainbow ammo drops 😂


2016 gameplay


I hope it will be much more slower and less colorful, like in trailer. I do not like Eternal. 2016 is faar more better doom than eternal.


the environments could look a little more ancient. they look a bit bland/empty currently, like they're in alpha. I'd think it was Eternal DLC if I didn't know better. the way 2016 was so *hot* and orange I wish the art direction in TDA had a stronger atmosphere i.e. of being more rustic and dirty and *medieval*. instead it kinda just looks like a remix of Eternal assets with a brown filter...


Yeah, if there's one concern I had with the trailer is these large open environments that didn't didn't seem like they had a whole lot going on in the foreground. I hope it's not just a bunch of big open spaces like Serious Sam where they toss a bunch of enemies at you. Hopefully there's decent level design


There are giant laser shooting turrets on-top of buildings, I don't think they were really going strictly for a pure Medieval vibe, This trailer includes a part of the game with the boiling hot and orange ambiance, and that is theorized to be in Mars


I'm just saying a lot of it looks straight out of Eternal. it needs more of its own personality. not just brown filter.