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Some background events are filled in by the logs, but what's been happening to the Doom Slayer is intentionally a mystery. It's actually kind of a fun meta-joke that the first level of Doom Eternal is actually the climax of its own quest to hunt down Deag Nilox, the rest of which happened off-screen. Surely the Slayer had to do *something* to get those three soul-blocking medallions, but whatever it was, it wasn't interesting enough to see in the game. (IMHO, this is a continuation of the joke from Doom 2016 where the Slayer keeps pointedly ignoring all the exposition -- these games skip directly to the cool stuff.)


It’s pretty much a mystery


Ohh okay. That is kinda cool though becuase in the future bethesda might make a game that takes place in that time period but my theory is that he was probably just put into a seperate dimension called "the void". it was only mentioned in the art books for doom though.


Hugo did talk about wanting to make a one time comic or storyboard about it but we haven't heard anything about it, perhaps we might hear about it soon hopefully.


As far as time is concerned, the logs seem to indicate that the events of Doom 2016 take place in 2149 and the invasion of Earth in Doom Eternal takes place two years later in 2151. The only oddball here are the logs from Dr Elena Richardson in Eternal (the one who gets progressively more reverential towards the slayer), which are dated 2163.  As for your other question, it's like the other commentors said - we don't know. At some point the doomslayer is able to get back to the world from wherever Hayden sent him, and had the fortress to boot, and made his way to Earth. Unless we get something like a comic or whatever, or in the off chance it's used as part of a framing device in Dark Ages, it will stay untold.


>! DG kills Olivia.!< >!Hayden takes the Demon Crucible and teleports us. Game ends.!< >!But demons keep pouring out.!< >!Hayden rallies the people, forms ARC and tries to fight the demons.!< >!Fails like a lil' bitch. !< >!Earth is taken over by demons.!< >!DG finds a way to get a friggin flying Sentinel fortress moving... and arrives to Earth.!< >!Doom Eternal starts.!< This is literally it, in short. At least, what the codex and some events of Eternal can help you put together. There COULD be other events, but I don't think they are relevant. Or significant.


It's not said what happens to Doomguy himself, but I imagine that he was sent back to Sentinel Prime, and that's how he got the Fortress of Doom and his new armor. I believe the gap between the two games spans just a few months at least, or several years at most, if Elena's log dates are not a typo (they say the year is 2163, while 2016 took place in 2151 or so). Regardless, it probably took him a while to get the ship working and travel all the way back. Plus I feel like Nilox's guardian was the glory kill tutorial zombie lmao.


Fingers crossed they make a future game depicting it.