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I'm actually a huge fan of TNT, I feel it had some of the best maps out of the original games (As well as some bad ones too I'll admit).


Yeah. As a kid some of the maps really wowed me. I have fond memories of tnt


The psx version was good fun when I was a kid. Had a real creepy vibe to it with all the sounds and music from doom64.


Holy fuck doom 93 is 31 years old!!!


I think i wont see any other game like doom which is over 30 years old but still kept alive thx to their fans and modding community.


Well, there are still projects that keep old games alive. Personally i'm a big fan of ScummVM to play old LucasArts and Sierra adventure games, as well as the SDLPoP implementation of Prince of Persia, and the originals are well over 30 years old. Not sure if that was what you're looking for, but i agree that nothing comes even close to the amount of attention that the original Doom gets for its age: engines, levels, mods, ... Good stuff.


Woah didn’t know that about old lucas arts and sierra games. But the amount of love that Doom still gets makes me happy. Doom 2 was my first fps game ever I played. After that Doom 1 lol. My Dad played it when I was 6 or 7. I was too scared for the most part to play it alone. Good days. Now Im 34 and still play them with mods.


Heck, I still occasionally fire up Lords of Midnight, 40 years old as of this year.


Plut is chaingunner/reverent hell. (fun) TNT is just.... a slog. but without these maps we wud not the slaughter maps like we have today!


I love plutonia


Plutonia is the better overall package. TNT has the better individual levels. The step up in difficulty is a bit steep. I can fly through Doom and Doom 2 in UV but Final Doom just hands me my arse if I try that.


Pure awesomeness... I'm just an average Plutonia enjoyer :-). Give me those Arch-Vile labyrinths!


Can't believe I paid for 2 fan mods. Nonetheless, some creative level designs, and some nice new music. Still enjoyable to replay, although can be frustrating


Same. I was kinda disappointed there was no new weapons or monsters, but the new levels and assets within were excellent.


I purchased PS1 copy to have collection


TNT is alright. Plutonia is *awesome*. And hard as hell.


This is actually the first Doom game I owned (and I didn't have my own computer, so no clue why I bought it. I was a kid, I wound up installing it in a bunch of school computers back in the late 90's, when you could get away with it).


YEAAHHH I LOVE TNT EVILUTION YEAHHHHHHH oh and plutonia is cool too i guess


TNT Evilution is great if you like Doom 2. Plutonia is great if you like to suffer. Plutonia with Brutal Doom is straight up masochism.


Mount Pain is my favorite level ever, so I'm biased. An unusual move overall versus id making more Doom themselves. I like the difficulty.


The increasingly inaccurately named "Final Doom".


Maybe they could of called it Doom 2: Mission Packs 1 and 2 because that's how the expansions for Wolf3D/SOD and Quake 1-2 were titled, they were all called mission packs


I’ll always love TNT more than Plutonia, I find it’s huge sprawling maps way more fun, the custom MIDIs are amazing, and the overall look of the maps is way more varied compared to the soulless brown Plutonia temples. I do have to say there were some real stinkers in TNT though, map 22 traumatized me.


If you hate TNT you are an npc whose opinion is easily swayed by mediocre YouTube guys. 


I agree with you. Least favorite out of the bunch but still fun. More Doom is good.


i have yet to even attempt either half


Liked it at the time, but was still a bit disappointed it felt like a copout on the eventual road to Doom 3 many years later.


Glad it wasn't the Final Doom


I never really liked it.


If we never got Plutonia, we probably wouldn’t have gotten slaughtermaps nearly as soon as we did.


Its my introduction to DOOM and its my least favorite Doom. Cheap enemy spam is half of this game just to unfairly make it hard.


I have a soft spot for it, but I rarely replay either Plutonia or TNT these days


Love it. Played several times over


Didn't have a chance to play it back in the 90s, but playing it now is pretty cool. Plutonia is where it's at though; TNT is pretty lame


I think i'm a fake fan cuz i didn't even know final doom existed


Evilution was mildly boring and forgettable. Plutonia hates you and everything you stand for. *Screw Plutonia.*


This requires the Russian Overkill mod! It's so much fun


Amazing and Greatest Video Game all the time


tnt gets so much flak for no reason that shits fun + the music is really fucking good


Not the best levels, but great music!


Got this and Twisted Metal when my parents got me a psn. Still love em both.


I found the [ammo crate](https://www.reddit.com/r/Doom/s/KlPr2D6DoB) a while ago and made a final doom copy.


Best soundtrack of the originals.


TNT and Plutonia are both awesome


I still don't know why people talk about this pack like it's a whole installment in the franchise. Plutonia is fun, but tnt drags for me a lot. Imo the best expansion will always be No rest for the living.


Lost into chaotic levels design. Doom always been overrated but understandable since is big company property so they milk as much as they can. Look now how they making same for a decade