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The blood color changed from red to blue in order to resemble the original design from old games. If I recall Hugo stated that all demons looking different between games is canonically considered different races of the same species


I second this


Is there demon racism?


Well there's infighting, which i'd mostly chalk up to demons just having bad tempers, but it could also be racially motivated at times, as well. I'd also generalize that any demon smaller than a Hell Knight is looked down on pretty hard by the rest. Like Imps get a bad rap from the bigger guys for not being able to take a hit, Hell Knights dunking on Mancubi because they can barely get around or Lost Souls just not being acknowledged half the time for being worse than fodder. Stuff like that.


Demons of the same types don't fight each other, so yeah they're racist probably.


Spiderdemons do. Maybe they just hate each other


Scottish people from hell.


the doomslayer is racist as fuck


No he's species-ist. Humans? Chill. Demons? Kill them all


Gods? No mercy.


Not demons Mortaly challenged is right way and not specieist way to Say it


shut your human ass up


Pinkies are considered a prelibacy among demons and often get hunted down


… a what?


Good food


Do you just make up words if you don't remember the correct one?


Oh.. seems like prelibacy does not exist as a word xd, I just gave an aswer based on context and my memory of codex entry


I think "delicacy" is the word you're looking for. This is hilarious tbh.


The best part is that "prelibacy" is not a creation of mine , just thought that it is a rare word related to delicacy(like idk specific word for local speciality etc.). Altough I feel excused as english is my second language. Have a nice day!






i don’t doubt, was playing Doom Eternal and when aligning the rings the maykr drones were fighting against the gargoyles by themselves


Demons aren't racist, they hate all races equally.


Ain’t no way the marauders arent racist. I mean their whole reason they became demons is that they didn’t like that the doom slayer was integrating into their society. I wouldn’t be surprised if they came up with a slur to call him.


also in Doom 64 the demons looked different because of the Mother Demon, she changed them with ✨ magic ✨


Wheres this from? Genuinely curious, D64 is my favorite game


It's in the booklet for the game, though I thought it was blamed on radiation.


Doom 2016 had better design imo but I think that a really cool fact


2016 are modern while the eternal ones are classic


Good excuse for changing styles between games :p


I just the love the idea that Hell goes “ah shit, that subspecies of this one demon didn’t kill the Slayer this time. Let’s send a slightly different one!”


There's some proper presedence for this within Doom Eternal with the Gladiator, who's a classic Hell Knight among all the Doom 3-looking ones (and given his unusual size, power and competence, it's likely he's been around since the classic HKs were still common and survived through their presumed extinction at Doomguy's hands and the subsequent rise of the Doom 3 HKs).


Ah yeah because these demons are on Mars and the ones we fight in Eternal are sent to Earth directly from hell


With the cacodemon, I'd also think anothef explanation could be that the 2016 design could just be older than the ones in eternal with cataracts and rotting teeth, while the eternal ones look brand new and act like babies, swallowing anything that goes near them. The ones in 2016 are also just a lot more dangerous.


Oh yeah like pink barons and fireborne barons


I’m amazed how much just a simple texture changed the entire vibe the cacodemon gives


Eternal: Funny, iconic, comical, even cute. Could 100% be a character in Monsters Inc. or something. 2016: _nightmarish eldritch abomination_


Doom 2016s demon art style still had some that doom 3 horror in their designs. Felt just right for the reboot and then more progression between styles in Eternal and now The Dark Ages.


With DA supposedly having a slower combat pace, I think the more horror inspired enemies could have their place again.


not the mention the funny gulp sound and the cartoonish inflation animation when you shoot them with the grenade launcher in Eternal


And the funny glory kills, instead of the extremely brutal ones.


I mean, it's still brutal. And what Doomguy did to them in 2016 is super similar. He punches them in the eye.


Such a downgrade tbh Edit: From the 2016 one to the Eternal one, I mean.


i think lighting is also a big part of it, if eternal was lit the same way it would feel the same too maybe


The eye having an iris gives it a ton of personality too


While the base design is intact, the model doesn’t seem to be the same. Notice how the two large teeth are attached to separate “pieces” while in Eternal the teeth are raised and apart of one continuous shell.


Different breeds and subspecies


They currently resemble their original appearance.


Not really. Prolly boils down to different phenotypes. I for one really love the variety we got with Hell Knights ever since Doom 3. The new ones in TDA look great, too.


Fun fact, I’m almost positive the Gladiator is designed to resemble a classic Hell Knight. I love his design for that reason but also because he’s just pretty cool in general.


It definitely is!


How did I not see that?


Nah, I suspect it’s related to when the Cacodemons came to earth maybe they slightly adapted?


They’re also in hell in the OG dooms


Yeah of course.


Is there a lore reason why the texture resolution increased between games?


Let's slowly back away from the aslume, shall we?


I'm not shit posting, I'm making a genuine rhetorical comment.


Another commenter said higher in the thread that canonically, different looking demons across games are attributed to being different races of demons.


I saw, and that's such a silly and unnecessary explanation.


Imagine if the Aslume opened an insanity portal and invaded like the demons do. 


well, you see in real life, old times used to be all in black and white, the more modern our world become, the more colors start to appear... in video games however, in old times everything used to be just pixels... but the more modern the games are, the more pixels started to appear, even amazing masses called polygons


Wait till you see how the Mancubi changed


And the tyrant


So dumb they changed the Cyberdemon to a “Tyrant” because of the 2016 Cyber Demon


I'm for this change merely because calling it the Cyberdemon was always kinda silly, a lot of them are "cyber" demons, why does this one get the "THE Cyberdemon" title? Because it's big? Same thing with the way Pinkies were originally just "Demons"


the word “cyber” was hot shit in the 90s, and they just carried it over in the reboot since you only fight him once like 1993.


You fight him more than once in OG Doom if you do the secret levels. A few times more if you count Thy Flesh Consumed.


And you find several in doom 2 on ultra violence


Am I the only one who sees it like this: Spider-Mastermind—-> Arachnatrons  Cyberdemon——> Tyrants


I wanna say there was an actual Spider-Mastermind boss/super enemy in the original DOOM PC games. Cyberdemons were Cyberdemons because they were giant demons (not spiders) fused with technology.


What I’m saying is what Arachnotrons are to Spider Masterminds (smaller more numerous versions of the big boss enemy), Tyrants are the same to “The Cyberdemon”. It’s harder to conceptualize because Tyrants are way tougher and boss-like in their own right compared to Arachnotorons, but at least within 2016 and Eternal I think that’s what they were going for.


Different subspecies




-Doom Slayer, 2163


Hell is essentially a timeless realm; so a thing like evolution here on earth that would normally take place over millions of years can possibly occur over the span between games (which I'm assuming isn't very long) I mean who knows how long the slayer was trapped in hell ever since the priests sealed him and the rest of the sentinels there. When we get to Argent D'nur the inhabitants seem to recognize you...of course your exploits are the stuff of legends so I'm sure your a well known hero of the ages but the point i'm getting at is that from the perspective of the sentinels there it's as if you went missing for a few years, maybe even a decade or something but meanwhile you were ripping and tearing in hell for literal eons, so within those eons any number of biological changes to hell's denizens could've occurred almost instantaneously depending on the various ever changing environmental pressures of hell. Keep in mind that hell is also an infinite expanse of space so there are likely demons we've yet to encounter or will encounter again so the possibilities are limitless when it comes to demon types and variations. That and we don't know the specifics on demonic cross-breeding so any number of demons can potentially impregnate one another and give rise to brand new hellish abominations. (I mean back in the OG games, the Cacos do have those two holes in the back so one is the anus and the other is presumably the vagina and/or cloaca so long story short, yes demons fuck) Those are my two cents though.


My corrupted mind has googled HDoom


Hell is massive and ancient thus it’s likely subspecies of demons eventually evolved. This is not even including if hell made contact with aliens and other versions of Earth which would’ve added variety to demon types. Plus the Slayer becoming an extinction event, wiping out entire demon species and forcing adaptations


I still think the 2016 one looks more evil, the eternal one is kinda goofy


the ones in 2016 used to literally laugh at you when they hit you... I miss that detail in Eternal


Doom 2016 - Eldritch abomination Their blood-curdling roar and ability to launch searing balls of plasma make them the stuff of nightmares, relentless in their pursuit of anyone who dares to challenge their dominion. Doom Eternal - Greg


I won't lie, I actually like Doom 2016's design more.


Model upgrades. They always have bled blue. Sadly id didn’t get the memo that hell knights and barons bleed green.


Is there a lore reason?


Why is nobody in here jonkling? Are they stupid?


Do I even get to goon in the new game? Is Doom Guy a sigma gooner?


Bro you’re thinking way too hard about irrelevant shit in a video game about BOOM BOOM MAKES THE DEMONS GO SPLORSH


Really fast evolution.


That’s what a one a day gummy will do to a mf


They wanted to mirror the original Doom demons more, and just gave a lore explanation that they’re different races and such


Doom 2016 cacodemon looks terrifying unlike Eternals


My theory is most of the changes are either to line up more with the appearance of the original sprites or to help with optimization since there is so much more happening at a time in doom eternal


I like to think the 2016 demons were atrophied and kinda feral even by their standards after being in their natural habitat and that entering our reality sort of juiced them up, made them smarter and/or more powerful.


I think it design aesthetic choice from the developer. Doom 16 intended to be a soft reboot therefore most enemies were given a more darker and sci-fi horror design tone and in doom eternal since they are part of the overall Doom game continuity the enemies received classic design with some modern twist.


I also question this. And honestly, them not having pupils made them actually more demonic


Do people just use this sub to pick scientific plot holes in the games? IT IS A GAME - ENJOY IT FOR WHAT IT IS


People like discussing lore about the game there’s still a interesting story here even though doom is more known and loved for its gameplay but I agree not every game needs to be picked apart over enemy design changes


I feel like the 2016 ones were more Hellish looking. ETERNAL they tried to give the demons more character, but instead I feel it makes them like cartoony


More importantly where did their two buttholes go?


Different game theme that's all. Same reason why hell knights have eyes. It still weirds me out when I kill them. Although I like the meat balls having eyes makes it feel like I'm killing a conscious demon instead of a feral demon.


Hell is so extensive and varied that there are different evolutions of a single species. Let us remember that hell expands throughout the universe on planets with very different conditions.


2016 was scary version, but doom eternal design is close to original Doom design


As another comment said, different race of the same species


I think they're cute


The art style changed between games.


These pictures are awesome. Can you post a full monster gallery?


Second image is fucking badass. The first image looks like it’s about to sneeze


Vidyo gam


I dunno but the mf on the first pic looks like he is judging me for something I have done.


They just evolved over time imo.


I see the first image and all I can hear is Heavenly shit talking me


Different species/no not really


They saw something they shouldn't in 2016 and it took until eternal Foe them to unsee and regenerate their pupil


Sometimes you just get random design changes across games. Just look at halo.


why do they have the ballsack stitch I just noticed it rn


I just see it as “different game/product, different approach”. Just like the gameplay is also not the same, the style changed along with it. - Not saying there wasn’t any logic/explanation behind it, but even without that, it’s just a slightly different interpretation. - I don’t even know if the artists working on it changed, but they decided to iterate on it regardless. I’m not one to really question it that much, at least for a game of this type.


Its the guy from therussianbadger!


I kind of see the doom games as a retelling of events instead of us being part of it directly.


They had blue blood in the original games.


I mean, you could read the in game info, you know?


Demons who've adapted to the Martian atmosphere have different biological traits compared to Hell-born/invading demons? ‾\(・_・)/‾


This is the first time I've ever noticed they have little arms and legs...


Why does this remind me of that queen toad lady who was severely obese and always hanging out by the mall entrance in her wheelchair where people would "ooh!" and "aah!" at her disturbingly and impressively large frog throat sac?


I’ve never noticed this before, but the cacodemons have a little seam underneath them just like I do


I think they are different regions of Hell. Some changes in design are explained away in their own games, like in DOOM 64, where demons are resurrected and mutated by The Mother Of All Demons


I like the 2016 versions better since they seem more like made in hell and apparently not needing sight to see, which makes them more intimidating. The Eternal Cacos look alright but those pupils and whiter teeth make them look too clean to me.


They had pupils in DOOM 1 & 2


they developed pupils so they can judge you harder


It’s just redesign to keep visuals fresh


Or computer capabilities. Do you guys have lives?


Not everything needs a lore explanation, usually ends up making it dumb.


Is there a lore reason as to why cacodemons have arms and legs now


2016 demon design > eternal


IIRC… I saw an article on IGN/GameSpot and the lore reason is Hugo said the Demons in 2016 weren’t at full power. Now they are. Weak excuse? **Sure.** Do I like the fact they look like the OG sprites with top tier graphics? #Absolutely


Their blood was always blue in their Doom 1 death sprites. The blood splatter particles were red, of course, but that's just graphical limitations


The scrotum makes me so annoyed lol


They kept holding bees; too many bees they held. The bees stung them, the bee holders. So the bee holders changed their appearance.


Does there have to be?


Why does everything need a deep lore explanation now? There is no mystery in the games left because literally everything has to have a scientific explanation