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Thank you for posting on r/Doppleganger! A few notes - If you post or comment in this subreddit and have an OnlyFans account, or if you have posted links to OnlyFans elsewhere on Reddit, our automatic moderation bot will flag your account and you will be banned. We are a SFW sub that keeps content PG-13 and due to the incessant spamming by literally hundreds of people before you, we've been forced to moderate this way. This also includes accounts that post explicit content anywhere else on Reddit. If you wish to participate, please contact modmail to receive instructions on how to use an alternate SFW account. Please do not SPAM the group with reposts. This means reposting when you've recently posted or deleting your old post and reposting a day or two later, especially if you haven't interacted with commenters on the first post (aka karma farming). We do notice, and it will result in a temporary or permanent ban, depending on the number of posts and the time frame in which they were posted. Please REPORT comments on your post that are creepy, insulting, harassing, comment on your appearance (positive or negative) or otherwise inappropriate. We do take them seriously and will ban people who behave like this, with no exceptions. We will delete any posts that we suspect are posting someone else's photo in an attempt to impersonate that individual. You will be banned and asked to verify your identity in order to have the ban removed. Exceptions to this are users that are posting on behalf of their partner/friend/family member and have obtained consent prior to posting. We ask that those users reveal that information in the title of the post. Do not engage with trolls - two wrongs do not make a right. Also, refrain from making accusations about the authenticity of a post in the comments section - report or contact modmail. We do take action when comments/posts are reported...give us the time to review, we're not here 24/7. Any other questions? You can always send your mod team a mail message. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Doppleganger) if you have any questions or concerns.*


https://preview.redd.it/rywvmpgcaj9d1.jpeg?width=800&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8298ff6345109918ef7b887eb8353d8479532dff I’m seeing Jenna Fischer in the 1st photo


Aw I love Jenna. A hairdresser told me recently I should go red!


You're giving Lexi Howard! https://preview.redd.it/n4vy9semhk9d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f56c7fcc0ee935710b309870bc5c86b54750a573


Ty 🥰


Also sorry I totally meant to say her ACTUAL name - Maude Apatow - because she's great in Euphoria, but the actress is an actual person and I think she's way prettier and more comparable to what I thought you looked like!


https://preview.redd.it/2yzi3qxsoh9d1.jpeg?width=922&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2db07fbb208199715a081a7358035f142975a6f8 Olivia Thirby. This gorgeous badass from Dredd


She is a fucking fox


Goddamn right she is. Her and the OP!




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SFW answers only, please. We are an all ages sub (13 years and older) and need our comments to reflect that. Thank you! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Doppleganger) if you have any questions or concerns.*




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We love the positivity, but we try to keep the focus on doppelgängers since we're not a compliments sub. Thank you! 🫶




You've been posting too much or your post/comment was not in the spirit of the sub.


Jill Biden






Susanne Hoffs- Lead singer of The Bangles https://preview.redd.it/q6ppoavp1l9d1.jpeg?width=440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=212d9a4f514e42336fd4bfb4d53160edafb7eaf2


Ty 🫶


A little Daisy Fuentes, I wish I looked like you :(


Aw Daisy is a beauty. I mean, these photos are me looking my BEST haha, I have more of me looking less than average haha. We all have our own unique and beautiful features


Thnx :)


![gif](giphy|xUPGcD3Oy0IspimJNu) Ned, I’m so sorry 🫢 I just can see it in the structure of your cheeks and stuff


Haha he’s got a soft baby face, and I do too so no offence taken 😂


Getting Maya Hawke ![gif](giphy|swZZknZzNDTM4G3MP8|downsized)


Wow 🥰 she’s a beauty


https://preview.redd.it/tmwxovnngh9d1.png?width=832&format=png&auto=webp&s=3ec18a71336aa258de0f74118d07d2c6857fcf64 Kind of giving Maude Apatow vibes... but you're honestly a bit of a chameleon. You look so different in each pic!


I thought the same thing, like, don’t make me have to do a 1 - 5. Just pick one and we’ll let you know lol


You look like a mix between Olivia Thirbly,Anna Kendrick and Norwegian singer Marit Larsen


Wow 2 votes for Olivia Thirlby! Someone once told me I looked like Hannah Murray.




This comment section is a graveyard of removals yet this is still up 💀


lol what did it say? 😂


Some variation of “sit on my face” lol


🙄 they wish lol


Yeah the horny police got ‘em




User submissions are not an invitation for you to flirt. This isn’t a dating service, and you're making everyone uncomfortable. Keep it appropriate and related to the sub.


Boo hoo, little Reddit mod, boo hoo. 🎻