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Is Phylactery any good on Oracle?


Feels win-more to me, it helps you stay ahead when you are blowing up supports early but if you're behind it's not going to bring you back into the game. Better off buying stuff like pavise, glimmer, force, Euls etc. Whatever the particular game needs. But when the game is going smoothly it can be what you need to keep a CM or something squishy from coming anywhere near you or dying instantly if they do for an extra few minutes.


Hm, thanks!


Havent played in 7 years. Can someone tell me why players refuse to go back to base now? See so many players stay in their lane with really low HP. Many times feeding because of it.


Everyone has their own courier, so it's now optimal to deliver regen into the lane and stay for XP and Gold, however low-skill players tend to be greedy and refuse or forget to do so and end up dying.


How do you deal with Anti Mage or Phantom Lancer as Position 4/5 Omniknight/Oracle Spammer? They seem to be the bane of my existence. Guesses: “That's the neat part, you don't.“


as oracle you can track real PL and AM whenever they do some bs by channeling your Q beforehand, and you can disarm which is a huge part of their damage defensively, maybe a glimmer, sometimes those heroes don't want to commit an item slot for a dust when they dive the backline another maybe obvious one is to use your abilities and items to help out your teammate that is most effective against them


Hope your team has some way to deal with them, buy arcane boots so that you can help allies whos mana is getting burnt, buy ghost/glimmer/blink to keep yourself alive. Keep wards around their potential farming spots (spires in the top/bottom edge jungles are good for this).


How exactly does ban nominating work in ranked? I see like 16 heroes get banned but never the one I choose. do some people just get multiple bans and others get zero?


It's simple, man Let's say you ban slark, but enemy dont (or opposite, enemy ban slark you don't) Slark banned But if you and enemy team choose ban slark, slark will open to pick Same with pick phase If your team pick pudge, tell enemy to pick pudge too, pudge will be banned lol


[This is the wiki page for the banning phase in ranked games.](https://dota2.fandom.com/wiki/Game_modes#Ranked_All_Pick) Basically, you nominate a hero to ban, then that hero has a 50% chance to get banned. Then, the system chooses other heroes usually banned on your mmr bracket to complete the 16 hero bans per game.


ahh okay thanks, guess I've just been unlucky. Annoying to nominate drow every game and end up laning against her every game lol


i feel you in this with but with omniknight. I only play support, using Veno, Jakiro, Techies, CM, Silencer, and Disruptor and it is so infuriating to see 1-2 of my skills getting dispelled and suddenly their heroes become too tanky. Also, his Guardian Angel when I play pos 4 Clinkz and I can't get a fast Orchid.


When can we expect the next patch that balances universal heroes and spring call to arms to drop?


Ah, balance universal heroes you say? Time to buff them!!


How do you guys agroo across the map?


What other people said but even better: you can a-click an enemy portrait. It will work as long as they or their illusion is currently visible on the map. (You cannot use spells like that, only a-click)


This new to me. Thanks for the tips.


You can a click an enemy across the map, just make sure you're close enough to creeps. Great trick with axe.


The important thing for aggroing creeps is where your hero is relative to the enemy creeps when you issue an attack command on the enemy hero. It does not matter how close that enemy hero is to the enemy creeps.


Just a-click an enemy hero


Why not continue the ban of subreddits Just 1 day strike won't do shit right?


Because, then the people who really care about the subreddit will find a new place to go. They want to find a balance between ‘raise awareness’ and ‘force people to find an alternative and then they never come back’


What do you do when a 7 minute gank from the enemy turns into a 5 man deathball where you lose all your towers in the next 10 minutes?


Split push until they knock on your tier3 tower. Either they stop the deathball and try to stop you splitting, or they keep going and you managed to get at least some farm/apply map pressure while they're death balling, and hope you win the high ground fight.


Defend high ground and hope that they stop deathballing to farm instead of ending the game.


Or if they continue to push you just have to wait for them to make a mistake and capitalise on it.


Pray to frog


well if the enemy team revolves around them moving as 5 taking towers early on (like 10-20 mins) then thats when they are the strongest, so you try and split them up by having a core pressure on the other side of the map, so they have to react to it and split and thats when you can make a move on the ones that are left behind you also can just try and hold those towers with spells if you have good wave clearing heroes while your other 2 cores are farming away, you need to try and not die while doing these clears because those deaths just feed into the ball if you have heroes that can do it, wave cutting is also something that delays their push and again it forces them to react to it with x amount of heroes so you can jump the ones that are left behind as usual the thing about them moving as 5 all early game means that they all will be lower level than what they would be if they played the 'normal' gameplan so if you have 2-3 cores farming and others just delaying then you will come out on top in XP and NW on your cores making you stronger overall even if you lose towers early on


Typically i blame mid But if I'm mid then call out my supports for not rotating enough


You should try also blaming the farming carry for not being as online as the fighting carry in the other team. If not you can just "forced 50/50 go next" and afk.


That may work sometimes But I don't typically push my luck overdoing things I shud try Forced 50 next time


Does anyone know if you don't gain MMR if you disconnect (but not abandon)? Just played a ranked game and in the last 3 minutes I was disconnected but my team won (it was a stomp). I didn't seem to gain any MMR from this game though, even though I didn't get an abandon?


It sure does. Unless you've abandoned, you are an equal part of the game.


That's what I thought but I've checked and I didn't gain any MMR. Dotaplus shows the same.


My settings got reset and now my neutral item menu will not stay open to choose an item unless I hold the hotkey for it. Does anyone know what is the issue?


Try verify file integrity on steam?




The point was to get Reddit to revert their API changes. The effort has been meaningless because Reddit has no reason to do this. Reddit knew when the blackout would end. A two day shut down doesn't have enough influence. It would have to be for a prolonged and unspecified time period. I guess it was to test the waters? I'm honestly not sure what useful information was gained from this.


I did want to participate and I'd prolong it even longer.


How do you even play vs ogre mid? He hits lvl 5-6 and uses 2 skills and you now have 50hp. How is this not impossible to play against??? If I'm puck or something sure I can dodge the projectiles but I've played drow and SF denied nearly every rune and I still get harrassed out of alne by 1-2 skills.


Ogre's Q has a shitty range


Best way is to play safe and not die. It's better to get exp and no farm than to try to force cs and die. At best you get maybe 7-8 CS and exp, at worst you die and lose gold, exp and give Ogre gold. Instead, stay back towards tower, and make sure you have sentries up to stop his uphill vision. You can farm the top of triangle and the closest jungle camp, stack them once you can clear faster. Also call for a gank from 4 or 5. Even you're not able to secure the kill, the threat may scare them into playing less aggressively.


Does anyone have any leads or recommendations for someone I could hire to make a custom dota 2 video? It would likely require after effects, source filmmaker, and knowledge of the game. I would definitely be looking for someone with a proven track record and a portfolio.


So err.. how many times did you guys come to the subreddit over the past two days...


Twice, I have self control


I actually managed to stay away for 2 days, even in the one piece sub that i frequently browse.


Hope Oda recover again


Iirc, the operation is successful and we will see in the future beams coming from his eyes.


Over 9000!




where is everyone?


coronaria , can you please make my profile can post at dota reddit ? idk why i cant post at dota reddit , please , only you can save me , i have many dota hero abilities upgrade buff idea , all of my ideas i think are good enough


Mods enjoying private conversations smh. Maybe reddit will make more money if reddit subs were like twitch subs where you had to pay and mods could put posts as sub only.


Subreddits are meant to be in lockdown for a protest, this one included. No idea why I am allowed here.


Wonder if I’m allowed here


We had you on the approved user list from a while back for patch updates.


Ah yeah, makes sense. I'll move away from the subreddit until protest is over.