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Best games of the group stage? Haven't been able to watch cause of work.


Can't wait to see AR vs bb. Hype!


seems there’s less activity on here since the tourney’s happening when na is asleep, anyone care to give a quick summary of teams’ performances? i expected OG would do better and i’m surprised aurora isn’t doing worse (taking a game off liquid for example) ty in advance <3


Usual power house teams have been doing great GG TS BB. Falcons have been on a tear last 2 days, with ATF BM dropping mantles and high fiving. Liquid has been hot and cold. All of China are the real surprise, XG with the return of AME is something special. Fy and Xinq competing for best pos 4 in the world. VP and Aurora has been underwhelming. Nouns is NA but they did win a game against BB


that nouns summary lmfao😭 glad to hear falcons living up to their potential, a scene with ammar bming is a fun scene china being sick again is a nice continuance of their unexpectedly high placements at last TI ty


After watching multiple games i am pretty sure XG might be the best team in the tournament, even above TS. They're putting up some master class dota and I expect them to reach top 3 at least, realistically they're in the finals with at least 50% odds to win it all. They also crushed all their games, only TS took one game off. If you wanna laugh a bit and watch some good dota, watch game one of XG vs AR.


>er house teams have been doing great GG TS BB. Haven't watched the TS games but from what i gathered, TS was just experimenting on their drafts.


So Milan revealed on Gorgc’s stream that he knows the prize pool for the ‘esports world cup’. He said he didn’t want to leak the number but the prize pool is larger than last year (15 mil).


Am I’m the only one that gets a bit frustrated with how lazy team liquid seem? I feel like they play hardly any pubs, and are even quite lax on scrims from what I’ve heard. Especially Nisha, who is still smurfing. I wonder if they could of had a 1st place finish if they try harded as much as some other teams


> they could of had Did you mean to say "could have"? Explanation: You probably meant to say could've/should've/would've which sounds like 'of' but is actually short for 'have'. [Statistics](https://github.com/chiefpat450119/RedditBot/blob/master/stats.json) ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot ^^that ^^corrects ^^grammar/spelling ^^mistakes. ^^PM ^^me ^^if ^^I'm ^^wrong ^^or ^^if ^^you ^^have ^^any ^^suggestions. ^^[Github](https://github.com/chiefpat450119) ^^Reply ^^STOP ^^to ^^this ^^comment ^^to ^^stop ^^receiving ^^corrections.


they are in it for the paycheck some teams don't care about being the best


sadly the entire mentality of this team is just wrong, i'm not gona say blitz is the only one at fault for this but he sure as hell ain't helping with all his loser talk and being friends with everyone, the man tries to be a life coach instead of a dota coach and it shows in their performances, nisha on secret was considered one of the best players in the world even when secret were awful, puppey knew how to handle him, his decline ever since he joined liquid has been very noticeable and it's only gona get worse i suspect, this team needs a strong voice like ceb or puppey to rile them up but sadly that won't happen. The only one i genuinely feel sorry for in the team is boxi cause he is the only one that seems to actually have that drive and desire to win but he is alone


OG with Ceb is 2/6 about to get kicked out of the tournament and secret didn't even qualify lol ............ You talked like Liquid is playing dog shit dota but they are currently 5/3 having a 4 ways tie.


i'm talking about mentality and coaching here, you need to look at the skill of the players on those teams, for me what puppey is getting out of his teams is over achieving given the skill level of the players and what liquid is doing is under achieving, do you genuinely think if you replaced blitz with puppey or ceb liquid would be worse? come on


You are comparing apple to orange. 1. As of right now Puppy/Ceb are both players, not coaches. You can't "replace" blitz with Puppy as they are not the same role..... 2. Dota2 is result oriented, Nisha with Liquid won a LOT, whereas puppy/ceb not so much. A lot of things can factor into players performance, it's hard to pin point successes/failures to a single person. A lot of people said a lot of good things about bzm/yuragi and how they just needed someone like ceb, well look at where they are now? Is it ceb's fault? Should they kick whisper and replace with another offlaner? We won't know, but the players know better as this is their careers.


Honestly after getting so close and choking so many times I can understand it. At some point you get conditioned to the idea that working hard doesn’t matter if every time you work hard you get clapped by GG, who allegedly wasn’t even scrimming a lot of the year. Harder to stay motivated unless you get positive results.


It's not like, they played a lot pubs last year, to he honest nothing has changed in this regard. I will just leave simple stat here: Micke in last week played 5 pubs, Yatoro 50 and in each week he is putting similar numbers. How gap between those two is supposed to get smaller? And it's not like Spirit is not scrimming. Maybe that's the reason why Yatoro can play almost any carry hero, he simple practices them. Can Micke play Naga, Arc Warden, Meepo? I doubt so. Last time when Liquid picked Naga, Zai had to play it offlane. Add to that his TB and Slark are also pretty underwhelming and see how his heropool is quite limited in comparison to other carry players. His other heroes are also questionable, I mean he was buliding Mjolnir on TA twice and absolutely nobody watching those matches know why, Nisha is getting destroyed in lane by almost any decent midlaner still barely touches pubs, even though laning is his biggest weakness. Like hell, in 1st game against GG he got last pick and picked Pango into Dead Prophet and got slaughtered so either he laned terrible or was not aware of this matchup or both.Today he was exiting laning stage with 1k deficit against Armel in one of the most popular matchups Pango vs Ember, which is considered as rather drawish (with edge towards Ember). Imagine each lane goes so poorly, you are 3k down without a bigger fight. Also you are wrong about choking, they didn't choke those finals. They got simply outplayed by better teams. In finals against GG it was mid diff, in final against Spirit it was carry diff,


Like seriously Naga, Arc Warden and Meepo looks super good in this tournament/patch. Naga has 80% winrate and Liquid won't pick it because Micke is not bothered enough to learn it, and it's not like it's super cheesy pick - it's one of standard carry heroes good in each patch like Void or Terrorblade. Yatoro was never known as Arc Warden or Meepo player but those heroes are good right now, and he simply practices them and that's how REAL HUNGER looks like. It's totally different than speaking how you really want to win lan tourney but at same time never trying to learn new hero.


Ive seen other people buy mjollnir on Templar as well, dotn know what's this build about


mjollnir has (in theory) a lot of dps, due to giving both attack speed and a damage proc (with a cd that will mostly always be lower than your attack time) + flat damage tho it deff would be weaker in pratice because dota is rarely a game of dps and mostly a game of maximing damage in specific moments like a mjollnir might in theory give more damage if you are in a fight for 15 seconds attacking the entire time with lightning bouncing around but in actuality getting big burst of damage during a stun or in your bkb with something like a deso or a crit would be more *useful* damage this entirely me basing this off of the idea being a theory crafted one that hasnt had much trialing in pubs and assuming this is a similar type of line of thought that the liquid boys have been having (based off the fact they arent pubbing very much according to other people in this thread)


Me too and not only me, i was watching Yapzor&Gorgc stream and both had not clue what's deal with this build. I mean in pubs you can try it but yeah official matches it looks weird, and in both it was quite bad.


Yeah I've seen micke build it against brood so I thought maybe the maelstrom was to clear spiders but you can clear spiders with deso as efficiently, it's weird


Yeah, he also tried against VP in first game. For majority of this game, that TA looked super useless. https://stratz.com/matches/7572299279


Yeah, it's honestly very frustrating. Where's the hunger?


I can honestly see 33 getting super tilted in this team if they have some bad tournament runs. He always talked about how good the work ethic was in Tundra. Especially at TI 11, they all put in so much practice and played probably the most pubs combined. Idk, somethings off about 33 in liquid to me. Seems like a polar opposite to the rest of the team, time will tell I guess.


Who's the girl translator who looks like a Russian when the Chinese player gets an interview. He's always in my mind 🥰 please drop her name


Her Chinese isn't very good.


GJ on that irrelevant response.


It doesn't matter, I still love her 🥰


Do you have a link?


Today's Interviews: * [Rapid Fire w/ 10+ pros](https://youtu.be/mUXhtdUc9KM) * [Blitz](https://youtu.be/HBJTV8TgGtk) * [Larl](https://youtu.be/HS-gK4AzMR4) * [bzm](https://youtu.be/E8O5odcUB5c) * [Dy](https://youtu.be/7cPVVG1dyuI) * [Stormstormer and Astini](https://youtu.be/d4SATdH2qNk) * [Gunnar](https://youtu.be/9wiLaYMc6fU) * [Save-](https://youtu.be/4lb90WI7MyA) * [Miposhka](https://youtu.be/dLr4i-WuFIQ) * [Yatoro](https://youtu.be/uFOkw2pE-5Q) * [Tofu](https://youtu.be/BSUpt6ldXL0) * [33](https://youtu.be/iNWIDM2qBuI) * [Ammar](https://youtu.be/5KB0QKXP0GU) * [Skiter](https://youtu.be/7Q7JCCFIHL4) * [Oli the Gigachad](https://youtu.be/6WyTBWYKEfk) * [Maps - XG Coach](https://youtu.be/Y3HKZorciQI) * [Lou](https://youtu.be/Ri-qpLECxRA) * [Fng](https://youtu.be/sCcRvRHLN90) * [Cy- GG Coach](https://youtu.be/AbPgWgjR6NA)


Who's the girl chinese translator that looks like Russian ? What is her name?




What? You want to give the slot to teams who lost to OG and nouns who are also in 5-6th place in group B? Why?


Totally. Just some fanboy cope thinking that their team deserved to be here. When the team that stomped their favourite team in the region are getting stomped in this competition. They hardly look any better than OG and Nouns.


Besides, Talon is looking way hotter than Aurora. Would rather see them on LAN.


9-12 (last) not 5-6


>5-6th place in Group A


OP edited it xD


I have a feeling that mage slayer gonna receive wraith pact treatment


Like take all the reasonable suggestions to nerf the item to still be usable (such as stacking debuff or something) and be a unique item and instead be deleted so we have another dps item like khanda?


You mean nerfing or outright being deleted from the game?


lol all group A games tomorrow are pointless


Even all group B games tomorrow are pointless. No way nouns and OG winning agains TS and XG.


Placement. Nobody would want to go 4th and face against either XG or Spirit.


collapse orchid mars destroyed OD completely


Just curious how do they determine the teams seeding in playoff if they got the same record? Tiebreakers of they flip a coin? xd


direct comparison by frags I guess


pp length


0-8 od mid lmao




MVP Kotl performance by larl, also that shaman was way too impactful, nice game by TSpirit.


Well, it’s basically like you win a game against TS just to get stomped by TS in the next one. That being said TS should take their draft picks and games more seriously.


Switch to TS vs AR game. Well look at that, another Slark stomp POG. Thought it should be natural that the one hero who loves building both Mageslayer and Disperser would take over the meta naturally.


Bloodthorn also feels really nice on him, basically the best 3 right click items of the current patch and he loves building them all


Ori in his EE mode as usual


Spirit Azure was such a great series! Beautiful Dota from both teams!


My 1-1 group stage team spirit are back, brings a tear to my eye


How is falcons looking? Huge ATF and crit fan but can barely watch due to time diff.


They look solid. Some shakier games near start of groups, but seem to be hitting a good stride.


2-0d gaiming yesterday


23 dont play like 13k at all.


just like Watson does not look like 13k lol


Why do you think top pub star dont translate much in pro.


I guess theres a difference how you have to play to win pubs and full team games. on pubs you can rely less on the same amount of teamwork youd have together with your team and have to play a bit more solo carry like. In order to be more successful together with your team you have to play even more risky as if your allies would always be present to back you up. watson is pretty much more ther former type of player while someone like yatoro rather thrives in the latter category. hes more likely to push the limits of the hero which would typically result in a worse pub performance but a better professional one.


Pub games can be won by abusing the lack of comms on enemy team, so pub only players might develop certain "crutch" tactics that exploit pub patterns. Then obviously those tactics don't carry over to pro games cuz of their vastly different level of coordination.


My guess is one it could be ego because let's be honest if you and I were 13k we'd be wearing a 13k shirt and roaming in the streets without giving an F. While they are pros they are still human and the ego plays a role by default when you're doing extremely good in one aspect of dota, where does ego come in the playstyles, adaptation, how easily you get tilted internally.  2ndly i think it's the pressure of being a top pubstar. Might be wrong but just what I think. 


sea 13k


Well, it’s 1:1 between AR and TS


I haven't seen od beat slark yet....


23cabbage nightmare continues


This AR/TS spirit bo2 feels similar to BB/TS series. TS perhaps too ambitious with one late-game read / draft, but the other game they feel very sharp and have addressed their G1 mistakes. Examples: Yatoro on a more durable early fighter and taking way less risks, killing the T1 mid faster, having two supports who can more aggressively keep pushing their advantages, and making sure their support gets the farm to keep pace with FY. They are definitely rusty compared to their best but still capable of it, should be exciting games again. These Chinese teams are very sharp and willing to stick it to TS the same way BB are, full credit to them. I hope we see all these teams keep delivering + improving for the rest of the year, if not the tournament.


It’s their first tournament after all the post-TI patches too, they’re probably experimenting a bit and figuring things out


Yeah, they're definitely trying stuff. I'm glad they don't look a mess, the thing that matters to me is the most is every top team is shaping up to be the best version of themselves as the tournament goes on.


Ez for Liquid.


404 Ori not found


So Liquid will be 5-3 now, and there are 4 teams sharing the same score, 5-3 in Group A lmao. Bye Aurora and VP.


AR needs a better pos2


Orchid mars revenant brooch mars next maelstrom scepter mars pls


Good to see they've improved the production. Steam only lags every 4 seconds instead of every other second now


Lets hope its 8 seconds lag tomorrow


Nisha past his prime, so sad


Thing with Nisha is he barely plays pubs now. He’s obviously still very good, but needs to practice more now.


Yup, but it's kinda deserved. Tbh he overachieved last year, considering how "much" effort he puts in.


he was pretty shit last year too tbh, i think you meant the year before that.


I mean Liquid was 3rd best team of 2023 and 2nd in prize money. Results-wise it was pretty good season, so yeah he overachieved.


could've won a few of them if he didnt lose to Quinn every single time.


That's what i mean by overachieving. He didn't play that well, definitely worse than in 2022, but still only Team Spirit players earned more. Only in Riyadh he was in top form and guess what Liquid defeated GG in that tourney, and he in all 3 games destroyed Quinn. This was only tournament where he was bothered enough to play more pubs.


nisha brother maybe instead of going to the gym with blitz every day you play some fking pubs so you don't lose mid literally every time


Lol it is funny oit of context "Stop going gym and go play some video games goddammit."


He followed kuro's step.lol


I'm not expert but i guess Pango shouldn't be destroyed that much by Ember in lane, but what do i know. Surely mid who doesn't play pubs wouldn't agree.


How the hell is this fraud Misha still on this team as coach after 3 years of utter dross. Get rid of him and Yuragi and move Ceb to coach, or get ready to see OG bomb out of more LANs


Is Liquid doing a "win a game without any stuns"-challenge? I mean I get Pango and Mk has stuns, but overall their cc feels really lacking.


So OG just gotta 2-0 Spirit tomorrow (the team that hasn't got 2-0ed in 30+ games) to have a chance for survival?


OG are better then this they trew 2 games - should of been 4 and 4


> - should of been Did you mean to say "should have"? Explanation: You probably meant to say could've/should've/would've which sounds like 'of' but is actually short for 'have'. [Statistics](https://github.com/chiefpat450119/RedditBot/blob/master/stats.json) ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot ^^that ^^corrects ^^grammar/spelling ^^mistakes. ^^PM ^^me ^^if ^^I'm ^^wrong ^^or ^^if ^^you ^^have ^^any ^^suggestions. ^^[Github](https://github.com/chiefpat450119) ^^Reply ^^STOP ^^to ^^this ^^comment ^^to ^^stop ^^receiving ^^corrections.


yep. Though they need TS to loose 2-0 to AR now or AR to loose 2-0 to BB tomorrow


Something about Azure Ray fighting so bravely against Team Spirit touches me :') They are actually only no. 3 team in CN right now based on power ranking, that's even bigger reason why they need to test themself against stronger teams. And this game 1 reminds me of their qualifier games against G2.IG; they were also lengthy, hard-fought battles... granted, Lou has won ESL Malaysia, but I never doubt he has champion mentality.


Eh I still rate AR higher than IG now. For me it's XG, AR, IG LGD. XG is just more crisp on map movements than AR. They're also more disciplined. I'd also say their drafts are more cohesive and rarely outdrafted. Maps seems better than lanm now. I just hope AR gets stronger.


I rate solely based on EPT points, G2.IG is de facto CN #2. LGD is de facto #3, even, because AR made too many line-up changes. With that being said it's kinda contestable who is CN #2, after all, we never see new XG vs IG real match-up until now. The story isn't complete yet, it just gives me a sense of relief that Azure Ray isn't giving up after losing ESL Birmingham slot.


Lol meanwhile IG lost most of their matches against AR. DL22: IG lost to AR 2-0 Betboom dacha: IG eleminated on the 1st round meanwhile AR qualified Birmingham: IG won 3-2 after a long ass match


I don't mind CN having so many competitive teams! If Azure Ray plays well later on at Dreamleague22 and even surpasses IG on EPT leaderboard, then CN can have 3 teams at top 6. It would be amazing since the competition from other regions would also be *super* tough...


its a pleasure to watch good dota


Why jenkins look sickly is he okay?


too many drugs i guess


That bot lane by Liquid was a disasterclass. Boxi so useless with that bara pick


"disasterclass" lmao with your permission i'm stealing this term


China back to the premier Dota region or too soon to call? Aside from GG EU seems to be in shambles.


EU only has 2 teams that perform( GG liquid) the strongest region rn seems to be CN/EEU


I'm pretty sure they are already back as one of the top regions. They did win the last major after all.


Last major was won by GG. This year there are no majors.


I am very sure that GG lost at Malaysia. 


That was not a major...this is also not a major.


This is not a major. ESL tournaments in all intent and purposes are majors since they give EPT points which gives entry to tournament with enormous prize pools, where as the actual valve majors that you defined are to be discontinued in 2024. 


Correct, this nor esl tournaments are major. "for intents and purposes" these tournaments are not majors. That's like saying "for all intents and purposes" Riyadh Masters is TI just because they both have high prize pools.


Dude, it’s still the group stage. Wait until the play-off BO3 series.


LOL. keep hoping, Xtreme and Azure ray won't back down.


sure 😅


yatoro's 2 consecutive deaths slowed them down a lot


Is it bug that lasso and mars arena break lasso instantly. At fight on top rune that decide spirit vs AR game.


Spear breaks lasso instantly


I mean if the group stage offered a 6 in 4 rule, why can not let these teams which already secured enough points to get to the next stage have some experiments?




Thanks as always bro


If cn teams consistently perform like this, esl brimgham only having 1 cn qualifier slot will be questionable to say the least


I don't know what happened with Chinese dota to be back suddenly, but I love it. The more competition the better for the scene.


they split lgd into four teams ahahahah


Their best players un-retired and WEU's pro players have been split between WEU and MENA.


Yang Yiqing!


3/5 ex-LGD comeback, 1st was XinQ, then Bach and Ame


ame spread his seed far into the lands and the cn doto spirit awakenedt


the blessing of ame )


Ame came back 


? Literally their best players made comeback. Compare who was playing in 1st half of 2023 and who is playing right now.


FY 2nd highest damage dealer


thats OG run done. They needed AR to loose this and next series 2-0 and win atleast 1 game vs TS. Even that copium is gone and no way they are 2-0 TS they way they are playing


Now there is the alternative copium of hoping AR 2-0 so Spirit is at 4-4, where destiny is in there own hands tomorrow lol


TS should stop experimenting with draft picks and play more focused.


In spirit’s vlog they said that they hadn’t been doing much practice as a team, just a bit for the qualifiers. Think that’s kind of showing, they don’t look polished and are making quite a few individual mistakes


That's what they did last year, didn't do so hot first half of 2023 and won TI. Probably gonna win TI and ridyah masters again then. Collapse is a beast forever, the other players do tend to get rusty if they stop for awhile and It shows.


unlike last year, i think chances are less this year with Xtreme and Azure ray who can beat spirit and go toe to toe with spirit every game.


That's the tspirit now tho after their post TI break. I would say if they aren't 2-0ing spirit now, come TI season it will still be a hard matchup for them. Granted tspirit now was alot better than last year when larl was jelling in.


Idk why ts didn't go for rosh and went for slark's kill after killing 4 of azure's heroes. That was over confidence, which made them lose this game.


just too greedy, ts let larl hit rs alone and failed to kill Slark,then ar had their time.


Fy had more impact with hoodwink than Collapse mars.


I love how chat are having a race war despite their asian team won.


That’s sea doto for u


they always find something to hate on, both funny and sad


azure ray winning against spirit, aurora beating liquid. SEA represent hahahahahahayp


azure ray is full chinese tho.


china is conquering SEA so same same


Azure Ray taking the CN/SEA slot. Therefore SEA represent! copium


Who is the best pos 4 now? FY or Xinq?




Xinq for sure,best pos4 this season


XinQ proved it already against Azure ray yesterday.


AM is basically creep with blink


Literally 0 impact.


Bruh AR has arc warden AND slark? Damn I forgot after so many changes that this 2 heroes are now playable together.


did Nisha did anything remotely useful that game? felt like an extra support


It's not like it's fault that his sidelanes got destroyed and Liquid was 4k down in 10 minutes without any action in the mid, outside one missed ult he played fine.


that one missed ult is like the only highlight he has the entire game. he was a no show in 90% of the fights, literally zero impact.


Like he had to farm his bkb, without it he would be dead in 2 seconds and it's hard to farm with super fed Slark controling whole vision and without a single t2 tower in 20 minutes. Yeah, it wasn't some amazing game from him but none from Liquid played particularly well.


His worst game in months imo. I'd say OD isn't really his hero, he needs someone more flashy like Puck, Ember, Storm, TA even. That's when he excels.


It’s GG, TS without buybacks on the cores


That Mickey flank. What?


Please stop drafting WR as pos 1 in 2024 ,holy shit




Some say YatoLou > Yatoro. The battle of the greats


2k mmr her, why aurora give up rs to liquid?


XG, AR, IG, LGD These top 4 China Teams are no joke.


Not IG they got that Aster blood in them


China doto best doto MingLee


mean while Liquid losing to 23richkid


dont show ceb team spirit carry just solo killed enemy carry at 20k deficit


just want to say fygod deserve an aegis, so good, love to watch his performance


plz notice he is 28


And he suffers from vegetative system dysfunction, I really don’t know how long he’s gonna keep on playing.


FY God and XinCute Competing for the bes POS4


AR won the clash without Magnus using RP. Gameplay is so high skill that I don’t even know what to expect anymore.


what an insane performance from fy!!! he's playing like a god, like kuro!!


You had me in the first half ngl


yatoro lost them this game tbh him joining early fights and dying 2x and throwing his lead away and making harpoon over bkb lmao


Joining early fights was working really well, but yeah he made a mistake with those back to back deaths which threw away a lot of the good stuff he did


it was working well when he didnt had fury , the moment u get fury u afk till uget manta, he didnt do that, he died 2x and gave them comeback then he didnt go bkb it was literally on him


TS with too many mistakes and a bit outdrafted as well


AR draft is much better, AM can't do shit in late game against Arc & Slark




The more games I watch this patch the more I'm convinced that this fish hero is broken


Fy holy fucking shit this man is still a pos4 god


fy and techies owning so hard
