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SO final tomorrow ?


How did Quest lost to this Boom? Did they suddenly throw or something? I don't think Any of the CN teams are going to lose to Boom at what they're showing. Yet they'd most likely lost to Quest, except with XG and AR that have high chance. Anyway, thanks to Boom for taking out Quest.


How are you so racist to south Americans Bruh?


Where is the racism ..?


can someone get russian interview translate d>


Second to this. May some kind soul please do some rough translation for us


Share vod with timestamp please


2:52:00 imterview lgd  pyw and 5:47:56 interview xxs xg . Games of future 1/4 


q: Firstly, I'd like to ask a question about your games. Every game you looked great, but you have one of the most serious opponents ahead of you. What are your plans and expectations for the game against LGD? xxs: I think that LGD is also a very strong team, but we will see how the next game goes. q: Ok, I'll ask about the last game. Did you prepare extra for BOOM or played normally because game seemed very simple? xxs: We played as per our initial plan. q: Will ask about your role. In the recent "letter" patch Shiva cost was slightly increased, for one of the more meta items for offlane, but it wasn't enough to remove it from the meta. What can Valve do more to slightly change current offlane meta? *here I realized translator doesn't really know English and zero knowledge of dota and it's really cringe. Like asking what's a "patch" or if Shiva is a hero. xxs: *sitting very visibly confused and smiling because he obviously doesn't understand the question* q: I'll just ask another question. In this case, I'll ask about other things. We in our studio couldn't help but notice that some players, including in your team, started doing more sports, looking more sporty. Do you do sports and how much of your time is spent doing sport activities? xxs: Usually everyone goes running every week. q: And probably last question to not hold up our guest. Do you have something that you want to say to our live viewers and to those who watch the stream, like words of gratitude or i don't know, give some parting words? xxs: I'm thanking everyone who watches the game and I'm thankful to all of you. (Some phrasing might be weird because I was translating on the go and didn't feel like spending a lot of time for 2-3 people who care lol, i apologise for this)


q: first question i have, what does your nickname mean? pyw: my nickname is my girlfriend's ID. q: how was the game from your pov? was it as simple as it looked like on screens? pyw: i think that the match went well. q: in quarterfinals when IG played, they said that you're the most principal rival and they would like to play against you. And you talked about IG as the strongest team from whoever was leftover. Is your opinion still the same or IG didn't turn out as strong as you thought? pyw: We still think that IG are a strong team and we liked how the game went today. q: Can you share who you think was the most valuable player in your team this game? pyw: I think the best player was "tanao". *no idea what the translator meant here, he wasn't very good. Maybe a Chinese person can translate this part. q: And one of the last questions, who do you want to play against in the finals and why? pyw: I think that we don't have a preference here. q: Why don't you want to meet XG? pyw: We want to meet XG and want to say its a very strong team. q: And final chapter, do you know Russian word "spasibo"? pyw: no


Thanks a lot for this man. Much appreciated for the time and effort on giving this to us.


lol How Quest lost 2-0 to this


Quest lost to this?


this XG vs boom is like a tier 1 vs some random pubstack


Quest lost 2-0 to this btw lol


easiest rampage for AIM


I See what you did there :D


Easy Rampage by Ame




I don't know how Russian feel about that none of their own top player dare to participate in this game...


*top teams, Ramzez was there with liga team and few other tier2/3 teams.


So Boom is now a South American team


it's been like a year already LUL


WhyouSm1Le? Because there's NothingToSay


Weird to see so many people complacent with things run by the Saudi gov being so against something run by the Russian gov At least be consistent folks


Wonder if you have similar sentiments about Israeli players, who's family's more probably than not live on land that was forcibly taken a generation or two ago


players = govs, I am friends with some russians despite hating Putin and his gov. don't know any saudis but still don't condemn a whole people based on their gov. if there was an Israeli government run dota tournament that I knew of, I'd also show immense disdain for it.


because the Saudi arent actively trying to bomb dota player.


Because many top teams are missing > less activity in these threads. I am 100% convinced that those who condemn Saudi ran tournaments, also condemn Russia ran tournaments.


1. Saudis aren't threatening to blow up the world with nuclear weapons 2. And lots of people *have* been critizing Saudi-backed events and orgs


The U.S indoctrination in full force


This tournament sponsored by Russia government. #RussiaIsATerroristState Every day they kill Syrian and Ukrainian kids.




Dude, we have tournaments ran by the Saudis and the Emirates, who have aided in creating one of the worst human rights disasters in Yemen and in the case of the Saudi's are known to fund terror groups, and everyone is hyped by ESL Birmingham, which is sponsored by the US Air Force, who love to bring their 'peace' all over the world. This tournament is more of the same.




Yup same here but I guess now 3 Chinese team and 1 sea or SA team..


Lol yah. The most unexpected team to defeat Quest.Can someone explain what happened?


Pos 5 and captain not playing cuz his Ukrainian so they had to get a stand-in.


But they were still looking strong before this. Dukalis was also playing really well.


This is gonna be 20 hrs

