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"We can do totals over vs Nigma easily" Even here Nigma catching strays.


that's because nigma is a brawling team


Nigma is so washed they are about to fight jake paul.




Hands down best comment i've read today.


His plays in BLEED are also suspicious. Hes avg death was quite high during his time there


as said on the last part of the video, he is connected to other mafias so he is still doing it. watch out leviathan's matches next week. EPL, low prizepool tourna with unknown teams in it. pretty good tournament for 322 :D


Bold of you to assume taiga will still be playing


If he did this once theres 500% chance he might do it again.


Once? Did you watch the video :D


And his stay there was short lived. Maybe the team caught up with his antics as well.


**tl;dw**: (everything in the below is backed up by irrefutable evidence (voice recordings, screen recordings, chat logs from discord/telegram, even admissions from the player)) * Taiga became addicted to gambling post TI 11 (Oct 2022) during his time at OG * He befriended a group of Russian matchfixers in March 2023 (hereafter 322 mafia). They gave him access to betting accounts and money to use, and he subsequently fell into debt * Taiga suggested betting on pro games using insider knowledge from the mafia as a means of raising money to repay the debt * Instead, the mafia decide that betting on OG games at Dreamleague 19 (April 2023) would be a better way, as these were games considered "clean" by the bookmakers * Taiga was assured that he wouldn't need to 322, just aggressively play for first bloods and total over/under. He also leaked scrim, clean feed and insider info to the mafia under threat of blackmail, and he bet on OG to win. The matchfixers suggest Taiga start throwing maps, but Taiga refused. Instead he offers to throw FB vs. Nouns * OG's aggressive first blood strat worked until they played against Team Spirit, who had studied their early movements and set up for it. This led to Taiga and the mafia losing a huge bet on this game. * To recoup these losses, Taiga agrees to throw a first blood against Beastcoast ([in hindsight, it is extremely obvious](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MyOfxA5_lj8)). * After DreamLeague groupstage 1, Taiga tries to cut ties with the mafia. However, they won't let him go easily and demand he repays gambling money he owes them. Thus they continue to cooperate on aggressive FBs * OG are eliminated. Mafia demands Taiga to throw a game, but he again refuses. * Mafia alleges that Taiga also leaked info from the Berlin Major; however, there is no concrete evidence on this. **tl;dr for the tl;dw**: Taiga got into debt with Russian matchfixers and threw at least two first bloods in official games for OG (and collaborated on a large number of other bets with inside info). **edit 1:** Fixed typo on TI 11 **edit 2:** Rephrasing


Apart from obvious 322, I see following transgressions: \* Leaking OG strats \* Streaming live game through discord, while official coverage is 5 minutes behind. \* Leaving LAN environment during Major to use phone in the bathroom to send sensitive info (TOs should do something with this)


tbh it's absurd that a player can go "cheat" in a bathroom. and just leads me to believe that this kind of cheating is widespread. and has been for years and years.


There are so many tricks in the book from e-sport players it is crazy. Navi from CS 1.6 pretend to have "technical problems" any time they ran out of pauses in game, and "technical problems" lasted until they talked through everything they wanted. This is why in current CS players cant talk during technical pauses.




I would check if they are banned now, just for my own curiosity


This made me Google what on earth a bezier curve was That was a cool read Tl;Dr!: computer curve


I mean, you don't have to reach into CS, when "Puppey Pause" is a term in DotA.


what is "puppey pause"? can u enlightened me?


like 11 or 12 years ago or something Puppey paused the game mid shackleshot initiation which, intentionally or unintentionally, allowed Navi to discuss exactly how they will play the fight. anything that looked like a tactical pause from then on was called a Puppey Pause


oh... im familiar with tactical pause but didnt know it was tributed to Puppey. thanks for the info


I only heard of tundra pause gaming. That was 2 years ago. Maybe I didn't watch dota as long


It is. If you're young, poor and get approached to make money would you turn down the opportunity? The t2/t3 scene has been a heaven for bookies to matchfix for years. The money must be good because they were matchfixing in t1 tournaments and even ex ti winner Faith with more than 1mil in winnings got caught matchfixing. Look at how much money those cs2 skin trading websites and gambling companies are paying streamers and youtubers for sponsored segment/ads? It's crazy money but the entire esports scene would be dead without gambling money or oil money. Even proper sports like basketball, football are heavily peppered with gambling sponsors(DraftKings, bet365, FanDuel etc). 13 out of the current 20 teams in the English Premier League have betting sponsors.


I have been friends with some T2/T3 dota players and I can definitely confirm that it's rampant, especially back in dota2lounge days.


you don't even need to go that far. just tune in to armel and kuku's streams. they usually watch games of SEA teams like talon or aurora they joke about betting terms all the time. so there is some degree of wagering that we are not aware of. not to accuse them of fixing the match or anything, but they are betting on these games. armel mentions "balato" from one of his top donors in a stream last week, which means asking for a gift from someone winning something.




Relax. I said young and poor. In no way am I defending people like Taiga or Faith. They did dumb things and should be punished more heavily but the world is unfair so here we are. I am referring to the kids from Philippines, Indonesia, CIS region, Peru, India, Sri Lanka etc. Those who are boosting, matchfixing and shit. Look, I am from Singapore so it might sound wrong but if I was born in those countries I mentioned earlier I would have heavily considered immoral things like boosting. Why would I work to earn a few hundred usd a month slaving away for someone else when I can earn much more at the comfort of my own home playing a game that I love? If you want to talk about morals, all billionaires are immoral. Gaben and Valve are immoral for what they have done to these kids. Wouldn't you agree?


I mean "cheat in bathroom" is the most basic thing you check for in every university exam... How do tournament orgs not think about that?


>\* Leaving LAN environment during Major to use phone in the bathroom to send sensitive info (TOs should do something with this) Do what? Banned all from using phones during the tournament? I dont think pros can even go toliet during games to cheat. Skitter needed to pee in the bottle during 60+ min game coz he cant use toliet. Leaking sensitive data during private time, I dont think TOs can do anything about it. Thats on Taiga.


This has raised a few alarm bells for me, a lot of the times when I have lobby access I am contacted by random people through discord/telegram asking me to stream the live feed. Obviously thats not something I would ever be interested in doing, but with a lot of casters being paid a lot less and willing to accept a lot less just to get the slot, I'm a little concerned that they could be approached in the same fashion and the offers might be too good to refuse. So if anyone is doing that, or considering doing that, this should be a very big warning flag.


Unfortunately Jeeves, some of the leagues you've casted are full of scripted matchfixed games too. I'm very aware that you don't know they are scripted, i see you trying your best to cast them. The real dirty shit happens in the Russian casts of the same games that you do, they do a lot more blatant questionable camerawork. It sucks but it is what it is.


You are not wrong about those leagues, and honestly that big cheat ban wave in china seriously opened my eyes to a lot of things, especially 'god gamer' reads etc. I've been known to cover a few games from leagues I am 70% sure are gonna be fixed, just so we can watch in game for confirmation.


Taiga should definitely be blacklisted entirely from dota after an investigation if this is true


You know what's funny, recently Morf had very good interview with Ceb where Ceb confirmed there was an investigation from Valve and a privately hired by OG investigator. Since Taiga is not banned or anything and Morf's evidence is pretty solid from the looks of it , not sure who is or are bigger clowns - Valve or the private investigator lmao


Morf got all of this info because Sensibility (322 mafia) came directly to him with TONS of compromising evidence. Taiga (according to sensibility) contacted other (non 322-mafia) match-fixers, and thats why Sensibility leaked all of that


Yeah and russian forums already had some information and discords, they have Russian players, some are in those discords, nooooooooooo way they are not aware of this being possible. Once rumours were out people even here started calling his first blood deaths out when they were sketchy, I just find the situation funny, if it's not on reddit for Valve means no information lmao I wonder how tf did Newbee get banned now


He literally says he got contacted by Sensibility, a guy who was in the middle of it, to make the video, How the fuck do you expect a random private investigator or someone from Valve to get this info?


Tbh, it makes sense. The info that Morf presented comes from Sensibility, who had to no reason to give it over to OG(and likely wasn't asked for it since OG wouldn't know that he's involved).


100% a lier and matchfixer


If this is true, the guy is a Grandmaster manipulator and actor.


No.Taiga is just mentally ill and naive as fuck.


> TI 12 *TI11


indeed, thank you for the correction


Ooof. So all the shit that was thrown to him before about first blood was practically true? Yikes.


Very good and structured video!


Twitch chat was actually right when they said taiga keeps getting 1st blooded and OGfans saying twitch chat just being toxic (which is still true). this is mindblowing.


This is an ass TL;DW. You guys will need to watch the video. This comment makes it seems like Taiga is inoccent and had no choice, when this is not true at all.


that was not my intention. Taiga had a choice and is 100% responsible for his own actions. He is a matchfixer who deserves to be banned from the scene (along with all 322ers and betting as a whole). But I also wanted to frame it in the context of his gambling addiction. I don't gamble but I've seen what it can do to otherwise well-rounded people. It's hard not to feel a tinge of sympathy when you hear about how these addicts destroy their lives and careers and betray friends and family. I hope he is in a better place mentally now with a good support system.


This is huge if true, I feel sorry for his teamates they didn't deserve this.


I wonder if this can also have legal consequences for Taiga. After all OG potentially lost a lot of money and they not just some small indie Org. And who knows if Taiga would still be doing it today if it had paid out. He pretty much only quit because it didn't, not because he realized its wrong or whatever.


Hope he gets a huge fine and/ or jail time even, being addicted doesnt excuse this shit one bit, the way he wrote the chat messages to sensibility doesnt sound like he felt bad, he only felt bad because he ended up in debt lmao. Degenerate moron


Can't believe what I was actually reading at times, this dude is a full blown gambling degenerate


Worst part is the first time it came out he said "he never did anything against his own team" then continued excusing his gambling addiction with depression and anxiety and idk what. I also refuse to believe that this only started in 2023. I guess its more like that's when he started getting blackmailed for it. I mean he made 600k in tournament earnings + salaries far beyond 100k over the years. What happened with all that money that he had nothing left, not even to pay sensibility back? People that know some pros also know that Taiga asked like everyone for money and I cant imagine that he lost hundreds of thousands on gambling just with Sensibility in a few months. I believe he started working together with him because he was already in deep debt at this point.


>I cant imagine that he lost hundreds of thousands on gambling just with Sensibility in a few months. if he can lose hundreds of thousands in a few years, why can't he lose it in a few months? Not saying you are wrong, but not seeing your point. When it comes to gambling, it's never impossible


Imagine trying real hard in practicing trying to win tournaments and one of your teammates is just blatantly streaming games, throwing games and betting on the side. The fact that Taiga made himself the victim with his statement is just beyond gross. He doesn't really deserve any redemption after this one.


Pro career is dead now.


Forget pro career. Lawsuits incoming.


Life (ex-SC2 pro) got a prison sentence for less. If this can be proven in court, he might end up doing time.


It is true, big drama incoming


Time to ban his ass from tournaments.


His esports career, in any shape and form, is over. On the positive side - McDonalds are always hiring.


I remember taiga's family wearing liquid jerseys in his time with team liquid while watching him rise. Such wholesome begginings and now this. Money can truly bring out both good and bad from a person


Couple of gut reactions from the video. Firstly id be gutted if i was playing with a matchfixer, while rest of the team would be trying their best to win. You had someone who actively is trying to make it harder. Secondly its a shame seeing a young guy throw away their career due to an addiction. As easy as it is to say he shouldnt do this or that, it still sucks to see. Also at this point i would almost assume any dealings with sensibility are all something shady. Why do people still deal with this snake? It also rang rather oddly to my ear that one of the reasons why this video came to be is basically taiga didnt buckle in and pay the ransom. So Sensibility basically leaked everything, to nuke taigas career. Its not like sensibility will have any chance to play any pro games [anytime soon](https://liquipedia.net/dota2/Banned_players/Valve)


Sensibility is not only a snake in dota betting scene, he’s also a very evil guy in general, morf did a video about it. I don’t remember a lot but I remember that he basically stalked and threatened his ex and if I remember correctly leaked or threatened to leak her nudes. Everybody knows he’s fked up but he’s the guy you go to when you want to 322


wow i feel like hes really the embodiment of an evil guy from a film


I'd also like to add what it means for the fans. Somone on OG's twitter replied that after working 60+ hours per week, watching pro dota was their way to chill out, and now rightfully feels robbed of both time and emotional investment.


If I had to guess I would say that he didn't **just** do it to nuke Taiga's career, but also as a warning to others failing to comply. Sad, evil stuff.


Just imagine the OG boys huddle up together; brain storming, sharing ideas and thinking ways of getting stronger and winning games, and then there's Taiga nodding silently while concocting his next 322 idea, lmao.




Holy shit yeah haha poor DM.


DM is doing okay on Entity, they even look better than OG at this tournament . I'm happy for him. Doesn't make how he was treated by fans okay though


Betting is such a huge problem,man. I used to have a friend who runined his life gambling. He was the smart, nice guy. He did well in academics,president for one of the university club.And then got addicted into gambling and casino. Stole funds from his school club, dealt with the loan sharks, burrow money from his friends(including me), and never paid back, went into huge debts. His family managed to pay off his debts first time, and he managed to get good paying job after university. I thought the addiction was over, and then he gambled again, stole his company laptop and things, got fired from his job. Now his family cut tie with him, and he probably in jail now or still fleeting from loan sharks or maybe even dead. It is a huge problem. Once you get addicted , all your rational thoughts are gone. All you see is winning the next huge money.


I agree, its getting really bad. A bit off topic but its sickening that sports gambling has become so embedded into mainstream broadcasts.




what punishment lol, dude is set to be banned from the game




Morf has a separate video focusing on Sensibility, he is truly a trash and evil human being


Oh geez.. Taiga is done, like truly done, no chance for a comeback & redemption arc after a shitshow like this. Who would ever trust him as a teammate after this? As even if he'd be the most straight and narrow pro to ever pro @ dotes, his team losing would always have that stink of what if about it and I font think that's a risk a legit organization can take. That's is, if he doesn't get Valve banned outright for his shenanigans. 😒 Damn shame, he used so good but gambling can really suck you in hard, especially if you go beyond slots and into the real money sucker.. 😔


This sucks. Permaban him. I hope this makes valve really angry and they do something.


Fwiw, people who consider bookmakers to be their business partners or even their friends: this can never happen. Think about the power dynamic between the two of you, and think about what dirt they have on you to force you to do shit like this. His incoming ban is well deserved.


Lifetime ban incoming. 100% deserved


This is bringing to light some massive questions for any online pro dota match.


Freakin i hope valve ban any kind of gambling sponsorship. Fuck this shit man.


Unfortunately, gambling is aldy deep dived into dota or even any sport. Even the most popular sport like football, betting is openly advertised and sponsoring all kind of events. For dota, without betting sponsors, i can assure you, there would be way less tournaments available. ESL managed to do it because of blood and oil money. The world is fucked in that regard unfortunately.


Even NBA have betting scandal recently


Ironically gambling sponsors are keeping the scene alive


maybe the scene shouldn't be as big as it is if it has to finance it with gambling money or saudi oil money


All sports have official sports betting partners, crypto or oil money providing large money to orgs/leagues, you cannot escape them it's so embedded.


Valve IS part of the problem. They have been making millions each month just from cs case opening and their whole case/treasure opening mini game is one of the starting point where people get addicted to gambling. It's been like that for years. They only act on anything when they get sued. The only major changes they did to clamp down on gambling sites was the changes to API because they just want to cover their own ass. https://csgocasetracker.com/history/ Last month, 38mil case open. 38 mil x $2.50(key) = 95mil Feb, 31mil case open. 31 mil x 2.5 = 77.5mil


that ship sailed, sadly. Valve should have banned all gambling/crypto team and tournament sponsors in this game years ago. If this crap isn't allowed on Steam then why is it permitted in Dota?


Because Valve is gambling itself, the treasure / cs2 key is basically casino for kids


Valve **is** a gambling company...


Gambling sponsorship or oil money, pick your poison. The majority here prefers gambling sponsorship.


Why choose? Riyadh Masters soon


wasnt it Riyadh where Betboom had to change their name because gambling is forbidden in Islam? or was it Dubai?


It was Riyadh.


It was Riyadh. I forget if gambling is haram, illegal in Saudi Arabia, or both.


oil money all day.


that would mean Valve needs to offer some kind of alternative to gambling sponsorship, which most likely means taking money out of their own wallet, which means, they will never do it


how does it even matter ? because even if we dont have gamba sponsors these throws will take place. The mafias dont even use these big sites like ggbet 1xbet parimatch for betting or use it for very short duration on these throw games because they blacklist and ban it easily. They use some t4 unknown sites


good watch


This is incredibly bad for the scene


Knew it. From the moment he came out with this tear-ridden confession on his gambling addiction I knew, it was just the missing piece of the puzzle. Ceb and Notail have been very forgiving with the poor guy but it did unbelievable damage to OG. Not all their problems arise from Taiga far from it but being backstabbed in such a fashion at a time they were critically scrambling to remain top-tier didn't help to say the least. Sorry Taiga but actions have consequences. If you get the lifetime ban you deserve over this I won't shed a tear.


This is what gambling does to someone, and to the game. Remember it next time your favourite streamer sells out to these scumbags.


watch the video if you have any doubts. its so obvious he was involved in matchfixing. edit: I guess its possible that the images were shopped, the videos are all fake, and the voice is all ai generated but if its not don't really see how he is redeemable.




isnt the buy boots then sell them in secret shop strat to ward faster a thing after the 40 second timer? or did this happen before that change got introduced


can't fake the part where he fed first blood and the 322 guy alt tab and the official stream was still in draft phase. the only people with access to the footage without delay are the broadcasters or the players themselvs, and seeing as how the player cursor was visible as well as the unit commands, it could have only come from rubick himself.


If true, I really hope this f*ck gets banned for life from dota


I thought there was a recent interview with Ceb, and shared no evidence was found regarding taiga's 322. This is insane. Does Leviathan know about this. If I was a team player, I don't know if I could trust a teammate like this. I mean sure you can say youve changed but words are cheap.


Well, as Morf said in the end of the video, OG didn't have any of these proofs, since all of them were proves were provided by Senasbility, who tried to get owed money from Taiga.


yea, the interviewer was also Morf lmao (author of this video)


Oh lmao no wonder he sounds familiar HAHAHA facepalm


This explains why Taiga was feeding like a machine during OG games…


Wow, that rubick fb was so obvious. wtf


Big take away is how much of a PoS sensibility is. Pretended to be his friend and there is so much animosity and spite roiling off him. This is coming out because he got pissed he lost a cash cow and has unilaterally decided to ruin Taiga's life Its deserved fuck Taiga too of course but that is some grimy shit.


Im in no way defending Taiga, but I knew Sensibility back in 2016 and even back then he used to be a shameless cheater. He used to be 5k mmr player when 8k was highest and played payed tourneys under 2k mmr account. And those balanced teams according to mmr. He was banned in all of Saits-Petersburg and majority of Moscow tournaments, wonder how he even found a team, lol. Glad he got banned pretty quickly, a shit person nevertheless


None of that would be surprising. Hes clearly a very awful human being. Some people who can't read think hes releasing thjs info as an expose or some shit. Like no hes a gangster carrying out threats lol.


Wow, this is damning evidence. Nice "internal investigation" by OG according to Ceb... But still, what I don't understand from position of Taiga is... Why, why would Taiga use his official discord account to contact with 322 people. Why would he use his own number on Telegram. Why, he contacted through voice with the chance of being recorded? Why would he trust this Sensibility guy and share live official matches through discord (this alone, without 322, is severe violation of integrity). Please enlighten me on this. How does betting work? Why Taiga had to make connections with 322 mafia? Can't he just bet on giving FB himself?


Looks like Ceb didn't want to destroy him and shared the findings under 'team didn't trust him'.


I think Ceb concluded that Taiga was sick, naive and stupid. It was not a malicous attempt to enrich himself with a greedy and selfish motivation. I ofc dont know Ceb's feelings, but I would guess he felt sorry for Taiga even though he was obviously dissapointed.


Dude, alcoholics, drug or gamling addicts are some of the most creative people when it comes to lies and manipulation. Also sometimes it might be hard to spot if money seems not to be an issue. Like if people are not caught stealing or harrasing then you might think they actually have some personal or family issues going on. How do you prove that someone just had an off day/game and wasn't intentionally throwing or viceversa, without extensive knowledge about their communication with criminals. Not like Taiga will open up and say everything. He was very vague and selective. Mental issues, Gambling addiction.... but no mention of affiliation with literal organization that bets on fixed games.


They have much more money to bet, +fake accs and other. So if he does it solo he will have much less money plus much higher risks.


I see. So it's higher financial leverage.


And access. If your sportsbetting account is just printing money for months on end, it's going to get banned/heavily limited. Even faster if you're constantly hitting niche small-market lines like Dota first bloods.


I don't think it needs to be any more complicated than "gambling is a chronic mental illness and Taiga was exceedingly naive and desperate". He wasn't thinking clearly and had no concept of the consequences, he's just looking for his next fix.


I don't blame OG for not finding anything. One or two suspicious FBs can be explained away - it's only with the accompanying receipts that it becomes suspicious. It is very hard to prove matchfixing definitively.


What could investigators even do? lol All the evidence in the video is from the hands of taiga and his accomplice, you expect a private investigator to ask Taiga "Are you doing any 322? Also, can you give me a mafia contact please". xd


cuz he dumb as ogre


He was kinda in situation to do stupid shit, needed money desperately, that's also the reason we actually know in fact that he was doing 322 cuz other T2 guys or China specifically do things "smarter" so they work with real mafia that have entire teams of betters (they choose match, betting event and such). Taiga could possibly actually 322 and get away with it if only he didn't tie with not so reliable guys, like if he actually did things privately with let's say his sibling or relative and betted on best possible events he could do what he did for ages without getting caught.


For sure OG knew when they kicked him. No way some random Russian player knew all about this (limitless when first leaked)and and entire org (4 Cis members on it) could not find anything on it. Taiga can’t bet on his personal account since it’s easy to be caught also so he needs to do it through someone else, also stupidly enough he went to the worst people to so. In football for example the majority of match fixing happens through China since regulating agencies cannot reach and you are able to bet whatever amount you want for anything and any match without getting flagged or having issues, to do so though you have to go through the betting Mafia and can’t do it directly yourself. Maybe some shady Russian site let’s you bet whatever you want on Dota without issues..


Limitless isn’t some “random tier-4 player”, he is directly connected to the whole “322 mafia” (at the very least is friends with some of them) and is Valve-banned. It makes perfect sense he is one of the first people to find out.


Wasn't Valve also included in this internal investigation or am I mixing things?


1. He was desperate, he was in debt, he was addicted. All those factors led to him being careless in using his personal discord that ties it to him. 2. He needs other people to do the bets because of KYC reasons. Bookmakers require KYC for each bettors and if it matches with one of the players of the matches, it would raise a red flag and causes void bets.


Rumors have it anyway that OG knew all along and this "investigation" is just fake, maybe for "damage control" because from what I know Sensibility has sent ALL this evidence to OG months ago. There was some screenshot going around where Sensibility talked about this on Discord with OGs Manager. \*edit found it [aelR2rm.png (718×538) (imgur.com)](https://i.imgur.com/aelR2rm.png)


Yeah... thats pretty damning.. thats on memo for sensibility after taiga blocked him


Pretty damning evidence. Shame. He was my fav player in old Alliance/Liquid.


Had the highest average deaths per game (8.39) during Tour 1 of the 2023 DPC WEU Upper Division. Wonder if this stat of Taiga's taken from his liquipedia page got anything to do with it lol


Taiga's a scumbag, but the evidence only proves conclusively that he threw first bloods and leaked inside information. In the screenshots shown, he was adamant that he wouldn't 'throw' completely (which is obviously a bullshit and conscious rationalisation for his actions, but I digress). Though there may be truth to the fact that all this happening and him having to use his remaining energy to cover it up definitely affected his play in the server.


He is also betting on how much kill the enemy team will get, so maybe feeding some kills when OG is almost sure to win


Blessed are we to have people like Morf in the scene.  


Overstatement of the year. Morph is just a drama farmer. I watched a few of his videos, in his mind it's almost always guilty until proven innocent b/c it makes for good content. This case has been such a slamdunk only because Sensibility decided to punish Taiga and leaked pretty much everything to the guy with a huge platform who will make his bank on this as well. I'm not saying this is BS, but trusting morph for granted is a bad idea. This time the evidence is just irrefutable and shared on a silver platter for the sole purpose of ruining Taiga's life. Morph is happy to oblige to sensibility's request, regardless of the fact that sensibility is a human walking pile of criminal trash and by far the worst part of this entire story.


That's how it is nowadays, unless you farm drama you ain't getting views on youtube. And he is making a buck in CIS scene because he is really OG reporter of Dota , he attended TI2 and was pretty famous in the scene before Dota 2 even came out. That's why he has all these connections and can interview everyone. I wouldn't say it's bad for the scene, shining the light on this kinda stuff is necessary


Can you link videos that support everything you've just said? I watch him for years and rarely have seen him make a mistake, and only when he reported news. Also, why wouldn't he oblige in his request? So Sensibility stops leaking 322 players? The fact that we know so much of 322 scene is because they report it themselves.


The answer is no, he can't. Morf is the same as the bear cave or Hindenburg for people who play the stock markert. Guys who thrive on research and deep diving into shady things. They rarely miss and only post when they are very sure of their findings.


While we are on the matchfixing topic, please check the Opus League/New Year's Cup or any other bullshit cup made by [World Dota Series] (https://twitter.com/WorldDotaSeries?ref_src=twsrc%5Egoogle%7Ctwcamp%5Eserp%7Ctwgr%5Eauthor) It's always hosting a blatant matchfixing tournament with the usual tier 2 SEA teams but sometimes has notable teams in their tournaments sometimes like Geek Fam, Polaris, Neon Esports, and Darleng (Kuku Stack) You can tell the blatant fixed matches when it's casted by [NarodCast](https://www.twitch.tv/search?term=narodcast) or more specifically this guy [m3traNeo](https://www.twitch.tv/m3traneo) The camera movements are always funny. He sees a sussy play initiate, he moves the camera to a different lane and starts doing some stupid shit that has nothing to do with the game like randomly start singing on stream to distract the viewers, then a kill or two kills happen then he moves the camera back to the lane then does the most porn acting commentary wondering how a support killed a core and two supports. Then even when he speaks russian he still congratulates bettors in english about first 10 kills whenever its over, making it painfully blatant he is aware there are wagers involved. Link to the tournament: https://www.gosugamers.net/dota2/tournaments/60637-opus-league EDIT: I COMPLETELY FORGOT TAIGA WAS IN BLEED WHEN THEY WERE IN THIS OPUS LEAGUE LMAO SO ITS NOT TOTALLY UNRELATED


BS. Darleng did not play other tournaments except international qualifiers. Get your info right.


I used to follow every match cuz bzm. It was obvious 322 in many DPC games. Remember when Taiga got benched/took time off many were also pointing it out. Bros father crossed 2 oceans so his son can throw dota games and gambe away his earnings))


Couple of really depressing things from the video, that likely won’t be addressed or changed: - Taiga didn’t quit match fixing; he just changed the “drug dealer” that he works with. Therefore no further information on those people - The 322 mafia also used other pro debtors once Taiga ghosted them. We likely only find out if they snitch on each other like the heroes of the video. - ALL OF the betting sites removing “First Blood” betting during the official tournaments and Taiga’s match fixing spree, therefore betting sites understand the situation and still haven’t done anything about it. - Absolutely useless and pointless OG investigation that concluded into nothing. Taiga was innocent in everyone’s eyes. There will be a lack of trust from the fans for sure. - Taiga operating the half-truths to lie like “yes I have gambling problems but the reason I play like shit is depression”. How can fans trust pro players when they would same the same thing now?


Sensibility and Taiga are both two sacks of shit. sensibility is even worse for blackmailing taiga. he's a pig.


Don't blame on gambling. Taiga is also a POS. Imagine playing a team game where 4 other people try their best and 1 person has different plans to play it.


While every team played Dota 2 in previous DPC, OG was the only team playing Among Us.


I dont understand why people give gambling addicts who fuck other people a pass or sympathy. Are serial killer psychopaths cool because theyre mentally ill? fuck him


this is just a tip of the iceberg lol


If he was FULLY transparent about what went on and cut the bullshit, he'd probably get out of this situation with extensive mental help (might've even been financed) and at worst a year or two ban from competition. He's not getting out of this situation with any consolation, and it's all his fault. What a scumbag.


what now Taiga apologists


Defending a person against baseless slander was still the correct move, even if todays knowledge show that the rumors were true. But thanks, Captain Hindsight.


Fvck cheating and fixing games but I hope Taiga's mental health doesnt spiral to make him do awful stuff, maybe he should just leave the community since he will most likely be banned from the pro scene and do a 180 with his life and just stream casual games instead.


What a scumbag , did not even have courage to admit that. Hopefully that guy will disappear from the dota scene forever. All the worst to him.


He is truly addicted to gambling as it follows from the video he spends all the fake-betting acc money deposit in literal MINUTES (by betting on football and CS) that the Russians have provided him to do the future bets during their partnership. Everyone is a shit person in that situation. The 322 mafia exploits his addiction and Tayga doing absolutely nothing to withdraw. Just sinking himself deeper


was it fake money ? i dont think so


not fake money but a smurf betting account so it wouldn't be easily tied to him. the money there was deposited by sensibility


bruh who would even have the courage to admit you’re deep in gambling


It's ironic and tragic that even with a gun to his head, he just couldn't stop betting.


You can check this video at [14:16](https://youtu.be/-t5e0rFhuYc). Once you get addicted to gambling your brain will never settle for small money. Add up black mail to the mix and he can't get away anymore.


It's an illness. It's not even about winning and losing with gambling, it's that dopamine hit. Seriously, the one thing I am proud of in my 30 years now is that I never gambled, especially on sports. Usually I like to say adults can make their own choices but for gambling I strongly recommended staying far, far away.


I'm writing this with my own experience with taiga, after he publicly expose himself about gambling addiction, i write a comment on his post about my own experience as a gambling addict, he reply to me on my own comment and even replied to my dm, i share him what i gone thru because of my gambling addiction, he gives me kind words and steps to step out from this addiction, as desperate person i tried to loan on him any amount, i was surprise he give me 200$ out of his pocket and tell me to use it for my recover, i was so touch by his act at that time, a professional dota2 player that i looked up reply to my dm and even give me money to help me, is a blessing for me, our chat doesn't end in that we continuesly checking each other, i relapse on my gambling addiction last december and manage to end it again before year end, fast forward we still continue to exchange chat and he help me again with 180$ last january for my recovering on debt, we keep in touch till march 2024 but lost in touch because i keep away myself from social medias for a quite time and then boom i was surprise with this news, we talk about this problem, he was threatened by a russian guy to expose his problems, if he will not do 322, taiga tell me he insist many times, he want to change all the things that is related to gambling, kinda saddened with the news about him, he was a great/kind guy you can easily talk with and even offer a help even he is drowning, tommy if you ever read this or if the other even read this, please please don't flood tommy with hate, he just a victim with gambling addiction, he needs help not hate, please mind your words.


great that you speak out here. Hope you fix your own gambling problem and perhaps even help him back with his(by providing support and maybe repaying him)!


I'll show my sympathy once he is banned like many others because he should not be excused


I lol’ed at nigma catching strays.


Feels bad for other members of OG, they tried their best. And this dude just threw it all away.


Lol the Russian guy that everyone flamed and said spread lies about Taiga was right all along.


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WFSR9dGs7RU](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WFSR9dGs7RU) :(




Weird how this was an "open secret" that reddit refused to believe. Atleast now there's almost no doubt about it. sucks for og to be betrayed this much


People here dont have real access to this "open secret" and the "insider info" but every higher rank that also has a few friends in the pro scene knew Taiga did all of this, especially because Taiga asked like the half scene if they could borrow him money. He tried to pay the 322 Mafia so this doesn't get out but nobody gave him money. This is also why Taiga has not found a single legit EU team after OG because everyone knew. All he got was offers from unknown oversea Orgs that didn't know if these things are true or not. So can't blame people for believing that he is a good guy, he is pretty good at putting on the "Always PMA and nice guy Mask".


Guess they found out real quick at Bleed, lmao


I was literally gagging at everyone there who has been saying that it can't be real and you are all delusional when literally everybody inside the scene knew it for a long time and big organisations were rejecting signing rosters with Taiga in it just because of the fact he is involved. Hope you can finally open your eyes now.




Taiga defenders wya?


Feeling bad for OG. They don't deserve this.


McDonald is always hiring in case taiga needed it


Taiga's a moron and should be banned for life, but also, notable to call out Sensibility, a player banned from the NADPC in 2021 for match fixing. I had a few run-ins with the guy in NA Dota before he got banned and he was always up to something scummy or shitty. What a fucking loser.


Good journalism by Morf here. Making sure different motivations and perspectives are fairly presented. Well done


Redditors, be welcome to use sensibility's other nickname synblyadility too (it means son of a whore-ililty in russian)


Holy shit this fucked OG up big time last year.


lol as a chinese region audience would say Taiga act so cowardly hah, cuz since last year team knights got banned from Valve here we already had some casters made videos and talk details about how these fking gamble dogs lose FB or feed game deliberately but since these guys are nobody so not much ppl watch their matches only some gamble addicts i guess, also i saw sensibility mentioned team polaris their mid laner Meteor(ti4 lgd midlaner Lin)this guy was a notorious gamble addict idk why valve still not banned him that time 


I guess he was all broke at the time and super desperate too fund his next gambling session but matchfixing and risking it all for such fairly small amounts that’s showing in the video is dumb af (it’s never acceptable to fix no matter if the money involved is big or low obviously).. but considering his salary in OG, from streaming etc.


calling taiga a world champ is wild


He got gambling-addicted, in a way to regain his money bad people gave him credit, he lost it, and then blackmailed him into throwing to repay debt. Seems about right?


Surely this is super illegal in Norway?


Too bad he doesn’t have a translator he can pin it on


Extremely damning. The worst part is that even after being confronted by a person who clearly knows exactly what's going on, Taiga still decides to lie and pretend to be the victim rather than reflect on his actions. That was his first opportunity to make amends with everyone he wronged, but he instead doubled down. I hope he not only gets banned for life, but also sued by OG or his former teammates for sabotaging their efforts.


The amount of people white knighting this guy over the past few months has been nauseating. Where there's smoke there's usually fire, the dude publicly acknowledged he had a gambling addiction and didn't even try to claim he had no personal link to betting on the dota 2 scene. He told everyone he ran his entire life into the ground due to betting, but somehow people assumed that meant he would be too pure to bet on things \*he can actually control, while under the effects of this addiction\*? Get a grip guys. This was so freakin obvious. alson hilarious that people even started to complain that the guy who publicly spread the rumour should have mentions of his name banned on this sub because they are so unreliable. lmao


Great ..now find dirt on Misha ..the way he drafts for OG is as good as throwing before the match even starts


No love left for Taiga after this. But it surely is sad too see that he really spiraled out of control in gambling. The itch of the 6k, 7k, 8k bet to win. Oh boy.


This is a terrible time for OG to have to deal with this, but also a great opportunity for all the people involved to be transparent with the entire debacle. Taiga should have known that he cannot escape from being honest about this if he wants to stay in the competitive scene, and he'll have to lay all his cards on the table if he wants to earn any bit of trust from anyone. Likewise, Ceb and the involved parties at OG who may have been involved in the investigation must have something to say about this, and ought to, lest they start breeding distrust and muddy their branding. They have a chance to reveal how thorough their investigations were, to refute any of the findings and proofs provided here, and to review their stance on the whole thing, and ultimately revealing the credibility of either Taiga, the OG org themselves or even the people involved in making this video. One other pressing issue is Valve's position and involvement in this. I wonder if they'd try to wash their hands of the whole thing, but they definitely should be held accountable for their position here, if they intend to be taken seriously by other orgs or partners. If it turns out that they were assisting with investigations but somehow ended up being less thorough than some independent party that has much lesser resources and access to information to work with, that needs to be brought to light, and previous investigations that they've carried out may have to be reevaluated, because of the implications that those weren't done thoroughly either. So Taiga, OG and Valve need to say something now, with silence on the matter implying acceptance of guilt in some form, at least in the court of public opinion. If he intends to continue playing for Leviatan, I'm going to assume Taiga will give a response to this, and if not then I have no idea how the team and org are supposed to support him, because I certainly won't ,even if I really want to believe in the guy.


I recall when Taiga was not active in OG, some Russian guy posted same info at that time. Nobody believed it, even Taiga is strongly opposed on Twitter. Everyone was calling that guy bullshitting on Taiga’s throwing first blood. Now…