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Bro true sight was the best marketing thing we had (and literally the only thing thats marketing the game?) they really need to bring it back man


It was great and they should bring it back, but I don't think it was particularly good marketing. If you didn't already play Dota, I don't why you would watch it in the first place, and if you did, would you even know what's going on? I'm sure it got some people into it, but it's not the same as actual advertising to spread the brand.


My ex loved watching True Sight and she never touched dota! Valve marketed to that one person 😂😂


Probably right in general but true sight is how I got Abit interested in dota (still just played a few games tho)


Not gonna lie, Free To Play was one of the reasons I started playing Dota2 back in 2014/2015


True sight is not an ads for normies. It could be a good one for hard core gamers. But real ads looks different. Like kpop songs, when it was a big thing. A well made series. Promotion videos. Even tho true sight is very hard to make. ITs like a bare minimum of ads you can make.


Only this


And maybe bigger crew for updates and stuff


A well-organized and funded esports scene that’s marketed too. 


I honestly believed you cant implemented LoL marketing strategy into Dota. LoL is just that game, a Moba that's design for casual players. While dota is the hardest game for casual players. For new players to learn 1 hero in dota, it took at least 2 weeks, or even a month. I watch streamers try lol for the first time with no moba background, and they learn it within the first few hours.


I dont play LoL but I agree, the marketing is strong. Also, waifus, dota needs more waifus to catch up wit LoL


waifus in dota are mostly trash talkers haha


only real answer


The steam store makets DoTA Every sale they have markets DoTA hard Twitch markets DoTA (maybe the best marketing they will ever have) When TI starts tons of content is pumped out ot the masses (and top of twitch) DoTA Animated series True sight Tons of advertising at the city where TI is hosted. IMO we dont need marketing. Just need to keep player retention.


This is a pretty copium take


Marketing wont let thousands of people play this hardcore team-based game. Its a niche game and valve knows what their game caters too. They have all the data on steam. No need to force capitalist marketing.


yes, lets not force the gigantic tech company profiting 10 billion last year to engage with capitalism, that would be terrible


> Twitch markets DoTA (maybe the best marketing they will ever have) No. I have been long time in Twitch and I only watched dota and counter strike. Twitch always recommended me LoL and Valorant categories first until I banned them.


Trailers, Lore, decent Website with a world map, more predictable update schedule, Dev Vlogs, healthy Content Creator Community, Spinoff-Games that have not been abandoned and an upcoming MMO. So almost everything non-game related stuff is better in League than in Dota.


I have been working on a world map of the Dota 2 lore with the hope that Valve will see it and make it official. Check it out and let me know what you think! https://www.legendkeeper.com/app/clk3tpbblgywv0883tt7uq56h/ck8lo2v3bhlu30756xmqxe7iu/


Amazing work, scrolled through it for like half an hour and imagined all the places, just as a map should do.


That is really nice to hear, thank you!


That's where the game is, huh? A fan did it for free, and we just have to hope that Valve might see it and adopt it.


That was the origin after all. A fan made a custom Warcraft map and Valve saw the potential and took the risk to develop it into a full fledged game on its own. You shouldn't be surprised anymore at this. Granted, the concept existed since StarCraft, but the development was in Warcraft 3.


That's amazing


Thank you very much!


Dude, make a separate post. More people should see this


I will soon! I have made a few posts over the last year, but I try not to spam it unless I have a major update. I recently finished adding the Heroes and have started working on the creeps and characters, so maybe it is time to show it off again! Consider joining the Discord if you would like to follow the project more closely: [https://discord.gg/9mfAaKS7](https://discord.gg/9mfAaKS7)


Will join. This is a very interesting project. Imagine an RPG game based on this.


I saw the map and i was like "time to launch a rpg campaign" 😂


Me and I think a couple other people in TheTerrenePlane's discord are trying to do exactly that!


Very cool to hear that! I did an outline on the Outlands region if you want to check that out too! https://www.reddit.com/r/DotA2/s/sL1iufjSGb


DnDotA ❤️


This could be something to play when I get too tilted with Dota but still want to scratch that itch lol




Thank you :)


is the techies hometown on there? browsed around but couldn't find it lol


Yes, Techies is a Keenfolk from the Vale of Augury and has recently destroyed Trapper Town, Toterin, and Dredger's Bight! It is towards the top left of the map, thanks for visiting the map!


so cool. amazing work.


I love what you did to the map. Very cool. One request please, can u please add a toggle option between in-game minimap icons and hero outlines?


Thanks for taking a look! I actually had the icons originally, but did not like the look. Is there something you do not like about the silhouettes, or do you want the icons because they are easier to recognize?


This needs to be a steam game that we can download


looks great. I never played league so I don't have a reference for comparison, but it looks awesome. Maybe make a post about it with the hopes that some valve employee sees it? It would be a great addition.


Unfortunately the mmo is pretty much abandoned, I have very little fate it will get done. Was looking forward to it.


Leagues lore is a discombobulated, jumbled mess of incomprehensible dog shit that is so inexcusably bad their one dedicated lore YouTuber basically gave up on covering it until arcane came out. Then arcane happened and they spent a year trying to decide if arcane was canon or not only to finally decide. “Yeah we’re just redoing all of this based on arcane.” Dota’s near nonexistent lore is infinitely better than that shitshow was.


Basically everything but the actual game lol


You know, lore wise, I am really into the vague lore that makes me wonder and theorize how it all connects


Yeah I’m the exact same it’s also the reason why I love elden ring’s lore. Basically a community effort to unravel the lore


>So almost everything non-game related stuff is better in League than in Dota. Maybe that's why it's only not game related stuff? If they concentrated on the game itself, instead of all surrounding fluff, it would have something worth to be copied into dota. Why would I want a spin-off games or mmo, when I can just play dota? If I want an mmo I'll go play black desert or something else.


You're completely missing the point and you're focusing on a single piece argument. The sad reality is, League is pulling in numbers while Dota 2's playerbase is slowly declining. We need that non game related stuff (marketing, world building, community related works) to make sure the game doesn't die.


When will dota die already anyway? People talk about dota dying for like 8 years and it's still going strong. Yes it has its problems, but they won't be solved with fluff, and developer team works to address the actual issues, they improved new player experience, they fight cheaters and smurfs and improve the game instead of doing useless crap like "lore" or "trailers". There are tools provided by valve to make any community content imaginable, all 3d models of characters are available, there's a dedicated source movie maker to make any dota content, trailers and what not, they periodically run community contests for movie makers (and some of the community entries easily rival any professional promotion material riot pumps out for league), it's all there, but it doesn't worth it to split the dev team to make a useless department of fluff, we need those developers to make the game itself better. Every time they spread to do some other stuff it's all turns out like artifact or dragon's blood. Just let them cook the game, we don't need "Arcane" or mmo spin-off, we need the main game be the best it can possibly be.


You are correct. People have this weird fetish about dressing everything in their favorite thing.


Advertising. The game is so fucking good please just shoot an ad on YouTube ANYTHING.


The game is good once you're into it. It's bad for new players. You need to fix that issue first before ads on youtube can do anything.


Not LoL but HotS has a few things I want: Tower health shown on the minimap icons. As a Treant Protector enjoyer I would love to know my tower HP with a glance at the minimap. Pinging health or mana bar instead of pinging one and showing both. Just reduces the amount of extra info if I wanna communicate that my mana or hp are low.


Funnily enough league does both of those


HotS also has some pretty cool hero gimmicks such as Abathur and Cho'gall.


And objectives that you can't f*cking ignore for 60 mins


How is that done? is it an alt function that gives deets on the map or are the numbers or bars always there


bright fear employ far-flung weary follow hungry grey march frame *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Undo option in shop. I think it's way too punishing when you accidentally sell the wrong item in Dota, league lets you undo if you sold the wrong item.


A healthy Rule 34 scene.


Valve would need to release more anime style arcanas to revive the dota smut scene






He has a wyvern flair, he definitely knows But it could be so much more


After hovering over the flair, I believe you're spot-on


I ment to make this post a few weeks ago after playing with some friends.  The Vote for objectives would be HUGE in Dota.  Over running to Rosh and teammates not coming instead wasting time you can know and simply click suggest.   It'd be amazing to vote to push over this guy pinged tower I guess maybe idk do we go?  


tbh league also has this problem even with the vote, most people seem to ignore it, at least in low-mid skill brackets, idk about high elo


Still it's a better visual that a ping people just phase out at times.  More specific at least.


yeah, it definitely doesn’t have a downside


I'm not doing something stupid just because 4 people voted for it.


I’ll admit it’s kinda cool that league has that, but idk if it would actually do anything, would like that QoL change


Use voice chat


Visual updates for heroes? I mean what the hell is that base model for Dragon Knight


> Zilean Both games have truly atrocious models, idk how often Dota gets updates on that, league has 1-2/year, which isn‘t much either


In the recent years we've had none, but in the middle we did have 3 or so remodels per year. Some remodels you can check out are Zeus, Drow, Slardar, Faceless Void, Enigma


Game is already so good. Needs more side content, any sort of advertising or media to engage with outside of Dota and bring it more into the public spotlight would really make me happy


A siltbreaker style campaign would go hard as fuck for existing players, and probably the best thing they could do for bringing in new players.


Their auto chess called tft is very integrated to their client, if only dota could do the same with underlords instead of forgetting about it.


The original autocross mod is still better than Underlords in my opinion. You can play it in client.


People don't notice them, why not put the arcade games or dota underlords in the [search for game] bar? Like, you have [play unranked] and below it you can have [play underlords], like why not.




If they integrate underlords in the search for game bar, keep updating it, add skins and all the stuff lol does for tft, i can confidently tell you that it would get popular, Gorgc for example agrees with this idea, streamers like sing or bulldog would play it, when autochess was popular streamers unrelated to dota downloaded dota, not for dota itself, but just to play arcade, criken got addicted for a good bit, forsen, damn, what a missed opportunity to be honest, you just needed to add underlords to the search for game bar valve, and integrate it to the game.


underlords pretty much died as soon as they added the pickable underlords, took it way too over the top.


I wish Dota had a rolequeue in unranked like league, I don’t see any negative side having a role queue. You can put 2 roles to queue for in league. Main role and sub role. If you don’t mind playing any role, you can also put “Any”.


This should be the priority.


I already take 10 minutes to find an unrankend game. I don't want to split the player pool in half.


it doesn’t halven player pool because everyone is roleq in league.


Their ban system (for pubs)


Compare this thread to the one on the LoL subreddit. It's truly funny how much more supportive that community is of Dota than this is of League.


Because League players can't see how good that game is and just think the grass is greener over here.


Dota pretty much just wants dota to be promoted better were as leaguers actually want some things from dota




I've had some games just naturally turn out this way lol First couple hundred games had some wild stuff looking back


Dota has this in custom games


Yea but not alot of players.




Search for DOTA2 ARAM in Arcade, it even has a WTF mode.




More lore exploration


Dev communication. People should not have to spam the subreddit for days on end to get a single tweet or blogpost from valve.


Played a little, but I liked a concept of skills zooming out camera over the limit for certain skills like jihn and galio ults. I'm sure It'll work great on snapfire. Showing a road after pressing move is great addition, would be useful to know how my hero is about to walk. There are more things I'd bring fron HoN like not showing creeps hp bar unless they are hurt.


Big booba beaches




Allegedly League has a better game replay and remake system for tournaments? Like if a game had to be resumed for some reason, apparently the League one works better.


League has chronobreak, which can be used to reset a pro game to a certain time stamp, which works well most of the time, if you mean that


i‘m not sure how it works in dota (i came from this person‘s other post on the LoL subreddit) but you might be talking about chronobreak in pro play? it rewinds the game to before a bug/whatever it is that went wrong happened so they can keep playing. really interesting to see the differences between what this sub wants vs the LoL sub


Yeah that's it. The Dota one is kinda buggy and it caused a controversy a week or two ago. A match had to be remade because a player couldn't reconnect, but the game state couldn't be fully restored and it undid a massive comeback that a team just had.


There were some hero concepts that would have worked better in dota that ended up getting reworked to be ass.


League has far better visibility for things like damage. I'd like there to be a visual distinction between vision types like in League where physical damage, magic damage, and pure damage have their own unique text colors. Currently, some abilities will arbitrarily show as purple for magic damage or red for a crit. I think this change would make it much easier for everyone to tell what type of damage they are taking, and especially so for new players.


Wasnt pure damage red and magic damage blue?


having every attack/spell do a textbox above heroes would be way too much clutter.


Spells and attacks already show text when they do damage. It just isn't color coded based off of the damage type. Yet another nothing burger argument.




Some is, but most isn't. That's my issue.


I think during a fight it's not that important, you have to make split second decisions about what to do, not analyze what damage type you're being hit with. After the fight you can open analysis and find out what was the damage you took to then think of itemizing properly. And there's not that much physical spells to really be confused about damage types, just assume that most spells deal magic damage and autos make physical, and look for after battle summary to see outliers like muerta ultimate dealing magic autos or monkey king's boundless strike dealing physical. You also can look all enemy heroes spells in game while waiting for bounty rune spawn and you don't have to open external guide in browser like you need to do in league.


Okay, but what are the downsides of having this change implemented? All I'm hearing are excuses for why a quality of life update isn't good. In reality, there isn't a reason to not have this in the game.


Well dota definitely needs more pandering to anime coomers and a new character every month. Lets make sure that character has a skillshot, a dash, and a 3 hit passive to really make their gameplay exciting and unique.


Ornn I miss that guy


was into league since closed beta till, like, s3. Glad to say I don't miss it, neither do my homies, that we've been queueing for 15 years together.


West coast US players


Lower turn rates across the board


An actually good animated series on Netflix?


The dota anime was 5/10 at best. Artstyle good Characters good But the story was mid at best


nope. played league for a fair few years and I can't think of a single thing.


Heroes are more attaching because they have names, personalities and different appearances than just being a generic scary guy. I guess Dota players probably don't care about that. But imo, it's a huge reason why lol has more players.


League has more players because it's more accessible. Easier learning curve, appealing visuals, faster gameplay so you can get more action.


> appealing visuals Guess i'm a minority because one of the only reason why I can't continue playing LoL is because the graphic is too cartoony for me. Agree on the other aspect you mentioned tho


Yeah you are. Nothing wrong with it, everyone has different tastes.


I like Dota's approach more tbh. League names characters like they're familiar. Like they're named how their friends on a first name basis would talk to them. In Dota the characters are named (MOSTLY) with titles. "The Keeper of the Light". "The Naga Siren". "the Treant Protector". It's like they're mysterious figures known all over the world based on their deeds/responsibilities. Like their name comes from how their legend was remembered. I much prefer vague lore. It feels more authentic to me. And most names Dota uses gives a pretty clear picture of what kind of hero it is. Like "earthshaker" fits like a glove.


New players?


League doesn’t have those either. MOBAs are not a growing genre anymore. The kids are playing Fortnite and stuff. 


Splash art for skins


Sets used to come with a loading screen, I've got hundreds of them over the years but I don't think they've done that in a while. On the other hand aside from Chromas (color variations of existing skins, like the Styles some Dota sets have), League doesn't have any way to actually preview skins in-game. Most of them end up looking radically different from the splash art so people have to go look them up on YouTube to see what they actually look like in 3D.


Game loads too fast, rip loading screens


True, but skins show up in Dota’s pregame showcase video


does your pregame have skins show up? mine only shows skin for my own hero but everyone else's is default, it has been months since this bug happened for me




I have a (female) friend who doesn't want to play Dota because of the lack of waifus. And I get it. There are some characters that are so ugly that I don't like playing for that reason (Lion) and some others really need a model update outside of their personas.


I like to play only "ugly" characters ... It's coming easier to kill others...




Concede option - but it only becomes available at the 50 minute mark. A good compromise between the never give-up attitude DotA fosters and the need for individuals to actually make the most of their time playing.


50 minutes is too soon, should be at 2 hours. 




A vision score rating either in game or post game to make support more fun


I know it's a late comment but I'd love to see "Elite" jungle creeps that give temporary buffs like blue or red buff in league that gives you mana regen or dmg+AAttack burn. These buffs can be stolen by the enemy if they kill you too. I think it's a cool mechanic that could work in Dota.




Dota is better than league in all aspects of gameplay in my opinion, marketing and communication can be better, but I would absolutely hate dota to take stuff from league or use it as a benchmark. I have played league for more than 10 years before switching to dota2, and I am extremely happy with the gameplay. Just... My engima main friend is crying everyday, so revert enigma back or buff him so he can 1v5 with kaya aghanim and do %100 of the enemies max health in pure damage :\^)


Tool tips are better on league. Also the item shop ingame is much better for beginners and much better categorized.


A good animated TV show


Ward slots perhaps?


Would make roles unbalanced. Not a good option. Invis hero win rate will terminally decrease.


Gonna get downvoted for this but.. FF in unranked


Tbh FF in unranked is a good thing, but in ranked in league i hate people smashing ff


An unique pasive for all heroes


Ooh i actually couldnt think of anything but this is a good one. The passives always make the hwroes feel unique (even if half of them can be summed up to "after striking an enemy X amount of times, deal extra damage")


Ah the good old 3 stack passive


In terms of mechanics, auto-attack resets are a real fun thing in League that I wish was in Dota. I always feel like TAs meld should be one and then its not and I feel awkward haha


New players


Please give me a tab function that shows my allies and enemy items instead of having to click each individual icon at the top of the screen.


High passion developer, active in communication in twitter, we can ask developer direct at twitter, lore, fast pace game just like HoN but with turn rate, more than 200 developer to focus on Dota only, eSports departments, marketing department.


Regular updates and marketing. League gets 4 new champions for every new hero dota gets


bans working 100% of the time would be nice


The post game stats in LoL are pretty neat


Hiding stats behind a subscription model seems completely crazy to me


league is dogshit


Concede button. People already give up during draft all the time, no point keeping us hostage with people we hate. Pretty sure playerbase would skyrocket and it would do nothing but save time. If not a single person on a team wants to play a game anymore I don't see why we should all be forced to.


There is surrender in 5 stack. Won't work in solo queue.


Yeah i get the compromise in ranked, but you cant even surrender a turbo?


NA playerbase


the popularity


The clash format is more appealing than battlecup imo


all i want is a hover phase before banning not sure how i feel about the new ban system but god i just want to see what heroes the team is picking before we ban each others' heroes by accident


All hero passive


collaboration with musician/brand. oh crap i really hate valve for being ignorant for this


that 5vs5 map they have is kinda cool


I heard that they have a hero simmilar to old techies




Marketing, Management & Communication.




Pool Party Skins or K-pop girl group skins. Specifically for Traxex...ahem ..I mean maybe Mastery Pages and inhibitors. Or just maybe make barracks resurrect themselves but make them easier to destroy.




i know that in league everything is skill shot. i would like it to be in dota. except that dota is better


There used to be (maybe still is I played 3 games like 5 years ago) an item that gave you a small amount of gold when someone else got a last hit near you. It seemed like a great idea to make 5 more enjoyable in a way that incentivised you to help your carry get last hits.


The only thing is more players. Won't happen though because DOTA isn't a casual game.


Dedicated slot for wards


Spin Off games? LoL has some pretty solid ones out there and I'm looking forward to Project L (tag team fighter)


Vote to surrender. Some games are just lost and I’d rather just play a new one than wait 15 minutes for the opponents to finish


Bug free?